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B E R K S H IR E .
W O K IN G H A M .
Walker Lieut.-Col. John B. (late W alter Rev. Henry Major M .A. St. Wescott Thomas Manley, East Heath
villa, Finchampstead road
Paulâs rectory, Shute road
R A ), Eythorne, Murdoch road
W alker Mrs. K. Alverstoke,Eastham p Ward Ernest M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C .P. W estcott Wm. M ill ho. Reading rd
Mrs. Anderdon,Holme grange
Lond. Milton cottage, Milton road
stead road
Wallis Harold Tom M.A. Southlands. Watts Harold, Milton ho. Sturges rd Wilson Miss, 27 Milton road
Wilson Miss, 1 Silchester villa, LonÂ
West Henry M. Folly court
Southlands road
don road
Cullim ore W illiam Thomas, Dog & Duck P.H. Embrook
Culver & Son, builders, Corra Lorne, Sturges road
Early closing day, Wednesday, 1 p.m.
Darlow George, farmer, Woodâs farm, Eastham pstead rd
Dearlove Frank, plum ber & glazier, 24 Denmark street â
Adams Samuel Charles, decorator, 28 Barkham road
Allan Wm. M. V ., M .R .C .V .S. vet. surgeon, 9 Broad st Dearlove George J. baker, 8 Peach street
Douglas Charles, shopkeeper, East Heath lane
Arnold Richard, tobacconist, 30 Peach street
Ayres Frederick David, upholsterer, 31 Langborough rd Doupe W illiam Francis, customs & excise officer, Southwell, Sturges road
Ayres W alter Hy. White Horse P.H. Easthampstead Td
Douse Percy. Queenâs Head P.H. 23 The Terrace
Bacon Nellie Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, 27 Rose street
Dowsett Tom, Dukeâs Head inn, Langborough road
Baker, Powell & Co. brewers, 13 Broad street
Drake & Mount Lim ited, forage contractors, Oxford rd
Baker Charles, picture frame maker, 17 Market place
Ducrocq Lewis Charles, assistant borough treasurer.
Baker Laura (Miss), ladiesâ school, 35 Broad street
Town hall. M arket place
Barker Martha Maria (M rs.), Rising Sun P.H. 18
East Berks Gazette (Francis Staniland, proprietor ; p u bÂ
Oxford road
lished friday), 23 Peach street
Barnard John George Victor, Redan P.H. 24 Peach st
Barnes A rth ur Charles, hardware dealer, 13 Denmark st Edginton George, farmer, Ashridge wood
John, farmer, Matthew's Green farm, Emhrook
Barry Edward Stephenson, solicitor (firm. Cooke, Cooper
Elder John, jun. dairyman, 19 Wâescott road
& Barry), 33 Broad street
Beechey Charlotte (Miss), apartments, 25 Milton road Elliott Arnold, farmer. Rouseâs farm, Eastham pstead rd
Evans & Halsey, boot & shoe m akers, 2 Market place
Bell Alfred, cycle agent, 67 Peach street
Bell Ernest Alfd. insur. agt. Thanet Dene, Park avenue Evans & Son, saddlers, 19 Peach street
Farrow Kate (Miss), dress maker, 4 Seaford road
B nham John, fly proprietor, 61 Peach street
Fielder Joseph, cattle dir. Coakleigh, Finchampstead id
B e n n e tt Brothers, builders, East Heath avenue
â Bennett Ellen Elizabeth & Fanny (Misses), fancy Fielder Rose (Miss), greengrocer, 26 Peach street
A rthur John, Rifle Volunteer P.H. Reading road
drapers, 7 Market place
Bennett Em ily Ada (Mrs.) & Co. clothiers 10, & toy Fisher Frederick George, baker, 15 Denmark street
Ford Reginald, farm bailiff to. Mr. James G. Bullingdealers 12, Peach street
ham, Pike's farm
Berry & Painter, blacksmiths, 43 Peach street
Foy Charles, grocer, 37 Market place
Bigg & Gould, fishmongers, 40 Market place
Blake Moses, poorâs rate collector for Winnersh & B ark Franklin Charles Rawson, grocer, 36 Langborough road
ham & deputy registrar of births, deaths & marriages Frisby Joseph Lim ited, boot & shoe m akers, 27 M arket
place & 22 Peach street
for Wokingham sub-district, Westwood. Osborne road
Fry Augustine Cradock M .B., B .C ., M .R .C .S .E n g.,
Bodle William, draper, 10 & 24 Market place
L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, 31 Broad street
Bokfnhain Thomas Brandon M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C .P
Fulcher Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 25 London road
Lond.(firm, Ward & Bokenham), physician & surgeon
A rthur, apartm ents, Glendower, Crescent road
medical officer & public vaccinatorWokingham district,
medical officer to the Wâ orkhouse & certifying factory Funnell Mary (Mrs.), baker, London road
& Co. Lim ited, furniture repository, S ta Â
surgeon, 1 & 21 Broad street
tion road; also 4 & 6 Broad street; 11 Rose street &
Bosher Charles James, phonograph agent, 46 Denmark st
F ncliampstead road
Bosh:er William, farmer, Chapel Green farm
Gale Frank, cycle agent, 40 Peach street
Bowyer Henry, farmer, Ashridge farm
Joseph, farmer, Pearceâs farm, Eastham pstead rd
Bovton Walt. Edwd. W heatsheaf P.H. 14 & 15 Market pi
Gear Charles, Crooked Billet P.H. Gardnerâs green
B r a k s p e a r Wi ll iam H e n r y & S o n s Ltd. brewers, Giles Wallace Edward, sign writer, London road
maltsters, wine & spirit merchants & m inéral water Gladwin Albert W illiam, Roebuck P.H. 8 M arket place
manufacturers, 7 Peach street
Goddard Charles, superintendent of police & inspector
Brant George Ernest, photographer, 2 Denmark street
under â Contagious Diseases & Explosives A ct,â
Bromley H°nry H. clothier & boot dealer, 16 Market pi
Rectory road
yBrown & Sons, plumbers & decorators, 5 The Terrace
Golds Richard, hair dresser, 5 Peach street
Bullock Ernest A. ironmonger, 5 Market place
! Goodchild MarvAnn(Mrs.),aparts.Dromore,Wellington rd
Burrett George, Crispin P.H. 45 Denmark street
! Goodev W illiam , Wellington Arms P.H. 23 Denmark st
Butler Brothers, grocers, 29 Market place
Gorelv Harry, watch m aker, 28 Market place
Butler Alfred, greengrocer, Goodchild road
Goswell Albert, tailor, 13 Market place
Butler Lucy (Mrs. ), beer retailer, 58 Rose street
Gotelee William Joseph, stationer, depot for S .P .C .K .
Byard James Henry B.A. boysâ boarding schl.27 Broad st
6 Market place
Gould John George, fishmonger, see B ig g & Gould
Caiger Frederick, boot maker, 13 Peach street
Great Western Coal Co. (George Richard F rift, agent).
Capon John M. Hope & Anchor inn, Station road
Railway station
Chambers Mary (Miss), circulating library, 44 DenÂ
Griffith Harold Robinson, ironmonger. 42 Broad street
mark street
Griffith Leonard John, chem ist, 35 M arket place
Chambers William, baker, 4 Market place
Chappell Alice (Miss), shopkeeper & sub-postmistres% Griffiths Henry, tailor, 8 Easthampstead road
Hale Sarah Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, East Heath lane
Nine Mile ride
Chase Edgar James, motor car repairer, 40 Broad street Hall H. E. & Sons, land, house & estate agts. Station rd
Albert Edgar, collector of taxes, Station road
Child John, Crown P.H. 29 Peach street
Hall Henry Edgar, rate collector to the corporation &
Clarke & Co. furniture m anufacturers, Reading road
union, Station road
Cole Frederick, shopkeeper, Reading road
Cole George Tucker, fruit grower, Finchampstead road Hall Jesse Brewster, carpenter, 9 The Terrace
Halsey Frank, boot maker, see Evans & Halsey
Colebrook & Co. Lim ited, butchers, 33 Market place
Colgate George Herbert, marine store dealer, Rose Hand Henry, gym nastic instructor to W ixenford school.
The Elms, Gipsy lane
court & 3 Rose street
Collins Ayliffe James, collector to the Wokingham Dis Hann Reginald, collector to the guardians & relieving
officer South district & registrar of births, deaths &
trict Water Co. Lim ited, Finchampstead road
m arriages foT Wokingham sub-district & inspector
Collins Edmund W. & Co. brick & tile manufrs. Toutley
â Infant Life Protection A ct,â 6 Langborough road
Collis Jane (Mrs.), Rose hotel, 30 Market place
Convent of the French Sisters of the Presentation of the Harding Daniel Tom, beer retailer. Forest road
Blessed Virgin from Tours, young ladies' school, East Harper James, Bush hotel, 37 M arket place
Harrison Albert, pork butcher, 27 Peach street
hampstead road
Hatfield Fred M ontague, farm bailiff to L o rd BrayCooke, Cooper & Barry, solicitors, 33 Broad street
brooke. Old Warren farm
Cooper Henry, corn & fiour dealer, 82 & 84 Rose street
Albert, bead gardener to Col. F red eric k D u n can
Cooper James Hawkes, solicitor (firm, Cooke, Cooper &
Raikes, Bill hill
Barry), 33 Broad street
Charles, Two Poplars P.H. Finchampstead rd
Cope George, grocer, 12 M arket place
Cottrell, Simmon's & Butler, auctioneers, 28 Broad street Hawkins Ernest, upholsterer. Rose street _
Haye George (firm, Sargeant & Haye), solicitor & deputy
Cousins Arthur, fiS>hmonger, 15 Peach street
supt. registrar, 8 Shute End
Crocker W illiam Ch>s. Lionel, dairy, 88 & 90 Peach st