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C E IE V E L E Y .

B E R K S H IR E .

fam Uv I n T ! i d are Vari0us m <™°rials to the Pocock
M arch '
“ e“ or,lals
Lucy Fincher, ob. 22nd
7' 8’ and Catherine Stephens, d. 12th Oct
Y e t h daT ,? ,e,0rge ,W/ ldn 48 yeaPrs rietor. d New
the n a v e 5 ’ „ 3 7 V a , ; d t o E o b e r t Hillman, gent. ,748;
” ! reb™.l‘ 111 ‘ 873, from the plans of Mr.
t n o j 'r
S } ' arcbltec t : in the chancel is an ancient
"uspendre T o 0m, Whif
the Len t™ ™ ‘ ™
“ “
s i f t T f W ' F I churchyard, to which half an acre, th'e
g u t of w Fisher esq. was added in the vear 180.1 is
tow ards t t
a flna
of The d^vnS
TliToh n
e . . we!lt’ and contains a massive tomb to
o th er t ’ n,1 e° ° harles Loi‘S. ob. 1st Jan. 1767, and
o th ers to the fam ilies of Eathband. Halcomb, Lenev,
-Basing. Preston, and Smallbone, and to Joseph White,
44 years parish clerk, d. 14 June, 1871 : the chancel
was restored in 1902 at the cost of the is t and last
Baron St. H elier P.O., G .C .B . (d. 1905): there are
34 ° sittings, 150 being free. The register dates from
th e year 1560. The living is a consolidated vicarage,
■net yearly value £737, including 220 acres of glebe,
T O h residence, in the gift of Eobert B. A ttlee esq. of
VVestcott, Putney S.W . and held since 1909 by the Eev
Bernard Henry Bravery A ttlee M .A., B.D. of Merton
C o lleg e Oxford. There are Baptist, Prim itive Methodist
and Wesleyan chapels. Several bequests and endow­
m ents have been left for the poor, am ounting to /40
y early, besides ¿3 5 for educational purposes and a
church ch a n ty producing ¿ 7 5 yearly. Arlington Manor,
the seat of James Ashton Fairhurst esq. M.A. is a fine
mansion of stone, standing on a slight elevation in the
m id st of a well-wooded country.
Prior’s Court, the
property of Edward J. S. W asey esq. J.P. is ’ now
occupied by William L. Sm ith esq. Downend House
is the residence of Ernest Edwin Martin-Atkins esq.
J.P. The principal landowners are Edward J. S. Wasey
esq, J.P. who is lord of the manor, W illiam Arthur
Mount esq. of W asing Place, J. A. Fairhurst esq. M.A.
and Oscar W. Rayner esq
The soil is sandy loam ;
subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
and roots. The entire area is 9.217 a c re s ; and of
C h ieveley township, 5,328 ; rateable value, ¿6,308 ; the
population in 1901 was 946.

[ k e lla ’s

S f . 1im em ory
f ° ur little children of the Rev. John
Ellul Robinson M.A. vicar of Chieveley 1837-82: the
church was thoroughly restored and reseated by the
Rev. J. E. Robinson in 1852, and affords 60 sittings. The
churchyard has fine spreading yew trees, and memorials
to the Butt, Taylor. W allins and Tuckey families,
th ere is also a small burial ground, long since disused,
belonging to the Society of Friends. W illiam A rthur
Mount esq. J.P. and Edward J. S. W asey esq. J.P. are
the principal landowners.
Letters received through Newbury
W IN TEEBO UR N E is a chapelry in the parish of
Chieveley, a j miles south-west of Chieveley and 4 north­
west from Newbury. The church of St. James, seated on
an eminence, is an edifice of flint with stone dressings,
; in the Early English style, consisting of chancel nave
aisles, south porch and an em battled western tower of
containing 2 b e lls: in the church is a monument
of m arble, with arms, to Philip Weston esq. ob. June
‘ 729. and on the floor are memorials to the Southbv,
lea d , Spear and Prior fam ilies: the church was com­
pletely restored and reseated and enlarged by the ad­
dition of aisles in 1854, and has now 150 sittings, all
being free
Winterbourne Manor is the seat of Eobert
Greene Hill esq. The principal landowners are the
trustees of the late Sir M atthew Baillie Begbie kt M A
h T T J “ st1lce of B ri« sh Colum bia (d. 1894); Marmaduke
Head Best esq. J.P. of Donmngton, Mr. Charles F
1 hatcher and Eobert Greene Hill esq. The area is
2,112 acres; assessable value, £ 1,7 5 9 ; the population in
1901 was 258.
Letters received through Newhury
Wall L etter Box, W interbourne, cleared 5.30 p m • S u n ­
day, 9 a m
OURKIDGE is a ham let and tithing, 2l miles souththe P w a Il?r le-V-' Tbe schooI"r°om. a building in
the Pointed style with a residence for the master and
he iatS
Y *bf latB
Miss Wase>
lateeS MreCt«?
Mrs. Stackpoole,
is licensed
for’ and

dpal landownenPearman
J P ' iS tha Pri"Post. M. 0 . & T. Office.— Mrs. Hannah Maria Gearing,
sub-postmistress. L etters through Newbury, arrive at C ld eveleyd’ three-'iuarters of a mile north, is a place in
6.30 a.m . & 12.50 p.m . ; dispatched at 10 a.m . &
6.45 p.m . ; sunday, arrive 6.30 a m. & dispatched Wall L etter Box, Downend, cleared at 6.30 p m ■ sundays at 11.50 a.m
J 1
5.30 p.m
Pillar Letter Box, Oxford road, cleared at 7 p.m . ;
sunday, 5.45 p.m
Pillar Letter Box, Snelsmore, cleared at 12.13 & 6 io
p.m. ; sunday, 8.30 a.m
C ounty Police, Ernest Pounds, sergeant
Parish Clerk, Ernest Edward Smith.
O A R E ( o r Oure) is a chapelry of Chieveley. 2§ miles
. Elem entary Schools.
from Chieveley and 5 north from Newbury. The chapel Chieveley, built in 1896 & altered in 1910 for 182 chilo f St. Bartholomew is a plain edifice of stone in the
m a s te raVerage attendance’ 120 ’> Albert Henry Hale,
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south
porch and a western turret of stone containing one h e ll: Curridge (m ixedY built for 60 children; average at­
th ere is a stained window on the south side, erected to
tendance, 55 ; W illiam M. Bassett, master

V hT Ie.‘ and tithing ‘i miles south


R E S ID E N T S .

A ttle e Rev. Bernard Henry Bravery
M A ., B.D. (vicar), Vicarage
F airh u rst Jam es Ashton M.A.Arlington manor
F ry Benjam in, Downend
L e G rice Charles Henry, Coombe ho
M artin-A tkins Ernest Edwin J.P.
Downend house
M athews Sidney J. Middle Farm ho
M itchell Mrs Downend lodge
P igo t A lbert Hance, The Cottage
Pocock John W ernham, The Mount
M ontagu-Pollock Sir Montagu Fredk.
hart. Bussock wood
P rism a ll John, The Maypole
R ayner Oscar W. Manor house
S rrith W m . Lawrence, Prior’s court
W asey Edward John Spearman J.P.
Bradley court
"Wilson Henrv. Arlington grange
W irnberley Rev. Charles Irvine M.A.
Chieveley house
W in ter Alfred, Laburnum villa
C O M M E R C IA L .

A ld e r W illiam , Fox & Hounds P H.
B a rrett Thomas, shoe maker
Broad Edward George, farm er. Priors
Court farm

Bune Frederick Stephen, dairyman. Shepherd Geo. Wm. grocer & baker
Butler Richard, saddler
Walters Richard, beer retailer
Clark William Henry, gardener to Sir W eaver John, farmer,Rectory, Glebe,
Montagu F. Montagu-Pollock bart
New & Radnell’s farms
Clarke John, farmer, Green’s farm
Webb John, coal merchant
Flack A rth ur W illiam , beer retailer Webber George Henry, coal merchant
Flack Mary (Mrs.), dairykeeper, Tot- Webber Wm. farmer, Downend farm
Wilson H y.cattle dir.Arlington grange
Franklin Chas. wheelwright, Downend Withers Lilian (Miss), parish nurse
Freeman Harold, poultry farm er, The
F ry Brothers, blacksmiths
Hill George R. assessor & collector of Taylor Ernest John, farmer, Kiln frm
taxes, assist, overseer &, insur. agt Taylor Elizabeth Anne (Mrs.), farmer.
New farm
Hobbs George, farmer, Downend
H urley Isaac, farm bailiff to James Thatcher Charles Fowler, farmer,
Crosslane farm
Ashton Fairhurst esq. M.A
Illsley Joseph, bricklayer & dairyman Wallen Edward, farmer
Josev Benj. J. carpenter, Downend
Charles Allen,
Woodside farm , Snelsmore
Aldridge Reginald,W interboum e Holt
Mascall M argaret (Miss), parish nurse j Hill Rbt.Greene, Winterbourne manor
Moss Fred, dairyman & farmer
Hudson Benj. J. Azure, Snelsmore
Pauling Em m a (M rs.), coal dealer, Moorhouse M iss,W hite cot.North Hth
Long lane
Pauling Robert, cowkeeper, Long lane
Cook W illiam , hawker
Perrv James, farmer
Pof'ock George, m arket rardener, Gardiner W illiam, Blue Boar P.H.
North Heath
White house
Pocock Wm. James, insurance agent Lawrence W yatt, farm er, W inter­
bourne farm
Prism all & Co. grocers, butchers &
bakers, drapers & outfitters
Newman George, beer retailer
Shefford Joseph, W heatsheaf P.H
Streat George, boot maker