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B E R K S H IR E .

Vaccination Officers, Windsor district, F. S. Lewis,
Springfield road, W indsor; Egham district, W . H.
Gardener, Egham
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Lgham district,
W illiam Wadham F lo jer M .B., M.R O.S.E ng. E g h a m ,
Sunninghill district,Alexander Gairdner Lacy L.E.O .E .
Loud. A scot; Windsor district, W. Jerm an Scott
M B Oliiton house, Sheet street, Windsor
Workhouse, Old Windsor, a building of red brick, in
the Elizabethan style, built in 1835, to hold 24b
inm ates; A rthur Herbert Simmons, m aster; Rev.
John Russell Napier B.A. chaplain; W. W. Floyer,
medical officer; Mrs. Susan Cum ber, m atro n ; Ernest
E Gibbs, m aster’s assistant ; premises acquired at
Envlefield Green to be used as cottage homes for
about 36 girls ; Miss Amy Margaret Kent, matron
Superintendent Registrar, Philip Lovegrove, 3 Park st.
W indsor; deputy, E d vard Cecil Durant, 4 Park st.
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Egham sub-district, W.
H. Gardener, E g h a m ; deputy, George Gardener,
E g h a m ; Windsor sub-district, George W illiam Plumridge, 19 Victoria street. Windsor ; deputy, James W.
Hutchinson, 4 Park street A 34 St. Mark’s pi.Windsor
Registrars of M arriages, Egham district, W. H. G ar­
dener, E g h a m ; deputy, G eorge Gardener. Egham ;
Windsor district, John Simms, 35 Frances road,
W indsor; deputy, George William Plum ridge. 19
Victoria street, Windsor
Assistant Overseer, Robert A. Stevenson, 27 Frances rd
Collector of Land & Income Tax. W alter Dodds, 9 Claremont road
Collectors of Poor Rates, New Windsor, Robert Alfred
Stevenson, 27 Frances road. Windsor ; Old Windsor
& Sunningdale, W alter J. Duley, 24 Sheet st. Windsor
Windsor Castle.
The Chapter.
1891 Dean, The Very Rev. Philip Frank Eliot D.D.
registrar of the Order of the Garter & domestic chap­
lain to the K ing
1885 Rev. Jn. Neale Dalton C .V.O ..C.M .G .,M .A .Cloisters
1902 Rev. Clement Sm ith M .V.O., M .A. Cloisters
1907 Rev. Edgar Sheppard D .D ., C-V.O. (precentor),
1910 The Hon. & Rev. Leonard F. T yrw h itt M.A.,
M.V.O. Cloisters
Minor Canons.
1900 Rev. Edmund Horace Fellowes M .A., Mus.B.
1901 Rev. Bernard C. S. Everett M.A. Cloisters
1908 Rev. Lancelot G. Reed B.A. Cloisters
1911 Rev. Gerald George Payne-Cook M .A. Cloisters
Chapter Clerk, Richard Cope esq. Cloisters
Organist, Sir W alter Parratt M .V.O., Mus.Doc. & master
of the K in g’s m usic, Horseshoe Cloisters
Gentlemen forming the choir, Joseph Stilliard, W. BellKempton, David Humphreys, Charles Abel Starkey,
Thomas W ilfred Kearton, Stephen M. Boyle, Fred
Naylor, George E. Bower, F. E. Cooter, Frederick G.
Smith, Lewis Stainton, Thomas Watson
PLACES OF W ORSHIP, with times of Services.
Collegiate Chapel of St. George, The Castle, Alfd. Wm.
Evans, verger ; Henry Carpenter & Sidney Snowdon,
sextons; Edward Davis, porter ; W illiam Wellbelove,
belfry keeper
Hours of Service, sun. 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; daily, 10
a.m. & 3 p.m. in summer & 10 a.m. & 5 p.m .in winter
St. John the Baptist Parish Church, H igh street, Rev.
John Henry Joshua Ellison M.A. vicar ; Rev. Philip
Melancthon Mulholland M.A. & Rev. Charles Wilton
Fisher M.A. c u ra te s; 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ;
daily at 8 a.m. ; fri. 7 p.m
Holy Trinity Church, Trinity place, Rev. Henry Tower
M.A., M.V.O. re c to r ; Rev. Christopher Algernon
Barnes B.A. curate ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; daily at
10 a.m. ; Saints’ days, 8 & 11 a.m
All Saints’ Chapel of Ease, Frances road, served from
St. John’s ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p m
St. Saviour’s Chapel of Ease, River street, served from
Holy Trinity ; 7 p.m
Olewer St. Stephen Church, V ansittart road, Rev. Geo.
Davenport Nicholas M .A. vicar ; Rev. Thomas Calvert
Brown T h .A .K .C . & Rev. John Stanley Elliott M.A.
curates; 8, 10.20 & n a.m. & 3, 3.30 & 6.30 p .m .;
daily, 7.30 & 8.10 a.m. & 6 30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
St. Edward’s Catholic, Alma Toad, The Rev. Canon G.
M. D. Longinotto, p rie s t; mass 8.30 & 11 a.m. ;



holy days, mass
vespers & benediction, 6.30 p.m.
9 a.m. ; daily m a s s 8 a .m . ; evening service, wed. 4
Baptist, Victoria street, Rev. Charles Henry Sh een ; 11
a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Baptist, Adelaide sq. ; 11 a.m . & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Baptist, Victoria st. ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Congregational, William street, Rev. Thomas Powell
Lansdow ne; n a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; wed. 7.30
Prim itive Methodist, Denmark street, Rev. Alfred
W arcup ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. J wed. 7 p.m
Brethren, Sheet s tr e e t; 6.30 p.m . ; thurs. 8 p.m
Brethren, St. Leonard’s road ; 6.30 p.m
Wesleyan, Alma road (Windsor & Maidenhead circuit),
Rev! George H. Pickering, Maidenhead, supt, & Rev.
Edward Percy B lackbu rn ; xi a.m . & 6.30 p .m .;
wed. 7 p.m
Government School of A rt, A lbert Institute, Sheet st. ,
Charles T. Hollis, teacher
St. George’s Choir School, The Castle. There are now
about 30 boys, all boarders; Governors, the Dean &
Canons of Windsor.
Attached to the school are 12
Entrance Scholarships of £20 & 12 of£60 ; George
S. Fowler M.A. head m aster; R. Mann B.A. & F. M.
Bridge B.A. assistant masters
United Services College, St. Mark’s, founded & governed
by the Im perial Service College Trust, an incorporated
societv of officers, Naval, M ilitary & C iv il, for the
purpose of providing for sons and near descendants
of officers of the Public Services a public school of a
practical ty p e ; P residen t; H.R.H. Prince Christian
Schleswig-Holstein ;
Chairman of
Governors, H . 3 .H. Prince Alexandei' of Teck , Warden,
; Assistant Masters,
G W. F. Goodridge B .A ., T. Hughes M .A ., C. M.
W right M .A., T. Hickson B .A ., H. T. Hutchings
A . k !C., J. Pogmore & Capt. A. M .Keays ; Instructors,
W. M. Appleby (m usic), H. Perrin (shorthand), J. W.
Vickery (building construction) & C. T. Hollis (art
m aster) ; Secretary, S. Boyle
St. Stephen’s College for Ladies, Oxford road, under
the management of the Clewer Sisters
Under the provisions of Section 17 of the Education
A ct, 1902, the com m ittee appointed consists of the
Mayor, seventeen members of the municipal council &
nine appointed from the following bodies:— Victoria
Street Schools, Royal Free Church of England Schools,
St. Edward’s Roman Catholic, Trinity Parochial
School, Local Committee of the Free Church Council,
the Clergy of the Church of England in the borough,
the Certificated Teachers of the borough (one m ale &
one fem ale), & Royal Albert Institute, also one lady
appointed by the Council
The Education Committee meets at Guildhall, on the
2nd monday in each month, at 6 p.m.
Chairman, the Mayor, Councillor Sir C. F. Dyson
Clerk, Edward Cecil Durant, town clerk, 3 Park street
Secretary, W. Baxter, 17 Albany road
School Medical Officer, A. D. Crofts M .R .C .S
Attendance Officer, F. C. Chipchase, St. M ark’s place
Elementary Schools.
Alexandra road (infants), for 303 ch ild re n ; average
attendance, 253 ; Miss Louisa Sm ith, m istress
Chariots place (infants), opened in 1872, for 150 chil­
dren ; average attendance, 96 ; Miss K ate M artin, mist
Holy Trinity, Alma T o ad (girls & infants), bu ilt in 1878,
for 313 ch ild ren ; average attendance. 304; Miss
Em ily Randall, m istress; Miss Edith Neale, infants’
St. Edward’s (Catholic), Dorset road (m ixed & infants),
built in 1892, for 126 ch ild re n ; average attendance,
93 ; Miss Ellen Panario, mistress
St. Stephen’s, A rth ur road, for 250 boys, 260 girsl, 196
infants & 193 Higher G rade girls ; average attendance,
213 boys, 207 girls, 173 infants & 164 Higher Grade
g ir ls ; Joseph W. Steadman, master ; Miss Elizabeth
& Miss Mary Fenemore, m istresses; Miss Mary A.
Bailey, infants’ mistress
Spital (infants), built in 1875, for 236 children ; aver­
age attendance, 186 : Miss F. Pearson, mistress
Victoria street, opened in 1842, for 180 boys & 120
irirls ; average attendance, 139 boys & 92 girls ; Alfd.
Day, master ; Miss Ellen Louisa Clark, mistress
Infants, for 126 ; average attendance.80 ; Miss Catherine
M artin, infants’ mistress
County Secondary Boys’ School. St. Leonard’s road,
built in 1908, for n o boys; average attendance, 70;
G. H. Wade M .A. master