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B E R K S H IR E .
k e l l y âs
Pillar Boxes.â â Plough & Harrow,â cleared at 7.35 & Elem entary School (m ixed), built for 146 children ;
average attendance, 118; W alter Moore Brockbank,
11.10 a.m . & 6.50 p .m .; S un days, 11.10 a .m .; Moss
End, cleared at 10.15 a.m . & 6.25 p.m . ; sundays,
10.55 a *m - & ak Hawthorn hill, cleared at 10.50 a.m . & Carrier.â A rth u r George Barnard, from Bracknell to &
from Reading, daily
6.15 p .m .; sundays, 10.45 a.m.
DyeT Edwd. farm er, Gilnochie farm
Oppenheimer Louis, Hawthorn hill
Abraham s H arry N. Hawthorne lodge Pigot Sir George bart. Warfield gro Gale James, farm er, W est End
Brownlow Field-M arshal Sir Charles Walsh Hon. A rthur Hy. John C .V .O ., Gayler K ate (Miss), Four HorseÂ
shoes P.H
D .L ., J.P. & Lady Clementine,
Henry G .C .B . W arfield hall
Harris Sidney, fly proprietor
Warfield park
B u ist Col. Fredk. Braid, Old Gables
Mary Ann (M rs.), beer retlr
Calvert-Jones Mrs. Newell hall
c o m m e r c ia l .
Howells Wrn.New Leather Bottle P.H
Cocks W illiam , The Hawthorns
Laishlev Arthur, baker
Craitsham Henry D. Warfield priory Blake A rth ur, carpenter
Bowyer George, farm er,M alt H ill frm Lawrence Richd. farmer, Hailey down
D ay Charles, T he Laurels
Bowyer Thomas, cart & wagon buildr Miles James, Plough & Harrow P.H
G eary Frederick, Brooklyn
Bowyer W illiam , farm er, Moss End
Moss James J. New inn
Henderson Mrs. Cruchfield house
Herschel Sir W illiam James bart. Cam pbell Jn. frm r. Brock H ill farm Sm ewing Frederick, farm er
Crocker Harry, farm er, W est End
Sm ith Chas. blacksm ith, Moss End
M.A. Rectory house
Crow Robert, farm er, Jealots hill & Street Jas. & Sons, bakers, Post office
Hewat Miss, Warfield cottage
Nup town
Tapping Ernest George, dairyman,
H ulbert Mrs. Hawthorndale
Davis W illiam ,Shepherdsâ House P.H.
Honey farm
Jenkins Mrs. Brock H ill cottage
Tutton Jas. farm er, Whitlocks farm
Moss End
Lawrence Henry, The Cottage
Wade Edgar, farm er, Nup town
Davis W illiam John, boot repairer
Nicholls George, Brook side
W eregrave,â is a
W A R G R A V E , in Domesday
parish and village in a valley surrounded by picturesque
woodland scenery, w ith a station on the Henley branch
of the G reat W estern ra ilw a y : it stands on the right
bank of the Tham es, which separates it from OxfordÂ
shire and is crossed by a ferry to Shiplake station, 3
miles south-east from Henley, 7 north-east from
Reading, 2 north from the G reat W estern railway staÂ
tion at Twyford and 8 west from Maidenhead; it is
in the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Wargrave, petty sessional division and union of W okingÂ
ham, Henley county court district and in the rural
deanery of Sonning, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese
of Oxford. The W argrave and Twyford Waterworks,
constructed in 1896, one mile east of the village, are
the property of the Rural D istrict Council, and consists
of a reservoir, with a capacity of 150,000 gallons, and
a pum ping station, from which a supply of water is
conveyed to the houses in the two parishes. The
'church of St. Mary is a structure of flint and brick
with stone dressings in the E a rly Norman, Lancet and
later styles, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays,
south aisle, north porch and an em battled western
tower erected i5 i5 _3o, w ith hexagonal turrets at the
angles, containing 6 bells and a clock, presented by
Mrs. E. J. H. J e k y ll: the north doorway m ay possibly
be Saxon: on the north side is a sm all chantry openÂ
ing to the church by a sem i-circular headed arch of
dressed chalk and now occupied by the pew attached
to Bear Place : the west window is stained, and there
are memorial windows to the Rev. Philip Nind, vicar
1784-1815 ; the Rev. Philip T ran t Nind, his son, vicar
1815-26; the Rev. Simon Sturges, vicar 1859-1889;
Robert P iggott esq. co-founder of the endowed school.
Miss Phillimore and others, besides the east window,
a memorial to the Rev. Jam es H itchings, vicar 1826-50:
in the chantry and chancel are several memorials to
the Ximenes fam ily, of Bear Place, including one to
Lieut.-Gen. Sir D. Xim enes K.G .H . 62nd Reg. d. Aug.
19, 1848; here also is a marble tablet surm ounted by
the figure of a 4-gun brig, and inscribed to Richard
Aldworth esq. merchant, 1623; another to Sir George
Sowley Holroyd kt. Justice of the K in gâs Bench, who
died at Hare Hatch, 21 Nov. 1831; one by Nollekens to
Joseph H ill esq. of W argrave H ill H ou se; another with
arms to the Hon. Frederick West, of Culham Court, d.
22nd March, 1832, and a brass to F. J. H. Jekyll esq.
of W argrave H ill House, d. 1876: there are memorials
elsewhere in the church to Francis Webb, ob. 30th
Sept. 1674, and Rebecca, his wife, ob. 17th Nov. 1688 ;
to James Leigh Perrot esq. of Scarlets, and to Thomas
Day esq. of Corpus C h risti College, Oxford, and the
Middle Tem ple, the author of the well-known â History
of Sandford and Merton,â who died at Bear Hill, Sept.
28th 1789; his widow Esther (Mills) was buried here
June 21, 1792: the reredos and tiled pavement of the
sacrarium were presented by Mrs. Rhodes, of Hennerton H o u se; the brass eagle lectern was given by Mrs.
William Sm ith, of Woodclyffe, daughter of the Rev.
Jam es H itchings, vicar 1826-50, in m emory of her
m other, H « r ie t H itc h in g .: the âchurch plate includes
a chalice of the date of Charles II. a silver flagon
dated 1700, chiefly the gift of Mrs. Doyley, and a paten
given by Mrs Pritchard in 1763; but a new communion
se rv ice' was presented hy the Rev. A rth ur Smith
Sturges M .A. curate here 1866-71: there are 450 sitÂ
tings, 150 of which
wmcn are ireo:
111 the
me churchyard
m u u n ja i« is a
free: in
large and ancient vessel of hewn stone, said to have
once been a font. The register dates from the year
1538 and under the date October 10th, 1666, contains
an entry of a collection of £2 is. n d . for the â poore
distressed Londoners by reason of ye late lamentable
fir e ;â under 17th February, 1793, is a record of the
burial of Richard Barry, 7th E arl of B arrym ore; and
under December 4th, 1818, th at of his brother, the
Hon. and Rev. A ugustus Barry. The livin g is a vicarÂ
age, net yearly value £150, w ith residence, occupied as
a vicarage since 1828, in the gift of Sydney Platt esq.
and held since 1911 by the Rev. Basil Staunton Batty
M.A. of Selwyn College, Cambridge. Here is a ConÂ
gregational chapel, with a square western tower. WoodÂ
clyffe Recreation Ground of 11 acres was given by Mrs.
William Sm ith in 1908. The Rev. W alter Sellon, vicar
of Ledsham, in the county of Y ork, left by will in 1793
the sum of £400, £3 per Cent. Consolidated Annuities,
the interest of which to be given as follow s:â £ 10 to a
servant man of good character who has lived three years
in one place, and the same amount to a servant woman
in the following year on th e same principle, and so on
every alternate year for ever, and 10s. a year to th"
vicar or curate who shall preach a sermon on every
Michaelmas day, setting forth the reciprocal duties of
master and m istress and their servants. There are
other minor charities, value about £40, for distribution,
but m any of these have been consolidated, and are
under the control of the vicar and the churchwardens.
â Bare or Beare Innings â is a piece of land of about
20 acres, purchased in 1641 for a sum of £200, left for
investment by Mrs. Margaret Poole; the profits arising
therefrom , now am ounting to £ 17 yearly, are expended
in cloth, which is distributed among the poor of
Maidenhead and Cookham. The Woodclyffe AlmsÂ
houses, eight in number, with gardens attached, were
erected and endowed by Mrs. W illiam Sm ith, of WoodÂ
clyffe, in 1902. Woodclyffe Hall, in the High street,
erected in 1900 by Mrs. W illiam Sm ith, and presented
to the parish for general purposes, will seat 300. Wargrave m ay not improbably have been known to the
Romans, since many coins, chiefly those of the lower
Empire, have been found here, and a portion of a
Roman road which apparently led to Reading or Silchester still exists, term inating abruptly near Mill
Green. The beauty of this place and the delightful
scenery by which it is surrounded have attracted hither
many of the leading English landscape painters,
especially the late Mr. Y icat Cole R .A. and Mr. B. W.
Leader R.A. ; the signboard of the George and Dragon
inn was painted by Messrs. George Leslie R .A. and
J. D. Hodgson R.A. while resident here, and many
other well-known artists have been frequent visitors.
The principal houses in the neighbourhood are WarÂ
grave Court, the residence of F. W. Bond esq. D.L.,
J.P ., C.C. ; Hennerton, the residence of Mrs. Rhodes;
Temple Combe, of Heatley Noble esq. ; and Wargrave
Manor, of M. J. Sutton esq. J.P. From the year 1552
the manor was held by the Nevilles, but on the de*fch in
1762 of Elizabeth, Countess of Portsm outh, formerly
wife of Henry Neville esq. (afterwards G ray), it passed
to Richard Aldworth esq. of Stanlake, who thereupon
assumed the name of Neville, and was father of
| Richard Aldworth Neville
and Baron Braybrooke
Sydney fla tty esq. who is lord of the manor. F _
Walters B^nd esq. Mrs. Noble, the Hon. W. F. D
Sm ith. H. FT Nicholl and Percival Fox Tuckett e'qrs.
and Mrs.
landowners. The soilf
...... Rhodes are the principal
-- .
is clay and lo am ; subsoil, chalk and flint. The .