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B E R K S H IR E .


k l l l y ’s

Post, M. 0 . & T . Office.— W illiam Charles Pocock, sub­ Girls & Infant School, Cold Ash, enlarged in 1885, for
postmaster. L etters are delivered from Newbury at
100 children, & again enlarged in 1899, for 54 more
a.m . & 1.10 p.m. & are dispatched at 11.55 a i n - children ; altered in 1909 to accommodate 138; aver­
& 12.50 & 7.15 p .m .; Sundays, delivered at 7.30
age attendance, 99; Miss G ilbert, mistress
a .m .; dispatched at 9.55 a.m
Wall L etter Box, cleared 7.15 & 9 a.m. & 7 p .m .; Sun­ Carrier— Geo. Hewlett, to N ewbury, tues. thurs. & sat
days, 8.45 a.m
W all L etter Box, Ashmore Green, cleared 6.45 p.m • Constable in Charge, Reuben East
Sundays, 8 a.m
Taylor Lieut.-Col. Charles W illiam
P R I V A T E R E SID E N T S Joseph, Curraghm ore
Acland Reginald Brodie Dyke K .C ., Voller Henry James
M .A.,
(vice-chairm an
of Walters Miss
Q uarter Sessions)
W alters Mrs. Campbell cottage
Batten Mrs. Highlands
Cloche Edward, Grovelands
Drinkw ater George, W est View villas
Fitzw illiam Lady. St. Finions
Aldridge Hy. farm er, H atchgate farm
George Richd. Sparrows Herne, Ash­ Attwood A lbert, Castle inn
more green
Barlow Martha (M rs.), beer retailer
Gibbings W illiam Henrv. Thornhill i Barlow W alter, timber merchant
G rin die Rev. W alter Sm ith Theo. Batten E. James, farm er, Long lane
Assoc. K .C .L . (vicar & surrogate), Batten Henrv. wheelwright
Brown Frederick, blacksmith
Harlan d Mrs
Butler Charles, beer retailer
Hill Mrs. Fair view
Children's Cottage Hospital (Mis*
Holton Thomas, Hillside, Henwick
Evelyn H urlbatt, lady supt)
L eg gett Col. Charles G. Highfield ho Collins Alfred, farmer. Poplars farm
Morell M.D. Dunn Wm. beer ret. Ashmore green
Sunny bank
Elliott Fras. Jn. farm er, Ashmore gm
Prescott James
England Alfred, grocer
Rav Miss, Woodbine cottage
Fidler & Milsom Ltd brick & tile
St. H elier Lady
m akers, Red Field house
Sharp W illiam , Dunstaffnage
Fisher George, gardener to Reginald
Stradling Jam es, Hillrrest
Brodie Dyke Acland esq. J.P. Ash­
Stroud James, sen. Gladstone villa
more green
Talbot H erbert Spry, Red lodge
F litter Albert, coal merchant

Franklin Joseph, m arket gardener.
Ashmore green
H unblin G o r g e , beer retailer
Heath Benjam in Charles, farmer,
Manor farm
Heath Harold Dancan, farmer
Jones Jn. Bastin, frm r. Holden’s end
Marshall W illiam & Son, bricklayers
Palm er Geo. farmer, Ramstmry frm
Piper George, boot repairer
Pocock W illiam Charles, shopkeeper,.
Post office
Purdue A rth ur Wellington, farmer,.
Fisher's farm
Rowles Christina
ments, The Cottage
St. Mary’s Church of England Home
for Girls (Miss Isabel Walters,
lady superintendent ; Rev. W. S.
Grindle T .A .K .C .L . hon. sec. &
Shaw Kilns C o.L td.(F . WT. N eate.sec)
Shepherd Francis Edwd. wheelwright
John Robert,
overseer & collector of rates & taxes
& clerk to Parish Council,Ashm ore
Stroud James, jun. baker & grocer

C o l e s h i l l
is a parish partly in W ilts, on the apprenticed; the income of the charity is about £150
river Cole, which separates the W ilts and Berks por­ yearly. In 1901 a Parish Reading Room was erected at
tions, 3I miles west-south-west from Faringdon, in the expense of the late Hon. Duncombe Pleydellthe Northern division of the county, hundred of Bouverie (d. 1909), and is furnished w ith a bagatelle
Shrivenham , petty sessional division, union and county table and other games. Coleshill House, the seat of
court d istrict of Faringdon, rural deanery of Vale of the Hon. Mrs. M. E. Pleydell-Bouverie, lady of theWhite Horse, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of manor and sole landowner, is a beautiful mansion,,
Oxford. The church of A li Saints is a fine and ancient erected about 1660 from the designs of the famous
edifice of stone, of the Early English period, with in­ architect Inigo Jones, and is considered a perfect,
serted Perpendicular windows, and consists of chancel, i specimen of his s ty le ; its situation, on an eminence,,
nave of one bay, north aisle, south transept and an enables it to command extensive views of a fertile,
em battled western tower w ith pinnacles and containing undulating country, through which the Cole meanders
5 bells, dated 1708: the south transept was originally and forms the western boundary of the county; the
a chapel built in the latter part of the 15th century, house stands in a park of 250 acres. The soil is clay
by Thomas Pleydell esq. an ancestor of the present 1 and loamy. The chief crops are wheat, beans, barley,
patron, who died in 1527: the stained east window, oats, mangolds, swedes &c. The area is 2,014 a cre s;
filled with glass brought from Angers, was presented rateable value, .£2,072 ; the population in 1901 was 342by Jacob, 2nd Earl of Radnor, in 1787; and there are in the civil parish and 360 in the ecclesiastical, of
four other stained window s: there is a sm all but which 18 were in Wilts.
elegant m ural monument by Rysbrach, to Harriot
By Local Governm ent Board Order, 13,156, dated
''Pleydell), wife of William, rst E a rl of Radnor, who Decefnber 20, 1881, Penn Cottages were transferred
died in 1751; a marble monument with recumbent from Coleshill to Inglesham.
effigies to Sir Henry Pratt bart. who died 6th April,
Clerk and Sexton. Ernest Stroud.
1647 > anc* t° Mary (Adams), his w ife : all the bells
were rehung and a cracked one recast in 1884, at the Post Office.— Richard Marchant. sub-postmaster. L et­
»ole expense of Jacob, 4th E arl of Radnor: the organ I ters arrive from Swindon via Highworth at 7 a.m. &
3.25 p.m. ; sund’a vs, 7 a.m. : dispatched at 10 a.m ,
was enlarged in 1902 at a cost of ^ 100 : there are 250
& 7.20 p .m .; Sundays, 8.15 a.m . The nearest money
sittin gs. The register dates from the year 1559- The
order & telegraph office is at Highworth, W iltshire,
livin g is a vicarage, net yearly value ¿23 5, w ith resi­
miles distant
dence, in the gift of the Earl of Radnor, and held since
1907 by the Rev. Herbert Harold Scofield M .A. of Police Station, Edwin Tame, constable
Christ Church,
Oxford. The Pinsent charity, for
apprenticing poor children of Coleshill and G reat Cox- Public Elem entary School, erected in 1842, for 84 child­
ren, & enlarged in 1901 for 114 children; average
well, whose parents never received parochial relief, hy
attendance, 80; mainly supported by the Hon. Mrs.
a decree of th e Court of Chancery, gives a premium
Pleydell-B ouverie; Mrs. Sarah McEwan, mistress
of about £25 w ith each boy or girl who m ay be

C^x George, shopkpr. & assist, oversr Marchant Richard, grocer, Post office
Parish Reading Room (A.Howard,sec)
Drew Edward, blacksm ith
Robey Francis, head gamekeeper to
Edmonds James, estate mason
Hon. Mrs. Pleydell-Bouverie
Falconer George, head gardener to
| Shaw Cyril H agent to Hon. Mrs.
the Hon. Mr?. rieydell-Bouverie
1 Pleydell-Bouverie, estate office
Greenaway Charles, blacksm ith
Baldwin George, woodman to Hon. Harris W illiam & Edm und, farmers, |Sm ith Richard Sydney P:\inton, far| mer. Colleymore
Mrs. Pleydell-Bouverie
Stroud Ernest, sexton
B u tt A lbert E dgar, farmer, Middle Howard Arthur, estate carpenter
Howard W illiam , coachman to the |W hite Robert, farm bailiff to Hon.
Mrs. Plevdell-Bonverie
B u tt Wm . P. frm r. Ashen Copse frm
Hon. Mrs. Pleydell-Bouverie
Plevdell-Bouverie Thp Hon Mr?. M.
E. Coleshill house
Scofield Rev. Herbert Harold M.A.
(vicar). Vicarage

C O M B E is a sm all village and parish, in a deep valley
on the Ham pshire border and surrounded by downs, 6
m iles south-east from Hungerford station on the Great
W estern railw ay, in Pastrow hundred, petty sessional
division of K ingsclere, Hungerford county court dis-

j trict, Hungerford and Ramsbury union, rural deanery
I of Kingsclere and archdeaconry and diocese of Win1 ch ested Under the provisions of the “ Local Governj ment A ct, 1894” (56 and 57 Viet. c. 73), this parish,
1 on April 3, 1895, was transferred from Hants to Berks