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B E R K S H IR E .

houses, of stone, in the Pointed style, were erected and
endowed by the late John Baker and John Tucker.
G reat quantities of fossils of various kinds were a t one
tim e dug up here. In the centre of the village stands
an ancient cross. Bourton House, a handsome mansion
in the Jacobean style, commanding extensive views, is
the property and residence of C yril Kendall Butler esq.
J.P . wdio is the principal landowner. Viscount Barrin g­
ton is lord of the manor. The soil is p art loam and
c l a y ; subsoil, clay. T he land is chiefly pasture. The
area is 1,253 acres of land and 7 of w a ter; rateable
value, £6,571 ; th e population in 1901 was 243.


e l l y ’s

Sexton and Parish C lerk, Henry Peacey.
Post Office.— W illiam Edward Sm ith, sub-postm aster.
Letters through Shrivenham arrive at 7 a.m. & 4
p.m. ; dispatched at 8.45 a.m . & 7.30 p.m . ; sundays,
a.m. Shrivenham , 2 miles distant, is the
nearest money order & telegraph office
School, with playground attached, erected in 1908 at
the expense of the endowment fund at a cost of
about £2,000, for 100 ch ild ren ; average attendance,
55; Miss L. E. Hinton, mistress
Carrier— A lbert Partridge, from A shbury to Swindon,
passes through on mon. & fri

Am es W m . Herbt. Church Farm ho
Bates Rev. Jam es, Vicarage
Lieut.-C ol.
Hugh (late R. F .A .), Bourton end
B utler C yril Kendall J.P. Bourton ho
Sm ith Mrs. The Grove
Thom as Jam es Havard R .S.B .S. The

Cox George, estate carpenter
Dixon George, farm er
Dixon Joseph, blacksm ith
Dixon W alter, carpenter
Hall Thom as, gardener to Lieut.-Co!
H. Bedford-Pim
H awkings A rth ur H. farmer
Hawkings Jam es D. farmer
K in g Sidney, farm er, Manor farm.
A rkell Albert V ictor, farmer, Parson­
Lower Bourton
age farm
Knapp Frank, estate stonemason

Maisev W alter, coal m erchant
'fanners A rth u r C. farmer. Swan hill
Mortimer Joseph, thrashing machine
Mortimer W m .thrashing m ach.owner
Phillips John, assistant overseer
Sm ith Wm. Edwd, grocer, Post office
Starke Edward H. gardener to C.
K. Butler esq. J.P
Wilson Abraham, m arket gardener

B O X F O R D -c u m -W E S T B R O O K is a parish and Welford and Leckham pstead ; this road is called “ Hangvillage, on the road from Newbury to Lam bourn, with manstone la n e ” from the following le g e n d :— A man
a station on th e Lam bourn V alley railw ay and is 4^ having stolen a sheep, was carrying it with its hind
m iles north-west from Newbury, in the Southern d ivi­ legs round his neck, and sat down to rest on the large
sion of the county, hundred of Faircross, p etty ses­ boundary stone ; the sheep struggled and drew him
sional division, union and county court d istrict of New­ backwards, and he was found in the morning strangled
bury, archdeaconry of Berks, rural deanery of New­ by the hind legs of the sheep. Colonel George -Brambury' and diocese of Oxford. The ham lets of Boxford ston Archer-Houblon, of 30 Cranlev gardens, London
and Westbrook lie on either side of th e river L am ­ S.W . is lord of the manor and George Baylis esq. and
bourn. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient edifice the trustees of Sir Richard Sutton are the principal
of stone, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, landowners. The soil is mixed gravel and chalk ; sub­
north aisle, south porch and a low em battled western soil, loam and chalk. The chief crops are wheat,
tower of flint and brick, rebuilt about 1670 and con­ barley, oats and turnips. The area is 2,807 acres of
taining 5 bells and a c lo c k : in the church is a m onu­ land and 12 of water ; rateable value, £2,275 ; the
m ent of clunch or hard chalk, inclosing a black marble population in 1901 was 461.
slab inscribed to the Rev. Jam es Anderton, rector here,
who died in 1672: the north aisle was built in 1841 for
W ESTBROOK is a tithin g in this parish adjoining
the use of the poor by the Rev. John W ells, then Boxford on the west.
re c to r: the church was restored and reseated, and a
Parish Clerk, Alfred Taylor.
new organ was erected in 1909 at a cost of £1,500:
there are 270 sittings, all being free. T h e register i Post & T. Office.—
l r y at 7.45
dates from the year 1558. The livin g is a rectory, ! Letters arrive
from Newbury
a.m. &
p.m. ; dispatched at 1 2 .1 0 & ^.40 p.m . No sunday
net yearly value £500, including 21 acres of glebe and
delivery. Stockcross is the nearest money order
residence, in the gift of the Rev. Charles N. Edgington
M.A. late rector, and held since 1904 by the Rev.
W illiam North Andrews M.A. of T rinity College, Post Office, W ickham Heath.— -William Pearce, sub-post­
Cam bridge. Here is a chapel for W esleyans; there i master. Letters through Newbury arrive at 7 .2 0
is also one for Prim itive Methodists on W ickham i a.m. & 12 .5 0 p.m. (callers only); sundays, 7 .1 0 a .m .;
Heath. The benefactions to the poor are— the rector
letter box cleared at 12 .4 5 & 5 -5 ° P*oa.; sundays,
pays 13s. 4d. at every E a ster; Mr. G regory Irem onger
9.35 a.m. No sunday delivery, but letters m ay be
gave £ 27 by w ill; Mrs. W avte gave 6s. 8d. payable
called for 7 .1 0 to 8.10 a.m. W ickham ,
miles dis­
y e a r ly ; Mr. Richard W hare gave £30 by w ill; Mr.
tant, is the nearest telegraph office. Stockcross is
W illoughby gave an annuity of 20s. by will, dated 1610;
the nearest money order office
John Shepherd gave £20, the interest to be paid to poor
w id ow s; these sums are invested in the £2^ per cent. Police Constable, Stephen Langford
Consols. Oliver Samson, the Berkshire Quaker, who Carriers.— W illiam Pearce & W illiam Thomas Pearce,
Wickham Heath to Newbury
spent a considerable time in prison for refusing to pay
tithes, resided here, and the cottage in which he lived Parochial School. Boxford (m ixed), built in 18 7 1, for
is still standing. On the road at the north end of the
ch ild ren ; average attendance, 91 ; W illiam
Evans B.A. master
parish is a boundary stone of the parishes of Boxford,
Dodd W m . farm er. H igh Street f r n Thatcher Tom Hillier. farmer, RowAndrews Rev. W illiam North M .A. Froude John (M rs.), frm r. H unts grn ! lmry farm (letters via Chieveley)
Hamblin Wm. & Sons,m illers (water) j Wavlen Em ily (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Hawkins Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper Wilson Edwin Edward, farmer, Court
Baylis George. Wyfield
W illiam (M rs.), farm er, Own-j oak & Bradley Wood farms (letters
G ilks James M. W ickham Heath
ham, W ickham Heath
via Chieveley)
Hallen John Rokeby, Coomsbury
Philip, land steward to Col. I
Ullithorne Mrs. Ownham, W ickham
W ilson Edwin, Court Oak farm Lovegrove Alfred, cowkeeper, W ic k -1Austin George, Egremont
John Edward, W est(letters th rough Chieveley)
Lovegrove Henrv , shoe maker, W ickbrook house
ham Heath
Rice Miss
M erritt Francis, Bell inn, & farm er Beard Howard, carpenter
A dam s W illiam , blacksmith
Munday Froome, farmer,Ownham frm Houghton Hilda (Miss), farmer
B averstock W alter,farm er.Boxford ho Pearce W illiam , shopkeeper & carrier, Pocock W illiam , farm er & shopkeeper
Baylis George, farm er, Wyfield
Post Office, W ickham Heath
Snook John, farm er, Manor farm
C'arrell Henrv, butcher
Pearce W illiam
carrier, i Westbrook Reading Room (Rev. W in.
Dodd John, harness m aker & farmer
W ickham Heath
North Andrews M.A. hon.sec)
B O Y N E H IL L ,


B R A C K N E L L is an ecclesiastical parish form ed Oct. deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks and dio­
24, 1851, out of the parishes of Warfield and Winkfield, cese of O xfo rd ; it is situated on the forest road from
28 m iles from London, 12 south-east from Reading, 8 Reading to London, form ing part of the Old Forest of
south from Maidenhead and 9 south-west from Windsor, Windsor, and is surrounded by a neighbourhood fu ll of
in the Eastern division of the county, petty sessional picturesque scenery and containing several mansions and
division of W okingham , hundred of W argrave, union of parks of resident noblemen and gentlemen. The Brack­
Eastham pstead, county court district of Windsor, Tural I nell station on the South W estern railway is in the