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B E R K S H IR E .


The W orkhouse, a stone building in Union street, will Prim itive Methodist, Coxwell street, Rev. John Graham
hold 450 in m a te s; Ernest E. Haines, m a ste r; Mrs.
(supt.) & Rev. Albert Pearson; 10.30 a.m . & 6 p.m . Goswell, m atron ; Rev. Edward Thorp B .A . chap­
tues. 7 p.m
lain ; David Gerald Kennard, medical officer
Wesleyan, Gloucester street (Bath road, Swindon cir­
cuit) (supplies); to . 30 a.m . & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Superintendent R egistrar, Alan George Haines, London
Church of England Mission Room, Coxwell street ;
street, F arin gd on ; deputy, Ernest Edward Haines
eetings held here during the week
R egistrars of Births & Deaths, Faringdon & Buckland
districts, DAvid L. Stevenson, Marlborough street;
deputy, Tom H erbert Burge, London street, Faring­
don ; Shrivenham sub-district, W illiam Henry Tope, Stanford road (boys), erected in 1825, for 178 children;
average attendance, 86; John M. W right, master
L o n g c o t; deputy, H. C. E. Olliver, Shrivenham
London road (girls), erected in 1833, for 164 children;
Registrar of M arriages, Henry Williams, Leamington
average attendance, 80; Miss Shiletto, m istress
villa, F aringdon; deputy, Tom Herbert Burge, Lon­ Station road (infants), erected about 1856, for 154
don street, Faringdon
ch ild ren ; average attendance, 70; Miss CharlotteW'right, mistress
The above named three schools are under the control of
Collector of K in g ’s Taxes for Faringdon & Little C o x­
six m anagers; Rev. John Edward Cowell M.A. Th&
well, Edward Belcher, London street
Vicarage, correspondent
C lerk to Comm issioners of Taxes, Alan George Haines, Lechlade road (m ixed), erected in 1872, for 177 chil­
London street
dren ; average attendance, 152; Henry Proctor,,
C lerk to the L igh tin g Inspectors, Edward Percy Crowdy,
m a ste r, Mrs. Proctor, mistress
M arket place
This school is controlled by six m an agers; W. C. F.
Clerk to Un ton’s Charity Trustees, Eaden Caddy,
Anderson M .A. 28 The Forbury, Reading, corre­
Gloucester street
Inland Revenue Officer, G. W hite, M arket place
School Attendance Officer for Faringdon D istrict, A rchi­
Collector of Rates, Eaden Caddy, Gloucester street
bald G. Herrington, Gloucester street
Superintendent of Police, Inspector under the “ E x ­
plosives A ct,’’ the “ Contagious Diseases (Animals) Newspaper.— Faringdon Advertiser & Vale of WhiteA c t ” & “ Food & Drugs A ct,” Joseph Maunders, Police
Horse Gazette, London street, C. Luker & Co. pub­
station, Coach lane
lishers ; published Saturday
Steward of the Manor of Great Faringdon, E. C. ElRailway Station, H. W. Tidbury, station master
well, Highworth
Town C rier, W illiam Hughes, Gloucester street
C A RRIERS t o :
P L A C E S OF W ORSHIP, w ith tim es of Services.
All Saints’ Church, Rev. John Edward Cowell M.A.
v ica r; Rev. George A rthur Purser, cu rate; 11 a.m. &
p.m . ; -wed. 7.30 p.m. ; saints’ days, 12
Baptist, Block Green square, Rev. Matthew M illar M .A. ;
a m - & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Baptist (Strict), Block green ; supplies, 10.30 a.m. &
2 p.m . (winter) & 2.30 p.m . (sum m er) & 6 p .m .;
wed. 6 p.m
Congregational, Marlborough street, Rev. Robert D obbie;
11 a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; wed. 7 p.m
Friends’ Meeting House, Lechlade rd. •, services oc­

Anns Miss, Ivy house, London street
Anns Misses, Camden house
Beasley H arry Thos. Gloucester st
Belcher Edward, London street
Bennett Miss, Sudbury ho. London st
Bennitt Col. W ard J.P. Faringdon ho
Bowen Jas. Ernest Godfrey,Bank ho
B utler A ugustus Edwd. Gloucester st
B utler Miss, London road
Cadel Mrs. London street
C arter Mrs. Marlborough street
Cham berlain Edward Jas. W est lodge
Cham berlain George, W’estbrook villas
Clack Mrs. London street
Cobden H arry Thos. Gloucester st
Corbett Miss. Sudbury ho.London st
Cowell Rev. Jn. Edwd. M.A. Vicarage
Crowdy E. Percy, The Grove
Dobbie Rev. Robert (Congregational),
The Manse. Marlborough street
Dundas Mrs. The Elms
Eccles John Gilbert Louis, Pidnell ho
Edwards Mrs. Wicklesham house
E m ery Mrs. Hill side
Goddard John, Westbrook villas
Goddard Jonathan, Gloucester street
Goddard Miss, Tollington house

Abingdon— 'Brown, mon. & fri. from iiis house, G ravel
walk, calling at Littlew orth, Buckland, Longworth,
Kingston Bagpuze, Frilford & Marcham
Highworth— John Ely, tues. from ‘ Red L io n ’
Longworth— Batts, tues. & fri. from ‘ Red Lion ’
Oxford— Boucher, wed. & sat. from his house, London,
street, calling at Littlew orth, Buckland, Pusey, Hin­
ton. Longworth, Southmoor, Kingston Bagpuze, F y field, Tubney & Besselsleigh
Stanford-in-the-Vale— House, tues. ‘ Red Lion ’ ; k
Brown, sat. from his house, G ravel walk
Wantage— 'Brown, sat. from his house, G ravel walk,
calling at Shellingford, Challow station & East C h allow

Graham Rev. John (Prim itive Metho­
dist), The1 Lim es
Habgood Misses, Sunnvside
Habgood Mrs. Marlborough house
Haines Alan Geo. M.A. Hill Side ho
Haines Ernst. Edwd.The Workhouse
Haines Miss, London street
Heavens Edward, Astley house
Howse Miss, Marlborough street
Jackson Frank R. M arket place
James Mrs. Richmond house
Jervis Mrs Haremore house
Kennard David Gerald, Glo’ster ho
Kent Miss, Marlborough street
Lane Frank, Fairfield, Coxwell road
Liddiard George J.P. Market place
Liddiard George Ernest, Romney ho
Lockwood John Parker J.P. Bromsgrove house
Long Mrs. The Firs
Lord Wm. Jas. Eastfield, Church st
Loveridge Miss, Gloucester street
Luker Charles, London street
Mantell Miss, Marlborough street
Martin Mrs. Gloucester street
Matthews Miss, Beaumont place
Miller Rev. M atthew M.A. (Baptist),
Bromsgrove place


E arly closing day, Thursday.
Abel Brothers, watch makers, Market place
Absalom W alter, draper, Station road
Allnutt A rth ur Edw ard, Folly inn, London street
Anns Lionel John, m otor engineer, M arket place
Anns Thom as W illiam , ironmonger, London street
Apps H enry, beer retailer, Market place
Archer D avid, pianoforte tuner, London street
Austin A rth ur, carpenter, Bromsgrove place
Aveling E liza Em m a (Mrs.), dress maker, Union street
Ayers Simeon, insurance agent, Coxwell street
Bailey Jn. fellm onger & parchment ma. Bromsgrove pi
Ballard & Son, "blacksmiths k wheelwrights, Coxwell st

Noad Mrs. Gravel walk
Parker Jas. Hv. Mill ho.Stanford rd
Pearce W illiam , Beaumont place
Pearson Rev. Albert (Prim itive Metho­
dist), Station road
Penson Miss, Westbrook villas
Phillips E. Southampton street
Pike Miss, Gloucester street
Porter Fredk. Wm. Betterton house
Preston Mrs. London street
Purser Rev. G eo.A.(curate),M arket pE
Robertson James, Gloucester street
Sheppard Joseph,Christopher squareSheppard Mrs. Coxwell street
Shirley Mrs. London road
Sm ith W alter A. West view
Stephens John, London street
Tarrant Mrs. London street
Taylor Capt. W ilbraham, Coxwell lo<
Tavlor Turrill, Bromsgrove place
Tubb Mrs. Leamington villa
Ward Mrs. W est view
Warne H. Glynn, London street
W atling Mrs. Market place
Westall W illiam , London street
Williams Henry, Leamington villa
Young John K ., K.C . Camden
Young The Misses, Westbrook house

Ballard & Co. wholesale k retail chemists, Market place
Bedford Frank, m arket gardener, Southampton st
Belcher & Habgood Lim. wine k spirit mers. Market pi
Belcher & Co. grocers, Market place
Belcher Edward, collector to the guardians k assistant
overseer for Little Coxwell k clerk to Little Coxwell
Parish Council & collector of K in g’s taxes for Faringdon k Little Coxwell, London street
Blake J. farm bailiff to Messrs. G. Adams & Sons,
Camden farm
Boucher Thomas, beer retailer & carrier, London street
Bowen James Ernest Godfrey, m anager of Lloyds Bank,
k treasurer to the union & Rural D istrict Council,
M arket place
Bowler Alfred, farmer, Coxwell street