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B E R K S H IR E .

S O U T H A S C O T is an ecclesiastical parish, formed
by Order in Council, Feb. 3rd, 1898, out of the parishes
of A scot and Sunninghill, the greater part lyin g south
of th e London and South W estern rail-way, in the
E astern division of the county, petty sessional division,
union and county court d istrict of Windsor, rural
deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks, and
diocese of Oxford. The South W estern branch line to
Reading passes through the parish, and has a station
which serves both Ascot and South Ascot. The church
of A ll Souls, erected in 1896-7, from designs by the late
J. L . Pearson esq. R .A. and enlarged in 1910-11, is an
edifice of red brick with Bath stone dressings, consist­
in g of chancel and nave, a south chapel and baptistry.
T h e register dates from the year 1897. The livin g is
a vicarage, net yearly value ,£120, in the gift of the
Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1902 by the Rev.
Barrington Boyle M urray M.A. of Keble College, Ox­
ford. T he Parish Hall, built in 1909, w ill seat 190
persons. The Catholic church of St. Francis, erected
in 1884, is an edifice of red brick and stone, in the
G othic style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and

[ k l l l ì


p resbytery; there are sittings for 450 persons. T h e
services are conducted by the Friars of the adjoining
Franciscan Monastery.
The Royal Victoria Cottage
Nursing Home, erected in 1898, at a cost of ^2,338*
is a structure of red brick with stone dressings, con­
taining 9 beds for patients and 12 for cottage nurses*
and is supported by voluntary contributions. Tower
Court, a modern edifice of red brick with stone dress­
ings, on the road from Ascot to Bagshot, was destroyed
bv fire Oct. 24, 1890, but has since been Tebuilt with
additions, and is the residence of W illiam Abdv Beau; clerk esq. The population of the ecclesiastical parish
in 1901 was 1 .2 74 .
Parish Clerk,

W illiam Millam.

M. 0 . & T. Office.— Mrs. Ernest Edward Lovegrove, sub-postmistress. L etters through Ascot dis­
patched at 8.25 & 1 1 .2 5 a -m * & 2.20, 6 .3 0 & 7.4 0
p.m. ; S u n d a y s , 5 .5 p.m
Catholic School (m ixed), built in 18 9 3 , for 1 1 0 chil­
dren ; average attendance,90; Sister Bonaventure,m ist

I L u cy A rth ur Sydney, The Wynstones
A lexander Forbes James, The Gables M acaulay Col. Chas.Edwd.New court
¡M clnerney Rev. Ignatius O.F.M
Barwell Leycester, The Tower
Franciscan Friary
Batty-Sm ith Henry, Swinley hurst
Beauclerk Wm . Abdy, Tower court Murray Rev. Barrington Boyle M.A
(vicar), Silcote house
Bird L i eu t.-Col.
Wilkinson Dent
IPonsonby Hon. Lady, Gilm uire
D .S.O. Guardwell house
Blake-Cam pbell St. J. Frank.D anesfld! Quin Stephen B. Wood lawn
Briscoe Rev. Raymond O.F.M. Fran Rawle
^ — ’ * Fredk.
='— -Jl- John, aSwinley
Sarawak Her Highness the Ranee of,
ciscan F r i a T y
G rey Friars
Brooke Harry;, Erinscourt
Sm ith Miss, West bank
Byrne Edm und J. E arly wood
Coleman Rev. Chrysostom O.F.M. Stewart Major Rupert, The Vicarage
Franciscan F ria ry
Todd Capt. Alexander F. Firthorpe
C olt H arry Shapland, E arley W ood , U rquhart Mrs. Heathcroft
Webbe Capt. James, Errollstone
Deans-Dundas Capt. Charles F.Barton IW est A. A rth ur. South wood
Douglas Richard Hugo, Coverdale
Wood Henry W illiam, Brockenhurst
Doweing Rev. Joseph O.F.M . Fran- Worsdell Wilson, The Glebe
ciscan F riary
Ferguson John. Moorlands
Alexander Forbes James M .B., C M
Fevez Misses, Swinley house
& surgeon, The
Goodchild Mrs. The F rith
Grant Rev. Stephen O .F.M . F ra n ­ | Gables
Allen Rebecca & Alice (Misses), dress
ciscan Friary
makers, Montem villa
H aig John A licius, Ladymead
Benning Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Jago Mrs. Elibank
Bervstede hotel (Miss I. B. Hancock,
Jeffreys Mrs. Loretto
1 manageress}
K eatin g F. A. Ravenspoint
. Biddiscombe Isaac, shopkeeper
Kennedy Mrs. The Highlands
; Clark Horace, butcher, Brockenhurst
Lockhart W alter S. Pinehurst
Lowe Henrv Packer M .A ., B . C L ' road
H aining

Convent (Mrs. M ary Teresa Blagden, superior)
Cross Reginald, boot & shoe m aker
Dean George, chim ney sweep
Elliot Louisa (M rs.), confectioner
Estridge Mary A.
(Mrs.), dress­
maker, Ockley villas
Falahee Jn. butcher, Brockenhurst rd
Lovegrove Ernest Edward (Mrs.),
stationer, & Post office
Millam W illiam , parish clerk, A ll
Souls’ hall
Osborne Joseph, Earlywood farm
Pullin Frederick George, boot repr
Ranee W illiam , dairyman
Victoria Cottage
N ursing
Home (Miss Hamilton, hon. sec. 'r
Miss Mary Conlin, matron)
Salmon Ada B. (Miss), costumier
Sandwith Grace (Miss), boys’ school,
Sm ith Rosina (M rs.), shopkeeper
Soan W illiam , grocer
Stanner Ellen (Mrs.), laundress
T ucker Henry, beer retailer
Turner Edwin, baker
Turner Frederick Joseph A u gu stu s,
Upson Brothers, motor engineers
Wake Henry, fly proprietor
W eatherill Bernard, tailor
(For the other residents in this
parish see Ascot.)

A S H A M P S T E A D is a village and parish 11 miles of Buckhold, who is lord of the manor and the trustees
west from Reading, 10 south from W allingford, 5 south- of the late G. H erbert Morrell esq. (d. 1906). A. T.
w est from Pangbourne station on the G reat Western Waterhouse esq. Maj. R. M. Barry and W illiam H.
railw ay, in the “Southern division of th e county, More- Dewe, of Hampstead Norris, are the chief landowners,
ton hundred, Bradfield union, Reading petty sessional The soil is clay and ch alk; subsoil, chiefly chalk. The
division and county court district, rural deanery of crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is
082 acres; rateable value, ^1,466; the population in
Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford.
The church of St. Clem ent is a plain structure in the 1901 was 313
E arly Norman style, consisting of chancel; nave, south p osf. Office.— Thomas Street, sub-postmaster. Letters
porch and a western tower of wood containing one bell:
jz----- at
4. o8.20
_ „a.m.
™ & 4.40
--- &
tr dis­
arrive *---------—
from Reading
patched at 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; Sundays, arrive at 8.20
it was thoroughly repaired in 1849, and again in 1894,
a.m. & dispatched at 9.30 a.m. The nearest money
under the direction of the late A. W aterhouse esq
order & telegraph office is at Yattendon, 2 miles
R .A. ; in 1897 some interesting paintings were dis­
___ north wall and over the chancel a r c h :
closed on the
there are 160 sittings. A new east window was erected W all Letter Box, Ashampstead Common, cleared at 5.30
in 1910 bv Mrs. Morrell, in m emory of
her husband, p.m. ; Sunday, 10.30 a.m
the late George H erbert Morrell esq. M.P.
The register E lem entary School (m ixed), built in i860 by the then
-------owners of the Panole, J. R. Hopkins esq. & Rev.
dates from th e year 1612. The livin g is a vicarage
G. K. Morrell D .C.L. for 92 ch ildren ; average at­
net vearly value ¡£65, with 6 acres of glebe, in the gift
tendance, 55 ; Mrs. Emma Brown, mistress
of the trustees of the late Rev. Charles Simeon, and
held since 1908 by the Rev. Charles A rth ur Williamson
M .A. of T rin ity College, Dublin. There are small Bap­
tist and Prim itive M ethodist chapels. Hopkins' charity Reading— Richard Baston, tues. thurs. & sat. ; W illiam
Fulker, sat
yearly is for distribution. Herbert W atney esq.


B arry Major Robert Mercer, Pyt ho
F ear Thom as James, Hillside
Gardiner Henry Balfour, Ashamp­
stead green
Leighton Mrs. Clack’s end (postal
address. Pangbourne)
Norton S u r g . -Lieut.-Col. Comm and­
ant A rth u r Trehern C.B , V.D .,
F R .C S .E n g
Sm ith Miss

Williamson Rev.Charles A rthur M.A. McQuhae Thomas, grocer
N ullis W illiam , shoe m aker
(vicar), The V icarage
Simmons Stanley, farmer. Child's
Court farm (postal address, Pang­
Alexander Mary (M rs.), farmer, Hill
Top farm
ith Henry, blacksmith, Asham p­
Butler W illiam
John, carpenter,
stead common
Ashampstead common
Street Thomas, coal dealer & farm er,
Dewe W illiam Henry, farmer
Post office
Knowles Edward, farm bailiff to
Mrs. G. H erbert M orrell, Hart- Venners Joseph, baker, Quick’s grn
ridge Manor farm
Wheeler A rthur, New inn