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B E R K S H IR E .

d ik e c t o h y .]



Mr. Talbot Bury, architect, and consists of chancel, nave, founder, Robert Bussu, Earl of L e ice ste r; it is now the
vestry, and a western tower w ith spire containing one property of the Earl of Craven. Holt tith in g belongs
bell' the chancel is fitted with carved benches, and the to the E arl of Craven and th at of Barton to Sir R. V.
east and west windows with six others are stain ed ; the Sutton bart. The Earl of Craven, Sir R. V. Sutton bart.
reredos exhibits an excellent carving of the Last Supper, Apsley Cherry-G arrard esq. of Lam er Park, Herts, E. A.
and there is a marble font, presented by Mrs. Dunnell in Hanley esq. and H. J. W alm esley esq. J.P. are the
memory of her two ch ild ren; the pulpit is of Caen principal landowners. The soil is chalk and c la y ; sub­
stone, with carved panels separated by m arble shafts, soil, clay. W hiting is m ade from the soft upper chalk,
which is ground into a pulp with water and allowed to
and was given by H. J. Dunnell esq. of Barton C o u rt;
the church was erected at a cost of £3,650, chiefly settle in ta n k s : bricks are also made here. The chief
are wheat, barley, oats &c. The area of the
contributed by the Rev. J. W. D. Dundas M.A. who
also gave the stained windows, with the exception of civil parish is 7,612 acres of land and 53 of w a te r ;
two presented by the a rch itect: the church affords 250 rateable value, £12,627; the population in 1901 was
sittings, 125 being free. There are Wesleyan Methodist 1,648 in the civil, and 1,548 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Denford, a ham let in th is civil parish, has been
and Prim itive Methodist chapels here. Spacious public
baths and washhouses were built for the use of the formed into an ecclesiastical parish and will be found
parishioners by the late Mrs. Dunn, of Inglewood, at a under a separate heading.
E lcot, 2 miles north ; W orm stall, 3 n o rth ; Holt, 1
cost of nearly £4,000. Elcot Park, the property of Sir
Richard V. Sutton bart. of Benham Valence, is the south -east; Inglewood, 1 w e s t; Tem pleton, 2 w e s t; and
residence of Richard J. P. Thomas e s q .; Barton Court, Barton, 1 north-west, are places in this parish.
Sexton, James Holborow.
also the property of Sir Richard Sutton bart. is the
residence of W alter Parrott esq. ; W allingtons is now ; Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.— Mrs. Alice Kate Bance, sub­
(1911) unoccupied; Inglewood House is the residence of j postmistress. Letters arrive from Hungerford at 7
Humphrey Jeffrey Walmesley esq. J.P. The manor of j a.m . & 2 p .m .; dispatched at 10.55 & 11 *55 a m - &
5.45 & 6.30 p.m. & 12.30 p.m. on Sundays. Wall
Kintbury Amesbury belonged to the nuns of Amesbury
Letter Boxes: Mount Pleasant, cleared at 11.15 a.m.
or Am bresbury, having been given to them at the first
foundation of their m onastery by Queen E lfrid a ; in
& 5-45 P-m - ; Sundays, 11.25 a .m .; & Halfway House,
cleared at 8.50 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. ; S un days, 9.10 a.m
1542 it was granted to JoLn C h eyn e; not long after­
wards it came to the Darrells, from whom it passed
in marriage in 1617 (with the daughter and heiress of
Elem entary Schools.
Sir John Darrell) to Sir John Elwes, who sold it to St. Mary’s (m ixed), built in 1840, for 250 ch ild ren ;
Philip Jem m ett esq. alderman of London; his daughter ; altered in 1909, to accommodate 220; average attend­
brought it in m arriage to Sir Jonathan R aym ond; it
ance, 187; Edwin Wilde, master
afterwards, through m arriage with the heiress of the Christ Church (mixed & infants), built in 1866, for 88
Raymond fam ily, became the property of the Hon.
children; altered in 1909, to accommodate 69; aver­
Charles Dundas, one of the knights of the shire, who
age attendance, 43; Mrs. Thorne, m istress
resided on this estate at Barton Court, and was created
in 1832 Baron Am esbury, of Kin tbury Am esbury and County Police, Sergeant, George W illiam Ponsford; &
Constable, W alter Wooldridge
Barton Court in Berks, and of Aston Hall, county of
Flint. Sir Richard V. Sutton bart. of Benham Valence, Railway Station, Sydney Nailer, station m aster
Newbury, is the present lord of the manor of K in t­ Carriers to Newbury.— Francis Dopson, from bis own
house, thurs. & s a t .; G. W. Giles, through from
bury Amesbury. The manor of K intbury Eaton was
Hungerford. tues. & fri
given to the nuns of Eaton, in W arwickshire, by their

R E S ID E N T S .

Brandreth Rev. Joseph Pilkington
M.A. Holt lodge
Bush James, The Firs
Campbell Donald, Templeton
Casbourne Mrs. The Mount
Charrington Gomdr. Eric D .S.O ,R.N
Clark Mrs. W hite lodge
Dopson Albert John, Fair view
Dunn Mrs. T i'crm b
Edwards Rev. A rth ur W illiam Henry
M.A. (vicar), Vicarage
Field Mrs. Tnglewood lodge
Goodhart Gavin
(letters, Inkpen, Hungerford)
Goodhart Mrs. Willows (letters, Ink­
pen, Hungerford)
Hanley Edm und Augustine, Forbury grove
Hemsted Edm und Spencer
Jenney Major Archibald Offlev, W ind­
ing Wood house
Kaye Mrs. Barton grove
Lidderdale Mrs. Osmington house
McLeod Gen. Sir Donald J. S..
K .C .I.E ,
C.B ,
D .S.O
Mount (postal address, Inkpen.
Palmer-Morewood Alfd. Deane lodge
Parrott Walter, Barton court
Pegler Miss E. .7. Barrym res
Phillips Harold Edgar, Mill house
Phillips Mrs. Kintbury lodge
Thomas Richard J. P. Elcot park
Waldron Thos.W hite El.var.High view
W almesley Humphrey Jeffrey (late
Major Lancs Hussars Y .C .) (J.P.
c o .’s Lancs & Berks), Inglewood ho

Abraham Annie (Mrs.), baker
Bance Brothers, bakers

Bance Alice Kate (Mrs.), stationer,
& post office
Bance Joseph Orlando, farmer
Bishop Thomas (M rs.), farm er, In­
lease farm
Bowles W illiam , shopkeeper
Buckeridge Job, collector of rates &
taxes for Kintbury, Avington &
W est Woodhay, also collector of
taxes for Hungerford & Hamstead
Marshall, The Firs
Dodd Harvey,, farmer, Holt
Chapman Ernest Albert, clothier
Chislett Harry, draper & gro. High st
Clark The Misses, ladies’ boarding
school. W hite lodge
Clarke Charles Michael,head gardener
to W illiam Hew Dunn esq
Clarke Wm. Alex, head gardener to
Hum phrey Jeffrey W alm esley esq
Cum ner John, bricklayer
Curtis James W illiam , butcher
Dodd H arvey, farmer, Holt
Dopson Francis, carrier
Edwards James & Sons, builders
Froude W illiam , farm er
Gilbert Sidney Herbert, baker & crer
Goddard Hy. farmer,W aterm an’s frm
Goodhart Herbert Lindsay, farmer,
Willows (letters, Inkpen, Hun­
Gore Thos. W. farmer, Winding wood
Hamblin Jason, beer retailer
Heath John,, farmer. Holt Manor frm
Hemsted Edmund Spencer M.R.C.S.
Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer
for K intbury district & registrar of
births & deaths for K intbury sub­
district, Hungerford union
Hobday Harry Edwd. farmer,Holt frm
Hopkins Alber . boot k shoe maker
Hutchins & C \ butchers
Killick George Thomas, brick maker

K illick John Faitlifull, grocer
Langford George, plum ber & glazier
Lawrence Arthur W illiam , seed m er­
chant, High street
Lawrence Benjamin, beer retailer
Lawrence William, firewood dealer
Lea Mary (Mrs.),frm r.Orpenham frm
Mapson William, photographer
Mealin Thomas, Dundas Arm s hotel
Mills John, farmer, Burgess farm
Moore Chas. Henry, farm er, Elcot frm
Moore Frank H. farm er, W allcott frm
Moore William Butler, farmer, Ham p­
stead Holt farm , Holt
North William, saddler
Oakes Brothers, blacksm iths
Page Jn. Barlow,hair drssr. & boot ma
Palmer George, bricklayer
Parkins Henry, beer retailer
Phillips Harold Edgar, m iller (water),
Kintbury m ill
Poutney Thomas, head gardener to
Com. E. Charrington D .S.O ., R.N
Sampson W illiam , blacksm ith, Elcot
Sawyer Joseph (M rs.), shopkeeper,
Station road1
Shaw Isaac, grocer
Sheldrake Edward, saddler, H igh st
Skinner Alfred Henry k Son, tailors,
Station road
Sm ith Charles, beer retailer
Sm ith George, beer retailer
Sturgess Allen, boot maker
Swales John, tin plate worker
Thatcher Herbert, farm er, Holt
Tuttle Frederick Jn. whiting manufr
W atts W illiam George, beer retailer
¡White William Henry, blacksmith
!Whvman Albert, Blue Bali P H
Wilde Edwin, organist, The Limes
Woodman G uy Henry, frmr. Clapton
; W orking Men’s Club & Reading
Rooms (Henry Langford, manager)

K N O W L H I L L is a scattered village and ecclesias­ tion on the G reat W estern railway, in the Eastern divi­
tical parish, formed in 1842 out of the parishes of H ur­ sion of the county. Maidenhead petty sessional division,
ley and Wargrave, on the Bath road, 8 miles north­ unions of Wokingham and Maidenhead, Reading county
east from Reading, 4$ west from Maidenhead, 5 south­ court district, rural deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaeast from Henley and 3J north-east from Twyford sta- I conrv of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of