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P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
w iL
ffbeeler Rev. Henry G
Kinghan. Whitmore-Jones Miss, Hook Norton Williams Alfred, 100 Southmoor rd.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hill Bey娉 Home, Km gham , ChipWhitmore-Jones Thomas W hitmore, Williams Clement H. Dunsden lodge,
pin«' Norton
Eye, Reading
Wheeler Alfred, Chippinghurst, CudWhitney Miss, Ivy bank. Chinnor. Williams Francis Alfred, 31 Western
desdon, Wheatley
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Wheeler Jn. i Daskwood ter. Banbury
Wheeler John, M ill house, Eynskam W hittuck Rev. Charles Augustus Williams Horace Arthur, 10 Oakthorpe rd. Summertown, Oxford
Wheeler John, Shotover lodge, Water
M.A. 39 St. Margaretâs rd. Oxford
Eaton road, Summertown, Oxford Whitweil Robert Jowitt B .Litt. 70 Williams James D .C .L ., J.P. Lincoln
college, Oxford
Banbury road, St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Wheeler Miss, 354 Banbury road
Sun*uiertown, Oxford
W hitworth Arthur, Copse hill.Rother- Williams John, Fulbrook, Burford
Miss, Souldern, Banbury
Wheeler Mrs. 2 Abingdon road,
field Grevs, Henley-on-Thames
Grandpont, Oxford
Wiblin Charles T. Alexander, 141 Williams Miss Ivy LL.D . Sunnyside,
Temple Cowley, Oxford
Wheeler Thomas Dowling. 43 Walton
Walton street, Oxford
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Wiblin G ilbert, 36 Hamilton road. Williams Misses, 107 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Whelpton Rev. George M.A. High
Wiblin John, 23 South
parade, Williams Mrs. 24 Frencbay road, St.
street, Witney
Gilesâ, Oxford
Whillans Tkos. 143 Iffley rd. Oxford
Summertown. Oxford
Whincup Mrs. 26 Beech Croft road, Wiblin Mrs. 50 Lonsdale road, Sum- Williams Mrs. Grove cottage, St.
Cross road, Oxford
S u n m ie rto w n , Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Williams Mrs. Inglenook, Bampton
Whitaker Bernard, Pudlicote house, Wickens Miss, High street, Burford
Wickham W alter F .R .A .S. 62 St. Williams Mrs. Little G arth, RotherCbilson, Charlbury
field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Whitaker Norman Munn, Kingham ,
Johnâs road, St, Gilesâ, Oxford
Wickremasinghe Don Martino de Williams Mrs. Charles, L ittle RollChipping Norton
right, Chipping Norton
White Albin, Hill view, Blenheim rd.
Zilva hon. M.A. Indian institute,
Williams Mrs. Lewis, 9 W inchester
Caversham, Reading
Broad street, Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
White Benjamin, 182 D ivinity road, Wicks Mrs. 115 Banbury' road, St.
Williams Thomas, Carberry, A lbert
Gilesâ, Oxford
Cowley road, Oxford
White Charles, Fosgrove, Hamilton Wigan Rev. H., M.A. Dunsden, Rdng
road. Caversham, Reading
road, Summertown, Oxford
Wiggins C.H. Manor house,Charlbury Williams Thomas Cyprian, Taynton
house, Taynton, Burford
White Ernest R. 36 Chalfont road, Wiggins Clare Aveling, 1 Clarendon
Williams W alter Charles, 4 Hop
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
villas, Park town. Oxford
gardens, Henley-on-Thames
White George, Vivod, Priory avenue, W iggins H erbert R. Lam p, WatlingCaversham, Reading
Williams William Bullivant J.P. St.
ton, Wallingford
Peterâs hill, Caversham , Reading
White H. J. Osborne, Stanton Har- Wiggins W illiam J.P. Hill house,
Williams William Carleton, Broomcourt, Eynsham
W atlington, Wallingford
grove, G oring, Reading
White J.. ¿.P. Temple Cowley, Oxfd Wild Rev. H erbert Louis M.A. 34
White Miss, Bloxham, Banbury
W illiams-Freem an Miss, 3 Fair mile,.
St. Gilesâ street, Oxford
White Miss, Chinnor, Wallingford
Wild Hy. sen. 2 Blenheim vils.WoodWhite Miss, q Grove street, Oxford
stock road, Summertown, Oxford W illim ott Rev. Hugh Rudolph M.A.
White Miss, Lashlake, Thame
All Saints' school, Bloxham ,Banbry
Wild Henry G. jun. Edlicot, WoodWhite Mrs. 29 Leckford road, St
Willis Rev. Rawdon Marwood M.A.
stock road, Wolvercote, Oxford
Gilesâ. Oxford
The Vicarage, Highmoor, HenleyW ilder Frank, Underwood, W h itÂ
White Mrs. 58 Lonsdale road, Sum Â
church, Reading
mertown, Oxford
Wilder Miss, Hillside, W hitchurch,1Willis Rev. W illiam Arm strong J.P.
White Oscar, The Meads, Grosvenor
Rectory, Hanwell, Banbury
road, Caversham, Reading
W ildridge T. Tindall, The Nutlands, ; Willis Miss, Bancroft villa, Nelson
White Robert, Lower farm , Chinnor,
street, Thame
Kirtlington. Oxford
Wiles Thomas M.P . J.P. Satwellj W illis Mrs. 26 St. Andrewâs road.
White S. Victor, Conway, Kidmore
Henley-on -1 Henley-on-Thames
road, Caversham, Reading
T ham es; & 87 Victoria street S W jW illm o t Mrs. Woodcote Brae. W oodWhite Thomas H., M.D. Coolgardie,
& Reform & National Liberal clubs j cote_road, Caversham, Reading
Derby road, Caversham, Reading
Wills W illiam Henry, 54 Aston street,
S W & E igh ty club E C , London
White W. 1 Aston street, Cowley St. Wilkes F. H. 134 Cowley rd. Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
John, Oxford
Wilkins Henry, 3 Manor place, Holy- Wilsdon Henry Benjamin, 73 Walton
White Walter, 36 Queen street.
street, Oxford
well, Oxford
Wilkins Jn. Rd. 4 Chalfont rd. Oxfd Wilsdon Henry W illiam , 43 Beech
White Walter Henry, The Yews. Wilkins Misses, The Old Parsonage,
Croft road, Summertown, Oxford
Chinnor, Wallingford
Wilson Rev. Ambrose John D.D. The
Highfield, Oxford
White William Henry M .I.C.E . 8 St. Wilkins Mrs. 4 Linton road, St.
Rectory, Tackley, Oxford
Margaretâs road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Wilson Rev. A rthur James, The R ecÂ
G ilesâ, Oxford
White William John, 57 Southmoor Wilkins Mrs. The Mount, Chipping
tory, Glympton, Woodstock
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Wilson Rev. Ernest W illiam M .A .
Whitehead Rev. Christopher John Wilkinson H. Spenser M.A. All Soulsâ
Vicarage, Freeland, Woodstock
M.A. South New'ington, Banbury
Wilson Rev. Henry A ustin M.A. MagÂ
college, Oxford
Whitehead Mrs. 55 Lonsdale road Wilkinson J. W. 7 Crouch st.Banbury
dalen college, Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Wilkinson Mrs. 26 Polstead road, St Wilson A rthur, The Nook, RotherWhitehorn W. J. 36 High st.Banbury
field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Gilesâ . Oxford
Whitehorn William Lam pet, 36 High Wilks F. W. 134 Cowley rd. Oxford Wilson C. J., M.A. Bloxham , Banbry
street, Banbury
Wilks H. P. 6 Dashwood rd. Banbury Wilson Fred, 42 W est street, G rim sWhitelocke R. H. Anglin M.D. St. Wilks Jn. M. 102 Warwick rd.Banbry
bury, Banbury
Gilesâ gate, Banbury road, St Wilks W. A. 8 Calthorpe rd. Banbury Wilson James, 181 D ivinity road,
Gilesâ, Oxford
Cowley Toad, Oxford
Willert Paul Ferdinand M.A , J.P.
Whiteman Geo. 329 Cowley rd. Oxfrd
The Croft, Headington hill, Oxford Wilson Joe, The Jungle, Iffley, Oxfrd
Whiteman Henry, Evesham, Priest Williams Col . 0 18 Lathbury rd.Oxfrd Wilson John Cook M .A., LL.D . 12
hill, Caversham, Reading
Fyfield road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Williams Rev. Chas. Eccles Edmond
Whitfield Avery, 6 F air m ile, HenÂ
D.D. Banbury road, Summertown. Wilson Miss, 65 Lonsdale road, Sum Â
mertown, Oxford
Whitham Rev. Arth. R ., M.A. Train Williams Rev. Edmund Nelson God Wilson Mrs. 53 Bath road, Banbury
ing college, Culham , Abingdon
dard M.A. The Vicarage, Merton. Wilson Mrs. 170 Divinity road, CowÂ
Whiting James, 27 Aston st. Cowley
ley road, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Williams Rev. Henry Herbert M.A Wilson Mrs. 7 Norman avenue, HenÂ
Whiting Jas. A. 2 Parker st. Oxford
6 Norham gdns. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Whitla Major Valentine George, The Williams Rev. John Ellis Cardigan, Wilson Mrs. 13 Parks road, St. Gilesâ,
Grange, Ascott, Oxford
Vicarage, Nortbmoor, Oxford
Vhitley Mrs. 13 Linton rd. Oxford Williams Rev. John Gower B.A. 25 Wilson R. W. Rankine M .A., B .C .L .,
hitman F. C. 202 Cowley rd. Oxfrd
LL.D . 18 Bardwell rd .S t.G ilesâ,Oxfd
Vicarage road. Henley-on-Thames
Whitmarsh Rev. Edgar Dyke D .C.L., Williams Rev. Norman Powell M.A. Wilson Trevor F. 45 Portland road,
Summertown, Oxford
137 & 139 Woodstock road.
Exeter college, Oxford
W illiams
Robert Twistow. Wilson W alter, The Lawn, Adderbury
tor- Gilesâ®Oxford
hitmore Miss, Lower farm, RamsEast, Banbury
Wesley manse, Brook street, W atÂ
den, Charlbury
lington, Wallingford