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D IH E C T O K Y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
Hewitt Theo. (Mrs.), milliner, 68 High street
Hews James, ironmonger,69 High street & general smith, West st
Hey bourn A. W. & Co. cycle agents, 11 High street & motor
garage, Market street
Heybourne Louisa (Miss), artistsâ depot, 61 King street
Hey wood John Rowan, pharmaceutical chemist, 38 King street
Higgins William, baker, Post office, 123 Powney road
Hildreth Owen S. cycle agent, 24 Market street
Hill John & Son, china & glass merchants, 38 High street
Hill & Sherwin, advertising agents, 38 Broadway
Hill Albert Joseph, grocer, 24 Queen street
Hill Ellen (Mrs.), confectioner, 50 Bridge street
Hill Frank, Sun inn, 10 Castle hill
Hill Henry Mortimer, oil & color man, 109 Hign street
Hine Thomas, butcher, 31 Bridge street
Hinson Harry Charles, boot & shoe maker, 81 Grenfell road
Hobbs Edward Frank. Vine p . h . 20 Market street
Hodges William, boot repairer, 3 Ray Park cottages
Hodgson John Sterriker, draper, 26 Market street
Holcombe Emma (Miss), nurse, 9 Broadway
Holland George, pianoforte tuner, 21 York road
Hollist Gerald Wetherell C a p ro n M .R .c.s.E ng., L .R .c.p .L o n d .&
Ediu., L.M.s.s.A.Lond. physician & surgeon, 3 All Saintsâ av
Holloway William, greengrocer, 18 Market street
Holmes James, shopkeeper, 28 Park street
Home & Colonial Limited, 71. High street
Hone William, apartments, 10 St. Lukeâs road
Hooper Frederick, masseur, The Gleanings, Bath road
Hooper George, undertaker, 26 Broadway
Hopkins Henry Charles, dairy, 13 Market street
Hopper Eliza (Mrs.), confectioner, 99 High street
Horley & Son, public house broker, 9 1 a , King street
Household Brigade Boat Club(Major-General LordCheylesmore
k .c.b . bon. sec. & treasurer), Riverside
Howard Arthur Walter M.R.c.s.Eng., L .R .c.P.Lond. physician &
surgeon, 83 Queen street
Howard E d w in James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 1
Park street
Howard Ernest, coal merchant, 40 Cromwell road
Howard John, confectioner, 20 Bridge road
Hudson Alfred, fried fish dealer, 3 Bridge street
Hughes Fred, window cleaner, 77 St. Markâs road
Hulcup William, shopkeeper, Post office, Highway, Bath road
Hulford Frederick H. shopkeeper, 72 All Saintsâ avenue
Humfrey J. H. & Co. auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, land &
estate agents & surveyors, 108 Queen street
Humphries Augustus, nurseryman, The Crescent
Hunt Albert Cecil, pork butcher, 1 King street
Hurcl Walter John, Star p . h . 23 Broadway
Hsley William Henry, shopkeeper, 38 Albert street
Immisch Launch & Boat Co. Limited, Riverside,Ray Mead road
Ing Raph, clothier, 38 Market street
Inglis Andrew Millar, boysâ school, Maidenhead college,
College avenue
Ingram William Elliott, Prince of Wales p . h . 27 King street
International Tea Co.âs St-ores Ltd. 118 High street
Jackson Mary Annie (Mrs.), milliner, 21 Queen street
James E. & Co. carpenters, Marlow road & 27 Portlock road
Jeayes, Kasner & Co. coal merchants & cartage agents for the
Great Western Railway, 84 King street
Jeffery Daisy Kate (Miss), ladiesâ outfitter, 130 High street
Jeffery E. Jessie (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 1 White Hart road
Jeffery Ernest Joseph, secondhand furniture dealer, 1 Moffatt st
Jeffery Joseph, watch repairer, 44 All Saintsâ avenue
Jelly Edwin, house decorator, 20 Castle hill
Johannsen Sarah Ann (Mrs.), watch maker, 90 Queen street
Johns Percy a .m .i.c .e . borough surveyor, Town hall, High st
Johnson Brothers Limited, dyers & cleaners, 68b, High street
Jones H. J. & Son, boot makers, 19 & 21 King street
Jones Arthur Thomas, grocer, Furze platt
Julian George, tailor, 3 Queen street
Keeley Charlotte Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Powney road
Keeley Edward, chimney sweep, 20 Powney road
Keeley Henry James, beer retailer, 39 King street
Keeling Rev. William Theodore m . a . boysâ preparatory school,
Cordwalles, Grynger hill
Kemp Ada M. (Miss), fancy bazaar, 9 Market street
Kempson Henry, apartments, 6 Norfolk road
Keyte George Walter, cycle agent, 89 King street
King Alfred, Greyhound p .h . 47 King street
King Eliza (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 44 Broadway
Kirby Robert, refreshment rooms, 84 Queen street
Kirby William, confectioner, 78 King street
Kirk John Lewis M.S.A. architect & surveyor, 40 Norfolk road
Kirk by-Derry Alfred, solicitor, 3 High street
Knight John, assistant superintendent to tho Prudential AssurÂ
ance Co. Limited, 73 Clare road
Knoechl Hans, artist, 27 St. Lukeâs road
Kurz William, Hand & Flowers p .h . 15 Queen street
Lake Arthur, boot repairer, Furze platt
Lamb George Spencer, stone & monumental mason, Brock
lane & All Saintsâ avenue
Lamboume Frederick Barnett, shopkeeper, 4 Victoria stre e t
Lawrence Henry, whitesmith, 12 Park street & farrier, 13
Bridge street
M A ID E N H E A D .
Lawson Annie (Miss), hardware dealer, 73 King street
Leaver James & Son, painters, 2 High Town road
Lennards Limited, boot & shoe dealers, 106 High street
Lepper Mary Ann (Mrs.), boarding house, 6 Cookham road
Lepper Mary Ann Franklin (Mrs. ), grocer, 28 Market street
Lever Percy M. auctioneers, see Aldridge & Lever
Lewis & Son, cabinet makers, 49 King street
Lewis David, domestic machinery dealer, 96 Queen street
Lewis Katherine D. (Mrs.), furrier, 105 Queen street
Lipton Limited, provision merchants, 72 High street
Littleton George, builder. 35 St. Lukeâs road
Lloyds Bank Ltd. (branch) (Frederic Chas. Webster, managr.),
45 High street ; draw on head office, 71 Lombard street e c
London Central Meat Co. Limited, butchers, 3 Market street
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch of)
(William James Phillips, manager), 66 High street; draw
on 21 Lombard street, London e c
Long Henrietta (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 6 8 a , High st
Looker Edwin, fly proprietor, 72 Grenfell road
Loos ley Richard, printer, 55 Queen street
Lovegrove Ethel M. (Mrs.), dress maker, 71 Cordwallis road
L o v c g r o v e T h o m a s J a m e s , ironmonger, furniture
dealer, house furnisher, china & glass dealer, hardware merÂ
chant ; prompt cash system. Goods delivered free, 13 & 15
King street
Lovejov Percy, tobacconist, see Graham & Lovejov
Lovell Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, 5 Belmont vale
Lowman George (Mrs.). dress maker, 64 Grenfell road
Lunnon John, shoe maker, 39 Park street
Lyne Thomas, boot Sc shoe maker, 19 Queen street
McCarthy Edward, Maidenâs Head p . h . 120 High street
Mcllrov William Limited, drapers 87 & 89 , & boot warehouse
94 & 96 , High street
Mackie Mary (Mrs.), costumier, 17 Grenfell road
McPhun John, horticultural builder, Marlow road
Maidenhead Advertiser (Baylis & Co. publisher & proprietor)
(published wed.). 80 & 82 Queen street
Maidenhead Bowling Club (James Barley, sec.), 44 Bridge st
Maidenhead Cemetery Co. Limited (Charles Alfred Vardy, sec.),
37 Queen street; cemetery, Boyne Hill
Maidenhead Chamber of Commerce (H. Stanton Webber, sec.),
23 Queen street. T N 135
Maidenhead Chronicle (The) (The Chronicle Co. Limited,
printers & publishers: published every Wednesday);
branch office, 5 Station approach
Maidenhead Constitutional Club (Ernest Gardner esq. m.p.
president; Francis J. C. Forss, hon. sec. ; T. W. Stuchbery,
treasurer), 50 Queen street
Maidenhead Sc District Boating Co. Limited (The), launch
builders; registered office, Maidenhead co u rt; works.
Fishery road & Ray Park road
M a i d e n h e a d D is t r ic t L a u n d ry C o. L im it e d (T h e )
(Frederick Rogers, managing director); head office, Furze
platt; receiving office, 7 a , High street
Maidenhead & District Rescue Sc Preventive Association (Miss
Frances Anderson, sister in charge), St. Agnes lodge, 50
King street
Maidenhead District Rifle Club (Benjamin Hobbis, hon. sec. ;
Sergt. E. Hudson, range warden), Market street
Maidenhead Gas Co. (Ernest BeaLsec.), 5 High street
Maidenhead Golf Club (Sir Charles Cuvier, bart. sec.), Shoppenhangers
Maidenhead Industrial Co-Operative Society Limited (Walter
J. Moss, manager), 29 & 31 King street
Maidenhead Liberal Club (Charles F. Hendrick, hon. sec.),
10 Cookham road
Maidenhead Motor Co. automobile engineers, 122 High street
Maidenhead Nursing Home (Miss Lucy Lightowler, matron),
7 Marlow road
Maidenhead Permanent Benefit Building Society (Willian.
Weed, solicitor; Charles Henry Ricks, sec. ), 48 Queen street
Maidenhead Plate Glass Insurance Co. Limited (Thomas W.
Stuchbery, sec.), 5 Queen street
Maidenhead Roller Skating Rink (George Gude, proprietor),
Bridge street
Maidenhead Rowing Club (A. G. Moreton, hon. see)
Maidenhead School of Gymnastics & Physical Culture (Walter
Gilroy, hon. sec.), Drill hall, Marlow road
Maidenhead Social Club P.S.A. (A. Thompson. <â¢â¢â¢.r- sec.), West ¿t '
Maidenhead Technical Institute (J. B. Markham sec
Marlow road
Maidenhead Waterworks Co. (Charles A. Vardy, *eelector), 37 Queen st. ; reservoirs, Bourne H ill; Haâ * *
& Cookham Dene ; pumping stations. College, a w .*
Maidenhead Working Boysâ Club (Philip Sidn
hon. sec.), Cookham road
Maisey Henry, tobacconist, 9 Bridge stress
- gj
Male Robert William, Red Liou hotel. 34 H
Mallard William Wallis, grocer. North towr
Markham Ellen (Mrs.). shopkeeper, 39 Brid
Markham Henry Denis, confectioner, 32 '
Markham Jesse, miscellaneous dealer. I
Marsh Walter Henrv, stationer, 5n Hi
Marsh Warren George, assistant - *' 1 '
Assurance Co. Limited Ail 8.»if.