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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Peaslev Charles, 2 Osberton road,
Suinmertown, Oxford
Perm Edward, 6 Speedwell street, St.
\ldateâs, Oxford
P e n n y Mrs. L . 67 High st. Oxford
P e n stone Miss Ann, 5 Iffley rd. Oxford
P e r k i n s Miss M.21 Museum rd.Oxford
P h illip s
Miss Charlotte, 4 7 SouthÂ
moor road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
P i c k e r i n g Fredk. 0 . 49 High st.Oxfrd
Pierce Herbert, 37 Wellington sq.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
piper Albert E. 38 High st. Oxford
piper Albert Edwin, 8 Walton cresÂ
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Piper Edwin, 44 Cowley rd. Oxford
Piper Mrs. Murray, 22 Banbury rd.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Plaister Reginald Cowley, 17 WorcesÂ
ter place, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Plomer George Arthur, 1 Hamilton
avenue, Henley-on-Thames
Plumbe Miss Marian, 66 Bell street,
Plumuier Mrs. Maria, 3 Fairacres rd.
Ifliey road, Oxford
Ponsford Miss Jessie, 2 Alfred street,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Potter Herbt. J. 28 St.Gilesâ st.Oxfrd
Potter Wm. Jn. 29 St.Gilesâ st.Oxfrd
Poulton Mrs. Rose, n o Southmoor rd.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Pratley F. 37 Gloucester grn. Oxford
Pratley Frederick, 27 New Inn Hal)
street, Oxford
Pratt Mrs. Dudley, 7 St. John street,
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Price Misses E. C. & M. M. 15 St.
John street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Prince Mrs. Sarah, 8 Walton Well
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Pullen George Charles, 27 Richmond
road, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Quarterman Arthur Ernest, 17 W elÂ
lington square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Randall Misses Ada & Dora, 20 PemÂ
broke street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Randall Mrs. Grace, Gorwell, W atÂ
lington, Wallingford
Rapley Fredk. 22 Walton st. Oxford
Rawle James, Alma cottage, WhitÂ
church. Reading
Ray Miss Alice, t6 Wellington sq.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Reynolds John Reuben, Springfield
house, Burford
Richards Herbert Francis, 20 St
Michaelâs street, Oxford
Richards Mrs. Thirza Ann, 7 Divinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Richmond Richard, 6 St. John st.
St. Giles', Oxford
Risi Beneditto, 20 St.John st.Bicester
Roberts Mrs. Jane, 20 Wellington
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Robins Lloyd, 59 Market pi. Henleyon-Thames
Robinson Mrs. Emily, 25 Castle st.
east, Banburv
Roe John. 9 Hamilton avenue, HenÂ
Rolls Albt. C. 26 St. Gilesâ st.Oxford
Roote Mrs. C. 162 Walton st. Oxford
Round Mrs. Rosa, 1 King Edward st.
Rowe David, 20 & 21 High st. Oxford
Rowland Alfred Joseph, 16 Manor
place, Holywell, Oxford
Sadler Mrs. M .E.sM useum rd. Oxford
Sanders T. 6 King Edward st. Oxford
Sanders William HenTy, 31 Walton
crescent. St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Saunders Miss Emily, 3 Manor road.
Holywell, Oxford
Saunders Matthew, 19 Vicarage rd.
Sawyer Mrs. L. 14 Walton st. Oxford
Scarlett Mrs.F.2r Beaumont st.Oxfrd
Scarsbrook Alfd 138 Walton st.Oxford
Scholl Philip Frederick, 21 Walton
crescent, St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Selby Mrs. Mary, 27 Walton crescent, Thomas Frank A. 4 King Edward st.
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Seppings Miss Margaret, 49 Walton Thomas Thomas David, 23 Pembroke
street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Shelton Misses Elizabeth & Annie, 17 Thompson Miss Mary, 21 Vicarage
road, Henley-on-Thames
Museum road, Oxford
Shelton Harry, 25 Richmond road, St. Thomson A. E. 167 Walton st.Oxford
Mrs. Kate, Bear la. Oxford
Thomasâ , Oxford
Shepherd Misses Frances Caroline & Thornton Mrs. Kate M. 7 King
Edward street, Oxford
Esther, 19 Kingston road, St.Gilesâ,
Thornton William John, 6 & 7 St.
Aidate's street, Oxford
Shillingford Jsph. 48 High st. Oxford
Shirley John, 31 Kingston road, St. Thorpe Harry, 24 Pembroke street,
St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Giles', Oxford
Shrubb Mrs. E. 29 Iffley rd. Oxford Tombs Mrs. L. 132 Walton st. Oxford
Simmonds Misses S. & M. 14 Ship Trafl'ord Mrs. 10 Parks road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
street, Oxford
Simmonds M rs.A .A .nW alton st.Oxfrd Tranter Joseph, 16 St. Mark's road,
Simms Mrs. Mary Ann, 42 Richmond
Treimer Anton, 50 Walton crescent,
road, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Sims Mrs. E. 148 Walton st. Oxford
Sims William , 169 Walton st. Oxford Tubb F. H. 18 Manor place, Holy1
well, Oxford
Singer Mrs. Sarah, 18 Turl st. Oxfrd
Skinner P A. 104 & 105 High st.Oxfrd Tucker Thomas, 94 Southmoor road,
St. Giles', Oxford
Skinner W m .2 & 3 BlackHall rd.Oxfrd
Slater Miss A. M. 9 Museum rd.Oxfid Tackett Mrs. Louisa, 46 Marston st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Slay Francis John, 10 Wellington sq.
Turner Mrs. Ada, 34 High st. Oxford
St Gilesâ , Oxford
Smallbone John, Ivy cottage, W hit Turner Miss Annie Louisa, 15 K ingÂ
ston road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
church, Reading
Smith Ambrose Frederick, t o Worces Turner MissE.K.22Beaumont st.Oxfrd
Turner Edwin Fletcher, 20 Banbury
ter place, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
road, St. Giles', Oxford
Smith Arth. W . 38 Holywell st.Oxfrd
Smith Miss Emily, 86 St. Johnâs rd. Turner Miss F. 2 Albert st. Banbury
Turner George, 14 Chilswell road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
Smith George Lester, 46 Walton
Turner Mrs. Julia. 96 Reading road,
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Smith Mrs. M. A .21 Priory rd.Bicestr
Smith Thomas George, 51 St. John Tustin James Walter, 5 Regent st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Smith W m . 38 Beaumont st. Oxford Tysoe Miss Mary Elizabeth, 28 WelÂ
lington square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Smithers Mrs. R.27 Walton st.Oxford
Sparrow Mrs. Sarah, 62 Hamilton rd. Yenuss Miss Kathleen, 15 Richmond
road, St. Thomasâ. Oxford
Summertown, Oxford
Spencer Jn. Hy. 117 Iffley rd. Oxford j Vernon M rs.R.46 Bell st.Henlev-on-T
Spicer Mrs. Rachael, 55 St. John st. Vincent Mrs. Martha, 50 St. John
street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Spiller Mrs. Sarah, 3 Parks rd. St. 1Viner Joseph, 12 Bridge st. Witney
Wale William W yatt W alter,12 RichÂ
Gilesâ, Oxford
mond road, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Stacey Miss J. 10 Museum rd. Oxford
Steele Walter Sidney, 39 Jeune st. ¡Walker A. T. 44 & 45 High st.Oxford
Walker Miss Gertrude, 20 & 21 HolySt. Clementâs, Oxford
well street, Oxford
Stevens Mrs. George, 6 Bear Garden
Walking Mrs. Lucy, 3 St. Markâs rd.
road, Banbury
Stewart Miss E. 23 Abbey rd. Oxford
Stone Albert, 19 Walton crescent, St. Walklett John George. 5 Bath place,
Holywell street, Oxford
Thomasâ , Oxford
Stone Miss, 4 Wellington square, St. Walklett Thomas William. 20 Woodstock road. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gilesâ , Oxford
Storey Hedlev V.Gloucester st.Oxford Walton William, 14 Merton st. Oxford
Stranks Mrs. A. 50 & 51 North Bar Ward Miss Clara. 28 Kingston road,
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
street. Banbury
Styles G. 14 Manor pi.Holywell,Oxfrd Ward Richard. 115 Cowlev rd Oxford
Mrs. Lucy, 14 King Edward
Sulston Miss K.40 London rd.Bicestr
street, Oxford
Swadling Stephen William, 32 Queen
Miss Kate. 26 St. Michaelâs
street, Henley-on-Thames
street. Oxford
Swift Thomas, 5 & 6 Brewers street,
Watson Walter, 0 Richmond road, St.
St. Aklateâs, Oxford
Thomasâ, Oxford
Tagg Misses Elizabeth & Maria, 3
Longworth road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford Webb Edward, 21 Wellington square,
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Tandy & Bradford Misses, 28 W alÂ
Webb Miss Mary A. 53 St. John
ton street, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Tanner Mrs. Marv. 16 London place.
Webber Miss Fanny, to Long Wall
St. Clementâ s, Oxford
street, Oxford
Taphouse Mrs. S. 6 Grove st. Oxford
Taunt Tom, 11 Grove street. Oxford Weedon Miss M .A .t6 Merton st. Oxfrd
Frederick, Lee cottage,
Tavler Miss Elizabeth M. 16 Walton
Ducklington. Witney
crescent, St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Tavler Mrs. Hannah, 33 Wellington sq Weller Joseph Maynard, 10 Manor
road. Holvwell. Oxford
St. Gilesâ . Oxford
Taylor & Skinner Misses, 30 Welling Wells Mrs. Louisa. 74 Park sfc.Thame
West Mrs. Louisa. 57 St. John st.
ton square, St. Gilesâ . Oxford
St. Gilesâ . Oxford
Taylor John, 28 Beaumont st. Oxford
TayloT Mrs. Mary Ann. 18 Richmond Westell Harry, 90 St. Aldateâ s street,
road. St. Thomas', Oxford
Thackara William, 50 Western Toad Weston Mrs. Julia, 20 Vicarage road,
Grandpont. Oxford
Thick Mrs. Rosa, 159 Walton st.Oxfrd Wheal Charles W . 61 Southmoor rd.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Thicke Miss Jane, 12 Merton st.Oxfrd
Thomas Miss Elizabeth, 38 Walton Wheeler Mrs. Harriett, i t W ellingÂ
square, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
street, Oxford