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rO X F O .D S H I K E .]

redder Arthur Lionel M .A. Magdalen
college. Oxford
Peel Charles V. A . 12 Woodstock rd.
St Giles’. Oxford
Peel Mrs. 22 Lathbury road, Oxford
Peirce John,
Shipton-under-Wych„ood, Oxford
Pelham Mrs. 20 Bradmore road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Pelham Mrs. The Anchorage, Miltonunder-Wychwood, Oxford
Peiiatt Danl. 38 South Bar st. Banbury
Pellatt F. 38 South Bar st. Banbui)
Pember Fiancis W illiam M .A. All
Souls’ college, Oxford
Pemberton Clarence L. H ., M.D. 55
South Bar street, Banbury
Pembrey Misses, Valefcta, Bampton
Pembrey J. C. 164 Walton st. Oxford
Pendavis Rev. W hylock M .A. Rectory,
Hethe, Bicester
Pendlebury Rev. John Roger M.A.
Rectory," Newington, W allingford
Pennell Rev. George Barrow M.A.
V ic a r a g e , Stadhampton, W allingfrd
P e n n e ll Charles Henry, 185 Divinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
P e n n y R. A. G. A sylum , Littlem ore,
Penrose Miss, Woodstock road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Penrose Nevill Coghill, 32 W est Bar
street, Banbury
Penson Thomas Hy. M .A. 4 W elling­
ton place, St. Giles’ street, Oxford
Penson-Harris George Alfred, Great
Rollright, Chipping Norton
Pentycross Rev. Frederic John B.A.
Goring Heath, Reading
Penyston Mrs. Hill lodge,Over Norton
road, Chipping Norton
Pepper Wm. Fdk. J.P. Shipton court,
Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
Percival Mrs. Sheep street, Burford
Perkins J. 11 Fairview id. Banbury
Perks Sir Robert W illiam bart. Assoc.
Inst.C.E., J.P.
W ykham park,
Perks William, 26 Chalfont road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Permasse Rev. Joseph, 51 K ing’s end,
Perry Rev. James F. Stonor park,
Stonor, Henley-on-Thames
Perry Mrs. 19 Oxford road. Banbury
Peters Lewis, Bernardino, Priest hill,
Caversham, Reading
Peto Miss, 11 St. Cross road, Oxford
Petrie R.,M.A.Queen’s college, Oxford
Pettey James B., L.D .S. 63 St. Giles'
street, Oxford
Pettipher Alfred, The Bank, Cornhill, Banbury
Pettipher Thomas Henry, 12 West st.
Chipping Norton
Pettipher Thomas Keck, The Cot­
tage, West street, Chipping Norton
Pettit W. Roselea, Benson,Wallingfrd
Pettitt Mrs. Lower Heyford. Banbury
Pewsey Horace W illiam , 46 Hamilton
road, Summertown, Oxford
Peyton Lt.-Col. Sir A. F. bart. J.P.
Swift’s house, Stoke Lyne, Bicester
Peyton Misses, 1 Fairacres road, Iffley
Toad, Oxford
Phelps Rev. Joseph Francis, Singleton
cottage, Temple Cowley, Oxford
Phelps Rev. Lancelot Ridley M.A.
Oriel college, Oxford
Phelps Thomas, 33 Oakthorpe road,
Summertown, Oxford
Phelps William M .A. Corpus Christi
college, Oxford
Philippi Antoine Henry Robert, Blox°am house, Bloxham, Banbury
Phillimore Hon. Sir W alter George
Frank bart. D .C .L ., LL.D ., J.P
Judge of the High Court of Jnshce. The Coppice, Shiplake, Hen­
ley-on-Thames ; & Cam house.
Campden hill, London W

P E I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Phillimore Misses, Shiplake house,
Phillips Major George J.P. n o Woodstock road, Summertown, Oxford
Phillips E dgar W alter, Fairholme,
Kidmore road, Caversham, Reading
Phillips Edwd. 11 K in g’s end,Bicester
Phillips Frank Henry M.A. 212 Woodstock road, Summertown, Oxford
Phillips Gordon, 3 Warnborough rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Phillips Harry Edward W illiam AI.A.,
B .Se., F .C .S. Church house,Church
street, Smnmertown, Oxford
Phillips John Rouse, 202 Woodstock
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Phillips L. Alarcb, Satwell farm,
Highmoor, Henley-011-Thames
PhilTips Miss, 91 Tark street, Thame
Phillips Miss, 230 Woodstock road,
Summertown, Oxford
Phillips Mrs. 17 Biadmore road, St..
Giles’, Oxford
Caversfield, Bicester
Phillips Airs. Chinnor, Wallingford
Phillips Airs. S. Culham ho.Abingdon
Phillips Richard, 109 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Phillips Robert Thomas, 1 Hernes rd.
Summertown, Oxford
Phillips Thos. J. Chinnor rd. Thame
Phillips W illiam George, 98 Divinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Phillips William R. 63 Southmoor
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Phipps Charles, Avenue house, East
Avenue, St. Clem ent's, Oxford
Phipps Mrs. Manor house, Delly end.
Phipps Richard, 133 Iffley rd. Oxford
Pickard Mrs. 5 Canterbury road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Dickard-Cam bridge A rth ur W allace
ALA. St. Catherine’s, Headingt ori
hill, Oxford
Pickard-Cambridge Wm. Adair M.A.
Magdalen college & Jesus col. Oxfrd
Pickering Rev.Charles Jonathan M.A.
Vicarage, Shilton. Burford
Pickering Miss, The Manor house,
W ilcote, Charlbury
Pidduck F .B ., AI.A.Queen’s coll.Oxfrd
Pierce John Frederick, 67 Chalfont
road, St. Giles', Oxford
Pierce W. T. The Lodge, Lower Ship­
lake, Henley-on-Thames
Piercy Miss,72 Bell st.Henley-on-Thms
Pigden Mrs.Sonning common.Reading
Piggott Henry F .. M .A. Grammar
school, Burford
Piggott Airs. Hill house, Burford
Piggott William Henry, Ivydene,
Windm ill road, Headington Quarry,
Pigott Ernest E. 127 Iffley rd. Oxford
Pike Francis Edwards, 2 Golden
villas, Neithrop. Banbury
Pike H. F. 22 Paradise st. Oxford
Pike Harry Leonard, Worton house,
Lower Caversham, Reading
Pike W alter Abraham, 61 Banbury rd
St. Giles’, Oxford
Pike Wm. Uiffe, Iliffe cot. Wheatle\
Pilcher Rev. Francis M .A. St. C le­
m ent’s rectoryr, 80 St. Clem ent’s st
Pilkington Arthur H., M.A. 21 Bardwell road, St. Giles', Oxford
Pilkington Frederick William, Kencott ho. Kencott, Lechlade (GlOs)
Pinchard Miss, The Old cottage,
Finder Rev. H. F ., M.A. The V icar­
age, Blackbourton. Cianfield
Pinder Airs. Iona, Lower Shiplake,
Pinfold Airs. 16 Warnborough road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Pinhorn Ralph, 18 Beech Croft road.
Summertown, Oxford



Pink Richard, 18 Bridge street, C aver­
sham, Reading
Pinnock Henry John, Connaught
house, Goring, Reading
Piper Frederick, 6 Walton W ell road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Piper George W illiam , Roslyn house,
St. Mark’s road, Henley-on-Thames
Piper Matthew G. H. 3 Walton W ell
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Piper William Eric, 26 London place,
St. Clem ent’s, Oxford
Pither Alfred, Ellerslie, St. Andrew's
road, Henley-on-Thames
Pitman Miss, 185 Banbury road,Sum mertown, Oxford
Pitt James, 7 A lm a place, St. C le­
m ent’s, Oxford
Pitt Toar, The Elm s, W arborough,
Pittkin Edmd. Jn. Lashlake, Thame
Pizey A. A. Gram m ar schl. Burford
Pledge Mrs. 12 Beech CToft road,
Summertown, Oxford
Pledger Misses, Church view,Chinnor,
Plim C.J.Jessam ine ho.East st.Tham e
W illiam
K .C .S .I.. J.P. Aston house, Aston
Rowant, Wallingford
Plum m er Rev. Charles ALA. Corpus
Christi college, Oxford
Plumm er Hy. Crozier M .A., F .R .A .S.
The Parks, Oxford
Pochin Mrs. Chislehampton house,
Chislehampton. Wallingford
Pogmore Richard, 44 Lonsdale road,
Summertown, Oxford
Pogson-Smith Mrs. 14 Museum road,
Pollard Alfred, Littlem ore, Oxford
Pollard Frederick, 60 St. John’s rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Pollard Miss, 131 Woodstock road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Polley Joseph, Yew Tree cottage,
G reat Alilton, Wallingford
Pollicott William Robert, 5 Keble rd.
St. G iles’, Oxford
Ponsonby Hon. Edwin C. W ., D .L .,
J.P. Woodleys, Wootton, Woodstock
Poole Charles W illiam , 2 Richmond
road, St. Thomas’, Oxford
Poole Reginald Lane M.A.., L L .D ..
Ph.D ., F.B .A . 41 Aluseum rd.O xfrd
Poole William A ugustus, Rotherfield
house, Rotherfield Peppard, Hen­
Pooley John Milnes, Nettlebed, Hen­
Pope Rev. John 0 ‘Fallon M .A. Pope's
hall, 11 St. Giles’ street, Oxford
Pope Rev. Richard Wm . Massy D.D.
4 Keble road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Pope Rev. W illiam Henry M .A. The
Vicarage, Little Faringdon, Lech ­
lade (Gloucestershire)
Pope Edward James,Homeleigh,South
View avenue, Caversham, Reading
Pope George H., M .A., B .C .L ., D .L.,
J.P. 60 Banbury road, St. Giles’,
Pope Miss, Som erville college, Woodstock road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Pope William Edwin, G lenlea, K id ­
more road, Caversham , Reading
Portbury Harold Richmond, 53 Bullingdon road, Cowley St. John.Oxfrd
Porter Rev. Charles Fleetwood M .A.
127 Banbury rd. St. Giles', Oxford
Porter G. The Lawn. Shilton,Burford
Porter J. W . Fulbrook, Burford
Porter Robert P. 108 Banbury road,
St. G iles’, Oxford
Porter Tbos. W. East view, Burford
Possehl Mrs. The Lindens, Oxford
Toad, Banbury
Pott S. Clifton Hampden, Abingdon
Potter Rev. Christopher, 102 Abing­
don road, Oxford
Potter Rev. Pearson 0 . Tetsworth