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d ir e c to r y
B E R K S H IR E .
J .P . of Sunninghill lodge, are the principal landowners.
Th e population in 1901 was 1,927; it is now (1911)
â¢estimated at 2,900.
Parish Clerk, Thomas Skelton.
Post, M. 0 . k T. k Telephonic Express Delivery
Office.â W illiam N. Streater, postmaster. Letters
arrive from London & all parts, 6.30 & 9.30 a .m .;
London, Reading, Windsor, Staines & Woking, 5
p.m . ; dispatched to London at 9 a.m. ; London,
Reading & all parts, 10.25 a.m. ; London, Windsor.
Woking k all parts, 12.10 p .m .; Reading, W est of
England k all parts N.W . of Birmingham , Scotland
A; Ireland, 3 p.m. ; London, Staines, Windsor, Cam-berley & all parts but West of England, 3.45 p.m. ;
Reading & West of England, 7 .3 0 p.m . ; London &
all parts, 7 .4 5 p.m
Post, M. 0 . k T. Office, Brookside.â W illiam James
Bishop, sub-postmaster.
Letters received through
Ascot arrive 7 .3 0 & 10 .30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; Sundays,
7 .3 0 a.m . ; dispatched, 7 .3 0 & 1 1 .2 5 a.m. k 6 .3 5 k 8
p .m .; Sundays, 5.2 0 p.m
Elem entary School, Ascot Side, erected in 18 5 1 &
several times enlarged, for 350 children ; average atÂ
tendance, 103 boys, 126 girls k 82 infants; William
Millard, m a ste r; Miss Elizabeth Clark, m istre ss;
Miss Ethel D urrant, infantsâ mistress
Police Station, built in 1 9 0 4 ; Henry Jennaway, superÂ
intendent & four constables
Railway Station, H arry Isaac Evans, station m aster
loberts Field-AIarshal Earl V .C ., Ferns Margt. (Airs.), laundry, New rd
IBarks Josiah, Ascot lodge, The Heath
K .G ., K .P ., G .C .B ., O .M ..G .C .S .I., Francis W illiam , decorator, High st
Blake Mrs. Woodlands
G .C .I.E ., P.O. Englemere, A scot; Garraway Ernest, garage, Priory rd
Bowden-Smith Ernest, Hillsborough
Athenaeum & United Service clubs, Gear Alfd. Joseph L.D .S .R .C .S .Irel.
jBrereton Capt. W alter E. H untsm anâ s
London S W
dental surgeon, Claremont
Russell-Ryan John M.D. Shirley
Green John, coal dealer, Brookside
Briginshaw Arthur, Forest view
Ryan Sir Charles Lister K .C .B ., J.P. Grim es W illiam , cycle agent
Brown Miss, Carbery lodge
Burley bushes
H art W illiam , Gold Cup P.H. Ascot
Bruce Misses, Kenyth
Salting Mrs. Heathend
B urke Henry Farnham C.B., C V .O . Savory Mrs. Udimore
Healing John W. Railway hotel
Schneider The Misses, Burnside
Higgins Chas. confectioner, H igh st
Burridge Ernest James, Woodleigh
Seeley Frederick H. Bank house
Hopgood Frank W .shpkpr. Ascot hth
Cairnes Mrs. E lliott, Norbrae
Sharp Frederic J. Ascot lodge
International Tea Co.âs Stores Ltd.
C hetw ynd The Hon. Mrs. Cissbury
Stanmore Lord G .C .M .G ., D .C.L.,
High street
C hichester Mrs. Oaklands,Kennel ride
D .L., J.P. Red ho. ; & Athenaeum Jarvis Charles, builder, Glendale
C h u rchill John, Heatherdown
club, London S W
Jones Jane (M rs.), shopkeeper, LonÂ
Clem ent Mrs. Audley cottage
Suffield Charles A ugustus, Ardenlee
don road
C ollier Col. Clarence A ugustus, Ascot Sullivan Mrs. Mylor house
Lawrenceâs Stores Lim ited, grocers &
Wood cottage
Tottie William Harald, Sherlocks
drapers, H igh street
Collings Dudley W illis. Ashleigh
Tydd George B. Burleigh lodge
Lines James, carpenter, London road
Corbet Mrs. The Nooke
Underhill Rev. Percy Cyril B.A. London & Provincial Bank Lim ited
Courage Mrs. Woodcote
(curate), Heatherdown
(branch) (W illiam North Hyde,
C rom artie Lilian, Countess of, North Watson Robert, Aloss hill
manager), High s tr e e t; draw on
Willey Rev. Alfred Everard (curate
head office, 3 Bank buildings k
Crouch Herbert C. Chalcots
South Ascot), 2 Eton villas
Glvn, M ills,Currie k Co.London E 0
Durning-Lawrence Sir Edwin bart.
Longhurst Alice k Beatrice (Misses),
J.P ., L L .B , B.A. K in gâs ride
dress m akers, H igh street
Early closing day, Wed. 2 p.m.
Eden Lady, Milcote
Longhurst Gilbert, builder
Eden Henley, Woodstock
Abbott John W illiam , builder
Longhurst Joseph George, tobacconist
Eden Mrs. Woodstock
Adams Ernest, hair dresser, H igh st Marment Harry, fishmonger, HigE st
E llis The Misses, Osborne lodge
Ascot Fire Brigade Station (Henry Alason Wm. Bertie, estate agt.H igh st
F arrer W. S. Howard, Heatherwood
Charman. chief officer k sec. ; W. M in ch in B r o s , corn, coal, hay,
Ferguson Harold S. Englem ere Wood
Francis, second officer),High street
straw, seed k oil cake merchants,
Ascot Priory Convalescent Home k
forage contractors, brick & tile
G ear Alfred J. Claremont
Orphanage (Alexander Gairdner
m anufacturers, T he F a rm ; & at
H aig Chas. Edwin J.P. Orchard wood
Lacy M .R .C .S., L .R .C .P . medical
Binfield, Bracknell & Wokingham
Ham ilton A rth ur J. Blythewood
officer), High street
Paterson Alex. Gordon M .A., M.D.,
Hamilton Miss, Lyncroft
Ascot, Sunninghill & Sunningdale
C.M .Edin. surgeon, H igh street
Hanaford Mrs. Burleigh wood
Rifle Club (James Burke, hon. Payne W illiam ,Royal Forestersâ P.H.
H anbury Capt. Gurney, Holmwood lo
sec.). Ascot
Ascot Heath
Harris Miss Mohun, Kenegie
Baker Thomas, butcher, High street Pinnock Robert, baker, London road
H olt Mrs. Lavender farm
Baldock John, beer ret. Ascot Heath Pymm John, Queenâs Stag Hounds
H unter Norman F. Huntington
Bannister Sami, stone mason,High st
P.H. Ascot Heath
Hyde W illiam North, Hillside house Barber Percy, plumber, New road
Reed Ernest, beer retailer, High st
Kennedy Lord Alexander, The W hite Barclay & CompanyLimited (branch), Royal Ascot Golf C lub (Harold S.
co tta g e; & Naval & M ilitary club,
Ferguson, sec)
Piccadilly, London W
manager) ; draw on head office, 54 Royal Ascot- Hotel (Miss C. M.
L a Trobe-Bateman Rev. W illiam FairLombard street, London E C
Barnes, m anageress)
bairn M.A. The Rectory
Barton Frederick Arthur, Royal Hunt Rudd Edward & Son, blacksm iths,
Leigh Mrs. Austen, Kenilworth
Ascot Heath
P.H. Ascot Heath
Leschallas Percy P. The Lodge
Bishop W illiam James, draper, Post Sandwith W. H. k Son, chemists,
Liddell Lady Eleanor, Ascot Heath lo
High street
office, Brookside
Liddell Misses, Queenâs H ill lodge
Bristor Mary Olive (Mrs.), laundry, Short Charles, jobm aster, Fairview
Lillingstone Mrs. Rosewood
Streater W illiam Nve, jun. dairyÂ
Lissaman Albert, Moss H ill house
Browne Fredk. E. ironmngr. High st
man, H igh street
Logan Aliss, Orchard lea, Priory road Budgen & Co. Ltd. grocers, High st Taylor Charles, grocer, New road
Longhurst Joseph G. Hom burg ho. Bullock George E. baker, High st
Tidy W illiam E. nurseryman, Royal
Kennel ride
Butcher Geo. Albt. printer. High st
Ascot nurseries
Lucas Evelyn Penn, The Warren
Butler James, fruiterer, High street Turner Ism av (Miss), costumier.
Masefield Rev. W illiam Beech B.A. Caley Henry, saddler k harness
New road
(curate), Tittensor
Turner James, Horse k Groom P.H
m aker, H igh street
M ichael Mrs. Firbank
Chancellor & Sons, auctioneers, sur Wakeford E m ily (Miss), beer retailer,
Minchin Henry C. The Farm
Ascot Heath
veyors & valuers
Mounteney-Jephson Mrs. Sandridge Charlton Kenham. baker, High street Walden Chas. watch ma. Ivydene cot
Charman Henry, buiTder & contractr Walsh & Darius (The Misses), girlsâ
Oldham James Montague, Ormidale Churchill John, boysâ preparatory
school, St. George's
Paterson A. Gordon M.A., AI.D.
school, Heatherdown
Watson W illiam , builder & contracÂ
South lodge
tor. High street
Colebrook & Co. Lim ited, butchers.
Patton Frederick Joseph B .A ., J.P.
W eller Wm. Hy. boot repr. Brookside
High street
The Links
Collins John Helms, butcher
Westm acott Thos. Hy. fru itr.H igh st
Phillips Mrs. Hawtin, Hurstcroft
Cowie James, upholsterer
Wheeler Geo. coach builder, High st
Pizzey Mark Blakeney, Heath villa
Cusden Harry, boot ma. Ascot Heatb W hite W illiam James, jobmaster,
Primrose Airs. Larkiands
Drake & Alount Lim ited, forage conÂ
High st. & farmer, Englemere frm
Rendle Frank B. The Grange
tractors & building goods merchnts WilsonCharles Barker,solicitr.H igh st
Ringrose Capt. George Hall, Lind- D om ing Library (A ugnstus O Bvm e. Wood Ernest, boot repairer .Priorv rd
rick. Kennel ride
Yeo Charles k Sons, boot repairers