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B E R K S H IR E .
S O U T H A S C O T is an ecclesiastical parish, formed
by Order in Council, Feb. 3rd, 1898, out of the parishes
of A scot and Sunninghill, the greater part lyin g south
of th e London and South W estern rail-way, in the
E astern division of the county, petty sessional division,
union and county court d istrict of Windsor, rural
deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks, and
diocese of Oxford. The South W estern branch line to
Reading passes through the parish, and has a station
which serves both Ascot and South Ascot. The church
of A ll Souls, erected in 1896-7, from designs by the late
J. L . Pearson esq. R .A. and enlarged in 1910-11, is an
edifice of red brick with Bath stone dressings, consistÂ
in g of chancel and nave, a south chapel and baptistry.
T h e register dates from the year 1897. The livin g is
a vicarage, net yearly value ,£120, in the gift of the
Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1902 by the Rev.
Barrington Boyle M urray M.A. of Keble College, OxÂ
ford. T he Parish Hall, built in 1909, w ill seat 190
persons. The Catholic church of St. Francis, erected
in 1884, is an edifice of red brick and stone, in the
G othic style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and
[ k l l l ì
p resbytery; there are sittings for 450 persons. T h e
services are conducted by the Friars of the adjoining
Franciscan Monastery.
The Royal Victoria Cottage
Nursing Home, erected in 1898, at a cost of ^2,338*
is a structure of red brick with stone dressings, conÂ
taining 9 beds for patients and 12 for cottage nurses*
and is supported by voluntary contributions. Tower
Court, a modern edifice of red brick with stone dressÂ
ings, on the road from Ascot to Bagshot, was destroyed
bv fire Oct. 24, 1890, but has since been Tebuilt with
additions, and is the residence of W illiam Abdv Beau; clerk esq. The population of the ecclesiastical parish
in 1901 was 1 .2 74 .
Parish Clerk,
W illiam Millam.
M. 0 . & T. Office.â Mrs. Ernest Edward Lovegrove, sub-postmistress. L etters through Ascot disÂ
patched at 8.25 & 1 1 .2 5 a -m * & 2.20, 6 .3 0 & 7.4 0
p.m. ; S u n d a y s , 5 .5 p.m
Catholic School (m ixed), built in 18 9 3 , for 1 1 0 chilÂ
dren ; average attendance,90; Sister Bonaventure,m ist
I L u cy A rth ur Sydney, The Wynstones
A lexander Forbes James, The Gables M acaulay Col. Chas.Edwd.New court
¡M clnerney Rev. Ignatius O.F.M
Barwell Leycester, The Tower
Franciscan Friary
Batty-Sm ith Henry, Swinley hurst
Beauclerk Wm . Abdy, Tower court Murray Rev. Barrington Boyle M.A
(vicar), Silcote house
Bird L i eu t.-Col.
Wilkinson Dent
IPonsonby Hon. Lady, Gilm uire
D .S.O. Guardwell house
Blake-Cam pbell St. J. Frank.D anesfld! Quin Stephen B. Wood lawn
Briscoe Rev. Raymond O.F.M. Fran Rawle
^ â â * Fredk.
='â -Jl- John, aSwinley
Sarawak Her Highness the Ranee of,
ciscan F r i a T y
G rey Friars
Brooke Harry;, Erinscourt
Sm ith Miss, West bank
Byrne Edm und J. E arly wood
Coleman Rev. Chrysostom O.F.M. Stewart Major Rupert, The Vicarage
Franciscan F ria ry
Todd Capt. Alexander F. Firthorpe
C olt H arry Shapland, E arley W ood , U rquhart Mrs. Heathcroft
Webbe Capt. James, Errollstone
Deans-Dundas Capt. Charles F.Barton IW est A. A rth ur. South wood
Douglas Richard Hugo, Coverdale
Wood Henry W illiam, Brockenhurst
Doweing Rev. Joseph O.F.M . Fran- Worsdell Wilson, The Glebe
ciscan F riary
Ferguson John. Moorlands
Alexander Forbes James M .B., C M
Fevez Misses, Swinley house
& surgeon, The
Goodchild Mrs. The F rith
Grant Rev. Stephen O .F.M . F ra n  | Gables
Allen Rebecca & Alice (Misses), dress
ciscan Friary
makers, Montem villa
H aig John A licius, Ladymead
Benning Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Jago Mrs. Elibank
Bervstede hotel (Miss I. B. Hancock,
Jeffreys Mrs. Loretto
1 manageress}
K eatin g F. A. Ravenspoint
. Biddiscombe Isaac, shopkeeper
Kennedy Mrs. The Highlands
; Clark Horace, butcher, Brockenhurst
Lockhart W alter S. Pinehurst
Lowe Henrv Packer M .A ., B . C L ' road
H aining
Convent (Mrs. M ary Teresa Blagden, superior)
Cross Reginald, boot & shoe m aker
Dean George, chim ney sweep
Elliot Louisa (M rs.), confectioner
Estridge Mary A.
(Mrs.), dressÂ
maker, Ockley villas
Falahee Jn. butcher, Brockenhurst rd
Lovegrove Ernest Edward (Mrs.),
stationer, & Post office
Millam W illiam , parish clerk, A ll
Soulsâ hall
Osborne Joseph, Earlywood farm
Pullin Frederick George, boot repr
Ranee W illiam , dairyman
Victoria Cottage
N ursing
Home (Miss Hamilton, hon. sec. 'r
Miss Mary Conlin, matron)
Salmon Ada B. (Miss), costumier
Sandwith Grace (Miss), boysâ school,
Sm ith Rosina (M rs.), shopkeeper
Soan W illiam , grocer
Stanner Ellen (Mrs.), laundress
T ucker Henry, beer retailer
Turner Edwin, baker
Turner Frederick Joseph A u gu stu s,
Upson Brothers, motor engineers
Wake Henry, fly proprietor
W eatherill Bernard, tailor
(For the other residents in this
parish see Ascot.)
A S H A M P S T E A D is a village and parish 11 miles of Buckhold, who is lord of the manor and the trustees
west from Reading, 10 south from W allingford, 5 south- of the late G. H erbert Morrell esq. (d. 1906). A. T.
w est from Pangbourne station on the G reat Western Waterhouse esq. Maj. R. M. Barry and W illiam H.
railw ay, in the âSouthern division of th e county, More- Dewe, of Hampstead Norris, are the chief landowners,
ton hundred, Bradfield union, Reading petty sessional The soil is clay and ch alk; subsoil, chiefly chalk. The
division and county court district, rural deanery of crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is
082 acres; rateable value, ^1,466; the population in
Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford.
The church of St. Clem ent is a plain structure in the 1901 was 313
E arly Norman style, consisting of chancel; nave, south p osf. Office.â Thomas Street, sub-postmaster. Letters
porch and a western tower of wood containing one bell:
jz----- at
4. o8.20
_ âa.m.
⢠& 4.40
--- &
tr disÂ
arrive *---------â
from Reading
patched at 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. ; Sundays, arrive at 8.20
it was thoroughly repaired in 1849, and again in 1894,
a.m. & dispatched at 9.30 a.m. The nearest money
under the direction of the late A. W aterhouse esq
order & telegraph office is at Yattendon, 2 miles
R .A. ; in 1897 some interesting paintings were disÂ
___ north wall and over the chancel a r c h :
closed on the
there are 160 sittings. A new east window was erected W all Letter Box, Ashampstead Common, cleared at 5.30
in 1910 bv Mrs. Morrell, in m emory of
her husband, p.m. ; Sunday, 10.30 a.m
the late George H erbert Morrell esq. M.P.
The register E lem entary School (m ixed), built in i860 by the then
-------owners of the Panole, J. R. Hopkins esq. & Rev.
dates from th e year 1612. The livin g is a vicarage
G. K. Morrell D .C.L. for 92 ch ildren ; average atÂ
net vearly value ¡£65, with 6 acres of glebe, in the gift
tendance, 55 ; Mrs. Emma Brown, mistress
of the trustees of the late Rev. Charles Simeon, and
held since 1908 by the Rev. Charles A rth ur Williamson
M .A. of T rin ity College, Dublin. There are small BapÂ
tist and Prim itive M ethodist chapels. Hopkins' charity Readingâ Richard Baston, tues. thurs. & sat. ; W illiam
Fulker, sat
yearly is for distribution. Herbert W atney esq.
B arry Major Robert Mercer, Pyt ho
F ear Thom as James, Hillside
Gardiner Henry Balfour, AshampÂ
stead green
Leighton Mrs. Clackâs end (postal
address. Pangbourne)
Norton S u r g . -Lieut.-Col. Comm andÂ
ant A rth u r Trehern C.B , V.D .,
F R .C S .E n g
Sm ith Miss
Williamson Rev.Charles A rthur M.A. McQuhae Thomas, grocer
N ullis W illiam , shoe m aker
(vicar), The V icarage
Simmons Stanley, farmer. Child's
Court farm (postal address, PangÂ
Alexander Mary (M rs.), farmer, Hill
Top farm
ith Henry, blacksmith, Asham pÂ
Butler W illiam
John, carpenter,
stead common
Ashampstead common
Street Thomas, coal dealer & farm er,
Dewe W illiam Henry, farmer
Post office
Knowles Edward, farm bailiff to
Mrs. G. H erbert M orrell, Hart- Venners Joseph, baker, Quickâs grn
ridge Manor farm
Wheeler A rthur, New inn