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sm i
Sm ith Charles Henry, 4 Tham es side,
Sm ith D. Nichol M .A. 17 Park cresÂ
cent, Park town, Oxford
Sm ith Edward, Holmlea, A lbert rd.
Caversham , Reading
S m ith Edward, 57 W estern road,
Grandpont, Oxford
S m ith Edwin, 122 Divinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Sm ith Edwin. Lynn cottage, Highmoor road, Caversham, Reading
Sm ith Frank S. 8 Longwood road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Sm ith Frederick, 23 Frenchay road.
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Sm ith Fredk. C. Bridge ho. Bicester
Sm ith Fredk.J. 14 Oxford rd.Banbury
Sm ith G. W ., M .A. New coll. Oxford
Sm ith George M .B., C.M. 39 Hart
street, Henley-on-Thames
Sm ith George, 47 Western road,
Grandpont, Oxford
Sm ith Harry.J.P.45Wood grn.W itney
Sm ith H arry W illiam , Maiwonde, V icÂ
toria road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sm ith H erbert,3 Bridge street,W itney
Sm ith H erbert A rth ur B.A. Magdalen
college. Oxford
Sm ith Hugh Grayston, W roxham,
Kidm ore road, Caversham . Reading
Sm ith James Henry, Burderop, Kidmore road, Caversham, Reading
Sm ith John, Bordvke, Albert road,
Caversham, Reading
Sm ith John, Rose cottage, Crowell,
Sm ith John Alexander M.A. Magdalen
college, Oxford
Sm ith Miss, F leur de L ys, Clifton
Hampden, Abingdon
Sm ith Miss, 1 Iffley road, Oxford
Sm ith Miss H. Donald, Manor house,
Warborough, W allingford
Sm ith Miss M.. M .A. Cherwell hall,
Cowley place, Oxford
Sm ith Miss Protheroe, 16 Bradmore
road, St. Gilesâ . Oxford
S m ith Miss Sophie, 18 Broad st.Oxford
Sm ith Misses. The Cottage. Broadwell, Lechlade (Gloâstersh)
Sm ith Misses, 77 High street, W itney
Sm ith Misses. 234 Iffley rd. Oxford
Sm ith Mrs. 267 Banbury road, Sum Â
mertown. Oxford
Sm ith Mrs.Benevenue,Alvescot,Clanfld
Sm ith Mrs. Britwell house, Britwell
Prior, Wallingford
Sm ith Mrs. 191 Cowley road. Oxford
Sm ith Mrs. 35 Iffley road, Oxford
Sm ith Mrs. 15 Oakthorpe rd.Sum m erÂ
town, Oxford
Sm ith Mrs. 21 West street, Grimsbury, Banbury
S m ith Mrs. George, 2x5 Woodstock
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sm ith Norman H ardwick M .A. 12
W inchester road, St. Gilesâ . Oxford
Sm ith Samuel, The Gables, New Y a tt
road, W itney
S m ith Sidnev. 171 D ivinity rd. CowÂ
ley road, Oxford
Sm ith Thomas, 79 Middleton road,
G rim sburv, Banbury
.Sm ith Thomas, The Mount, Deddington, Oxford
Sm ith Wm. J.P. 10 Bridge st. W itney
Sm ith W m .Elm dene,Essex rd.Tham e
Sm ith W .Elm field.New Y a tt rd.W itny
Sm ith W .12 W est st.Grim sbry.Banbrv
Sm ith W illiam Henry, Hatherwood
Derby road, Caversham , Reading
Sm ithe Rev. W illiam Henry B.A. 29
Abbey Toad, Oxford
Sm yth Mrs. 177 Banbury road, Sum Â
mertown, Oxford
Sm ythe Robert David, Drayton lodge,
Drayton, Banbury
Snepp Rev. Ernest Henry L .T h . RecÂ
tory, Over W orton, Oxford
Sneyd Rev. Gustavus Alfred M.A.
Bectorv,Chastleton,M oretn.-in-M rsh
P K I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Snow Chas. C levehurst,Goring,Readng
Snow Mrs. 56 St. Andrewâs road,
Snow Thomas Collins M.A. 8 Hernes
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Soame James, 200 Iffley road, Oxford
Soames Mrs. 107 Southmoor road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Soden Miss, 15 Banbury road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Sole Rev. Sam uel Heydon, London rd.
Chipping Norton
Sole W illiam , 56 Bath road, Banbury
Sollas W illiam John M .A., LL.D .,
D .Sc., F .R .S. 173 Woodstock road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Somerton Charles, 1 South street,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Som erville William M .A., D .Sc. St.
Johnâs college & 121 Banbury road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Sotham Mrs. Islip, Oxford
Sotham Mrs. The P r i o T y , Iffley,Oxford
Sotham W alter, 9 Beech Croft road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Soul Eustace, 40 Lonsdale road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sohndy W illiam, 38 Marlborough rd.
Grandpont, Oxford
Souter Alexander M .A., D .L itt. 24
Chalfont road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Southam Lawrence, 45 W est street,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Southwell C. Edward, Charlton,Oxfrd
Speer Ew art Gladstone, Elm cottage,
W hitchurch, Reading
Spence Col. John, Plas Newydd, Rose
hill, Iffley, Oxford
Spence Rev. W illiam Alfred M.A. St.
Frideswide's vicarage, Botley road,
Spencer E. Cote vil. Cote, Bampton
Spencer Misses, Manor house, Lewknor, W allingford
Spencer Thomas B. Holm lea, Kidmore road, Caversham , Reading
Spencer Tom, 93 Walton st. Oxford
Spencer-Thomson Misses, 176 BanÂ
bury road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Spendlove Rev. W illiam , Rectory,
Drayton, Banbury
Spens Miss Janet D .L itt. Lady MarÂ
garet- hall, 21 Norham gardens, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Spicer Rev. Edward Clarke M.A. The
Rectory, W aterstock, W heatley
Spicer Edward John, n W est street,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Spiers Mrs. 63 Iffley road, Oxford
Spiller Harry Wood, 19 Hill Top road,
St. Clem ent's, Oxford
Spink Mrs. 8 Beech Croft road, Su m Â
mertown, Oxford
Spokes Mrs. Bodicote, Banbury
Spooner Rev. William Archibald D.D.
New college, Oxford
Spooner Miss, 106 West st. Grim sbury
Sprenger Henry W illiam, 24 Market
square, Witney
Squire Mrs. 69 Chalfont road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Squires Thom as, 3 Cripley rd.Oxford
Stable Ernest Robert, 186 Divinity
Toad, Cowley Toad, Oxford
Stafford Mrs. 10 Southfield road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Stainer Lady, 10 South Park rd.Oxfrd
Stallwood John, 98 Kingston road, St.
Gilesâ , Oxford
Stanbridge Miss, 23 London road,
Chipping Norton
Stanbridge Mrs. 2 Warnborough road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Standage Rev. Samuel Ray, Great
Bourton, Banbury
Stange Peter Diedrich, Deanfield,
Badgemore rd. Henley-on-Thames
Stanis Mrs. 35 Broughton rd. Banbury
Stanley Fredk.i4Calthorpe rd.Banbrv
Stanley Henry, 149 D ivinity road,
Cowiey road, Oxford
, Stanley Joseph, Wheatley
Stanley Mrs. 37 West street, Grin,.
bury, Banbury
Stannard C. jo Aston street. Cowl«.
St. John, Oxford
Staples John E. The Gables, Albert
road, Caversham, Reading
Staples-Browne Frederick John J p
The Elm s, Bampton
Stapleton Mrs. Greys court, Rotherfield Greys, Henley-on-Thames
Stark Jsph. J. 48 Abingdon rd.Oxfid
Starkey John Frederick D.L., J p
Bodicote house, Bodicote, Banburv
Starlin g Albert Edward, 19 Thorn
cliffe road, Summertown, Oxford
S tatt W illiam , 7 Thorncliffe road
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Stay Rev. John, 4 Beech Croft road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Steedman Percy Andrew, 10 Rawlinson road, St. Giles', Oxford
Steel Charles, 65 Southfield road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Steel Miss, Milton house, Miltonunder-Wychwood, Oxford
Steel Misses, n Bardwell road, St.
Giles', Oxford
Steele Mrs. 251 Iffley road, Oxford
Steers W. P. Falklands, Tetsworth
Steiner Simon Albert, 77 Southmoor
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Steinschen A.R.Adderbury Ea.Banbry
Stenning John Fredk. M.A. 9 Fyfield
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Stenson Mrs. 65 Chalfont road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Stephan Miss, 6 Market place, ChipÂ
p ing Norton
Stephen Rev. Simon D.D., Ph.D.
Steeple Barton, Oxford
Stephens Francis, 1 Parker st.Oxford
Stephens Henry,29 Museum rd.Oxfrd
Stephens Miss, 222 Woodstock road,
Summertown, Oxford
Stephens Mrs. Windrush ho. Burford
Stephens Thomas Albertus B.A. 235
Woodstock rd. Summertown, Oxfrd
Stevens Charles, 54 Bath rd. Banbury
Stevens Charles, Kiln house, Emma
Green, Caversham, Reading
Stevens Frederick L. 46 Middleton
Toad, Grim sbury, Banbury
Stevens GeoTge Richard, 1 Davenant
road, Wolvercote, Oxford
Stevens Miss, Ferndale, St. Clement's
street, Oxford
Stevens Mrs. 15 Crick rd. St. Giles',
Stevens Mrs. 33a, High street, Oxford
Stevens Mrs. Islip, Oxford
Stevens Mrs. ⢠Quest, The Mount,
Caversham , Reading
Stevens Mrs. Henry, White house,
Mill street, Eynsham
Stevens William Henry, 16 Western
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Stevenson GeoTge H o p e M.A. Lniversity college, Oxford
Stevenson Herbert, 104 West street,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Stevenson John, Crowmarsh Battle,
W allingford
Stevenson W illiam Henry M.A. at.
Johnâs college, Oxford
Stew Mrs. 76 St. Johnâs road, bt.
Gilesâ , Oxford
Stew art John Alex. M.A. 14 Bra
more road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Stilliard Henry Martin, 29 Aston st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Stimson Mrs. The W h i t e cottage,
Albert road, Caversham, Reading
Stirling A.Holme Lea,Goring, ea Stock Mrs. 41 Northfield end, Uenlev-on-Thames
« ââw v
Stock Mrs. 17 W est B a r s t . Banbury
Stocker W illiam Nelson M.A. B ras
s S j ^ L e o M c l l . A . St. John',
S t o ° S â A0 t o
0t o
u t h B a r s t . B an b u ry