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B E R K S H IR E .
Surly Hall road, cleared at 6.30 a.m. & 1.45 & 7.20
p.m. ; S u n d a y s , 6.30 a.m
Town Sub-Post & M. 0 . Office, Clewer New Town.â
Miss Em m a Mazzey, sub-postmistress.
Letters reÂ
ceived through Windsor. Box cleared at 8.35 & 10.15
Public Elem entary Schools.
a.m. & 1.15, 3 20, 450, 5.50, 7.10 & 8 p.m. & 12 m idÂ
night ; Sundays, 5.50 p.m . & 12 m idnight. Clewer Clewer St. Andrews (m ixed), Clewer Green, rebuilt in
'Green is the nearest telegraph office
1813, for 245 children; average attendance, 213; it is
Post. M. 0 . & T. Office, Dedworth Green.â James
endowed with ¿7 0 9s. yearly from bequests by the
Turner, sub-postmaster.
Letters received through
Earl & Countess Harcourt & Sir J. Pulteney ; George
Windsor, cleared at 8.30 a m . & 1.20, 6.55 & 8.45
Shorter, master
p.m . ; Sundays, 8.30 a.m
St. Katharineâs (infants), built in 1861, for 128 childÂ
W all Letter Box, Clewer Hill, cleared 8.10 & 10.15 a m.
ren; average attendance, 80; Mrs. R. A. Taylor, m ist
& 3.15 & 8.50 p.m . ; S u n d a y s, 8.10 a.m
W all Letter Box, Clewer Village, cleared 8.35 a.m. & Infantsâ. Dedworth, for 80 children ; average attendance,
50; Miss Bridger, mistress
1-45 , 3 -3°* 4 5 °» 5 -5° & 7-25 P m ' & 12
; SunÂ
days, 5 40 p.m . & 12 midnight
Martin Major Jas. Evan B. Manor cot Hawkins Em m a (M rs.), beer retailer,
Dedworth green
Moss-Coclde Mrs. Clewer park
Hearn W illiam Henry, beer retailer,
Oppenheim Henry, Clewer Mead
Dedworth road
Erùrlonr-l.' Fpm
Leonardâs Hill
Bateson Surgeon-Lt.-Col. John Francis Ribbans Mrs. 2 Bexley villas, N ew rd Holland George, shopkpr. Clewer grn
Robinson John H. Fairfield. New rd Hollis Charles T. artist,The Forbury,
M.B. Bell farm , Clewer Hill
New road
Biddulph Victor M. Stansfield,New rd Robinson Miss, Anglesea villa
House of Mercy (The Mother Superior
Stilw ell Sydney, Edgworth house
Bridgman Mrs. The Laurels
& Sisters of St. John the Baptist)
Brinckman Col. Sir Theodore Francis Sutherland The Dowager Duchess,The
W illo w s; & 12 Hyde Park place. Ive George, beer ret. Dedworth green
bart. C.B. St. Leonards
Em m a (Mrs.), cab proprietor,
London W
Carpenter-Rowe Mrs. Clewer lodge
Hatch lane
Comm ins Christopher H. 3 Bexley Tiarks Rev. Lewis Hermann M.A.
Chas. boot m a.Clew er grn
(chaplain St Andrewâs ConvalesÂ
villas. New road
cent H o?pital),i Bexley vils.N ew rd Manley John, grocer, C le v e r green
Cowie Rev. A rthur Thomas Camsew
m a (Miss), shopkeeper,
Vanderbvl Wm. Alex. W hite Lilies
M.A. (rector), Rectory
___ Lawn
Post office
George Seignelay Vidler John Edm und,? The
M.A. (warden of the House of Waterman Mr.- 1 Prospect cottages Minty John, head gardener to Mrs.
! Moss-Cockle
Clewer bill
Mercy), St. Johnâs lodge
Watford Arthur, 6 Bexley vils.N ew rdlM orlev Wm . Jn. beer retlr.
Davis George S. Overdale
Morse Hannah (Mrs.), cowkeeper,
Durant Edward *Cecil, Clewer court Wigan A rthur Lawford, Forest park
Farr Rev. Charles Th.A .Iv.C. (curate Wigram Herbert, The Limes
Nicholls Thomas, Three Elms P.H.
of St. Andrewâs & priest in charge
Nock George Ernest, beer retailer,
of St. Aarnes, Spital), 2 Prospect
Clewer hill
cottages, Clewer hill
sweeper, Orchard Ernest Henry, beer retailer,
Fitzgerald Lady Dalton-, St.Leonardâs Allen
New Town
Clewer green
Ford Frederic W ilbraham Randle, Bampton Fredk. plum br. Clewer grn Paget William, The Swan P.H
Bolttler Harold A. Duke of Edin- Pottinger Charlotte (M rs.), farmer,
Dedworth green
burgh P.H
Foster Edm und Benson D .L ., J.P.
shopkeeper, Poynter Harry S. assistant collector
Borlase John James,
Clewer manor
of taxes, Park cottage, Clewer grn
Surly H all road
Foster Edmund Benson, jun. Manor
Bradley Charles E. prince Albert Poynter Samuel, collector of taxes,
Farm lic-use, Clewer hill
Park cottage, Clewer green
P.PI. Clewer green
Foster Rev. Gerald John M.A. (subBrickwood W illiam , W olf P.H. Ded St. Andrewâs Convalescent Hospital
warden), Wardenâs lodge
(W. B. Holdemess, med. officer;
Frail Charles, Mill house
Rev. G. J. Foster, sec. ; Rev. Lewis
Gooch Frederick Vivian, Sefton lawn, Carter George, grocer, Dedworth rd
Tiarks M .A. chaplain)
Clewer green
sor) Ltd. (Frank L. Ellen, sec.), St. Augustine's Home for Boys
Hardv Jeffrey Lancelot,St.Catherineâs
(Sister Etheldeda. in charge)
Hatch lane
Henderson Alexander P. Clewer hill
Henson Gerald F. The Herm itage, Davis George Sampson R .S.S . smith Scouse Charles, shopkeeper
Sheath Richard & W illiam , bakers,
& farrier, Alexandra works
Clewer green
Dedworth green
Hibburd Miss, Forest view,Clewer hill Dedworth Green Social Club (John
Smith Bros, florists, Clewer nurseries
Godliman, hon. sec)
Hollis Chas. T. The Forbury, New rd
Hughes Mrs.Hazelmere, Dedworth gm Forder Henry, gardener,Jutland lane, Sumner Chas. beer ret. Hatch lane
Sumner Jas. beer ret. Clewer green
Dedworth green
Jenkins Henry Campbell, Parkwell
F uller Benjam in, shopkeeper, & post Turner James, shopkeeper, & post
cottage, Clewer green
office, Dedworth road
office. Clewer green
Lloyd Thomas James
V idler
Edm und,
Macbean Misses, Findon villa, Village Green W illiam & Sons, builders
Homerâs farm
Maclean Major D. F. D. St.Leonardâs Gulliver Thomas, shoe ma. Hatch la
W elÂ
Hammond Robert A rthur, carpenter,
Dale cottage
lington terrace
Dedworth road
Manning John, 5 Bexley villas,New rd
C O L D A S H is a parish, formed for ecclesiastical pur 1865. The living was declared a vicarage, January 21st,
poses 12 Sept. 1865, out of the civil parish of Thatcham, 1868, net yearly value ¿150 , w ith residence and 2 acres
and for civil purposes Sept. 1894, and includes Ashmore of glebe, in the gift of the vicar of Thatcham , and
Green, part of Long lane, Henwick, and Shaw Fields : it held since 1873 by the Rev. W alter Sm ith Grindle
â occupies elevated ground about 2 miles west from Theol.Assoc.K.C.L. and surrogate. There are Prim itive
Thatcham station on the G reat Western railway, 4 west Methodist and Baptist chapels. Here is also a cottage
from Newbury and 15 south-west from Reading, in the hospital for children. St. Mary's Church of England
Southern division of the county, hundred of Reading, Home for G irls, under the direction of the Church of
petty sessional division, union and county court district England Central Society, for providing homes for waifs
of Newbury, and in the rural deanery of Newbury, arch and strays, was opened by the Lord Bishop of Oxford
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church as patron, May 29th, 1886, and has been certified as an
of St. Mark, erected in 1864, is a structure of brick, industrial school for 34 girls and is supported by volunÂ
consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western tary contributions: the home is managed by a comÂ
turret containing 2 bells : in the chancel is a memorial mittee consisting of gentlemen and ladies of the neighÂ
window to the Rev. W. M. Piclcthall, a former vicar, bourhood and has been largely extended, including a
and his daughter, erected by his widow and the new chapel, dedicated by the Lord Bishop of Oxford,
the reredcs was erected in 1890 by the Dec. 8th, 1906. L. H. Baxendale esq. J.P. of Greenpresent vicar, to the memory of his father, and the ham Lodge, Newbury, and W. A. Mount esq. of
chancel screen in 1892 to the memory of his two sisters : Wasing, are the principal landowners. The area is
in 1889 two memorial windows were placed to the late 1,928 acres; rateable value, ¿ 3 ,9 6 1; the population in
W. P. Padmore esq. by his widow: in 1894 the chancel 7901 was 1,804, including 32 in St. Maryâs G irlsâ
was adorned with fine m ural paintings as a memorial to Industrial School and 25 in the Childrenâs Cottage
Mr. and Mrs.Padmore, at the
cost of their daughter: Hospital.
and in 1897 a new organ was erected at
a cost of ¿200:
there are 225 sittings. The register dates from the year
Sexton, Edward Buckle.