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3 «2
[O X F O R D S H IR E .
G arrett Thomas Edwin D. 39 South G ilbert W illiam Creasey, 44 W est
Bar street, Banbury
street, Grim sbury, Banbury
t t e f e 'a ic T is «
G arrod Heathcote W illiam M .A. Mer Giles Miss, Beechwood, Harpsden, s s
H igh street, Thame
ton college, Oxford
m cG a r th
14 Davenant road, Giles Miss, 31 Chalfont road, St. Godlee Rickman J., B A
Wolvercote, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
s a a » co°â be
S :
G ask ell Rev. A rthur Hammond M.A., Giles Miss, Lee place, Badgemore rd.
B.D. 19 Staverton rd .S t.G ilesâ,Oxfd
G askell Henry M elville J.P. Kidding- G ill George T . S. Lashbrook lodge.
G adley Alfred O
ton hall, N ether Kiddington
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gaskin Edward, 41 Fairacres road, G ill Miss, 1 S t. Markâs road, HenleyGodlev
Hill f»rm
Iffley road, Oxford
Stoke Row, Henley-on-Thames
G au n tlett H. L. Bloxham , Banbury G ill W alter Brudenell M.A. Merton
GodsoH James Nelson, ,65 Banburv
G avin W. J. Huntercom be Manor ho.
college, Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Nuffield, Henley-on-Thames
G ill Wm. 7 St. Michaelâs st. Oxford
G a y G ilbert Ernest, 164 Banbury rd. Gill W illiam Henry, Eversley, Blen Godson Miss, High street, Bamnton
Nicholls S., Horley, B a n W
Sum m ertown, Oxford
heim road, Caversham, Reading
G ee Richd. 88 Abingdon road, Oxford Gillam Owen Charles, 5 Beech Croft Godwin Rev. Edward Ph D M R
Presbytery, South Bar st. Bmbur,'
G ee W illiam Henry, 3 Southmoor
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
road, St. Giles', Oxford
G illam s Robert, 35 Leckford road Golby Miss, 74 Bath road, Banbury'
Mrs. Adderbury East, Banburv
G eekie Wm. 42 St. G ilesâ st. Oxford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
G eiger M. B. Deddington, Oxford
G illard John George, 40 Middleton Golden Miss, The Lawn, Charlburr
A J. 48 South Bar st.Banbiirv
G eldart Mrs. 10 Moreton road, Sum Â
road, Grim sbury, Banbury
Mrs. 8 Fairacres road, Ifflev
mertown, Oxford
Gillard Mrs. 47 Beech Croft road G older
G eldart W illiam Martin M .A. 27
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Golding: Mrs. Manor house, Hook
Beaumont street, Oxford
Gillard Robert George, 3 Cowley pi,
G elderd-Som ervell Fredk. M .A., J.P.
S t Clem entâs, Oxford
Haselev manor, H aseley,W allingfrd Gillard W illiam , Norm anhurst, Kid- G ddingham Rev.Philip Proctor, RecÂ
tory, Church Green, Witney
G em Rev. Sam uel H arvey M .A. 86
lington, Oxford
Banbury road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
G illett Rev. Edward Alfred M.A. Gold ring Rev. A rthur B.A. Vicarage
Genner E. E ., M.A. Jesus col. Oxfd
Goldsm ith Frederick, 51 Marston st
George Rev. Thomas Parker, 25 PolBicester
John, Oxford
stead road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
G illett A rth ur Bevington M.A. 102
Goldsworthy Chas. Geo.3 Beech Croft
George Amos John, 35 Chilsw ell rd.
Banbury road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
G illett Edward, The Firs, Clanfield
G eorge Edwin A rthur, 45 A rgyle st. G illett Henry Tregelles M.D. 8 Charl- Goldsworthy John, 12 Oakthorpe rd.
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Chester street, Oxford
bury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
G eorge Frederick Henry, The Hearth, G illett John Padbury J.P. The Elm s, Gooch Richard F. K . 1 West Bar st.
Checkendon, Reading
Oxford road, Banbury
Good T . S. Asylum , Littlemore,Oxfrd
G eorge Jn. 15 H igh st. ChippingNrtn G illett Joseph Ashby, Banbury
Horatio Charles, 16 King
G eorge Mrs. 3 Chalfont road, St. G illett Miss, 7 Bridge street, W itney
Edward street, Oxford
G ilesâ, Oxford
G illett Miss, Fern cottage, Brize NorÂ
Goodall Mrs. 16 Thorncliffe road,
George Wm . C. 55 Iffley rd. Oxford
ton, Bampton
Sum m ertown, Oxford
George W illiam Thomas, 14 Bedford G illett Miss, 20 Oxford rd. Banbury
Goodbody R. D. 1 Marlborough road,
street, W arwick street, Oxford
G illett Miss, 2 W est Bar st. Banbury
Gepp Rev. Henry John M .A. Adder- G illett Mrs. 11 F air mile, Henley-onGoode Gerald, The Cottage, WhitÂ
bury East, Banbury
church, Reading
G errans Henry Tresawna M .A. 20 G illett Mrs. South view, Newland,
Mark, 27 Portland road,
St. John street, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
W itney
m ertown, Oxford
G errard H erbert W illiam , 5 Thorn- G illett Mrs. 219 Woodstock road,
Goodman S.W.54Cornmarket st.Oxfd
cliffe road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
G errard H ugh, Larkfield, Albert rd. G illett Sidney B.Sc.Lond. Newland, Goodrich Edwin S., M.A. Merton colÂ
lege, Oxford
Caversham, Reading
W itney
Goodridge Mrs. St. Michael, Banbury
G erring G. Broad street, Bampton
Gillm an Miss, 6 Polstead road, St.
road, Summertown, Oxford
Gibbens Charles Robert, 41 Beech
G ilesâ Oxford
Croft road, Sum m ertown, Oxford Gillm an Mrs. Freelands, Iffley road, Goodwin Miss, 99 Iffley road, Oxford
Miss, 10 Keble road, St.
Gibbon Rev. Henry H., M .A. 16
G ilesâ, Oxford
Parks road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Gillm an Richard W illiam, 16 Lons Gordon George Stuart M.A. 5 Park
Gibbons Miss, Lynwood, H igh street,
dale road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
crescent, Park town, Oxford
Gillm or Rev. Andrew Hercules M.A. Gordon Miss, Marston, Oxford
G ibbons Miss, 11 St. John street, St.
The Rectory, Begbroke, Oxford
Walter, 49 Oakthorpe road,
Gilesâ. Oxford
G illott Mrs. 71 Middleton road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Gibbs Rev. Reginald M .A. Clifton
G rim sbury, Banbury
Gordon-Lennox Col. Lord Algernon
Hampden, Abingdon
G inger Mrs. 16 Oxford road, Banbury
Charles, Broughton castle, Banbury
Gibbs Berkeley Henry, 3 Banbury rd. Ginnies T. 2 Broughton rd. Banburv
Gore R ight Rev. Charles D.D. The
Chipping Norton
Girdlestone Francis Brooke, The Mill
Palace, Cuddesdon, Wheatley
G ibbs George F. 18 M arket place,
house. Iffley, Oxford
Gosling Col. George J.P. Stratton
Giveen Mrs. 195 Banbury road, Su m Â
Audiey park, Bicester
G ibbs George S. 80 W arwick st.Oxfrd
mertown, Oxford
G ibbs Henry John, 34 D ivinity road, Glancey V ery Rev. Canon M. F. B eg Gosling Geo. 64 Warwick st. Oxford
Gosset Col. Edward F. The Gables,
Cowley road, Oxford
broke, Oxford
Gibbs Mrs. A dderbury West,Banbury Glanfield W.54 South Bar st.Banbury
Gosset Colonel F ., R.E. Shirburn st.
Gibbs Mrs. 29 Marlboroâ rd. Banbury Glanville Chas. 38 W arwick st.Oxford
W atlington, Wallingford
Gibbs Mrs. 80 W arwick rd. Banbury G anville M .s»,BerncktSalom e.W lngfd j Gosset Mis.,, 5 Winchester road, St.
G ibbs Mrs. J.81 Warwick rd.Banbury Glass Benjam in, Shirburn s tre e t,1 Gilesâ Oxford
Gibbs Rt. H. 27 Horse fair, Banbury
W atlington, W allingford
Goswellâ W illiam Ernest, Ohiltern vil.
Gibbs W illiam , 23 W hite House road, G assman Ernest, 15 Parker st. Oxfrd; Newnham Murren, Wallingford
Grandpont, Oxford
Glen J. H. Wychwood ho. Chalbury ¡Gotch Francis M .A., F R.S., D.Sc.
Gibson Alexander George M.D. 46 Glossop^Rev. Sami. Souldern,Banbury
The Lawn, 89 Banbury rd. Oxford
St. Gilesâ street. Oxford
Glover D. 19 Calthorpe road,Banbury
Gibson Chas. J. Swaleliffe, Banbury Glover Misses, 87 Lonsdale road, Goucher Mrs. Th^ Cottage,
Rowant, Wallingford
Gibson R ., B.A. Balliol college,Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Goudy Henry D .C.L. All Soulsâ colÂ
Gibson Strickland Harrison,38 Regent Glyn Lady, The Close, Burcott.
lege, Oxford
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Gough Charles, 109 Iffley rd. Oxford
G ifford Mrs. 76 Banbury road, St. Gm elin Rev. Charles Henry Stu art Gough Mrs. The Lodge, Souldern,
Gilesâ, Oxford
M .A. 272 Banbury road, Sum m erÂ
G ilbert Alfred, Radnor lodge, Albert
town, Oxford
Gould A. P. The Grange, Clanfield
road. Caversham , Reading
Goddard James, The Briars, South Gould Jas. C. 125 Iffley road, Oxford
G ilbert Frank, 43 W est st. Grim s
View avenue, Caversham , Reading Gould Miss, 2i Worcester place, St.
bury, Banbury
Goddard Mrs. K in gâs end, Bicester
Thom asâ, Oxford
G ilbert J. C. 167 Iffley road, Oxford Goddard
Sidney, Hillside, South Goundrey Misses, 32 Thorncliffe road,
View avenue, Caversham , Reading
Sum m ertown, Oxford