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B E A D IN G .

C a v e e s h a m r o a d — eon.

B E R K S H IR E .

[ k ELLY’ 8

here is Brigham rd
23 YVatson Walter, news agent
Chatham street.
141 Weight YYm. J as.confctnr
112 Basden Janies
53 Thorn street to Bedford rd. 45 Cooper George, greengrocer
145 King Ed wd.YYm. watch ma J 16 KilpatrickMrs.Nellie,aprts
. . . . here is Cholmeley p i . . . .
147 Nieholl John Percy, hair 120 Kistruck John!
so u th s id e .
o5 Baggs Edward Fras. writer
¡122 Stone Mrs. Annie, aparts
5 Mack Walter, hair dresser 59 Ridley W illiam W
149 Lrrington Robson, oilman 124 Collier Mrs
7 Ayres Henry, boot repaiier 99 Howard John, boot repr
151 South James, dairyman
126 Beattie Hv. YY7. trav. drapr9 Levens YYm. wardrobe dir
here is Amity s t
153 Y\ alters Percv Edgar,btthr 128 Newport Sydney, furn.db ^
Foster Mrs. Helen,103
Cowley Geo. Frtdk.shpkpr
here is Y w k r d ............ 130 Skeate John Henry Wm. J9 Minns Mrs. Sarah, confr
here is School ter
155 Tosscll George J. grocer i
news agent
here are Marquis of Lome bldgs
157 Kerr Geo. grindery dealer 132 Leggett James
2J S ark Mrs- Angelina, grocer 2 Benneti Henry, insur.agent
159 Edwards A. T. laundrv
StxUman Frank
27Davies Chas.carver
gilder W m. conlecticner
12 &
(receiving office)
here is Thames a v
39 Barrand Joseph, beer ret
. . . . here is Hadstock rd
161 Parsons Leonard Stephen, 140 Chant Thomas, co n fectn r
^iere 15 Alfred s t .......... 14 Fletcher Edgar, grocer
142 T o w n S u b - P o r t &M.O.O. 79 Paul Fredk. truck propr 30 Bernard & Co. grocers
165 Cook Ldwd. & Co.furn.dh-s
(Mrs. Sarah Holden, sub- 8£> 87 & 89 Butler & Sons,
here is Filey rd..........
167 SeymourAlbt.fried fish slip
wine & spirit merchants
herein A'orton r d ..........
169 Flashman Hy. Chas.saddlr 146 Phillips Charles
Stamford James, grocer52 Thomas Thomas, boot repr
171 Russell Benjamin, tbeenst 148 Hadley Harry, caterer
115 Strong Christy, fly paper 66 Fisher Thos. Alfd.decorator
173 Godfrey Harry, draper
i 150 Halloik Chailes, apartmtsi
68 Heath Mrs. May, shopkpr
177 Smith Artli. YVm. butcher 152 Shackel Mrs. Jane, aparts H 9 k in g Jobn> shopkeeper
. . . . here is Cot entry rd . . . .
193 Taylor
Simmouds, 154 Bannister MissMargaret. *
Irv in Stephen,greengrocer . . . . here is Liverpool rd . . . .
dress makers
¡123 Plumridge Alfred Victor, 144 Keen Arthur Hy. butcher
205 Woollan Sidney Walter, 156 YY’ebber Alfred
_ shopkeeper
146 Runnells Chailes, shopkpr
motor engineer
j 158 YVenham Thomas Kimber I2® Ferris John, boot maker
209 Parker Mrs. Kate, confectr 160 Hadley Miss Alice, aparts I
here is Bedford ct
C hi i s t Cr u r c h g a r d e n s .
¡153 Titchener Edmund,shpkpr Vicarage road to W hit ley road,
211 Rudland William Arnold, 162 Palmer James
i 57 Brou nMrs.Fanny,dress ma
164 Thom Mrs
s o u t h SIDE.
165 Poynter Leonard, shopkpr
213 4 he Moderation p.h. Percy 168 Stevens Sidney
2 Morris Mrs
^ Wesley Tobitt
170 Bathurst Arthur Charles 175 Y’ass Mrs. Eliza, shopkpr
Augustus George
219 Eillen Madame, dress makr 172 Cropp Edward
6 Adams Frank
225 YVells Jay, hosier
L.R.C.P., m .r.c.s . physi- 2 & 4 Hill William Hy.grocer
227 Dawson Miss Mary, confr
cian & surgeon
JiereThorn p i ..........
Oaversham Bnt*ge hotel, 174 Fitzsimons James, tailor ^4 Plested George, boot maker 10 Holme Mrs
Herman G. Grossman
176 Caversham Motor Co. Ltd 18 Slatcher Ernest, 12 Pouell Mrs. T E
. . . here is Caversham bridge. . . 178 Marsh E. G. L. & Co. 22 Warren William, grocer
e a s t s id e .
launch builders
|29 SultonGeo.Edwd.uood trnr 3 Chandler Mrs
Greyfriars Church of England 180 Miles Mi’s. Jane, dress ma 28 Clarke Geo. chimney sweep
7 Cuntmii.g Misses
Schools (Y\ illiam Moore, 182 Hewett Joseph
39 Blandy Richard, baker
Floience 184 Sadler Mrs
36 Bine Charles, chimney sup
Chandler, infants’ mistress) 188 Leu is Jethro Lailey
38 Manning Alfd.YVm.furn.dir 11 Biggs Samuel
. . . . here is Suckyille st . . 196 Cannon Mrs Emily, aparts 79 McDonough Mrs. Eliza, 13 Cusden Richard
15 Wilson Rowland
6 Charlton George, confectnr 196 Wilson Hugh Ltd. engineers)
news ag> nt
8 to 12 Reading Industrial 198 Goodman Henry Charles, |---- here is Chatham ct ---- 17 Clennell Percival F
Co-operative Society Ltd
j is'lo r k p l.............. 19 Margrett Eduaid f . g . s
is Glebe
r d ...........
14 Egby Harry, beer retailer
2( 0
98 Capel
& Sons,
16 Monng Frank Edwin,enictr 206 Cawston Edward Joseph, 104 Hopkinson Albert H. boot
18 Sisley & Gibbs, decorators
boat builder
Basingstoke rd. to Shinfaeld rd*
20 Holdstock Archibald Henry, . . here is Caversham bridge .. j
R a i l w a y M is s io n H a l l
---- here is Malthouse l a ___
22 Archard Fredk. Thos. fruitr
C h a in s tr e e t .
¡134 Hendey Jas. Hy. insur. agt 2 Ranking George Lancaster
24 Harrison Frederick, fried Broad street to Minster street. 144 Green Miss Margaret
m . r . c . s ., l . r . c . p . physi­
148 Hooper F t as. Hy. beer ie t
fish shop
cian & surgeon
148 Hooper Harold
26 Tibbie Frederick, baker
4 Tulty Janes
1 Pounder George Andrew,
28 Watts R. & Co. cycle mas
6 Arnold Ralph
secondhand bookseller
30 Thomas & Major,hair drs^rs 2. 3 & 4 Kirby Wm. watehma
8 Dore Misses
32 Drew Alfd.Chas. tobaccnst 5 Sharpe Thomas, confectnr
10 Cundell Mrs
34 Oxford road.
34 & 36 Allsop Thos. & Sons, 6, 7 & 8 Hookham George,
12 Eddels Samuel
corn dealers
13: Dunn Harry
furniture dealer
2 to 8 Mcl hoy William Ltd.
here is Glebe rd . . . . . *
nt’u £ * “ •
!■■■■; fl rlfuke William John,florist
W a ll L etter B ox
w ^ m,eA P2 ’ J' redpnck 10 Roberts Chas. tobaeconist
C h r ist C hu rch
, , ,, „
, “ Chart
13 Plummer Chas Hy.conletnr 1 & 3 Jacobs Isaac, bazaar
. . . . here is J icarage rd . . . .
I l UUen1L e,°rS<-’ F OC! r ' „ 14 Englefield William, grocer 5 Hitchins
46 King HoUiam, furmtnre dir 13 Janes & Gardner c]0f hiers
30 W heeler Samuel
clothes dealer
. . . . here is Cintra aven . . . .
IS Cooler Charles, beer retailer 15j Rirers Geo.french polisher
Palace Theatre of Varieties,
38 Musson Miss
Walter T. Simmons,mgr 40 Wallis Henry Marriage
60 Th^reWd“
nm 7 ^
S t. M a r y ’s C h u rch H o use
Ernest Orsler
42 Payne Mrs
Larzen Rev. Harold Archi­
Chester street.
52 & 54 Lnd, Coope & Co. Trim.:
44 Lockhart Lt.-CoL Thomas
bald J. m . a . [curate o f
wine & spirit merchants
464 Oxford road.
46 Cusden James
St. Mary the Virgin]
58 Fellows Hen*-y, ironmonger
48 Powell Malcolm, cabinet ma
Neville Rev. William m . a .
60 Gant Henry, fruiterer
. . . . here is Sherwood s t ........ 52 Jarvis Geoj|>e. ji bn.aster
(St. Mary’s vicarage)
62 New John Henry, beer ret
54 Queen’s Head r.H . Henry
3 Smith Charles, carrier
h an to ' & SOn, C°al 30 M a n „in r} ‘ohn Henry, p i c
22 Hoptroff Walt. Jn. shopkpr .. here is Whitley Park la ..
■ rn i
ture frame maker
Phillips O. & Son, builders
..„ i 't o w m S o b . P 0 C T & M .0 .0 29 HeIa l e y d SanitaI7
S tea ™
60 Phillips Alfred, ironmonger
Chesterman street.
96 ! Fuller Geo. Fredk. baker
1'° W n f h T ’
62 Pitney Frederick Geo. tailor
68 AUenBrothers,tobacconists
EaJ,nh,ow P-HHenry 154 Southampton st.toH ill st. 64 YVebb Henry
70 -Allen Bros, news agents
Reading Provident Medical
here is Short s i .......... 66 Simms Frdk.Walt.cycle agt
72 Sparks Frederick, fruiterer
Dispensary (William C. 15 Pyke Mrs. Ellen J.shopkpr 68 Newton Alfred, chemist
74 YVhite Horse p . h . Arthur
Dunnill, res. dispenser; 17 & 19 Baker Thomas Stacey, 70 Blows Thomas, butcher
72 Rogers Mrs. Mary, draper
William Aldridge, sec)
beer retailer
here the G. W. Railway crosses
here is Sherman r d ........ 74 Lumb Samuel, stationer
G e it Western Railway Signal
76 Clifford Miss May. tobccnst
Charges street.
F. .igineering YY7orks (A! fred
:-R i Allen Thos. Hy. confectnr
Cholmeley road.
Thomas Black hall, manager) I Caroline st. to Bedford road.)
\ S u b - P o s t & M. O. O f f i c e
275 London road.
Great Western R y. Coal Wharf
80 Ager & Richardson, grocers
Dunlop Geo. & Son, coal mers 3 Bearmain Chas. cab propr,
,82 Davis John J. dairyman
Ayres C. & G. coal merchants 21 Ball John. com. traveller
W a l l L e tter B ox
j •. here is North Court aven . .
Talbot G. W. & Son, coal mers 3^ LawfordMrs. Ellen,shopkpr 7 Absalom Mrs. Elizabeth P i l l a r L e t t e r B o x
Stevens & Co. coal merchants • • • • hsre is Mallhouse la
Anne, shopkeeper
n o r t h s id e .
..... 1 Eltenton George William
. . . . here is Vastern rd .......... 39 Holy oak Charles, saddler
19 Noakes William, boot
82 I.ewis Geo. timber merchant 43 Tanner Mrs. Martha, dress 21 Beckford Walt.fried fish dir 5 Selway Mrs
f 2 Shattock A lid. Robt. butehr
here is Cholmeley ter
7 Smallbone Thomas Charles