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[B E R K S H I R E .

W illiam son Rev. Charles A rth ur M .A. W inter W alter, 65 South st. Reading Wootton Mrs. Boyne grove. Court
House lane, Maidenhead
The Vicarage,Asham pstead,Reading Winter W. H. 8 Kendrick rd. Reading
Williamson Mrs. 189 K in g’s rd.Readng Winterbotham Mrs. 139 London road, Worley George, Orchard bouse.North
Moreton, Vv ailmgiord
W illink Hy. George M .A., J.P. HillReading
fields, Burghfield Common, Read -1 Winterbourne Robt. George, Glevum Worley Thomas Frederick, Rose lawn,
Burghlieid, Reading
in g ; & 3 Hyde Park street, London
house, Queen’s road, Newbury
W & Athenaeum, United Universi- Wirdnham Miss, Fernham, Faringdon Worsaeil Wilson, l u e Glebe, South
ties & Alpine clubs, London
Wisden Capt.Thom as Faulconer Mair,
Worsley Mrs. 9 Ray Park av.Maidnhd
W illis Capt. H arry, The Crazies,
Forbury road, Reading
Michael, Cookham
Crazies H ill, Henley-on-Thames
Wise Benjamin, 3 Coley hill, Reading
W illis H arry, 17 Queen’s rd. Windsor Wise George Edward, 96 Southamp- Worthington Miss, Kent lo. Twyiord
Wren E . C. The Croft, Hungenoid
W illis Mrs. 36 Frances road, Windsor
ton street, Reading
W illis S. F ., B.A. School ho.Abingdn Wise John, Hazeldene, Howard road, Wrenford Rev. Thomas Henry, Vicar­
age, Littlew ick Green, Maidenhead
W illis W m . 9 Marlow rd. Maidenhead
Duncan Henry,
71 W right A. J. 40 Hamilton rd.Reading
W illm ott G. B. Cardynham, Cholsey W itberington
W right C. M., M.A. The Hermitage,
Hamilton road, Reading
W illm ott W. Winterbrook, W allingfrd
St. Mark’s, Windsor
W illoughby Mrs. 14 Erleigh road, Withers George, Oollindene, Clifton
W right C. 0 . Park cres. Abingdon
road, Newbury
right F. H. 25 Craven rd. Reading
W illoughby Wm. Henry, Paley cot. Withers Miss, 53 Alexandra road,
W right H.M.69 Ray Pk. av.Maidenhd
Paley street, Maidenhead
Wilmer Frank Goring, La Hinch, Withers Mrs. 49 Hamilton rd.Reading W right Joseph W. 29* St. Mark’s rd.
Townsend road, Streatley, Reading IW ithey George, Holme cottage,CranW right Mrs. K in g ’s lane, Harwell,
W ilmot Sir Robert Rodney bart. D.L.
bourne, Windsor
The Grove, Binfield, Bracknell
Wodehouse Major ia s. Hay, Walton
W ilm ot J.F. Fernside,New rd.W indsr, house, Sutton Courtenay, Abingdon W right Mrs. 40 Tilehursc rd.Reading
Wilson Capt. Leslie Orme D.S.O. The Wollacott W illiam John, Maidenhead W right T. R. Rostelie, i'liehurst.Kdng
W right W. The N uts, Bray,Maidenhd
Manor house, W altham St. Lawcourt, Maidenhead
Womack A rthur S. H ill rise, Finch- W right Wm. John, Bank ho. Duke’s
rence, Twyford
ride, Wellington College Station
ampstead, Wokingham
Wilson Capt. S. H. 2 The Terrace,
Royal M ilitary college, Camberley Womack Mrs. 1 W hitehall, Ray Park Wroughton Philip Musgrave Nield,
Woolley pk. Chaddleworth,Wantage
avenue, Maidenhead
Wilson Rev. Harold Irth in g B.A.
1 Woodspeen ter.London rd.Newbrv Wombwell Arthur, The Firs, Wash Wyatt Miss, Chestnuts, Aston Tirrold, Wallingford
Common, Newbury
Wilson Rev. J. T. 35 Ock st.Abingdn
Wilson Rev. T. E ., M .A. The College, Womerslev Miss,4 Milman rd.Readng Wryatt Miss, Heathfield, Bracknell
Bradfield, Reading
Wooberrv J. 76 Bulmershe rd.Readng W yatt T. G. 54 Cookham rd.Maidnlid
Wilson A. 43 St. Mark’s rd. Windsor Wood Capt. M. D. Officers’ quarters, W yatt W. WT. Stroudcroft, Swinford,
Royal M ilitary college, Cam berley
Wilson Courtenay B. Winnersh grove,
¡Wood Frederick, Dean house, Cook- Wyborn S. M. 63 Alma rd. Windsor
K in g street, Wokingham
Miss, Cliveden view, Cookham
Wilson Edwin, Court Oak fa r m ,1 ham Dean, Cookham Rise
Chieveley, New bury
Wood Henry W illiam , Brockenhurst, Wyld Hugh, Bear Ash, Kiln Green,
Wilson Fleetwood,
Beau R e g a rd ,! South Ascot, Ascot
Clapcofc, W allingford
j Wood L. R. 54 Bath rd. Maidenhead W yld Miss, Knot mead, Stratfield
Mortimer, Mortimer
Wilson Henry, Arlington grange, Wood Miss, Brackenhurst, BuckleWyllie R.G-92Northbrook st.Newbury
Chieveley, Newbury
j bury. Reading
yly J. G. Uplands, Earley, Reading
Wilson Miss, 27 Milton T d . Wokinghm Wood Mrs. Harwell, Steventon
Wilson Miss, Park view, Shrivenham i Wood Robert, E ast mead, Bolton Wynne Rev. Henry Leonard O.S.B.
Douai abbey, Woolhampton
Wilson Miss, i Silchester villa, Lon-i crescent, Windsor
don road, W okingham
Wood Samuel, 60 College rd. Reading Wysard Walter, Church cottage,Pangbourne, Reading
Wilson Misses, Kermon, Andover rd. Wood-Hill Bernard M.A. St. Peter’s
Y arlett Geo. 15 Russell st. Reading
1 college, Radley, Abingdon
Wilson Mrs. 126 K in g’s rd. Windsor : Woodbridge H.R.67 K ing st. Maidenhd Y ates Mrs. Bourne villa, Wantage
road, Lambourn
Wilson Mrs. 6 Park st. Maidenhead ]Woodbridge R. Red house, Fernham,
Yatm an Maj. C. Woodside, Sandhurst
Wilson Mrs. The Bower, Fishery rd.
road, Crowthorne, Wellington Col­
i Woodburn W illiam Young M.D. Warlege Station
wick house, Theale, Reading
Wilson Mrs. 55 W estern Elms aven
Miss, Padworth common, PadWoodcock Charles B. Cawthorne,
worth. Reading
Woofcton road, Abingdon
Wilson Rowland, 15 Christ Church
Woodeson Alfred, Tilehurst, Reading Young Sir George bart. M l . , J.P.
gardens, Reading
Wilson Samuel, The Maisonette,Holy Woodeson Frank, Clapton villa, T ile­ I Formosa Place, Cookham
Young Edward, 24 Upper Redlands
hurst, Reading
port, Maidenhead
road, Reading
Wilson S.R io Alexandra rd.Reading j Woodeson Mrs. Langland, Tilehurst,
Y oung Francis Gordon, In wood,Cook­
Wilson-Green W ., M .A. St. Peter’s 1 Reading
ham Dean, Cookham Rise
college, Radley, Abingdon
Woodeson Richard, Charlton villa.
Tilehurst, Reading
Young Frederic Charles B A., M.B
Wilton Laura, Countess of, The
Meadowside, London road, Twyford
Woodford Edward Vivian Russell
Hatch, Oakley gTeen, Windsor
L.R.O .P. 59 Ock street, Abingdon ¡Young Henry Thos. L. Lambourn
W iltshire F.J.92 Kendrick rd. Reading
J. The Warren,Theale,Reading
W iltshire S. 8 Broadway buildings, Woodford Miss. Oakbank, Spencer’s
Y oung Jn. K ..K .C . Camden,Faringdn
Wood, Shinfield. Reading
Station road, Reading
Wimberley Rev. Charles Irvine M.A, Woodgate Wm. 26 London rd.Readng Y oung Miss, 46 A lm a road, Windsor
Woodger J. Bath cot. Speen,Newbury Y oung Miss, Bath cottage, Woolley
Chieveley house, Newbury
Green, Maidenhead
Winch W. H. 3 Abbot’s walk,Readng Woodhouse W alt.M .Priory rd.W antge
Windross Rev. Herbert, 16 Western Woodland Edward John, 2 Brownlow Young Misses,Westbrook ho.Faringdn
road, Reading
Y oung Mrs. Hare Hatch lo. Twyford
Elms avenue, Reading
W ing Robert. Brook house, Oxford Woodman H. D. 20 Bath rd. Reading Young Mrs. The Elms, Tittle row.
Woodruff Thomas Richard, 90 Kend­
street, Lambourn
Y oung Mrs. Tory hall, Winkfield,
rick road, Reading
Winney Alfd. 84 Alm a rd. Windsor
Winship George F .G .S ., A .M .I.C .E . Woods Edwd. Ea. Hendred, Steventon
Woods Mrs. Parkside,Binfield,Bracknll Young Mrs. J. 43 Upper Redlands
12 Conduit road, Abingdon
road, Reading
Winslev W. J. 19 Sheet st. Windsor Woodward Herbert Croker Spirling
M A ., M .B., B.C. Kingston Bag- Young Mrs. Oliver, Highcockett.
W instanlev Henry Murray,Reka Dour,
puize, Abingdon
Bray, Maidenhead
W inter
villa, Wooldridge J. H. Bridge sfc.Hungrfrd Young T.W arren cot.Bisham, Marlow
Wooldridge W. 62 College rd.Reading Youngs S. John, Firs, Theale,Reading
Chieveley, Newbury
W inter F. 8 Denmark rd. Reading Woollan Miss,25 Carnarvon rd.Readng Y u ill Andw. 12 Redlands rd. Reading
Y u le J. C. The College, Bradfield.
W inter J.31 Christ Church rd.Readng Wóolls Mrs 59 Bath road, Reading
Winter Oliver, Sutton Wick,Abingdn Woolrych Rev. Bertram Best M.A.
Y nle John Carslake, Theale, Reading
Vicarage, Eastburv, Lambourn
W inter Rt. W. 25 Oxford rd.Abingdn