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D I R E C T O R Y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
Carter Marv Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 73 Oxford road
Ca.rtla.nd & S o n , land & estate agents, 13 High street
Cartland George P. (firm. Cart land & Son), sec. Royal Building
Society & Royal United Benefit Society <fc Windsor & Eton
Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Co. Limited, 13 High street
Casey Edward M.n., b.s. surgeon, 24 Park street
Castell Robert, baker, 43 & 45 Sheet street
Cave John & Son, fishmongers, 22 Thames street
Cave & Son, plumbers & glaziers, 36 Kingâs road
Cave William H. watch maker, 30 Sheet street
Cemetery (E. Cecil Durant, clerk to the burial board ; Herbt.
Henry Henness,superintendent & registrar of burials),Spital;
offices. 3 Park street
Chalk -John, shopkeeper, River street & smith, Railway arches
Chambers Susannah (Mrs.), Lord Raglan inn, 132 St. Leonardâs
Chandler Ellen (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 128 Peascod street
Chapman Ann (Miss), dress maker, 17 St. Markâs road
Chapman John, draper, 59 , 61 & 63 Oxford road
Chapman Walter E. tobacconist, 88 Peascod street
Gharlish George, Ship inn, Church lane
Child Charles Thomas, painter, 9 Alexandra road
Chipehase Frederick C. school attendance officer, St. Markâs pi
Choral Society (Rev. B. C. S. Everett m.a. hon. conductor ;
W. Willis & F. Hollyer, hon. secs.), Albert Institute, Sheet st
Church of England Soldiersâ <fc Sailors' Institute (H.S.H.
Prince Alexander of Teck, president), Victoria street
Church Pastoral Aid Society (Mrs. G. E. Miles, hon. treasurer),
Garter house, The Castle
Clapp William, insurance agent, 6 Alma terrace, Arthur road
Clarke Robert, butcher, 33 Alexandra road
Clayton William Henry, hair dresser, 11 Oxford road
Clewer Model Laundry (Windsor) Ltd. 13 St. Leonardâs road
Clinch Arthur, baker, 14 Helena road & 12 Bexley street
Club Motor Cycle & Tyre Co. cycle agents, Datchet road
Cobden Charles, tailor, 2 Thames street
Coles Charles A. Castle hotel, High street
Collyer George, fruiterer, 75 Victoria street
Combly Augustus, Two Brewers p.h. 34 Park street
Compton George, shoe maker, 67 St. Leonardâs road
Congregational Hall, Chariots place, Victoria street
Constitutional Club (Conservative) (Walter Dauncey, sec. ;
Albert Hill, house steward), 56 High street
Cooper & Son, builders & decorators, Victoria street
Cooper & Sons Limited, carriage builders, 4 & 6 Frances road
& -39 William street
Cooper Edmond M. baker, 3 Kingâs road
Cooper Sam, insurance agent, 18 Devereux road
Cooper William, saddler, 68 Peascod street
Copeland Thomas Richard, butcher, 7 Peascod street
County Court (His Honor W. Howland Roberts, judge ; Charles
William Last, registrar & high bailiff), Town h a ll; offices,
William street
County Secondary Boysâ School (G. H. Wade m.a. master),
St. Leonardâs road
Cove Ethel (Mrs.), greengrocer, 25 Kingâs road
Cowley Charles H. grocer, 11 Connaught villas, Arthur road
Cox Daniel, gasfitter, 30 Victoria street
Cozens Robert, builder, 12 Bolton road
Crane William, draper, 20 Oxford road
Crayford Color-Sergt. Frederick, drill instructor to D Co. 4th
Batt. Royal Berks Regiment (Territorials), 5 Bexley street
Creak William, linen draper 105, 106, 107, 108 & 109, & clothier
37, 38 & 39, Peascod street
Cripps Comfort (Mrs.), apartments, 51 Sheet street
Crofts Arthur Douglas M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond. physician &
surgeon, 9 High street
Cross G. R. <fc Son, corn & flour merchants, 2 St. Leonardâs rd
Cross Ralph, watch maker, 15 Peascod street
Cullum Frederick G. fly proprietor, 22 Bourne aven. Bolton rd
Cumby Ellen (Miss), typewriter, 143 Peascod street
Customs <fc Excise Office (Charles H. King, officer). Ambleside,
New road
Dainty John L.n.s.R.c.s.irel. surgeon-dentist, Park house,
Sheet street
Dance Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, 47 Victoria street
Darby Wm. Sugden, insurance agent, 1 Consort vils. Arthur rd
Darcy Millbank, artist, 19 Grove road
Darrell Claud E. solicitor, see Goodacre, Harrison & Darrell
Darville <fc Son, hardware dealers, 4 Oxford road ; grocers, 92
Peascod street, & post office, Oxford road & china, glass &
earthenware dealers, 93 Peascod street
Davidson William, outfitter, 46 Peascod street
Davies Mark, house furnisher, 77 Peascod street
Davis Caroline (Miss), apartments, 11 Park street
Davis Edward jun. chimney sweeper, 15 Russell street
Davis Edward (Mrs.), chimney sweeper, 20 St. Leonardâs road
Davis Frederick, florist, 52 St. Leonardâs road
avis William, carman, 1 Lydia cottages, Goswell road
Daw Edith (Mrs.), Crispin p .h . 54 & 56 Grove road
Day Elizabeth (Mrs.). dress ma. 5 Elizabeth ter. Oxford road
Deacon Charles, wood carver, 32 Sheet street
Dean William, chimney sweep, 50 Bolton road
Dempster William H. masseur, 55 Grove road
Denney William J. baker, 86 Peascod street
W I N D SO R .
2 73
Denney William J. grocer, 55 Peascod street & 8 Oxford road
Dent & Co. fancy repository, 4 a , High street
Derby Robert, boot & shoe maker, 20 High street
Devereux & Son, hat manufacturers, 14 Peascod street
Dickenson William, plumber, 85 Victoria street
Direct Supply Aerated Water Co. Limited, mineral water
manufacturers, 37 & 39 Sheet street
Dobby Thomas Wm. publican, Three Tuns hotel. Market st
Dobner Emily (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Church street
Dodds Ada (Mrs.), laundry, 15 Alexandra road
Dodds Walter, collector of land & income tax, 9 Claremont rd
Dolman Edward, boot maker, 24 Alexandra road
Domestic Bazaar Co. Limited, fancy repository, 119 Peascod st
Douglas Stores (Nevile, Reid & Co.). wine mers. Thames aide
Dowsett & Son, builders, 5 Springfield road
Drake Florence (Mrs.), dining rooms, 40 & 42 Oxford road
Draycott Harry, boot & shoe maker, 16 Russell street
Drye William John, sexton, St. Albanâs street
Duley Walter Joseph, coal mer. assistant overseer & collector
of rates & taxes for Old Windsor & Sunningdale, 24 Sheet st
Durant Edward Cecil (firm, Lovegrove & Durant), solicitor,
town clerk, deputy supt. registrar of births, deaths &
marriages, clerk to the borough Education Committee &
clerk to magistrates Windsor division, Berks, 3 Park street
Durnford & Gale, solicitors & commissioners for oaths, clerks
to Windsor Rural Council & Eton Urban Council & Windsor
Municipal charities, 3 Sheet street
Dyerson Hilda (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 21 St. Leonardâs road
Dyson & Sons, jewellers, 9 Thames street
Dyson & Sons, music warehouse, organ builders & tuners,
pianoforte makers & tuners, 10 Thames stre e t; 38 South
Bar street, Banbury ; New street, Chipping Norton ; High
street, Stony Stratford; 19 George street. Crovdon & 22
High s tr e t, High Wycombe
Eastmans Limited, butchers, 35 Peascod street
Edgington & Spink, architects & surveyors, 52 High street
Edwards Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, 41 Alma road
Edwards George, sign writer, 12 Dagmar road
Edwards James, coffee tavern, 24 Oxford road
Edwards Thomas, supt. Pearl Life Assurance Co. 1 Temple ro a d
Elder Peter, confectioner, 1a, Oxford road
Electric Empire, cinematograph theatre, Peascod street
Elgood Charles Reginald m.d., M .R .c .s .E n g . physician & s u r Â
geon, 20 Clarence road
Elliot & Son, leather sellers, 140 Peascod street
Ellis Edmund, Clarence inn, 20 Alma road
Ellis Henry, watch maker, 24 Peascod street
Ellis John, confectioner, 12 Alexandra road
Ellis Sophia (Miss), fancy repository, 25 Peascod stree
Ellison William Augustine m.a., m.d. physician & surgeon, see
Fairbank & Ellison
Empire Clothing Co. outfitters, 49 & 50 Peascod street
Ewer Isaac, bricklayer, 134 St. Leonardâs road
Excelsior Rowing Club (Harold G. Hetherington, hon. sec.),
Star & Garter hotel, Peascod street
Express Yeast Co. (Harold Brown,manager), 11 Adelaide sq u a re
Fairbank & Ellison, surgeons, Sheet street
Fairbank William l.m., M .R .c .s .E n g ., l.s.a. surgeon, se e F a ir b a n k
& Ellison
Fairhead Frederick James, beer retailer, 147 St. Leonardâs road
Fairweather George, greengrocer, 93 St. Leonardâs road
Farmer Charles, draper, see Soundy & Farmer
Farr Frances (Miss), dress maker, 47 Kingâs road
Fellows & Barnes, fishmongers, 155 St. Leonardâs road
Fellows Joseph, fishmonger, 58 Oxford road
Feltham Mary Ann (Miss), apartments, 63 Sheet street
Felton Rose (Miss), dress maker, 23 Alexandra road
Field Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 52 Grove road
Field Susannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 60 Peascod street
Field William Branch, tailor, 61 Peascod street
Fletcher & Sons, tailors, 24 High street
Fletcher W. & R. Limited, butchers, 89 Peascod street
Flint Joseph M. grocer & wine merchant, 30 Thames street
Ford Alice (Mrs.). dress maker, 53 Grove road
Ford Frederic Wilbraham (firm, Phillips & Randle Ford),
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 1 High street
Ford Frederick S. Wellington p .h . 98 Peascod street
Foreman Brothers, builders, 6a, Clarence road
Fortescue The Hon. John, m.v.o. librarian, Norman gate
Fowler Harry, electrical engineer, 25 William street
Free Ruth (Miss), refreshment rooms, 59 Thames street
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot warehouse, 10 &
126 Peascod street
Freeman * ShefforJ, cycle makers, 81 St. Leonardâs road
Freeman Albert Edward, beer retailer, 29 Grove road
Freeman Frank, insurance agent. 8 Clarence road
Fryer Harry, butcher, 63a, St. Leonardâs road
Furnival Stephen, chemist, 7 High street
Gale John Edward (Brm, Durnford Sc Gale), solicitor & clerk
to the Rural District Council. 3 Sheet street
Gambrill-Lakeman Rosetta (Mrs.). servantsâ registry office 40
Sheet street
Garlick John, grocer, & post office, 225 St, Leonardâs road
Garnett Arthur George, Royal Adelaide p .h . 46 Kingâs road
Garnham John, Horse & Groom p .h . Castle hill