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B E R K S H IR E .



H erm itage— Cook, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,’ thurs. at 3 ;
Fisher, ‘ Waggon k Horses,’ lues, thurs. & sat. at
Marlborough Tim es, Berks & W ilts County Paper, Cheap
3.30; Fulker k Son, ‘ Carnarvon A rm s,’ tues. thurs.
street • Edward Forster, correspondent; published sat
fc sat. at 4 ; Jarm an, ‘ Waggon & Horses,’ tues. o
Newbury Chronicle, Hungerford Herald & Marlborough
thurs. at 4 ; Sheppard, ‘ Waggon & Horses, thurs.
Mail, Market s tre e t; County Chronicle Lim ited, pub­
lishers ; published thurs
H ighclere— White, Bartholomew street, thurs. & sat. at
Newbury Weekly News, 34 Northbrook street; Blacket3 ; Titchener, ‘ W hile H art,’ thurs. at 2.30
Turner & Co. Lim ited, publishers; published thurs
Hoe Benham— Pearce, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,' tues. thurs.
Reading M ercury k Berks County Paper, Market place ;
& sat. at 3 : W. T . Pearce, ‘ Bacon A rm s,’ daily, at 3
p w . & H. A. Cowslade, Reading, publishers; G. J. Hungerlord— G iles, ‘ Queen’s,’ tues. thurs. fri. k sat.
Cosburn, agent A reporter; published sat. S e e
at 2.30; Buxey, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,’ thurs. at 3
a d v e r tis e m e n t
Hurstbourne— W hite, Bartholomew st. ihurs. k sat. at 3
Great Western Railway Station.
Ilsley (East k W est)— Barlow, ‘ W aggon k Horses,’ tues.
Omnibuses to meet all trains leave Speenhamland ; Jolin
k thurs. 2.30
Inhurst— Blake, ‘ Catherine W heel, mon. & thurs a. 3
Humphries, proprietor
Inkpen— Rulfe, ‘ Coopers’ A rm s,’ thurs. at 3 . 3 0 ; Levy,
Railway Carriers.
‘ Globe,’ mon. k thurs. at 3.30; Lawrence, Giobe.
Pickfords Ltd. ; office at the Queen’s Hotel yard Martues. thurs. A sat. at 3.30
ket place
Wickens, ‘ Catherine W heel, daily, except
Sutton A Co. Parcels agency; Edward Gould, 53
wed. at 4 ; Harmsworth, ‘ Black Bear, mon. A thurs.
Cheap street
at 4 A wed. fri. A sat. at 3
Kingsclere Woodlands— Cooper, ‘ Black Bear, thurs. at 3
CARRIERS, with the Inns they go from A days of
Kintbury— Dopson, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ thurs. A sat.
at 4 ; Giles, ‘ Queen’s,’ tues. thurs. A fri. at 2.30
Aldbourne— Stacey, ‘ Black Bear,’ thurs. 2 30
Aldermaston— Leaver, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ thurs. at 2.30 Lambourn— Hall. ‘ Queen’s,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at 3.30;
Busby, ‘ Queen’ s,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at 3.30
Aldworth— Fulker A Son, ‘ Carnarvon A rm s,’ thurs. at 4
Leckhampstead— see Boxford
Alresford— see Basingstoke
pstead Thicket— Thomas, ‘ Chequers,’ d a ily at
Andover— Waters, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,’ mon. A thurs. at
3.30; White, Bartholomew street, tue>. at 3
Long Lane— Eastwell, ‘ Monument,’ tues. thurs. A sat.
Anstey— Mitchell, ‘ Black Bear,’ thurs. at 4
at 3
Ashampstead— Fulker A Son, ‘ Carnarvon Arm s,' thurs.
Marlborough— Buxey, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s, thurs. at 3
at 4 ; Rumble, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ thurs. at 3
A-hmansworth— White, Bartholomew street, thurs. A Marsh Benham— W. T. Pearce, ‘ Bacon A rm s,’ daily at 5
Midgham— Johnson, ‘ Queen’s,’ thurs. at 3
sat. at 3
Ashmore Green— Hewlett, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ daily at 3 Mortimer— Leaver, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ thurs. at 4
Ashridge— Dell, ‘ Waggon A Horse«,’ tues. thurs. A North Heath— Thomas, ‘ Chequers,’ mon. thurs. A sat.
at 3.45
sat. at 3
Bagnor— Thomas. ‘ Chequers,’ mon. thnrs. A sat. at 3.45 Padworth— Leaver, ‘ Catherine Wheel.' thu;s. A sat at 4
Peasemore— Hewkin, ‘ Waggon A H o rse s’ tap, mon.
Basildon— Rum ble, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ thurs. at 3
thurs. A sat. at 2.30; Jacobs, Sun inn, tucs. thurs. A
Basingstoke— Waters, ‘ Black Bear,’ mon. A thurs. at 3;
sat. at 2.30
Dowling, ‘ Weavers* Arms,* mon. A thurs. at 3.30
Denton, ‘ Black Bear,’ thurs. at 3
Baughurst— Dowling, ‘ Weavers’ Arms,* thurs. at 3;
Reading— Mitchell, - Black Bear,’ thurs. at 4; Rum ble,
Blake, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ mon. A thurs. at 3
‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. A thurs. at 3
Beedon— Dell, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. thurs. A sat.
‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. A thurs. at 3 ; Jarman,
‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. A thurs. at 3
Bourne St. Mary— Titchener, ‘ White Hart,* 2.30
Boxford— Uzzel, ‘ Bacon A rm s,’ mon. tues. thurs. A sat. Shalbourne— Levy, ‘ Globe,’ mon. A thurs. at S-Sp
Hall, ‘ Queen’s.’ tues. A thurs. at 3 P e r r i s ,
at 2.30; Thomas, ‘ Chequers,’ daily at 3 45
Monument,’ uiuu.
mon. thurs. -A -sat.
- - -at y3;. Busby.
Bradfieïd— Mitchell, ‘ Black Bear,’ thurs. at 4
tues. thurs. & sat. at 3.30 ; H arris. ‘ Waggon
Brightwaltham — Thomas, ‘ Chequers,’ daily at 3.45
k Horses,’ thurs. 1.30
Brimpton— Leaver, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ thurs. at 3 ;
Shef-Woodland— Shuff, ‘ Waggon & Horses, thurs. 3
Blake, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ mon. A thurs. at 3
Bucklebury— Mitchell, ‘ Black Bear,* thurs. ' a t 4 ; Silchester— Blake, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ mon. k thurs. at 3
Stanford Dingley— Mitchell, ‘ Black Bear,’ thurs. at 3
Osgood, ‘ Black Bear,’ thurs. at 3
Burghclere— Waters, ‘ Bricklayers’ Arm s,’ mon. A thurs. Stockcross— Pearce, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,’ daily at 3;
W T Pearce, ‘ Bacon Arm s,’ daily at 5
at 3 ; Soper, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ tues. thurs. A
Symonton— T rigg, ‘ K ing Charles,’ mon. wed. thurs. &
sat. at 3
sat at 3
BurnL H ill— Jarman, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. A thurs.
Tadlev— Blake, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ mon. A thurs. at 3.30
at 3
Thatcham — Maslin, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ daily at 12 A
Ohaddleworth— see Boxford
5 ; wed. 12.30 only ; thurs. A sat. 12, 5 A 7
Chieveley— Hewkin, ‘ Waggon A Horses, mon. thurs. A
sat. at 2.30; Jacobs, Sun inn, tues. thurs. A sat. W antage— Barlow, ‘ Waggon A H orses,’ tues. A thurs.
at 3’ Thomas, ‘ Chequers,’ tues. at 3.45
at 2 30
Welford— Hall, ‘ Queen’s,’ mon. thurs. A sat. at 3.30;
Chilton— Stacey, ‘ Black Bear,* thurs at 3.30
Perris, ‘ Monument,’ mon. thurs. A sat. at 3 j SmallCord Ash— Howlett, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. thurs
bone, - White H art,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at 3
A sat. at 3
Hall, ‘ Queen’s,’ mon. thurs. A sat. at 3;
Compton— Fulker A Son, ‘ Carnarvon A rm s,’ tues. A
Perris, ‘ Monument,’ mon. thurs. A sat. at 3 ; Smallthurs. at 4
Hart.,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at 3.30
Coombe— Annetts, ‘ Dolphin,’ mon. A thurs. at 3
Crookham— Blake, ‘ Catherine W heel,’ mon. A thurs at 7 W hitchurch— W aters, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,’ mon. A
thurs. at 3
Crux Easton— Titchener, ‘ W hite H art,’ thurs. at 2.30
C urridge— Eatw ell, ‘ Monument,* tues. thurs. A sat. at 2 Wickham— Pearce, ‘ Bricklayers’ Arm s,' daily at 3
Heath— W .T. Pearce, ‘ Bacon A rm s,’ daily at 5
East bury— Busby, ‘ Queen’s,’ tues, thurs A sat. at 3-3°
Eastgarston— Busby, ‘ Queen's,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at Winchester— Waters, ‘ Bricklayers’ A rm s,’ thurs. at 3
Winterbourne— Thomas, ‘ C bëquers,’ mon. thurs. A sat.
3 -30
Ea-ston— Hall, ‘ Queen’ s,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at 3;
Woodcote— Titchener, ‘ W hite H art,’ thurs. at 2.30
Smallbone, ‘ W hite H art,' tues. thurs. A sat. at 3 -3°
Ecchinswell— T rigg, ‘ King Charles,’ mon. wed. thurs. Woodhay East— Paice, ‘ Globe,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at
3 ; Holmes, Parker’ s yard, tues. thurs. A sat. at 4 ;
A sat. at 3
Popejoy, ‘ W aggon A Horses,’ tues. thurs. A sat. at 3
Frilsham — Jarman, ‘ Waggon A Horses.' tues. A thurs
W est— Lawrence, ‘ Coopers’ A rm s,’ thurs. A
at 3; Rumble, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ thurs. at 3
sat. at 3
Ham— Levy, ‘ Globe,’ mon. A thurs. at 3.30
Paice, ‘ Globe,’ mon. thurs. A sat, at 3
Hampstead Marshall— Levy, ‘ Globe,’ mon. A thurs. at
Yattendon— Rum ble, ‘ Waggon A Horses,’ tues. A thurs.
‘ W aggon A Horses,’ tues. A thurs. at 3
Hampstead Norris— Fulker A Son, ‘ Carnarvon Arms,
tues. thurs. A sat. at 3
IAsprey Miss, Saudleford grove
^ p r i v a t e r e s id e n t s .
] Adey Rupert John, 28 Craven street
Atkins Mrs. Northcroft vil. Northcroft la
Adey Joseph, West mills
Adnams Frank Mason, Oxford street
Adey Miss, Eddvstone vil. Chesterfield rd |Adnams Mrs. Havenhurst, Howard road IAttewell -Arthur, 13 Craven road
AtteweU Charles, 12 Craven road
Adey Mrs. 4 Pyle Hill villas, Stroud green Aik ne Mrs. The Nook, Newtown road