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P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .


Potter Henry A. 233 Woodstock rd. Price Langford Lovell Fredk. Bice Badbone Mrs. The Avenue,300 Wool
Sum m ertown, Oxford
M.A. Oriel college, Oxford
stock rd. Summertown, Oxford
Potter The Misses, H arw ell, Banbury Price Miss, 16 St. Giles’ st. Oxford Radeliffe Mrs. Balmore, Caversham
Potter Mrs. 26 Leckford road, St. Price Miss,Stone ho,Headington,Oxfrd
G iles’, Oxford
Price Mrs. 8 Park crescent, Park Radford John, Souldern, Banbury
Potter Sam uel, St. Hilary, South
town, Oxford
Radford Robt. 239 Cowley rd. Oxford
View avenue, Caversham , Reading Price Sylvester, 12 Manor pi. Holy- Railton Mrs. 241 Banbury road, Sum
Potter W illiam Godfrey, 29 Warnwell, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
borough road, St. Giles', Oxford
Prichard Evan C ., M .D.Edin. 13 Rainey Rev. James Bryant M a
Potts Thomas Radford D .C.L.
Horsefair, Banbury
V icarage, Holwell, Burford
Crick road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Prichard Harold A rth. M.A. 6 Linton Rait Robert Sangster M.A. 98 Wood
Poulter Frank, 4 Folly bridge, St.:
road, St. G iles’, Oxford
stock road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Aldate’s, Oxford
P rickett Alexander, 59 Southmoor Rake Wm. 5 Broughton rd Banbury
Poulton Edward Bagnall D.Se.. M.A.,: road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Raleigh Miss, 14 London place Si'
F .R .S . 56 Banbury road, St. Giles', Prickett Hector, 70 Southmoor road,
Clem ent's, Oxford
St. G iles’, Oxford
Ralston Miss, The Ferns, Rotherfield
Pountnev William H. Selangor,Priest Priddle John Augustus, The Cottage,
Greys, Henley-on-Thames
hill, Caversham , Reading
Dunsden, Reading
Ralton Henry Hill, 59 Middleton rd
Povev George, 9 Bridge
street, Priest Mrs. Upper Heyford, Banbury
G rim sbury, Banbury
Caversham . Reading
Priestman Mrs. Bloxham, Banbury
Ram baut A rth ur A ., M.A
D Sc
Powell Vice-Adm iral
Francis Prigge G. E. 256 Abingdon rd. Oxfrd
M .R .I.A ., F.R .S., F.R.A.S. Rad':
K.C .M .G ., C .B ., J.P. Knockeevan, Prince Mrs. 18 Broughton rd.Banbry
cliffe Observatory, Woodstock Toad
Albert road, Caversham , Reading
Prior Rev. Charles Edward M.A.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Powell Charles M. Eastfield, Derby
Rectory, Charlton, Oxford
Ramsden W alter D.M. Pembroke col­
road, Caversham , Reading
Prior Harry Neville, The Ridin;
lege, St. Aldate’s, Oxford
Powell Edw ard Cotton, Fairlawn,
Headington Quarry, Oxford
Rand Rev. Ebenezer Bacon M.A. 30
Peppard rd. Caversham , Reading
Prior Mrs. 111 Divinity road, Cow­
W est Bar street, Banbury
Powell John Undershell M.A. 1 Wei
ley road, Oxford
Randall Geo. Hook Norton,’ Banbury
lington pi. St. Giles' st. Oxford
Pritchard Miss, 225 Cowley rd.Oxford Randall Mrs. Sloane cottage, WatPowell Mrs. 8 Hamilton avenue, Pritchett H.W.27 Church grn.W itney
lington, Wallingford
Prophett Miss, 20 Middleton road, Randle Rev. C.C.W .Park st.Woodstck
Powell Percival, 71 Cowley rd.Oxford
Grim sbury, Banbury
Randolph George Boscawen J .P .
Powell W alter R. H. 72 D ivinity rd. Prophett Mrs. 2 St. Leonard's view,
Steeple Aston, Oxford
Cowley road, Oxford
W est street, Grim sbury, Banbury Ranking Lt.-Col. George S. A., M.D.
Power Miss, St. Mary's, Headington Prosser Thom as, n Walton crescent,
Cantab., M.A.Oxon. 2 Park town'
Quarry, Oxford
St. Thom as’, Oxford
Powys Rev. Charles Richard M.A Proudfoot Frank G., M .A., M.D.,C.M. Raper Robert William M.A., B.C.L.
Rofford, Chalgrove, Wallingford
Trinity college, Oxford
43 St. G iles’ street, Oxford
Poynder George Andrew, Orchard lea. Prout Denis, Homeland, South View Rashdall Rev. Hastings M.A.,D.Litt.
Grosvenor rd. Caversham , Reading
avenue, Caversham , Reading
18 Long Wall street, Oxford
Poynder John Andrew, Lindley, Derby Prowse William B., M .B., M .A. 133 Ratcliffe Rev. Christopher H. 16
road, Caversham , Reading
Merton street, Grimsbury, Banbury
Banbury rd. Sum m ertown, Oxford
P.ynd er Thomas Hy. The Cottage, Pryer Miss,8Horsefair,Chipping Nortn Ratsey A rth ur B. 41 Portland road,
Grosvenor rd. Caversham , Reading Pullan Rev. Edward W ilfred M.A.
Summertown, Oxford
Poynter Miss, 15 The Terrace, Park
The Vicarage, St. M argaret’s road, Ratsey Charles Brin ton, 18 Western
town, Oxford
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Poynton A rth ur Blackburne M.A. 3 Pullan Rev. Leighton M.A. St. John's Raven Miss, The Cottage, South
Fyfield road, Oxford
Leigh, W itney
college, St. Giles’ street, Oxford
Poyntz Rev. Nathaniel C. S., M.A Pullan Percy Dighton M .A. 9 St. Ravenor Hy. T. 26 West end, Witney
The Vicarage, D orchestr.W allingfrd
Ravenor N. J. G. 22 High st. Witney
Cross road, Holywell, Oxford
Prall Mrs. Penquit cottage, Bampton Pullen Henryr, W illoughby house, Ravenscroft Ernest, The Croft, St.
Prankerd Archibald A rth ur D .C .L .,
Peter’s avenue, Caversham,Reading
D orchester, Wallingford
LL.D .Lond. 66 Banbury road, St. Pullen Misses, 293 Cowley rd. Oxford Rawcliffe Mrs. 38 Lonsdale Toad,
Giles’, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Pullen Mrs. 33 Southmoor road, St
Pratley Robert, Shipton-under-WychRawlinson Rev. Alfred Edward John
Giles', Oxford
wood, Oxford
M.A. Keble college, Oxford
Pulley' Mrs. Oxford road, Benson,
Pratt Henry Montague, The Cottage,
Rawlinson Hugh W illiam, Bix Hill
W allingford
Alkerton, Banbury
Bix, Henley-on-Thames
Pumphrey Miss, Hazeldeane, Charlbry!
Pratt Mrs. 14 Hamilton avenue, Purcell Edward Norton, Trafalgar ho. Rawnsley Misses, 8 Norham gardens,
St. G iles', Oxford
Upper High street, Thame
Pratt Mrs. M. 51 Bath road, Banbury Purdon Mrs. 2 Grove place, High st. Raworth Charles, 18 Polstead road,
Pratt Reginald de Mohun, Lyneham,
St. G iles', Oxford
Chipping Norton
Purdue Rev. George Henry M.A. Rawstone Robert E. The Highlands,
P ratt Stanley, 35 Beech Croft road,
St. Peter's hill, Caversham,Reading
Vicarage, Mollington, Banbury
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Ray Frederick Robert, 10 Fyfield id.
Purdue Miss, Rock house, W itney
Preedy Miss A. Belmont rise, Kid- Purnell Alfred, 12 Hill Top road,' St.
St. Giles’, Oxford
lington, Oxford
Ray W illiam
M .B., B.S., B.Sc.
Clem ent's, Oxford
Karinva, Woodstock road, Summer­
Prentice J. V. 20 Church st. Bicester Purnell Wm 247 Ifflev Td. Oxford
Prescott James W illiam , The Pad­ Pursell Anthony, 105 Southfield road,
town, Oxford
docks, Bloxham , Banbury
Raydon W illiam , Covert cottage, HiH
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Prescott Miss. 58 Middleton road, Purvis Henry George, The Orchard,
bottom, Whiteinch, Reading
Raynharu W illiam Calvert, 36 Middle­
G rim sbury, Banbury
Albert road, Caversham , Reading
ton road, Grim sbury, Banbury
Prestidge Thomas, Exeter house, Pusev Henry, 18 Parks road, St.
Read Rev. W illiam Inskip Digby S.,
Kidlington, Oxford
G iles’, Oxford
M.A. 19s Iffiev road, Oxford & St.
Preston Rev. Percy Herbert M.A. 357 Puxley Herbert, Goring house, G or­
Andrew's cottage, Sandford-uponCowley road, Oxford
ing, Reading
Preston D.33 Marlborough rd.Banbry Quain Mrs. Weir -croft, Mill lane,
Thames, Oxford
Read A lbert Randall, Woodland villa.
P retty Thomas V. 96 D ivinity road,
Priest bill, Caversham, Reading
Cowley road, Oxford
Quainton Fred, 6 Cripley rd. Oxford
Price Rev. A. R ., M .A. Hethe Manor Quartermaine Miss, Old Palace yard, Read Alfred Carter, 9 Fair mile,
house, Hethe, Bicester
Price Rev. Jn. R. 6 Field st. Bicester Quelch Edward Arnett, 2 Manor pi. Read Geo. South Newington, Banbury
Read John, 13 Tackley place, bt.
Price Benjam in H. 12 The Terrace,
Holywell, Oxford
Park town, Oxford
G iles', Oxford
Quelch George, 13 Regent st. Cowley
Walt.Woolfe M.D.Brux. Asylum»
Price George Vincent, 30 Chalfont
St. John, Oxford
Littlem ore, Oxford
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Quelch Jas. 78 Warwick st. Oxford
W illiam Henry Vincent M.A.
Price Godfrey W illiam Jones, 79 Quin Miss, Manor house, Ewelme,
Keble college, Oxford
Lonsdale rd. Sum m ertown, Oxford
Price Henry Habberley, Hillside, Quinton Herbert, 25 Staverton road, Reade-Revell W. Henley park, Badgemore. Henlev-on-Thames
Headington hill, Oxford
St. Giles’, Oxford
Price Joseph Ernest, 20 Manor pi. Raby John Platford, 117 Woodstock Header J. 4 West st.Chipping Norton
Holvwell, Oxford
road, St. Giles', Oxford