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Nichoil G. k Co. 12 Markei st.Oxford
Gray Edward, 14a, Friday street,
& 50 Lime walk, Highfield, Oxford
Norris Edmund Edward Gough,Crow
marsh Gifford, Wallingfora
Green Abel. High street, Woodstock
Green Frederick, Grange cottage, Norris Henry, 60 Observatory street,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Manor road, Goring, Reading
Green H.2London pl.St.Ciementâs.Oxfd Organ Lewis, North Leigh, Witney
Greenaway Hy. 27 Cowley rd. Oxford Packer Mrs. H. Witney st. Burford
Hanwell Thos. Stonesfield, Woodstock Packer T. 11 West st.Chipping Norton
Harper E . & S. L. Couching street. Paragreen Thos.23 Causeway,Bicestei
Pargeter Geo. Cropredy, Leamington
Watlington, Wallingford
Harris John, 2 Newton road. Grand- Parrott Robert, Charlburv
pont, Oxford
Parsons James, 19 Wingfield street,
Harris William, Bladon, Woodstock
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Hastings John, 69 James street, Patrick W-35Horsefair,Chipping Nortn
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Payne J. 1 Alfred la.St. Giles', Oxford
Hawes Arthur, 8 Pembroke street, St. Payne John, Kidlington, Oxford
Clementâs, Oxford
Pearson George, Kidlington, Oxford
Hawes Vincent, Dorchester,Wallingford Peat William Thomas, 26 St. Johnâs
Hearne John, Fritwell, Banbury
road, St. Giles', Oxford
Heather Sidney, Ewelme, Wallingford ¡Phillips James, 13 Newton rd. Grand
Hickman J.B.CliftonHampden.Abingdn
Hicks Charles, Poffley End, Witney
Phipps George, Littlemore, Oxford
Hilton Stephen & Sons, 11 Market sq Piper Joseph Arch, 13 Harpes road
Witney & 5 Market square, Bicester
Summertown, Oxford
Hilton's Booteries, High st. Chippin; |Plant& Freeman, 13 Causeway,Bicester
Plant Harry, 49 Market sq. Bicester
Hiiton Stephen, 1 High st. Banbury
Plant James F. 9 North street & 16
Hoare L. 9 Market st.Chipping Nortn
Market square, Bicester
Holland Sydney, 65 Woodstock rd Pocock Chas. J. Whitchurch, Reading
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Powell Alfred, Windmill road, H ighÂ
Holliday W. Dorchester, Wallingford
field, Oxford
Hollis Edwin, Middle Barton, Oxford Powell Samuel, 37 Fish st. Banbury
Holloway William, 23 Oxford street, Pratley Edwin, 62 St. Maryâs road,
Caversham, Reading
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Howard W . Roke Marsh, Wallingford Pratt H. 48 Albert rd. Henley-on-Thms
Howlett Henry, Queenâs road, Thame Prentice T.G .42 & 44Sheep st.Bicestr
Hudson George, 8 Littlegate street, Price Albert, Islip, Oxford
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Price Daniel, Benson, Wallingford
Hughes F. 49 Duke st.Henlev-on-Thms Price Henry, Charlbury
Humphries C. 9 Warwick rd. Banbury Price Victor H. Oxford st. Woodstock
Hunt William John, 3 Denmark st. Proffitt Joseph D. r Warwick st.Oxfrd
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Pulker George, 22^ High street & 3
Castle street, Banburv
Innes George, 8 The Buildings, MonuÂ
Pursey Jsph.A. 151 Walton st.Oxford
ment street, Banbury
Jarvis Thomas, Middle Barton,Oxford Purves George, High st. Woodstock
Jeffs Ernest, High street, Burford
Quelch Henry William. 23 Adelaide
Jones F. J. Sonning common,Reading
street, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Jones Henry, Bampton
Quelch Thos. Chalgrove, Wallingford
Jones James, High street, Burford
Railton & Son, 13 High st. Banbury
& 8 New street, Chipping Norton
Jones William, Charlton, Oxford
Rainbow & Sons. 33 Cowley rd.Oxford
Judd George, Fringford. Bicester
Kerr Geo. Sonning common, Reading Read Thomas, 18 Market sq. Bicester
Kirby Francis W m . Charlton, Oxford Reeves James Henry, t o Greys road.
Lambert Mrs. Agnes Martha, 70 & 73
St. Gilesâ street, Oxford
Grimsbury. Banbury
Lee George Horace, 38 South parade.
Rogers Ralph. Hudson street, DedSummertown, Oxford
dington. Oxford
Lennards Limited, 39 Queen street,
Oxford & 7 Parsons street, Banbury Rouse Walter, Souldern, Banbury
Lester Joseph, Nelson street, Thame Ronse William, Hethe, Bicester
Lester William, Chinnor road, Thame Sawver Thomas. 28 Argvle street,
Chester street, Oxford
Lillingston Messrs. 48 Cornmarket st
Scivver Chas.E.46 Market sq.Bicester
Long Frederic David, 13 George st Sedgley C'has. 19 Church la. Banbury
Sevmour Brothers, 53 Reading rd
Summertown, Oxford
Lovegrove Alfred, 31 Friday street,
Seymour Ernest, Russellâ s Water,
Luckett Ambrose, Bodicote, Banbury
^hirlev John. Kidlington, Oxford
& Adderbury East, Banbury
Mailing Joseph, 31 Little Clarendon Silvester William, 16 St. Maryâs rd.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
street, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Mather Mrs. M. A. 47 Castle st.Oxfrd Simcoe & Tite, 69 Bridge st. Banbury
George, High street, W atÂ
Mathews Miss Rosannah,
54 St
lington. Wallingford
Clementâs street, Oxford
Matthews Edmd. Bletehington, Oxfrd Simms Frederick. High st. Burford
Millward & Sons, 2 Market street, Simms W m .H .41 St.Aldateâ s st.Oxfrd
Smith Albert, 88 Magdalen road,
Chipping Norton
Cowlev St. John, Oxford
Milward & Sons Limited, 77 High st.
Banbury & 14 & 16 Prospect street, Smith F. J. T. Temple Cowle , Oxfrd
Smith Frank, 39 Observatory street,
Caversham, Reading
St. Giles'. Oxford
Mold Percy, 3 Fish street, Banbury
Money Percy, 3 Warwick st. Oxford Smith Fredk. 256 Cowley rd. Oxford
Morris Arthur Joseph, 32 St. John's Smith J. T. T2? & 8 Cowley Td. Oxford
Smith John, Post office, Cropredy,
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Morris Frederick, Highfield, Oxford
Morton G. & W . 37 High st. Witney Smith Sidnev F. G. 227 Banbury rd
Summertown, Oxford
Moss Isaac, 40 Castle st. we. Banbury
^mith W .4 Wood st.St. Ebbeâs. Oxford
Nappen Joseph, Charlton, Oxford
Neale Joseph A.
31 Islip road, Squires Beni. 17 Park street, Thame
Stallwood Henry Burnett, 24 Gravel
Snmmertown. Oxford
hill, Henley-on-Thames
Needle Chas. J. 40 Bridge st.Banbury
B oot & Shoe M a k e r s k
i l
D l r s â con.
x f o r d m j ir e .
Stamp John, Hurley, Banburv
Steedon Hy. Hook Norton, Banbury
Stevens Joseph, 2 Pard End st v
Thomas', Oxford
Stokes Frederick J. 4 North P a ra d *
avenue, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Stone John, 157 Marlborough rd
Grandpont, Oxford
Strong Chas. A. Oxford st.Woodstock
Sturgess Joseph Richard, Wheatley
Suffling Charles, Bridge st. Bampton
l'ack A. 7 New st. Henley-011-Thames
Tanner William, 38 James st. Cowlev
St. John, Oxford
Taylor J. Black Bourton, Clanfield
Taylor William,
Kingston Biounr
Terry Frederick & Son, 9a, Church
road, Caversham, Reading
Tim m s John, 8 Mayfield road, SumÂ
mertown, Oxford
Timms W m . Guildenford, Burford
i'ooveyT.High st.Watlington,Wallingfd
Townsend A. Chadlington, Charlburv
Tuckwell Humphrey, 30 Newton rd
Grandpont, Oxford
Tyler Henry Peters, 1 Castle street,,
Oxford & 46 St. Ebbe's st. Oxford
Tyrrell Samuel Hughes, 6 Sunningwell road, New Hinksey, Oxford
Universal Boot Stores, 16 & 17 Church
lane, Banbury
Valentine & Barrell Ltd. 23 Market
square, Witney
Varney Geo. Chinnor, Wallingford
Varney W m .E . r Southam rd.Banbry
Viggers B. 85 Warwick rd. Banbury
Waite Joseph, 3 Circus street, Cowley
St. John, Oxford
Walker Henry, 70 Hayfield road, St
Gilesâ & 13 Blue Boar st. Oxford
Walker John, Chinnor, Wallingford
Ward Frederick
Burdrop, Sibford
Gower, Banbury
Watts Fredk. W m. Deddington, Oxfrd
Wells E Nettlebed. Henlev-on-Thms
Wells Eduard, 132 Hurst street, CowÂ
ley St. John, Oxford
Wells William , Middle Barton,Oxford
West Alfd. Albt. 3 Corn st. Witney
White Charles Harvey, Ascott.Oxford
White J.iqAdelaide st.St.Giles'.Oxfrd
White W illiam , Swerford, Enstone
Whit head Charles, Windmill road,
Highfield, Oxford
"Wicks George T. & Son, 24 Castle st.
Wilkes Charles, Milton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
Wiliams W . A. Temple Cowley, Oxfr â
Willis Harry, 8 Stratfield road, Sun
mertown, Oxford
Willis Reuben H. 71 Walton st. Oxfr.;
Willis Samuel,
10 Centre street
Grimsbury. Banburv
Wilsdon Thomas, Bladon, Woodstock
Winstone 'William Ethelbert, 23 WelÂ
lington square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford &
233 Banbury rd.Summertown,Oxfrd
Charles William, Miltonunder-Wvchwood, Oxford
Woodward James, Bloxham, Banbury
BO O T & S H O E R E P A IR E R S .
Allen & Co. 22 Church s t . Caversham.
Batts Alfred Edwd. 7 Church st. St.
Ebbeâ s & 55 George street, O xford
Bull Robert James, 7 S p e e d w e ll st.
St Aldateâs, Oxford
Burden Mark, Sutton, Eynsham
Cooke Charles Frederick, 9 Prospect
street, Caversham, Reading
Dam ant Percv, Stoke Lyne, Bicester
Dix Wilbâ am. t 6 Lowell place. Witney
Earott Walter .T. 103 Cardigan st.
Jericho, Oxford
Evan« Joseph. Ewelme, Wallingfard
Franks William Austin. Elmthorpe
road. Wolvercote, Oxford