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B E R K S H I R E .]
Bond Albert, Burghfield, Reading
iFunnell Mrs. Mary, London road, Martin Jas. 43 Edward st. Abingdon
Bradfield W. k Son.Marcbam, Abingdn
Matthews Mrs. W. G . North town,
Bradley Mrs. Sarah & Son, n St. Gibbens Jsph. 210 Ock st. Abingdon
Maidenhead â¢
Leonardâs road, Windsor
Gibbons Joseph, Post office, Little- Meaby H. 104 Queenâs road, Reading
Brangwin John Arthur, Stud green,
wick green, Maidenhead
Meeten Ernest, Binfield, Bracknell
Holyport, Maidenhead
G ilbert S. H. K in tburv, Hungerford Miles A lbert, 100 Ock st. Abingdon
Bright Mrs. E. 64 Bedford rd.Reading Giles James L. 3 Cheap st. Newbury Minns Hy. Wootton (Berks), Oxford
Briginshaw Miss E m ily, Cook ham
¡Gironimo Henry Lorenzo, 78 High Mitchell James, High street, Twyford
BrittainMrs.Mary Ann,Great Sheliord, j
street. Maidenhead
Morris Charles Wm. Sm ithâs buildings,
(Godfrey Fras. W atchfield, Shrivenhm
Stroud green, Newbury
Bromley A. A . 35 Bridge st.Maidenhd 1Goodley J. J. 10 Ock street, Abingdon Napper Fdk. J. Long bill, Bracknell
Bromley J. G. Three Mile Cross, R dng'G reen James, Longworth, Faringdon Neale A. .T. 8 Mount Pleasant,Readng
Brooks Bernard Jas.Thatcham,Nwbry ¡Grey J. H. 108 Bartholomew s t.N e w b r y New W
illiam Charles, Southend,
Brown George, Eastbury, Lambourn Grice Donald, 77 Victoria st. Windsor j Bradfield, Reading
Brown William, 71 Weldale st.Readng j Griffiths J. Aston Tirrold, Wallingfrd Newell Fredk. Furze platt, Maidenhd
Buckel C. East Hagbourne, Didcot
Hallworth P. Paley st. Maidenhead ¡Newman Jn.131 Grenfell rd.Maidenhd
Bullock Fredk. W. Owlsmoor.Cambrly 1Hamblin Brice, Great Shefford, Lam- Norman Jn. Hy, Burghfield, Reading
Bullock George E.^ High street. Ascot
: Nutley Thomas, W estborough road,
Bullock George Stibbs. Riseley com- Hammond W illiam , Shrivenham
j Boyne Hill, Maidenhead
mon, Swallowfield, Reading
Hardie John, 73 Oxford road, Reading j Ogilwy & Son, 54 Oxford rd. Windsor
Bullock Sami. Henry, W histley green, j Harman Henry, Newbury st. Wantage (Oliver William Henry, 112 Peascod st.
Hurst, Twyford
:Harper Tom, 15 M arket pi. Abingdon
Burgess George Frederick, School j H arris A rth ur, 102 Broad st. Reading Packer W m .J .10 & 12 W h itley st.Rdng
green, bhinfield, Reading^
Harris F. J. 80 Brighton rd. R ead in g, Palmer F. 1 Wescott rd. Wokingham
Butler Jn. G. Bnghtw ell, W allingford Harris Geo. Barkham, Wokingham
Palmer G. F. 28 Stert street k 9
Oaley Frederick, 6 & 7 Greenham ;Harris Wm . Jas. High st. H ungerfrd. Market place, Abingdon
place, Oxford road, Windsor
| Gasker Wm. 7 London road, Reading Payne W. J. Cox Grn. Maidenhead
Camden M rs.Em dy, Marcham,Abngdn IHearman F. Post off. Grove, Wantage Pearce M. The Rise, Sunningdale.Ascfc
â Castell Rt. 43 6^45 Sheet st. Windsor Hearman G. W. 95 Queen st.Maidenhd Perry Alfred John, High st. Bracknell
Ohalker J.
. S. Hurst, Twyford
Hedges Geo.60 K in g st. Maidenhead Phelps George, Bridge st.Hungerford
â¢Chambers W 4 Market pi. Wokinghm |Hedges Henry Richard, Buckland, Pigg Geo. A. 3 Broad st. Wokingham
Chapman John. Burnt hill, Bradfield,
Faringdon '
Piggott Joseph, Wallingford street,
Herman Walter, Hampstead N o rris,! Wantage
â Charlton Kenham, High st. Ascot
iPinnell John, Station road, Bracknell
Chivers George, Pembroke rd.Newbry Hewitt J. N. k Co. Spital, Windsor
,Pinnell W alter, Childrey, W antage
Church Henrv F. 132 Friar st.Reading j Hicks Mrs. M. Gloucester st.Faringdn j Pinnock Robert, London road, Ascot
Clarke William James, Cholsey
Hicks Walter George & Son, 136 ¡Piper W illie John, Shaw rd. Newbury
Clements Mrs. Powell, Spencerâs wd.
Wantage road, Reading
â j Pocock F. W. Englefield, Reading
Higgins A. H. 14 Wood st.W allingfrd I Pocock H. J. East Garston, Lam bourn
( hnch Arthur, 12 Bexley street & 14 Higgins W illiam, Post office, 123 Pound Robt, Ashbury Shrivenham
- - - - Shrivenham
^Helena road, Windsor
Powney road. Maidenhead
~Pound- Robert,
Collins R. W. Mill street, Wantage Holderuess k Son, 100 Peascod street. Povey John, Stanley road, Newbury
Cook Fredk. G. 19 H igh st. Maidenhd j Windsor
Povey Sidney, 409 Oxford rd. Reading
Cooke Jas. R. 70 E lgar rd. Reading Hopkins Sam l.Chavev Down,Bracknell Prismall k Co Chievelev, Beedon k
Cooper E. M. 3 King's rd. Windsor
Huggins P. 38 k 40 Crown st. Readng
Brightwalfcham, Newbury
Cooper Mrs. Florence Martha, East Hughes W. 103 Northbrook st.Newbry Pryor J. E. North Hagbourne, Diclcot
Hanney, Wantage
Ireland G.58 St.Leonardâs rd.WindsoV Pullen Richard, Marcham, Abingdon
Cox David, Longworth. Faringdon
Ivev Joseph, 6 Lombard st.Abingdon Pyke H arry H. Chilton, Steventon
â¢Cox James, Touchen End,Maidenhead James John.
â Harwell,
--> -------------Randall H arry E. Cookham
cripps John, 21 Whitley st. Reading ¡Jennings W illiam , 60 k 62 A m ity rd. ¡Reading Industrial Co-operative SoCruse Francis E. Thatcham, Newbury. Reading
| ciety Ltd. Grovelands rd. Reading
UarvaJi Jsph. J. 32^Coley st. Reading¡Jessett k Hunt, Charnham s tre e t,! Reeves Jn. 79 Low. Thorn st, Reading
Darvill Frank C. Drayton, Abingdon! Hnngerford
Robinson Robert George, Sarum ho.
Darvill G. H. 27 Market st. Maidenhd Jessett Frederick, Post office, EddingEnborne road, Newbury
Dawson Charles Thomas, 551 Oxford : ton, Hungerford
Rodwell Arthur, High street, CrowÂ
road, Reading
¡Johnson A. 99 Elm Park rd. Reading
thorne, Wellington College Station
Headman William, Cookham Dean, ; Johnson J. 25 & 26 Cheap st. Newbury Rogers Chas. iq Cheap st. Newbury
Cnokham Rise
j Jones Thomas Morgan, 21 Wokingham Rogers Lewis R. Binfield, Bracknell
Dean & Burfcwell, Finchampstead, i road, Reading
Rosier John, Thatcham, Newbury
_ Wokingham
Keat Mrs. E. Harwell, Steventon
Rowe Misses Caroline & Beatrice, 107
JJearlove G. J. 8 Peach st. Wokinghm ¡Keep Fredk. Chas.Broadwav, Newbury
Southampton street, Reading
Benney W. J. 86 Peascod st. Windsor IKent Frederick Thomas. York Town Ruffell Hy. 38 Bridge rd. Maidenhead
J. East
râ_ 7
, , Hendred,
. _ .......... Steventon i¡
------ Sandhurst, A
ttili..en try
0 Sainsburv
4 1 H S U U 1-V v C.
. . vr.
G. jxusseu
Russell ra.
rd. xxewnurv
Mx James, South Moreton,Wallmgfrd ¡Kent Wm. F. Sandhurst. Camberlev Salter
Harry Hooper, 6 13 Oxford
Donnelly G-eorg e, High street. Crow- Kington Wm. E. Compton, N ew bury¡ road,
D o w ? e l\ F nfd w Cà leBew -taà ÃOn !rK i,à y ? ⢠^ H est
s Ã-Abngdn Seward Chas. Hy. Tilehurst, Reading
Dudley J â apr dS05 -,lF,5 dS?r
153 St. Leonardâs rd. Seward Samuel, 36 Cheap st.N ew burt
1W S
t in
f â Hill. Henley
Shaw Sidney. Botley. Oxford
v i 1 7- 4
Wokingham rd. Reading Laird A. C. J. London rd. Bracknell Sheath ~Richard
- ft
- W illiam , Dedworth
B ln M d . Bracknell Laishley Arthur, Warfield. Bracknell
green, Windsor
.arley William, 133 Orts road,Readng ¡Lawrence William Charles, Letcombe Shepherd Geo. Wm. Chievelev,Newbrv
jmIÃ? y 0â¢>B°neWittenham, Abingdn; Regis, Wantage
Shepherd Mrs. Kate, 62 Addington
Edwards E. 10 Oxford st. Newbüry ¡Layley Chas.
Beenham. Reading
road, Reading
Edwards J o h n ,Church ..
. â
Sidney C.23 George st.Reading Skinner James Christopher. Post
Enabling E. High street, Lambou
Ceggatt James, Sunningdale, Ascot
office. W hite W altham . Maidenhead
Erans Geo. 65 Addison rd. Reading I Leonard J. _
& Son, Queen's rd.Newbry Sly field Mrs.David, Binfield, Bracknell
, _arr
|Lester k& Son,
Son, 21
21 High
High st.
st. Wâindsor
Fi hw,.A.rth.
P t57
' Bridge St. Maidenhead jLester
Smith Mrs. A. H. 35 Mount Pleasant,
F K W a u j t l *>â fie ld â Abingdon Loader Wm. 20 Oxford rd.Wokinghm
at l
â 101Barth<Jiomew Long Edgar, East Hannev, Wantage
Sm ith M rs.Fanny,m H igh st.Wallingfd
F is h e r p p .
Lon^ Fdk- Geo- East IlsleL Newbury Sm ith A. E. Harwell, Steventon
FlixfoDa Vm 1 E ®nmark st.Woknghm ¡Lovegrove Frederick, 108 Southamp- Sm ith Jas. 19 London rd. Newbury
F «»
⢠London st.Faringdon
ton street, Reading
Smith Josiah, Post office, LeckhampD KfaniT) T 5 eu eâ Reading
Lowe William, Post office, Burchetts
stead. W antage
Fowl 6r â
Koot. Binfield rd. Bracknell
green. Maidenhead
Frv J;
[Sm ith W. H. Lovel road, Cranbourne,
v- 4.1 tt ,
Marchant William k Francis, 86 & 88 Spanswick Edward H. Woodlands,
Fn»lKrn 1.
?,rth Nagbourne, Didcot | Castle street. Reading
FuilMn g f
6S â o 2St' Re,adinS i Marl<s Mrs. Caroline, Bray,
Maidenbd Spar veil & Co. Sunninghill, Ascot
King m
l t raVe?
a T d i - 23 Marks W alter T. Winkfield, Bracknell Sparvell Hy. Herbt. Theale, ReadinoF ,
. 2°9 L ?nd<>n rd. Reading I Marshall H. J^ N o rth b ro o k st.Newbry Spindler & Sons, 60 High st,Maidenhd
' F
asâ Shnvenbam
¡Martin George, Milton. Steventon
Stevens George, High st. Hungerford
1Martin H.T. 27 Denmark st.Woknghm Street A rth u r E ^ F o x h ill rd.Reading