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B E R K S H IR E .
East street, founded in 1863, for 640 children ; average
attendance, 250 boys, 201 girls & 197 in fants; John
Absolum , m aster; Miss A. G arratt, girlsâ m istress;
Miss H. Joad, infantsâ mistress
Gordon road (boysâ), opened April, 1907, to accommodate
300; average attendance, 224; E. A. Bell, master
Gordon road (girlsâ), to accommodate 300; average
attendance, 181; Miss B. Pentlo, mistress
K in g street (infantsâ), to accommodate 292; average
attendance, 120; Miss K. Dennison, mistress
St Paul s (infantsâ), A lbert street, founded 1872, for
100 children ; average attendance, 56; Miss E. L.
Feakes, mistress
Catholic (m ixed & infants), founded 1875, in Bridge
street & rebuilt, in 1892. in Cookham road, for 216
ch ild ren ; average attendance,' 95 boys & girls & 82
in fa n ts; Miss Jane Dearn, m istress; Miss Annie
Byron, infantsâ mistress
e l l y âs
W. Railway Station, K ing street, A rthur Denson, staÂ
tion m aster & goods a g e n t; goods station, G renfell
road, Jeayes, Kasner & Co. 84 K ing street, cartage
agents; Radbourne & Son, 102 Queen street, parcel
G. W. Railway Road Motor Service, cars run from
Maidenhead station to Hurley (via Maidenhead
Littlew ick Green &
Tem ple Golf Club) daily, including sunday, carrying
passengers & go od s; special cars also leave MaidenÂ
head station on each week day for Taplow station
(via the High street), returning from Taplow staÂ
tion direct to Maidenhead Thicket
Sutton & C o.âs Parcel Office, George Edwin Beckett,
agent. 49 Bridge street
Globe Express Lim ited, James Bosher, agent, 19 Park st
Londonâ N. Webb & Co. from 12 Bridge road, mon.
& thurs. at 3, for Bell inn, W est Sm ithfield ; returnÂ
Maidenhead Advertiser, 80 & 82 Queen stre e t; Baylis &
ing tues. & fri. at 12 noon, calling at the â K in g of
Co. publishers & proprietors ; published wed
Denmark â office, Old Bailey
Chronicle, 5 Station approach; The j Readingâ Mrs. Ann Em m ettâ from North town, tues.
Chronicle Co. Lim ited, of Reading, publishers & proÂ
thurs. & sat. ; returning same days
prietors ; published wed
Cookhamâ George Edwin Beckett, from 49 Bridge st.
Boord Mrs. Wilbury, R ay Park road
Bourke Walter L. 116 Grenfell road
Absolum John, 36 College avenue
Bowles Miss, 31 St. Lukeâs road
Adams Mrs. 4 Whitehall, Ray Park aven
Bowra Frederick Addenbrooke Ormiston,
Adams Walter, Stanley ho. Keble road
.ââtip, hill
38 ,Castle
a" Boâ 11 C°>Charles Gervaise
Battlemead, Maidenhead court
Anderson David John L. Lavender
Boy an Thomas Joseph, 32 Bath road
lodge, Maidenhead court
Boyce Albert Edwd. 6 La burn ham road
Andrew's Henry, 43 Laburnham road
Brandauer Frederick, Horton grange, Ray
Andrews Mrs. 17 St. Lukeâs road
Mead road
Apthorp Mrs. Ray court, Maidenhead ct
Brayshev Miss, 10 St. Markâs road
\rmitage Mrs. 27 Boyne Hill avenue
, Brewer Mrs. Villa
vma unaries
v u?
Charles, n
Lea road
lands°nRaJ p aT Hiramâ The n^b-.Briginshaw' William. 30 Castle' hill
A r S â⢠! « aTen^Ue r â
Bri*ten Mra- 4 The Crescent
C° ttage' RV , Bromley Mrs. 1 St. Luke's road
Arnold Wonr 4 v - i ,1
' Brooke Arden, 1 Craufurd vils.Kidwells pk
Chisman Herbert F. A. b . a . cantab. 19 St.
Lukeâs road
Clark Fisher, 23 St. Lukeâs road
Clinton Miss, Bella vista. Maidenhead crt
Cochrane Mrs. Bridgeside, Bridge road
Cohen Nathaniel, Summerliolme, Fishery
Collins Jasper, 31 Norfolk road
Connell Leonard S. Widbrook, .MaidenÂ
head court
Conolly Henry Gambier. 34 Cookham road
Cooper Hy. Brocket, 15 Boyne Hill aven
Cope Mrs. 1 Kidwellâs park
Cotter Thomas Edwd. 122 Grenfell road
Cowey Misses, 48 Norfolk road
Cox Walter Scott Piercy, Harrow lane,
Furze platt
Edwin, 1 The Crescent
A r n o ld l 3
^ h lm r o ^
Robert-Crâ fnld
Coyne Jsph. Heathfield, Maidenhead thekt
" ' B College avenue
Brookes M rTv 4 Bridge road
Craufurd Mrs. Staverton lo. Bra}' Wick rd
t iw
⢠y ' A" S T â
C F.
Brooking Mrs. Arthur, Colchester lodge, Cree Herbt. Edwd. Upton lo. Castle hill
Jrsâ ;4mberley
cottage.! Maidenhead court
Crofton Henry Thomas, Oldfield, RiverÂ
Atrill Wm CT <RUIK i is r ii
Brown Horace, 2 Boyne Hill avenue
rk .
r âCl J College avenue Buchanan Leslie, Heathwood,Furze platt Cronyn Grattan Robert, 11 Marlow road
Bagot-Chester Col. Heneage, Zetland |Buekmaster Mrs. 12 Ray Park avemrn
Crowhurst Ernest William, St. Andrews,
Furze platt
rA T T r
" S T
Budgen John Shirley, Castle hill
B u S r s . Redwood, Bath road
Currie Miss, 21 Boyne Hill avenue
Baker Wilfred, 42 Labumham road
Bullock George Sidney, Castlenau, Bray Curtain Rev. Patrick, 36 Cookham road
Ballingall Mrs. Killamey, Furze platt
W ick road
Curtis Francis, The Boyne, Boyndon road
Barker Henry Gratton, The Pagoda, Burls Mrs. Tyne cottage, Furze platt
Cusack-Smith Sir(Thos.) Berry k . c . m .o .,
R ay Mill road
Burn Airs. Hanvarden, Linden avenue,
J.p. Redlands, Maidenhead court
Barley James, 15 St. Lukeâs road
Furze platt
Barrett Miss, Elmside, Maidenhead court BurnetFassett C. Raymead ho. Ray Mill rd Cutforth Samuel, 2 Craufurd villas,
Kidwellâs park
Bartlett Edward Cecil, 30 Cookham road Burnett Misses, 49 Norfolk road
Dalgliesh Rev. Geo.Christphr. 12College av
Basset D. 2 West road
Burnham James, 3 Craufurd rise
Hy. Jsph. 82 All Saintsâ avenue
Basset William S. 112 Grenfell road
Burrows James Walter, Elm house, Davey Mrs. San Toy, Bath road
Bates Edward, Gablethorpe, Furze platt
Cookham road
Batteock George Arthur, Ambler house, Burrows James Walter, 15 College avenue Davie W. Galsworthy, The Croft. Furze
Gringor hill
Butcher James, Tappenden,9 The Terrace, Davies Harry Edwd. Dordon, Furze platt
Batten Levi, Lydenburg, Bath road
Castle hill
Mrs. 52 Bath road
Gerald y-,
Furze platt
v ri
, *â
je u n e t iMrs.
u is . o
n iBath
> a i u lroad
Davis Arth. Wm. Lyndhurst, Furze platt
B ayta Henry M ward. 13 Ray Park aven Butler Mr9. Bradforf Iod R
ParU rd Davy Clifton, Trevenna, Furze platt
Heal Ernest,
K rnesr. 21
z l St.
St. Lukeâs
I.nkpâ a road
r, ,,
i \
Butler Mrs, 50 Cookham road
Davy Mrs. 72 St. Markâs road
Beatty Mrs. Gulistan, Harrow la.Furze pit Campbell Dykes Thomas, 120 Grenfell rd Dawson William, Elmcroft, Bath road
Beckett Mrs. 3 The Terrace, Castle hill
Cantrell Hv. Jas. St. Margaretâs, Keble rd DawsonrPhilpot Charles, 8 The Crescent
Bell Capt. Chas. r . n . 9 The Crescent
Carl ess George P. Creden hill, Belmont Dean Herbt. 8 The Terrace, Castle hill
Bendall Alfred J. Braewood lodge, Bath rd
Park avenue
Dearn Miss, 43 Norfolk road
Berger Mrs. Elm grove, Castle hill
Carpenter Edward Arthur, Dorothyâs de Courcy Hamilton Hy. 159 Grenfell road
Bidmead David, 11 Boyne Hill avenue
Bungalow, Fishery road
De Frece Walter, The Homestead,
Biedermann Mrs. Tatton ho. Ray Park av Carr Lawrence Statter, 161 Grenfell road
Chauntry road
Bioletti Mrs. 26 High Town road
Carter Charles S. 4 Craufurd villas, de Lissa Emile, The Lodge, Maidenhead ct
Blake Capt. Ayton James, Rosetta,
Kid wells park
de Rendon Eduardo Bolio, The Beehive,
R ay Lea road
Carter Walter R. 24 Castle hill
Avenue road
Blanc Madam, St. Annes, Ray Park aven Cary-Malins Miss, Riverside, Maiden Domville Major Beauchamp
Bloor Herbt. Thomas, 10 Chauntry road
head court
Santrv, Heywood cottage, R ay Park av
Blowfield William J. 22 Castle hill
Cave Harold Watkins, Heath lodge, Drage Major Francis Binyoun, Oaklands,
Bluett-Duff Francis Ernest,Seaforth lodge,
Maidenhead Thicket
Castle hill
R ay Park avenue
Challis Albt. Jn. Taylor, 7 St. Lukeâs road Dring Mrs. Riverholm, Maidenhead court
Blumfield Frederick, 4 Marlow road
Chamberlain Charles T. 51 Norfolk road Du Cros Harvey, Longwood. Bridge road
Blundell Miss, Westmorland
house, Chambers Miss, 57 Ray Park avenue
Dugdale John A. Hampdens Oak,
Westmorland roadâ*'
Chapman Oliver, 5 Laburnham road
Maidenhead court
Blundell Mrs. Rosedale, R ay Park road Charlton Miss, 17 All Saintsâ avenue
Duke Rev. Barter Alex. m . a . [assistant
Boddy Mrs. 32 College avenue
Charman John Saunders, 33 High Town rd
curate St. Lukeâs], The Glade, Furze
Bonberrv Alfred Edward, 41 Queen street Charman Oliver, Windermere, Furze platt
Bend Frederick, 67 Ray Park avenue
Chattorton Frederick, 5 Cookham road
Dulake Alfred John, 1 St. Markâs road