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OXf'OR S H IR E .]
Hobday J. 12J South Bar st.Banbury
Mrs. S. 129 High st. Thame
Mrs. M. 15 West bar- Banbury
H°»es Mrs. Louisa E. 31 St. Aldateâ s
street, Oxford
flnmphris J. J- 20a, High st.Banbury
lyings Frank P. Charlbury
J a ck so n
Mrs. Mary Anne, 105 St.
Clementâs street, Oxford
Jackson 'William Thomas, 21 South
Bar street, Banbury
Jones & Son, Charlbury
Jones Edward, 9 Broad st. Banbury
Jones Harry, 22 Bridge st. Witney
Jordan Miss Mabel, 165 Kingston rd.
St. Gilesâ, & 219 Banbury road,
Summertown, Oxford
King Herbert C. 30 High street & 8
West end, Witney
Lea Miss Eva, 45 W est end, Witney
Leach Harry, 53 Broad st. Banbury
Leach John, 51 Bridge st. Banbury
Lon" Thomas H. 109 St. Aldateâs st.
& 43 Q u e e n s t r e e t , O x fo r d
M arch etti C a r lo , n o B l a c k f r ia r s
rd .
See Engineersâ Consulting.
C O N T R A C T O R Sâ & R A IL W A Y
Hardy Patent Pick Co.Limited (T h e),
Heeley, Sheffield
Marked thus * are Road Contractors.
Adkins William, Bloxham, Banbury
Baughan William, Bampton.
a d v e rtis e m e n t
Bennett John & Son, 84 St. Maryâ s
road, Cowley St. John; 16 East
avenue A Chapel street, Oxford
Bloxham William J. 1 Warwick road,
Booth J. F. A Son, 5 Butcherâs row,
Banbury. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Bossom Charles 20a, Bridport street,
St. Ebbeâs A Marlborough road,
Grandpont, Oxford
Albion st. Chipping Nortn
Butler Charles, Southlea, Rotherfield
Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Cherry William, Rose cot. Thame
Clifton William, Northmoor, Oxford
Collett J. Chadlington, Charlbury
Cox Jas. Stoke Row, Henley-on-Thmes
Crapper Henry, 75 Woodstock road.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Fisher W . N. A E. Emmer green,
Caversham, Reading
Fisher David, 148 A 149 Magdalen
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Ford Walter, Bishopâs Land farm,
Dunsden, Reading
Fowler R. A Son, 19 A 20 Park st.
Franklin W m . L. Deddington, Oxford
Gray Brothers, 1 Catherine street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Grimsley T. A Son, 14 Causeway,Bicstr
Groves Alfred A Sons, Milton-underWychwood, Oxford
â¦Gurnev Alfred. Benson, Wallingford
Higgs Thos. A Son, Goring, Reading
Hopcraft Alfred, Council st. DeddingÂ
ton, Oxford
Kingerlee Thomas Henry A Sons;
office, 35 Queen street, Oxford;
works, 1 Abbey road A Mill street,
Osney, Oxford
Kirby Jsph. B. Dorchester, Wallingfd
Knowles T. A Son, 27 Pembroke st.
St. Clementâ s, Oxford
Loader Frank H. (cartage), Park st.
Morris Alfred (cartage), Oxford st.
Organ Brothers,203 A 205 Cowley rd. ;
works, Randolph street, Oxford
Pavne William A Son (cartage),8 MarÂ
ket square A Railway Station yard,
Station road, Witney
Rowell George Joseph, 3 Alfred st.
St. Gilesâ . Oxford. S e e a d v e r Â
tis e m e n t
Siarey William Howard, Groveland
works, Chinnor, Wallingford
Tappin Francis Abraham, Brook st.
Watlington, Wallingford
Trinder T. A Sons (cartage), 65 Sunningwell road. New Hinksev,Oxford
Trinder W m . A Sons, Filkins,Lechlade
a d v e rtis e Â
m ent
â¦Tnffrey Thomas, Islip, Oxford
Walter Owen A Sons, Stoke Row,
Warmington John (cartage), Park la.
â¦Webb W.Over Norton,Chipping Nrtn
Wheeler Henrv William Robert, Brook
street, Watiington, Wallingford
â St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
May Walter Henry, 12 Prospect st.
Caversham, Beading
Haycock Misses Ada, Ellen, Edith &
Olive, 54 High street, Banbury
Miles Mrs. Kate, 21 Bridge st.Witney
Minty Norman Edward Ernest, The
Oxford restaurant, 107 High street
& 32-St. Gilesâ street, Oxford
Morris Joseph Richard, 30 Little
Clarendon street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Oakley Mrs. Ruth, 7 Commercial rd.
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
0 âGrady Miss Ethel, 86 St. Aldateâ s
street, Oxford
Pettipher Thomas Keck & Son, 12
Market street, Chipping Norton
Pimm Miss Elizabeth, 108 Cowley
road, Oxford
Pirout Mrs. Dora, 15 Thames side,
Pollard S. 74 St. Aldateâs st. Oxford
Pratt Miss M. Ellen, 23 Church rd.
Caversham, Reading
Quartly Mrs. C. 131 Cowley rd. Oxfrd
Robins Henry, 45 Parsons st. Banbury
Rodnight Mrs. Sarah Ann, 5 Park
End street. St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Rogers Mrs.E.B. 280 Cowley rd.Oxfrd
Sager Miss Ethel, 218 Banbury rd.
Summertown, Oxford
Salmon & Catch, 53 High street & 32
Market place, Banbury
Seaton Jn. W. 112 The Market, Oxfrd
Siveter Charles Edward
Picked Piece, Reading road,Henleyon-Thames
Smith William Edmd. 23 Sheep st.
& 5 Causeway, Bicester
Souch Sidney John, 58 St. Clementâs
street, Oxford
Spindler Frederick, 4 London place,St.
Clementâs, Oxford
Stocklev Fredk. 5 London rd. Bicester
Stone Mrs. Anna. 73 High st. Thame
Talbot Sisters, 18 Prospect street,
Caversham, Reading
Taphouse Samson,43Bridge st.Witney
Taylor & Son, 48 Bridge st. Banbury
Taylor Richard S.6Horsefair,Banbury
Taylor W.28 Duke st.Henley-on-Thms
Thomas Albert, 10a, W est end, Witny
Verney Joseph, 52 Market sq.Witney
jiggers E. 83 Warwick rd. Banbury
Wall Mrs. E. 45 George st. Oxford
Walton Edwd. 53 George st. Oxford
Weeks George Ernest & Co. 50 High
; 15 Corn Market street; 150
Cowley road; 198 Banbury road.
Snmmertown & 67 Woodstock rd. ;
office & works, 154 Hurst street,
â Cowlev, Oxford
Wells Mrs. S.4 St. Clementâ s st.Oxfd
White Mrs. Marian, 115 Kingâs road,
Caversham. Reading
Edgington John A Co. Ltd. 19 Long
mcott James, Castle street,Banbury
lane E C ( T A â Abri, London n) ; A
Wright William, 72 High st. Witney
108 Old Kent road, London S E
& R E JO IC IN G S .
Home of Rest for ConvalescentChurch workers (Miss Parker, matron )>
Wingfield (George Mallam, sec. A
treasurer), Highiield, Oxford
Convent of the Daughters of the
Iffley road, Oxford
Convent of the Holy Child Jesus
(Rev. Mother, superior), Cherwell
Edge, St. Cross road, Holywell,
Convent of the Most Holy Sacrament,
28 Jeune street, St. Clementâ s,
Convent of Sisters of Charity of St.
Paul, Radford, Enstone
Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth,
Nazareth bouse, 99 Cowley rd.Oxfrd
Convent of the Society of the Holy A
Undivided Trinity (Marian Rebecca
Hughes, mother superior), Woodstock road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Sisters of the Love of God, 349 A 351
Cowley road, Oxford
Visitation Convent (Sister Margaret
Mary, lady superior), South View
avenue, Caversham, Reading
Boote Thos. H. Mollington, Banbury
C O -O P E R A T IV E S T O R E S .
BanburyIndustrial Co-operativeSociety
Limited (Henry James Cooke,mgr.)r
Broad street A 25 Queer® street,
Banbury ;
branches :
Balscote ;
Bloxham ;
Bodicote, Banbury;
Cropredy; Deddington, Oxford A
Adderbury E a s t; 19 Middleton rd.
Grimsbury A Hook Norton ;
ton A Sibford Gower, Banbury
Co-operative Society Limited (John
Carrington, sec.), 4 High street.
Chipping Norton
Islip Supply Stores (Faulks, Tubb A
Co. proprietors), Islip, Oxford
Middleton Stoney Co-operative SoÂ
ciety Lim. (Thomas Priest, sec.),
Middleton Stoney, Bicester
Oxford Co-operative A Industrial SoÂ
ciety Limited (Edward Cooke, sec. ;
Walter Thomas Reeve,general manÂ
ager), 63, 65, 67 A 69 A 24 A 26
George street A 2 Gloucester st. ;
branches, 87 A 88 St. Clementâs
st. ; 41 A 42 Walton st. ; 59 St.
Aldateâs street ; High st. Cowley ;
4 South parade, Summertown ; 60
Hurst street, Cowley St. John A
190 to 196 Cowley road, O xford;
London road, Highfield, Oxford :
Clifton Hampden. Abingdon A 82
A 84 High st. W itn e v ; Banbury
rd. Kidlington A 35 Sheep street.
Bicester; coal depot. Canal wharf.
New rd. ; bakery, Henry rd. Oxford
Rendin<7 Industrial Co-operative SoÂ
ciety Lim. tr Prospect street. Caversham, Reading: A 52 Bell street.
Steeple A«top Co-operative Soeietv
(G. Jordan, sec.VSteeple Aston,Oxfd
W rox-
C O R K M E R S . & IM P O R T E R S .
E llis B . & C o . 55 A 56 Minories,
London E ; 29 to 35 Seel street.
Liverpool ; 28 to 30 Merchants
quay. Dublin A 7 to 19 Rna da
Portugal. E s t a b . 1 8 5 5