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B E R K S H IR E .

Baptist (Particular), Mill street, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ;
thurs. 7 p.m
Wesleyan, Newbury street (Swindon (W esley) & Wantage
C ircuit), Rev. George Leach Pullan & Rev. H. Vv.
Stanton B.A. supernum erary; 10.45 a-m - & 6 p .m .;
rnon. 7.30 p.m
King Alfred’s Gram m ar School formerly stood in the
churchyard, having been erected there in the time of
Queen E liza b eth ; but on the occasion of the millenary
festival in commemoration of the birth of K in g Alfred,
in October, 1849, fluids were raised for the erection of
a more convenient building as a permanent memorial
of the labours of that enlightened monarch for the
advancement of learning, & in the following year
the present school buildings were erected on the south
side of the town ; these are in the Early English style,
form ing three sides of a quadrangle & retain the
fine old Norman doorway of the previous structure;
the school buildings have since been very m uch en­
larged by the addition of a separate block for science
purposes, containing chemical & physical laboratories
& balance, lecture & m anual instruction rooms, all
well equipped. The school will hold about 100 boys,
including 50 boarders, & there are now (1911) about
100. I t was re-organised under a scheme of the
Charity Commissioners in Nov. 1893 & again in 1910,
& has house scholarships of from £10 to £ 2 5 ; Rev.
Marchant Pearson B.A. of the University of London,
head m aster; W. R. Edmonds, assistant m aster, with
other assistants
Elem entary Schools.
Alfred street (boys), built in 1885, for 176 boys; average
attendance, 172; Hedley Long, m aster; A. Garraway,
Church street (girls & infants), founded in 1849 & en­
larged in 1898, for 338 children; average attendance,
152 girls & 94 in fa n ts; Miss Ada Harlow, girls’
m istress; Miss L uckett, infants’ mistress
The two above-named schools are controlled by six
m anagers; Rev. W. S. Riddelsdell, Ormond "road,
Church street, founded in 1839; it will hold 160 child­
ren ; average attendance, 130; Edwin Unwin, master
This school is controlled by six foundation managers ;
Alfred Thomas Evans, Charlton manor, correspondent
Charlton (infants), built 1858 & enlarged 1893, for 46
children ; average attendance, 25 ; Miss Charlotte May,
This school is under the control of six m anagers; Rev.
Charles E. M. F ry M.A. Redlands, correspondent
St. Michael’s Training, Priory road (for industrial girls)
(under the charge of the Sisters of St. Mary’s)



North Berks Herald ; published S a t u r d a y ; A rth u r Gibbs,
publisher, Market place
CO N V E Y A N C E .
Great Western Railway Station, W antage road, 2^ miles
distant, PI. Nichols, station master
W antage Steam Tram way to W antage Road station ; ter­
minus, Mill stre e t; to meet every train, S u n d a y s ex ­
cepted ; m anager, W. A. Noble
CARRIERS, with the places they go to & the inns they
start from, with days of departure.
Abingdon— Chandler, Grove street, mon
Ardington— Robey, ‘ Shoulder of M utton,’ wed. & sat
Brightwalton— Thomas, ‘ Bear,’ wed
Challow (East)— House, ‘ A lfred’s H ead,’ wed. & sat. ;
Balts, M arket place, wed
Challow Station— Same as Challow E ast
Chaddleworth— Thomas, ‘ Bear,’ wed
Charney— Woolford, ‘ A lfred’s H ead,’ wed. & sat
Childrey— Day, ■
' Alfred's H ead,’ wed. & sat
Denchworth— Moon & Woolford, ‘ Alfred's H ead,’ wed,
& sat
Faringdon— Brown, ‘ A lfred’s Head,’ wed. & sat
Farnboroagh— Thomas, ‘ Bear,’ wed. & Barlow, ' Blue
Boar,’ sat
Fawley— Heighton, ‘ Blue Boar,’ wed. & sat
Ginge— Chasney, ‘ Alfred’s Head,’ wed. & sat
Goosey— Moon, ‘ A lfred’s Head,’ wed. & sat
Grove— Barrett, ‘ Blue Boar,’ wed. & sat
Hanney (East)— Barrett, ‘ Blue Boar,’ wed. & sat
Hanney (W est)— Barrett, ‘ Blue Boar,’ wed. & sat. ;
Thatcher, ‘ A lfred’s H ead,’ wed. & sat
Hendred (East)— Hiskins, ‘ Blue Boar,’ wed. & sat
Hendred (W est)— Chasney, Market place, wed. & sat
Ilsley (East & W est)— Barlow, ‘ Blue Boar, sat
Kingston Lisle— King, ‘ A lfred’s Head.’ wed. & sat
Letcombe Bassett— Bunce, ‘ Alfred's Head,’ daily
Letcombe Regis— Bunce, ‘ Alfreds Head,’ daily
Lockinge (East & W est)— Robey, ‘ Shoulder of Mutton,’
wed. & sat
Longworth— Batts, Market place, wed
Lyford— W’oolford, ‘ A lfred’s Head,’ wed. & sat
Newbury— Thomas, 1 Bear,’ wed
Oxford— Chandler. Grove street, wed. & sat
Pusey— Batts, Market place, wed. ; Brown, ‘ A lfred’s
Head,’ wed. & .sat
Southmoor— Thatcher, ‘ Alfred’s Head,’ wed. & sat
Sparsholt— King, ‘ Alfred’s Head,’ wed. & s a t.; Dav,
from the ‘ Blue Boar,’ wed. & sat
Stanford— House, ‘ Alfred's Head,’ wed. & sat. ; Batts,
Market place, wed
Uffington— Bridgman, * A lfred’s H ead,’ wed. & sat
Westcott— Same as Sparsholt


Adkin Charles Duncan, Market place
Belcher Edward John,The Herm itage,
Belcher Misses, Ferryside, Belmont
Belcher Wm. Hy.Holly bank,Belmont
Birt Amelius Cyril, Newbury street
Bromby Rev. Christopher M.A. (sub­
warden St. Marv’s Home), Holmfield cottage, St." Mary’s hill
Campbell Mrs. Stirlings, W alling­
ford street
Candy John W illiam Gilbert, Widcombe house, Newbury street
Cawston Albert Edward, Brecon ho.
^ Newbury street
lark James Ambrose F. Ingleside,
Clark Mrs.James, Kew bank,Belmont
-ark lhom as J.P.The Elm s. Grove st
Cook Mrs. Highfield, Ickleton road
Beane Rev. A rth ur Vernon B.A.
(curate), Lindenfield, Belmont
eare Mrs Henry Brutton, K ing
Alfred’s mead

Fry Rev. Charles Edward Middleton Ormond Edward Brooks, The Croft.
M.A. (curate),Redlands.Ormond rd
Hallam John, Crayland, Ormond rd Pearson Rev. Marchant B .A ., B .Se,
Howard Rev. Henry Charles, Ford(head m aster),King A lfred’s G ram ­
comb lodge, Priorv road
m ar school, Portwav
Hunt Rev.Andrew Allan M.A. (chap­ Ponsonby Rev. the Hon.Canon M aurice
lain to St. Mary's Home), The
John George M .A .(vicar & chaplain
Ivies, Wallingford street
of the union), Vicarage
Hussey Miss. Mt. Pleasant. Priory rd Pullan Rev. George Leach (W es­
Jones G. Inglis, Red house, Manor rd
leyan), Caldicott lodge, Belmont
Jotcham W illiam Clarke M.A. Alde- Reynolds Eev. W illiam Thomas (Bap­
burgh house, Newburv street
tist). Hnddon house. Ormond road
Liddiard Miss, Newbury street
W illiam
Long Hedley, Redcliffe, Grove street
(curate). .Sherborne, Ormond road
Loveday W illiam Dunmore, Beckett Robson Edward, Stoekham
house, W allingford street
Saunders Hy. Mt. Pleasant, Priory rd
M cKay Miss, Dalkeith, Grove street Sawyer Col, Edward, The Priory
Marlow W illiam , Church street
Silver Wm. Warboro’ ho. Manor rd
Martin Mrs. Lindenfield, Belmont
Stevenson Miss, Winslow house, New­
Nalder Ernest T. W. Orchard house.
bury street
Walter Charles Osborne, Ickleton ho,
Neave Mrs. Arborfield, Belmont
Ickleton road
Neville Henry James, Emerald hill W heeler Wm. A. Cam bridge villa.
St. Mary’s hill
Mill street
Ormond Edward J.P. Market place j W illiams Fras. Priors Hold, Prion rd
IWoodhouse W alter Mansell.Priory rd


closing day, Thursday 2 p.m.
XSSt n i°m,as
Sw»n P H. Market place
, “ Charles Duncan F .S .I. auctioneer &c. see Belcher,
Adkm & Belcher
John Nathaniel, farmer. Manor farm.Manor rd
e Ernest Charles, butcher. Mill street

Allen James, boot m aker, Wallingford street
A llnght Mary Ann (M rs.), boot warehouse, Newbury st
Am encan Dental Co. (The), dental room s; attends wed.
10.3 , a.m. till 6.30 p.m. Market place
irb e ry John Nicholas, draper & outfitter. Market place
Anstn W illiam Arthur, furniture dealer. Mill street
Badger Francis. K in g Alfred's Head P.H. M arket place