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R E S ID E N T S .
[O x f o r d s h ir e .
Davies Rev. W. A ., B.D. Mansfield de-la-Mare Miss, 5 1 Holywell st. Oxfrd
Dixon Professor H. Sunrise v u
college, Oxford
de Leobardy Madame, 39 St. G ilesâ
unde r-Wyehwood, Oxford
Davies James Joseph, 168 D ivinity rd.
street, Oxford
Dixon Miss, 2 Calthorpe rd Ban},,,.
Cowley road, Oxford
Dell Miss, 14 St. Mark's road, HenleyDavis Rev. Edgar W illiam A .T .S .
Fernleigh, Oxford road, Banbury
De Mauley Lord D.L. Langford
Davis Rev. Francis Neville M.A. The
house, Little Faringdon, Lechlade ⢠s y s t A . â Rectory, Crowell, W allingford
(Gloâstersh.) ; & Brooksâs club, Dixon Mrs. Tom, Thistledown Lash
Davis Rev. John Thomas B.A. The
London S W'
brook, Shiplake, Henley-on-Tham»!
Manse, Tem ple Cowley, Oxford
Deneke Miss B.A. St. H ughâs college, Dixon Sydney S. y Davenant ⢠â
Davis A lfred, Woodside, The Mount,
17 Norham gardens, St. Gilesâ,Oxfrd
W olvercote, Oxford
Caversham , Reading
Denison Hon. Harold Albert J.P. Dixson Mrs. 13 Crick road, St Gilo,'
Davis A lfred Thomas, Castle lodge.
Harpsden close, Henley-on-Thames
Cornhill, Banbury
Denison Mrs. Hill house, Hill road, Dixson W alter H erbert M A 13 rv,.v
Davis Arthur, 104 Abingdon road,
W atlington, W allingford
Grandpont, Oxford
Denman James, Granm er cottage, Doble Charles E. y Moreton road
Davis Charles Edward, 231 Banbury
Dorchester, W allingford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Denman W illiam, Kenm ore, Priory Dobson Joseph, 76 Divinity road
Davis Charles Edward Bernard B.A.,
avenue, Caversham , Reading
Cowley road, Oxford
F .S .I. W roxton, Banbury
Denniston Mrs. 6 St. M argaretâs rd. Dobson Miss, 3 Northfield end, HenÂ
Davis Geo. 85 Abingdon rd. Oxford | St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Davis Henry William Carless M .A. Denton Fredk. 5 Fairview rd.Banbury
Dockray R.H.Stoke,Headington,Oxfrd
Balliol college, Oxford
! Denton George, 47 Thorncliffe road. Dodd Rev. Joseph Arthur M.A. RecÂ
Davis John, Shenington, Banbury
Sum m ertown, Oxford
tory, Ewelme, Wallingford
Davis John SI, M .A. Training college, Denton Henry James, 83 Kingston
Dodd C.CrowmarshGifford,Wallingfrd
C ulh am , Abingdon
I road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Chas. B. The Laurels, Bampton
Davis Miss, 116 Abingdon rd. Grand ! de Sales La Terrière Col. Fenwick
Dodd John Theodore M.A. 5.- St.
pont, Oxford
1 Bulm er J.P. Burford Priory, Burfrd
Gilesâ street, Oxford
.D avis Miss, Greys green, Rothérfield De Selincourt Basil, F ar End, KingDodd 'Miss Catherine I., M.A. CheiGreys, Henley-on-Thames
I ham. Chipping Norton
well hall, Cowley place, St. CleÂ
Davis Miss, 67 M iddleton rd. Grim s De Soyres Philip, Oxford road, BenÂ
m entâs, Oxford
bury, Banbury
son, W allingford
Mrs. The Mount,Goring,Readng
Davis Mrs. Bampton house, Bampton Despear Hugh, Yarnton, Oxford
Davis Mrs. 30 Bullingdon rd. Cowley De V ille John, Sum m aholm , St. A n  Dodd W .J.H .N orth Stoke,Wallingford
W illiam Charles, Little Stoke
St. John, Oxford
drewâs road, Henley-on-Thames
farm, Checkendon, Wallingford
Davis Mrs. 257 JfHey road, Oxford
De Villiers Paul, Ravenscourt, K id  Dodds Tom W illiam Mus.Doc. 198
Davis Mrs. Tackley house, Ohilswell
more road, Caversham, Reading
Iffley road, Oxford
road, Grandpont, Oxford
de Vine Mrs. 5 Moreton rd. Sum m er Dodds-Parker A rthur Percy M.A.,
Davis Richard C. 303 Woodstock rd.
town, Oxford
M.B. 2 Holywell street, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Dew Mrs. Market street, Woodstock
Davison George, W hite house, Harps- Dewar Maj. A rth ur W illiam J.P. Dodgson Major Heathfield Bntler
D .S.O ., J.P. (late R.G.A.), The
den, Henley-on-Thames
Hethe house, nr. Bicester
Cottage, Handborough
Davys Rev. Douglas Henrv, The* Rec Dewar Mrs. Cotmore house, FringDodson
A rth ur R. Overdale, Icknield
tory, Wheatfield, Tetsworth
ford, Bicester
W ay, Goring, Reading
Dawkins G. H ., J.P. W ilcote house, Dewe Wallace, Knollsleigh, Harpsden
Mrs. 206 Iffley road, Oxford
W ilcote, Charlbury
Heights, Rotherfield Peppard, HenÂ
Doherty Rev. William Vernon M.A.
Dawson A. T. 3 Dashwood ter.Banbrv
C hrist Church, Oxford
Dawson Nathaniel Holmes, 10 W est D exter Rev. Arth. J., M.A.M issionary
Dolbear Jn. 16 K in g Edward st.Oxford
street, Grim sbury, Banbury
college, Dorchester, Wallingford
Dolbeare Herbert, 34 St. Andrew's
D ay Charles, Begbroke, Oxford
de Z ulueta Francis M .A. New colÂ
road, Henley-on-Thames
Day Edward Ryman, The Limes,
lege, Oxford
Dolley Geo. 73 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Bodicote, Banbury
j Dicey Albert Venn M .A., K .C .. hon.
Day Mrs. 4 North st. Osnev, Oxford I D .C.L. 80 Banbury road, St. Gilesâ, Dailey Mrs. 22 Farndon road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Deacon James, 20 W arwick st.Oxford ; Oxford
Dean James, 9 Stanley road, Cowley ¡Dickens John Henry, 12 Hemes rd. Dolman Rev. G ., T .C ., B.A. St.
Johnâs, South bar, Banbury
St. John, Oxford
I Sum m ertown, Oxford
Dongan James Lockhart B.A. 20
Dean John, H umber house, Bloxham , Dickie Mrs. Piddington, Thame
Beech Croft rd. Summertown,Oxfrd
iDickins Guy M.A. 12 Holywell street,
Donkin D. Battle ho. Goring, Reading
Dean W alter, 10 Fairacres road, Iffley
Miss, 4 Warnborough road, St.
road, Oxford
Dickins Herbert, Bridge house, Hook
Giles'. Oxford
Deane Edward, H ailey, Priory avenne, ' Norton, Banbury
Manor ho. Shilton, Burford
Caversham , Reading
.Dickinson Colonel Edward. Eastfield
Dore Frank Ernest, Coldharbour,
Deane Frank, The Woodlands. K idÂ
house, W hitchurch, Reading
Crowm arsh Gifford, Wallingford
more road, Caversham , Reading
Dickson Francis Henry M.B. 37 HolyDore M rs. 195 Woodstock rd. SumDeane Miss, Lynbrook, Priest hill,
well street, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Caversham , Reading
Diddams Albert, 69 Banbury road,
Dormer Hon. Hubert Francis, The
Deane Miss, 210 Woodstock road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Old rectory, Goring, Reading
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Diggle Josèph Robert, 4 St. Michaelâs
Dormer Frederick William, Kidmore
Deane W illiam Henry, W est Thorpe,
mansions, Ship street, Oxford
road, Caversham, Reading
Benson, Wallingford
Dillon Viscount M .A., F .S .A . (Master
Deans Harold, JBelford lodge, Derby
of the Arm oury of the Tower of Dormer J. H.The Glen,Goring,Readng
J. M. 227 Iffley road, Oxford
road, Caversham, Reading
London), Ditchlev house, Enstone ;
Dear Edward, W est croft, Sonning
& Athenaeum, A rm y & N avy & Dorn John Goold, 20 Portland road,
Common, Reading
Marlborough clubs, London S W
Deare Mrs. The Chestnuts, Wheatley Dillon Rev. F. C. Ledwell house, Led- Dorn Mrs. 15 Parks rd.St.Gilesâ,Oxfrd
186 Iffley rd.Oxford
Dearie Frank, 30 Portland road,
well, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Dillon Arthur, Barton lodge, Steeple Dothie Mrs. E. Homedene, Western
road, Henley-on-Thames
Debenham Miss, Woodcote, Reading I Aston, Oxford
de Brisay Rev. Henry Delacour M.A. Dillon Mi<s L. The Cottage, Spels- Doubleday Richard Dixon, The Elms,
Temple Cowley, Oxford
11 Bradmore rd. St. Gilesâ , Oxford ! bury, Charlbury
de Cordes Lieut.-Col. Ernest Lucas, Dimmock Lieut.-Col. H. P., M.D D oughty W illiam , 68 Kingston road,
The Red house, Goring, Reading
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
j (I.M .S. retired), 109 Banbury road,
Douglas C. I. The Deanery, Bampton
de Coetlogan Mrs. 4 Farndon road, I St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Dines W illiam Henry F .R .S. Pyrton Douglas Claude Gordon B.Sc., B.M.,
de Coetlogon Mrs. 174 Banbury road,
M.A. St. Johnâs college, Oxford
hill, W allingford
Douglas Misses, 40 Chalfont road, S â¢
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Dingle Isaac S. 38 High st. W itney
Dee Edward Harry,Beechlands,Badge- IDix Miss S.L . Sibford Gower.Banbury
Gilesâ, Oxford
more, Henley-on-Thames
jD ixev Fredk. Augustus M .A.. D M., Douglas Mrs. Rose cottage, WhitÂ
Dee Mrs. 39 Northfield end, Henleychurch, Reading
F .R .S. 24 Museum road, Oxford
Dixon Arthur, 18 Lonsdale road, Douglas Mrs. 218 Woodstock roai,
Deeley Miss, Islip, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
I Sum m ertown, Oxford
de la Mare Eugene, 22 TTalton Well Dixon A. L ., M.A. Merton coll.Oxford Douglas-Hamilton Capt. Sydney 0 -â¢
Rgnld. The Grange, Ascott, Oxtora
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford