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ffl I-
B E R K S H IR E .
k e l l y âs
fam ilies of De Bathe and Teyes. The principal land The Petty Sessions are held at the M agistratesâ room at
owners are H. C . Gooch esq. and Sir Francis Burdett
the Police Station, the last friday in every month at
12 noon
H A D L E Y is a tithing, 2 m iles south-west. The Earl The places in the petty sessional division a r e :â EastÂ
bury, East Garston, Lambourn, Upper Lambourn &
of Craven is lord of the manor. The principal landÂ
Woodlands St. Mary
owners are Mrs. W illiam Hippisley, of Sparsholt, the
Rev. Iheodore de Rudolph Sprve, and the Rev. James Police Station, Charles Harris, resident sergean t; & 3
E astbury and Woodlands St. Mary are ecclesiastical Railway Station, John Richard Charsley Williams, staÂ
parishes formed from Lam bourn civil parish, and will
tion master
be found under separate headings.
Post, M. O. & T. Office, Lambourn (letters should have Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes & to the Isbury
Berks added).â Daniel Stroud, sub-postmaster. L etÂ
Charity Trustees, Reginald Longmore Barnes, NewÂ
ters arrive at 4.40 a.m . & 12.30 & 5 p.m. ; box closes
bury street
12.10 p.m. for letters & 12 noon for parcels; 7.45 Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Lambourn District,
p .m . for letters & 7.35 for parcels; Sundays, arrive at
H ungerford Union. Charles Sum ner Patterson M.B.,
4.40 a.m. ; dispatched at 7.45 p.m
C.M .Edin. High street
Registrar of Births & Deaths for Lambourn Sub-District,
Hungerford Union, Miss Ethel Winifred Kennard, High
stre e t; deputy, Mrs. E. Kennard
A ldridge Major John, Inholmes lodge, East Garston, Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Lambourn District,
Hungerford, acting chairman
Hungerford Union, Frederick Briant Hutchins
Burm ester Capt. Arnold Chas. Newtown lo. Hungerford
Butler William Joseph esq. Woolstone lodge, Faringdon
Craven Hon. Osbert Wm. Ashdown park, Shrivenham
Elem entary (mixed & infants), Lambourn, erected in
Fosbery Henry James W'ilson, The Grange, Eastbury
1850, for 269 boys, girls & in fants; a new class room
Osmond Richard esq. Weston, Lam bourn
was erected in 1899; average attendance, 220; Robert
Portal Edward Robert esq. Eddington house, Hungerford
W ing, m aster; a new infantsâ school is now (1911) in
course of erection
Wilson Col. H arry Constantine, Each manor. Ash,
Clerk to the Magistrates, Reginald Longmore Barnes, N ew bury- George Thomas Hall, tues. thurs. & sat. &
N ew bury street
Allan Busbv, jun. tues. thurs. & sat
Bracey Albert, Francis farm. High st 1Maberly A. & F.(The Misses),drapers,
Bracey Jas. frm r. Collingbridge farm; High street
Bagn all Rev. Reginald M .A. Vicarage Bracey John, farm er, Foxbury
Martin Edwin, racehorse trainer,
Barnes John OâNeale, North lodge
Buckeridge Frederick Ohas. dairyman
College house
Barnes Miss, North lodge
Busbv Allan, carrier
Martin Tom, racehorse trainer
Barnes Reginald Longmore, Iv y house Bye Darnel, turf reporter, Baydon rd Mildenhall George, builder, Oxford st
Bavlis Misses. Place farm
Candy A rth ur, dairyman,Newbury st Nolan Patrick,
racehorse trainer,
Cozy cottage
B ell Kenneth de Risley M.D. Trabbs Chaplin W alter,George hotel. High st
Buckworth Richard, Lam bourn place Charcot Alfred Henry, watch maker, Painton Thomas Henry, W hite Horse
Oxford street
P.H. Oxford street
C ase Min. Laburnum s
C astle Mrs. High street
Coles Rd Wm. insur. agt.New bury si Panting Anne (M rs.),grocer,Station rd
r. me Alfred, tfarmer, -n
Parsloe John, farmer, Home farm,
Chaplin Frank. St. Alpage
farm , Newbury street
Newbury street
Crew Frank Albt.Snnny<ide,Baydon rd
D oggett George Woodbridge, Wood- Cox Ernest Charles, shopkpr. High st Patterson
Charles Sum ner M.B.,
Cox Rose (M rs.), beer ret. Newbury st
bridge house
C.M .Edin., M .R .C .S.E ng.& L.R .C .P.
Fillery Albert Edward, South Bank Crew & Co. auctioneers, Oxford st
Lond. physician & surgeon, &
F ryer Rev. George (Wesleyan Metho D aggett G uy Alfd. butcher, High st
medical officer & public vaccinator
Elkins Frank, grocer, W antage road
d ist), Mi 11croft
for Lambourn district, Hungerford
Em bling Edwin, grocer & baker,
G regory Robert. Miridian
union. High street
High street
H ilton J. The Chestnuts
Pavier Richard, saddler, Oxford st
Fisher Henry, farmer, Beachâs farm Penfold Louisa L. (Mrs.), apartments,
Kennard Mrs. High street
Forryan Abraham, news agt. H igh st
Kent Mrs. High street
H igh street
Glasher Felix, gardener to Richard Pilcher Adolphus,butcher.Newbury st
Martin Edward, High street
Buckworth esq
Patterson Chas. Sum ner M.B. H igh st
Priestley Francis Vickerm an, trainer
Godfrey Mary & Elizabeth (The
Randall Herbert. Seven Barrows
of racehorses, Lambourn place
M isses), grocers, High street
Roberts Miss, North cottage
Reynolds James, coal & hay merchant
Gosling George, corn dealer, High st Rhodes Watson, farmer, Woodside
Waldron Miss, Oxford s tre e t"
Gosling W ilfred, shopkpr. Newbury st Richens Henry, farmer, College farm
Webb Janies, Highfield
Griffin Jas. Stokes, ironm gr.Oxford st Rodburne Henry Jas. tu rf reporter,
W illiam s Miss, Foxbury lodge
Thomas, bricklayer
Oxford street
W ing Robert, Brook house. Oxford st
George Thomas, carrier
Y ates .Mrs. Bourne villa, W antage rd
Rolph Walter, jobbing gardener, BayÂ
Harris Sam uel Alfred, sanitary enÂ
Y o u n g Henry Thomas L
don road
gineer, Oxford street
Rozier James, carpenter, Blind lane
Hearne A rth ur, boot m aker, Oxford st Sanson Stanley, Red Lion hotel, MarÂ
A dam s W illiam Tom, builder, Ingle- Hedden Thomas, farm er, Riverside
ket place
nook, H igh street
Hobson Win. m kt. grdnr. Newbury st Sergeant John George,trainer of raceÂ
Alexander Nelson, Hindâs Head P.H. Hum phries Chas. boot ma. Edward hi
horses, Baydon road
H igh street
H utchins Frederick Briant, relieving Sm ith Charles Apsley, farmer, Seven
Allen Jacob, baker, Market place
& vaccination officer, Lambourn
A ttew ell Chas. Jn. tailor, Baydon rd
district, Hungerford union
Sm ith Henry, veterinary surgeon &
Barnes Reginald Longmore, solicitor Johnson Geo. Arnott,m arket gardener
drug store, Oxford street & shoeÂ
& commissioner of oaths & clerk to Kennard
W inifred
ing forges, Baydon road
the m agistrates, registrar of H unÂ
registrar of births & deaths for Smoker Charles, boot maker, High st
gerford county court, & clerk to
Lam bourn
Hungerford Stroud Daniel, plum ber & postmaster,
the commissioners of taxes & to
union, H igh street
High street
the Isbu rvfc place charity trustees, Knapp Arthur, insurance agent, Par Tanner Wm. blacksmith, Newbury st
N ew bury street
sonage road
Taylor Joseph, boot repr. Edward hill
Barrett George, fishmonger. High st Lambourn Gas & Coke Company Ltd. Thatcher Richard, agricultural enÂ
Bates H arry D. trainer of racehorses,
(Robert W ing, sec)
gineer, Oxford street
Stork house
Lane Ernest, hair dresser, Newbury Thatcher Wm. machinist, Newbury st
Bell Henry John, coach builder
street & W heelw rightsâ Arm s P.H Warrack James, farmer, Mile end
Bell Kenneth de Risley M.D. su rÂ
Oxford street
Wells W m .fam ily butcher.Newbury st
geon, Trabbs
Lewis Mary S.(M rs.) grocer,M arket pi Wicks Alfd.Edwd. draper, Newbury st
Bellenger Thomas Edward, Sawyerâs Lovegrove Chas. fruiterer, High st
Wicks Frederick Geo. harness maker,
A rm s P.H. H igh street
Maberly Charles James, teacher of
High street
Bowsher Edward, farm er, Trabbs frm
music, High street
W icks Rose (Miss), boot maker, NewÂ
Bowsher Harriet (Miss)
boarding IMaberly Henry James, land surveyor
bury street
house, Valiev view
assistant overseer & rate col- W illis W illiam Robert, farm er, North
Bowsher W illiam A rth ur, coach bldr 1 lector I insurance agent, Oxford st
& Weatherdown farms