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D IR E C T O R Y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
Sidney, farm er, Manor f a r m
Collins George, farm er, Church farm I Sm ith Frank, Junction hotel
Roberts Rev. Charles Thomas (vicar), Matthews T. J. (M rs.), farm er, ; Stevenson Joseph (M rs.), farm er,
Spencers farm
Oldfield farm
Turner Capt. Bingham Alexander Reade Percy, farmer & landowner, Wheeler Wm.Jn. brick & tile m a n u f r
Colliers farm
Whitfield Elizabeth (Miss), farmer
B .S.O . Baulkin g grange
c o m m e r c ia l .
j Reade
B E A R , W O O D is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in head are the kitchen garden and other buildin gs; the
out of parts of the parishes of H urst and Woking- i waste water of the lake is applied to turning a large
water wheel, which drives a saw m ill and othei
ham , the Hurst portion consisting of the Liberty of New
land and th at part of the L iberty of Winnersh which machinery. The mansion, which was rebuilt between
comprises the village of Sindlesham ; it still forms part 1865 and 1869, is a stately edifice of red brick with
o f the civil parish of Hurst, in the Eastern division oi dressings of Mansfield sto n e ; it contains a suite of fine
th e county, petty sessional division and union of W ok reception rooms, including a picture gallery, bindlesingham , Reading county court district, rural deanery of ham House, pleasantly situated a short distance from
Sonning, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of O xford; the road, is the residence of Thomas Rickman Harman
Bear Wood is two miles west from Wokingham railway esq. J.P. The principal landowners are John W alter
station and 5 south-east from Reading. The church of esq. and T. R. Harman esq. J.P. The soil is gravel and
S t. Catherine, situated on rising ground at the top of c la y ; subsoil, London clay. The population in 1901 was
the village of Sindlesham (built and endowed about the 822.
Newland is i£ miles south-west.
y e a r 1845 at the expense of John W alter esq.), is a
building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of
SINDLESHAM , half a mile north, is included in the
chancel, nave of four bays and an em battled western ecclesiastical parish of Bear Wood, and consists of about
tower with pinnacles containing 2 bells. The organ was 60 cottages, an inn and the school. The place was
presented by Thomas Rickman Harman esq. of Sindles almost entirely rebuilt by the late John W alter esq. (d.
ham House : there are 280 sittings. The register dates 1894), and has a Baptist chapel.
from the year 1845. The living was declared a rectory
Parish Clerk, William Oates, Sindlesham.
June 26th, 1866, net yearly value £ 175, with good residÂ
ence and 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of John W alter esq. Post Office, Sindlesham.â Mrs. Isabella Brigden, subÂ
postmistress. Letters arrive from Wokingham at 7.20
and h-.ld since 1905 by the Rev. W illiam Vernon Vickers
& 11.15 a.m. & 5.50 p.m. (restricted) ; dispatched at
M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford. Bear Wood, the
a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ; & on sundays at 11.40 a.m.
property and residence of John W alter esq. was
Arborfield Cross, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money
form erly an outlying part of Windsor Forest, and still
retains much of its prim itive wildness of character; its
name is supposed to be derived from the Saxon word Post Office, K ing street.â Mrs. Louisa Leach, sub-postÂ
mistress. Letters delivered from WTokingham at 7.20
*l bere,â signifying a farmstead in a wood ; hollies and
а.m. & 12.20 & 6.35 p.m . (restricted) ; sundays,
junipers flourish here in great perfection, and the garÂ
at 7.20 a.m. ; box cleared at 8.40 a.m . & 12.40 &
dens abound with rhododendrons and other exotic
б.40 p.m. ; sundays at 11.40 a.m. W okingham, i j
p la n ts ; most varieties of the fir tribe, including a large
miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
num ber of Cedrus Deodara, are to be found here ; but
the chief attraction is the magnificent lake, which covers
School, Sindlesham (mixed & infants), built by the late
a space of over 43 acres and contains several islands, one
John W alter esq. (d. 1894), enlarged 1896; it will
o f which is over an acre in e x te n t; this fine sheet of
hold 200 children ; average attendance, 100 ; Hy. Fras.
water yields to none in the county but Virginia W atei
Simmons, m aster; Mrs. Emma Jessie Simmons, m ist
in point of size, and perhaps not even to that in beauty;
an upper lake covers over three acres; below the lake- Carrier to Reading.â John Wingfield, tues. & sat. 10 a.m
Barnes W alter, head gardener to Howkins Brothers, m illers (water),
Sindlesham m ill
John W alter esq
Godsal Edward H ugh, Winnersh
Stephen 0 .farmer, Sindleshm Luff man George, W alter Arm s inn
lodge, King Street
Neve Thomas, head gardener to T.
Harman Thomas Rickm an J.P. SinÂ
R. Harman esq. J.P. Sindlesham
Bowyer Charles, farm bailiff to T. R.
dlesham house
Harman esq. J.P. Hatch farm , Newberry Amos E. clerk of works to
Hayward W illiam , Carterâs hill
John W alter esq
Vickers Rev. William Vernon M.A.
Deane W illiam , sub-estate agent to Sm ith Wm . blacksm ith, Sindlesham
(rector), St. Catherineâs rectory
Wingfield John, carrier, K ing Street
W alter John, Bear Wood
Estate office
W edderburn Miss, K in g Street farm
(The rem ainder of the names in
Wilson Courtenay B. Winnersh grove, Dimond Jas. M arsh,frm r.Carter's hill
Newland will be found under
Works (George Shadbolt. mgr)
K in g Street
Arborfi^id. being placed there for
Grace George (M rs.), woolstapler.
postal purposes)
Loddon Bridge house, K ing street
A lln a tt John Edwd. baker,Sindlesham
B E E C H H I L L is a tithin g and ecclesiastical parish,
formed January 31st, 1868, out of the Berkshire portion
uf Stratfieldsave parish, Hampshire, on the river Loddon,
2 miles east from Stratfield Mortimer railway station, 6
south from Reading and 10 north from Basingstoke, in
the union of Bradfield and county court d istrict of Readinc. rural deanerv of Reading, archdeaconry of Berks,
and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Mary the
V ircin is a structure of brick and flint, erected in 1867
in the Gothic style of the 14th century, and consists of
chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a wooden
'belfrv containing 3 b e lls : there are ten stained windows
and "a font of various m arb les: the church affords 220
sittings. The register dates from the year 1868. The
liv in g is a vicarage, net income £300, with 9 acres of
glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Hunter, and held
since 1895 bv the Rev. Charles Stephen Turner M.A. of
Corpus Christi College, Oxford. There is a chapel for
Baptists, founded in 1796, with 140 sittings and an
endowment for the minister. The common lands have
been enclosed. The Benedictine priory of St. Leonard
00 the Loddon was founded in 1170 by Nicholas^ de
Stoteville, as a cell of V alem ont; the existing portion:
retain no feature older than 1648. Beech H ill House.
the seat of Mrs. Hunter, is a large and plain mansion
of brick. This is a parcel of the manor of stratheldsave, of which the Duke of W ellington is lord The
principal landowners are the Duke of W ellington A i r . ,
G.C.V.O . Mrs. Hunter, Alfred Palm er esq of Wokefield
Mortimer, and the provost and fellows of Eton
, College. The soil is clay ; subsoil, gravel. The ehie
are wheat beans and grass. The area is 945
of land and4 o ijv a t e r ; rateable value, £ 1,50 9 ,
the population in 1901
Sexton, Charles Gaiger.
Overseer, W illiam Tame.
Post Office.â Mrs. Mary W heeler, sub-postmistress.
Letters from Reading arrive at 5.45 & 11.15 a.m. ;
dispatched at 1.30 & 7.30 p .m .; sunday> arrive 5.45
a.m. ; dispatched at 6 30 p.m. The nearest money
order & telegraph office is at Mortimer,2 miles distant
Elem entary School (m ixed), built in 1850, for 73 childÂ
ren ; average attendance, 38 ; with house for masteT,
where a sunday school is h e ld ; Mrs. E . E. Perry,
Carriers to Reading.â Hounsell, mon. tues. thurs. fri.
& sat. ; Bye, mon. tues. thurs. & sat. ; Staniford,
tues. thurs. & sat
Tim«» W illiam , Old Elm Tree P.H.
Glynn Mrs. Trunkweil cottage
| & overseer
Hickman Mrs. Trunkweil house
IWheeler W illiam , wheelwright
Hunter Mrs. Beech Hill house
W ick stead- Joseph, farm bailiff to
Douglas Arthur, blacksmith
Laing George, The Priory
Turner Rev. Charles Stephen M.A. Pring Ernest, farmer. Trunkwell frm j George Laing esq. The Priory