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â continued.
I Johnson Miss Elizabeth, 3 Wellington
Hemming Frederick, 6i St. John s t ! square. St. G ilesâ, Oxford
St. G iles', Oxford
I Johnson Frederick Jas. 51 Walton
H erbert N. S. 52 H igh st. Oxford
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
H eritage Miss E . 47 Iffley rd. Oxford | Johnson T . H. 15 Merton st. Oxford
H ester Mrs. Catherine, Couching s t Jones Mrs. Annie, 5 Merton street,
Grim sbury, Banbury
W atlington, W allingford
H ewer Albert. John. 60 H igh st.Oxfrd Jones Harry, 83 High street, Oxford
H iggins Miss E . 3 M useum rd.Oxford Joy Mrs. E. 90 Southmoor road, St.
Higginson Mrs. A rthur E. 11 HolyG ilesâ. Oxford
w ell street, Oxford
Kay Adrian James, 40 Regent street,
H iggs C. J. 5 K in g Edward st.Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
H iggs Richard
Sm ith,
Belmont, Keene Mrs. Ruth, 17 Northfield end,
Longworth road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
H ill Mrs. Caroline, 19 St. John street, Kennah John Edward,
13 K ing
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Edward street, Oxford
H ill Mrs. F. 22 High street, Oxford Kent Charles, 6 Ship street, Oxford
H ill Frank J. 18 Merton street, Oxfrd King Mrs. Bessie, 9 W ellington sq.
H ill Miss Mary A. 38 St. John st.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
King Mrs. Gertrude. 48 Wellington
H ill it r Mrs. Fanny, 19 Worcester pi.
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
King Joseph, 17 Richmond road, St.
H illier Herbert, 15 Park End street.
Thomasâ, Oxford
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
King Joseph Wm.31 Iffley rd. Oxford
Hine E, 11 Long Wall street, Oxford K ing Mrs. Mary, 12 Kingston road,
Hinton Mrs. Martha, 9 Holywell st.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Ivngscote Albert, 21 Iffley rd. Oxford
Hobbs Edward George, 40 Wellington Kingston H. 4 & 5 Long Wall st, Oxfrd
square, St, Gilesâ, Oxford
Kippin A rth ur. 24 &, 25 Cornmarket
Hobbs Mrs. Elizabeth, 12 Southmoor
street, Oxford
road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Knapp Mrs. Anna. 16 St. John st.
Hodge Charles, 97 Holywell st.Oxford
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Hodge W m . E. 73 Iffley rd. Oxford Knibbs A rth ur Sydney, 56 St. John
Holliday George, 41 Richmond road,
street, St. Giles', Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Knibbs W. G. C. 96 Holywell st.Oxfrd
Hollis Alphonso, 22 W orcester place, Knight Miss M artha,13 Ship st.Oxfrd
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Knott Mrs. C. J. 47 High st. Oxford
H ollis A rth u r W. 26 Richmond road, Lailey Miss Ada, 10 St. Markâs rcl.
St Thomas', Oxford
Hollis Mrs. Elizh. 17 Tu rl st. Oxford Lam bourne Mrs. Eleanor J. NorthHolt Frederick, ir Ship street,Oxford
moor, Oxford
Honer F rederick, Garfield villa, Little Lambourne Miss Jessie H. 48 Walton
Clarendon street, S t. G ilesâ , Oxford
crescent, St. Thomasâ. Oxford
H onour Miss Mary E. 2 Aston st. Lambourne M. J. 279 Iffley rd.Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Lapwortli E . C. 23 Walton st. Oxford
Hopcraft Mrs. Louie, 35 Wellington Lawson Miss Mary I. 39 St. John st.
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Horn Charles, 8 Long Wall st. Oxford Lester Miss Harriet, 2 Station road.
Horn W illiam Henry, 5 St. John st.
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Liddell Edgar F. 41 Iffley rd. Oxford
Horobin John, 32 Walton crescent, St. Litten Mrs. Helen, 5 Ship st. Oxford
Thomasâ, Oxford
Longshaw Francis, 34 New street,
Horser Mrs. Elizabeth, 63 St. John
Chipping Norton
street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Lovegrove Frederick, 35 Pembroke
Hoskins Charles, â 20 St. Mark's rd.
street, St. Aldate's, Oxford
Lowe Mrs. Em ily, 33 Walton cresÂ
Hounslow Benjamin Thomas, 90 St.
cent. S t. Thomasâ, Oxford
Maryâs rd. Cowley St. John, Oxford Lowendon Mrs. Susan, 4 Marmion rd.
H >wse Miss Annie, 4 Walton W ell rd.
St. Giles', Oxford
Loxley Miss Ellen, Longwall house,
K uckerby W. 6r Holywell st. Oxford
Long Wall street, Oxford
H ughes James Arthur, 13 Walton Loxley Miss M. 2 Long Wall st.Oxfrd
crescent, St Thom asâ. Oxford
Lucas Frederick, 6 Manor road. HolyH ughes It. E. 168 Walton st. Oxford
well, Oxford
H ughes-W illiam s Charles Edward, 40 L uker W alter Herbert, 3 Bath place,
Hythe Bridgo st. St. Thomasâ,Oxfrd
Holywell street, Oxford
H ull Mrs. H. 50 Southm oor road, St. Luker W alter W. 23 Iffley rd. Oxford
G ilesâ, Oxford
Lummis Mrs. Agnes, 2 Thames side,
H unt W illiam Thomas, 35 Temple st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Mclnnis Miss Elizabeth, 24 W ellingÂ
H unter Ernest Frederick, 20 London
ton square, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
place, S t. Clem entâs, Oxford
McIntyre Mrs. A. 24 St. Michaelâs st.
H utchins Joseph, 18 Walton crescent,
St. Thom asâ, Oxford
Mansell Mrs. C. 12 Long Wall st.Oxfrd
Hutchinson A. 68 Walton st. Oxford Mansell M issH . 13 Long W all st.Oxfd
In g James Mark, 47 Wellington sq. Mapp Geo. H. 170 Walton st. Oxford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
March Frederick W illiam , 32 WoodIngram James, 21 Pembroke street,
stock road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
S t. A ld ateâs. Oxford
Marygold George, 1 Ship st. Oxford
Ireland Mrs. Laura K ate, 54 Walton Matthews Charles, 38 Queen street,
crescent, St. T h .m a s', Oxford
Isaacs W m .A. 32 Beaumont st.Oxford Mawer Arthur, 15 Wellington square,
Iv a tt Frederick, 135 High st. Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
Medcraft George, 39 Regent street,
Ives Mrs. J. S. 15 Ship st. Oxford
Jardine W illiam , i n Iffley rd.Oxford
Oowiey St. John, Oxford
Jarvis Mrs. Martha, 20 Walton cres Meeks Francis John, 26 St John st.
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
St. Giles', Oxford
Jeffs Mrs. Frank W.6 Oriel st.Oxford Messer Harry, 16 Winchester road,
Jenkins John, 54 Holywell st. Oxford
St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Johnson Mrs.Annie, 45 Iffley rd.Oxfrd Middleton MissSarah Alice,23 Museum
Johnson Mrs. E.12 Museum rd.Oxford
road, Oxford
A p a rtm e n ts
Miller J o h n . 13 Frenchay road 41
Gilesâ, Oxford
Millin Walter Henry, * i sjs <ri._an.
St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Millinchip Miss Ida, s Walton Well
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Mil ward Mrs. Em m a, 29 Walton crea
cent. St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Ming Mrs. Mary, 1 Cambridge ter.
race, S t. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Mobey Miss P. 25 St. Gilesâ st.Oxfrd
Mole Mrs. Fanny, 12 Regent street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Moon William, n Iffley road, Oxford
Morris Miss Florence Em ily,12 SpeedÂ
well street, St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Mullett Miss Katharine, 58 & rq St
Gilesâ street, Oxford
Munday Andw. J. 39 Iffley rd. Oxford
Mundy Edward.103 Walton st.Oxford
Mundy Thomas, Gloucester st.Oxfrd
Neagus Miss M. 1 Museum rd.Oxford
Neale George, 32 Wellington square
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Neale W alter, 4 Beaumont buildings
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Neighbour Mrs. Annie, 36 Walton
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Neville Thomas, 26 Divinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Newman Alfred Douglas, 34 WellingÂ
ton square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Newman Thomas, 18 Wellington sq
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Newman Thomas E. 8 Oriel st.Oxford
Newport Miss Thirza, 34 St. John
street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Nicholson W. 17 Long Wall st. Oxford
Nickolls Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Walton
crescent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Nixev Mrs. L. 48 Holywell st.Oxford
Norburn Geo. 57 St. Gilesâ st.Oxford
Noiâgate Miss Ellen, 11 St. Michaelâs
street, Oxford
Norwood George, 204 Iffley rd. Oxfrd
Nunney Mrs.M. A. Bridge st.Bamptn
Nurse Thomas, 28 St. John street,
St Giles', Oxford
Nutt Fredk. 136 Walton st. Oxford
N utt George, 5 Hamilton avenue,
N utting Mrs. Em ily, 28 Woodstock
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Oborne Miss Frances,63 High st.Oxfd
Ockenden Miss Jane, 2 Manor road,
Holywell, Oxford
Orton Henry John, 30 St. John st.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Osborne Thomas, 65 Iffley rd. Oxford
Ostler Geo. 149 Walton st. Oxford
Owen Albert Tyrrell 1 & 2 WellingÂ
ton square, St. Giles', Oxford
Owen Mrs. Myra, 55 Holywell st.Oxfd
Palmer Mrs. E. 157 Walton st.Oxford
Palmer Herbert Arthur, 26 WellingÂ
ton square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Panter Mrs. Emma, 42 Kingston rd.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Panter John, 3 St. John street, St.
Giles', Oxford
Panting C. R. 166 Walton st. Oxford
Panting Mrs. R. 165 Walton st.Oxford
Panton Mrs. Sarah, 11 Richmond rd.
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Parker Mrs.Catherine A. 264 Banbury
road, Summertown, Oxford
Parker Mrs. Sidney. 6 Hamilton
avenue, Henlev-on-Thames
Paterson Mrs. Martha, 22 St. Giles
street, Oxford
Patev Edwd. Chas. 3 Oriel st. Oxford
Paviere L. F. 4 4 St. Gilesâ st.Oxford
Payne Allen R. T. 116 High st.Oxford
Peak* Mrs. Almond. 22 Wellington
square, St. Giles', Oxford
Pearce Miss Annie, 33 St. John st.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Pearee Frank Lane, 38 Pembroke st.
St. Aldateâs, Oxford