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M A ID E N H E A D .

B E R K S H IR E .

Wilson Walter, grocer, 76 Cordwallis road
Winch George, farmer, Court House lane
Windsor County Court Offices, 42 Broadway
Wise William Henry, butcher, Cromwell road
W ithnall W. & E. boot dealers 112 & 114, & hosiers 116, High st
j l -I111’ fishmonger 18, & greengrocer 20 , Bridge street
Wood bridge Edward James, beer retailer, 32 East street
YYoodbridge Henry Richard, dairy, 76 Queen street
?? ,ams William, collector to the Pearl Life Assurance Co.
Limited, 1 Alwyn road
Woodhouse Henry Edward, grocer, 41 Bridge street
Woodland William, butcher, 60 Powney road
YY oodlev Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 2 9 'Broadway
Woodruff Frederick, butcher, 11 Market street
Woods D. T. supervisor of customs & excise High street

[ k e lly ’s

i Woods Emma (Miss), confectioner, 7 Station approach
Woods Frank a .r . i . b .a . architect & surveyor, 86 High street
W7ooldridge Henry, Norfolk Arms p.h . 2 Norfolk ro a d
Woolford Frederick, dairy, 7 Albert street
YY’orking Men’s Club & Institute (WTilliam Xaylar, h o n . sec.),.
Norfolk road
World’s Tea Company, 38 High street
Wren Charles F. boot maker, 12 Bath road
Wright Henry Robert, news agent, 16 Bridge street
Wright Richard, The Lodge temperance inn, 7 Bridge street?
I W right Vivian, picture frame maker, 36 Bridge street
W yatt Thomas George, tailor, 52 High st. & 23 Queen street
Yates William Charles, superintendent National Standard Life
Assurance Corporation Lim ited; dist. office, 3 Portlock rd


R E S ID E N T S .

A m phlett Frederic, 12 Rutland place
Beachcroft Philip Edward, W ingates
Bisslev James L. Athelstan
Chapm an Rev. Oliver Douglas Shute
A .K .C . (curate of A ll Saints’),
Clergy house
Cox Charles W illiam , The Orchards
Drummond Rev. Canon Arth. Hislop
M .A. (vicar & surrogate & proctor
in convocation), Vicarage
Edkins Adolphus, 14 Rutland place
Forbes Miss, Boyne H ill cottage
Gooch Lionel Shirley, The Boynings
Groves George John, Salcom be, A ltwood Bailey
Hawken Rev.' W illiam Dallinger M.A.
(curate of A ll Saints’ ), 3 Rutland pi
Hobson Clem ent, The Hob
Hodgson Nevil L. Eden lodge
Howard A rth ur, Chantecler, Altwood
Jameson Mrs. C. V. Recess
Langdon-Davies Frederick Henry, 10
Rutland place
Lovell Thomas Edward,28 Rutland rd
Lowndes Miss, St. Helens, Altwood rd
Naters Rev, Cuthbert Charles Trewhitt M .A. (curate of A ll Saints’),
W estgate, Rutland road
Newton Rey. Hv. M.A. Boyne Garth

Pretym an Capt. Charles Hv. Sheffield
R.N ., J.P. Boyne Holme
Rodda M iss,W est Countrie,Rutland rd
Sewell Mrs. 20 Rutland place
Sm ith Mrs. Norden Farm house
Stopfoid Mrs. Dunwood
Vienot Miss, 1 Rutland place

Harper Ernest, laundry
Harris David, grocer
Harris Fred, coal dealer, Westboro’ rd
Hicks John, Crooked Billet P.H. 25,
Westborough road
Hicks Thos. butcher, Westboro’ road
Howard ret.91 Westboro’ rd
Lambourne George James, shopkeepr
Langley Francis Herbert, general dlr„
W estborough road
Lawrance Em m a (Mrs.), shopkeeper*
Boyne Valley road
Maidenhead Cem etery (Thos. Sm ith,
Maidenhead Waterworks Reservoir
Nutley Thomas, baker, Westboro’ rd
Parker Alexander, fly proprietor, 13
YVestborough road
Realff Charles, coach painter, 71
Westborough road
Sandford W illiam ,stationer,Post officeSm ith A m y (Miss), dress maker, iSR
Rutland place
Stevens Ernest, cartage contractor, 6S>
Rutland road
Thompson John, shopkeeper
Turberville Florence (Mrs.), grocer
W iggins H arriett (Miss), dress m aker

A ll Saints' W orking Men's Club (W.
J. Holdway, sec)
Bales John, grocer, Westborough road
Bird Lucy (M rs.), shopkeeper
Caldwell Andrew, beer retailer
Creed W illiam, builder
Flower W illiam , Plough P.H
Frampton Elsie (Miss), dress maker,
68 Rutland road
Garraway Em ily (Miss), dress maker,
113 Westborough road
Gibbons Nora (Miss), dress maker,
24 Rutland place
Gibbons Sam uel, road contractor, 40
Rutland road
GibbonsSidney,coal mer.4oRutland rd
Grainger W iiliam & Son, grocers,
Westborough road
Grantham Charles, wood dealer
Gray Edwd. boot m a.ioyW estboro’ rd
Haines Edwin, chimney cleaner, 11 (For other names see Maidenhead.-)
Westborough road

Pr iv a t e r e s id e n t s .


Feake-Martin Miss, Orchardlea
Litkie M ajor Maximilian Mackenzie,
The Points
M uir Col. Chas. Wemyss C .B .,C .I E.
Welsh-Lee Harrv. W olvehe

Brill Edward, m arket gardener
Brill J. Percy, carman
Brill Joseph (Mrs.), farm er, Great
Lowbrook farm
Cowdery W illiam Hy. Foresters’ inn
Fletcher George, m arket gardener

Payne Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper
Payne William James, baker
Pope Thomas, carman
Sharp Elizabeth (M rs.), laundress
Squire Lena (Mrs.), dress maker
Stockwell Rhoda (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Young Noah, beer retailer

Robson Mrs. Altwood house
c o m m e r c ia l .
Hickman Rev. Wm. M.A. The Poplars Silver James Edward, Harwood
Arman W illiam , farmer
Hickman Miss, The Firs
Silver Joseph Love, Fountain cottage |Robertson James, beer retailer
M itchell Pierrepont, Redcot
Thompson RolandO’Brien,TheWalnuts j Silver & Sons Lim ited, builders
Parsons Mrs. Berry cottage
Y oung Mrs. The Elms
ISilver James, blacksmith
Taylor W illiam , grocer, Post office
p r iv a t e

r e s id e n t s


M A R C H A M , with the chapelry of Garford and the
township of Frilford, is a parish in the Northern
division of the county, hundred of Ock, petty sessional
division, union and county court district of Abingdon,
rural deanery of Abingdon, archdeaconry of Berks, and
diocese of Oxford. The river Ock bounds the parish
on the south. Marcham is 2§ m iles w est from Abing­
don. The church of All Saints, rebuilt in 1837 and
opened on Easter day, 1838, is a spacious edifice of
stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel,
nave, south porch and a western E arly English tower
containing a clock and 6 b ells: there are 400 sittings :
the church was re-seated in 1901, when a new organ
was presented, the total cost, including gifts, was
about £1,100. The register, including Garford, dates
from the year 1658. The living is a vicarage, with
the chapelry o? G aiford annexed, joint net yearly value
£210. in cluding 113 acres of glebe, with residence, in
the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church,
Oxford, and held since 1910 by the Rev. A rthur
Pickard H all M.A, of Xeble College, Oxford. Here is
a small Baptist chapel. A cemetery of one acre was
consecrated 4th February, 1899, and is under the con­
trol of a joint com m ittee, consisting of 6 members of
the parish councij and three members for Frilford.
The Institute and Reading Room was built and pre­

sented in 1905 by A rthur Henry Anson esq. for the use
of the inhabitants. The charities are of the annual
, value of about £57. £20 of which is for clothing th e
poor children in the parish.
Sheepstead House, one mile north, is the property
and residence of Benjamin Henry Morland esq. J.P.
Upwood Park, situated about 3 miles north-west,
; stands in a well-wooded park of 87 acres and is tlie
property and residence of John Douglas Peel esq. M.A.
Marcham Park, the property of Charles John Edwin
Duffield esq. J.P. is a stone mansion in the Classic
style, standing in a small, well-wooded park of 47
acres and is now occupied by A rth u r Henry Anson esq.
Oakley Warren is the property and residence of the
Rev. W. N. Blakeney B.A. The principal landowners
i are Charles John Edwin Duffield esq. who is lord of
1 the manor, Benjamin Henry Morland esq. J.P. and
Arthur Henry Anson esq. The soil is sand and stone
! b ra sh ; subsoil, rock. The population, including the
township of Frilford and chapelry of Garford, in 1901
! was 947, viz. ; Marcham, 687; Garford, 145; Frilford,
{ 115. The area of the parish is 2,417 acres of land and
j 7 of w ater; the chapelry of Garford, 1,057; and of
I Frilford, 1,238; rateable value of Marcham, £3,799;
i Frilford, £1,020 and Garford, £1,045.