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d ir ecto r y
B E R K S H IR E .
Piggott Henry John, boot m aker, M ill street
Piggott Joseph, baker, Wallingford street
Pinnock Bros, farm ers, Littlew orth house, Mill street
Pittaway Frederick, Lam b inn, Mill street
Radbone Edward Henry, grocer, Market place
Raymond George Sidney L.D .S.Eng. dentist, Glen Lea,
Reading George, gardener to W. C. Jotcham esq. Neubury street
Redwood Edward, basket maker, Mill street
Redwood Francis, coal m erchant, Mill street
Reeves George, pork butcher, Grove street
Reeves Uriah John, shopkeeper, Grove street
Reveley Tom, photographer, M arket place
Richings George, plumber, W allingford street
Richings Tom, grocer, Grove street
Roberts Rowland, draper, W allingford street
Robey Alfred, Shoulder of Mutton P.H. Wallingford st
Robins Henry, chem ist & druggist, M arket place
Robson Edward, farm er & racehorse trainer, Stockham ;
& at Letcom be Bassett
Rolls Alfred W illiam , tailor, Charlton road
Rolls Esau, butcher, Wallingford street
Royal Berkshire Regim ent (Princess Charlotte of
Walesâs), 4th Battalion (half C Company, Capt. C. G.
Carter, com m anding; Sergt. Eli White Woodman,
drill instructor), Arm oury, M arket place
St. Katharineâs School (secondary, boarding & day) (conÂ
ducted by the Sisters of the Com m unity of St. Mary
the V irgin ; head mistress, Sister Mary Christobel),
Wallingford street
St Maryâs Home for Penitents (conducted by Sisters of
thy Community of St. Mary the Virgin)
St. Maryâs School (for the daughters of gentlemen),
under the charge of Sisters of the Community of St.
Mary the Virgin ; for terms apply to the Sister in
charge, Newbury street
St. Michaelâ s Training School for Industrial Girls (under
the charge of Sisters of St. Maryâs), Priory road
Saunders Henry, deputy registrar of births & deaths
Wantage sub-district, & deputy registrar of marriages,
Mount Pleasant, Priory road
Simmons John (Mrs.), dairy, Grove street
Sims Thomas, cabinet m aker. Mill street
Slade John Harding, butcher, M arket place
Smith Herbert, watch & clock m aker. Market place
Smith Mar}'- (M rs.), shopkeeper, Mill street
Stephens Herbert, farmer, Chain Hill farm
Stevenson William Clement, relieving & vaccination
officer, collector to Wantage union for No. 1 district,
registrar of births & deaths for W antage sub-district &
registrar of marriages, Durley Dean villa, Newbury st
Stroud Charles & Sons, plumbers & painters, M ill street
Stroud Thomas, beer retailer, Newbury street
outiun A Uo. carriers (agent, A. G ibbs), M arket place
a aiDoL William, insurance agent, Ormond road
Tiiornill Henry, boot repairer, Mill street
jLuwu H all (George H illier, keeper), M arket place
Trow John Stiles, harness maker, W'allingford street
Turner James, chim ney sweeper, Grove street
iy le r Bert Ralph, boot maker, W allingford street
Valentine & Barrel! Lim ited, outfitters, M arket place &
W allingford street
Victoria Cross G allery (G. H illier, caretaker), Market pi
Walker Gordon, m anager of G as Works, Grove street
W alter & Co. watch makers & jew ellers, M arket place
Wantage Brewery Co. Lim ited, brewers, Church street
W antage & D istrict Fanciersâ Association (Ernest
W ilkins, hon. sec)
Wantage Engineering Co. Ltd. engineers, Ormond roan
W a n t a g e M o t o r C o m p a n y (T h e ), m otor engineer.-*,
agents & repairers; g a ra g e ; cycle repairs & accessories
of every description, M ill street. T N 11
Wantage Tram way Co. Ltd. (W. A. Noble, m gr.), Mill st
Wantage W ater Works Co. Ltd. (Edward Ormond, sec. ;
J. Pegler, collector & manager) ; office, M arket pi
Warner Henry, The Bell P.H. Market place
Watts Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Port way place
Webb George, Rose & Crown P.H. Grove street
Weedon Brothers, coal merchants, Mill street
Welch James, town crier, toll collector & bill poster,
Grove street
Wheeler Brothers, tailors & outfitters, Market place
Wheeler & Co. builders & contractors, N ewbury street
W hite Edward, baker & billposter, Grove street
White H arriett (Mrs.), midwife, The W harf
White Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper, W allingford street
Wiblin Joseph, Three Tuns P.H. Church street
Wigmoae George, saddler, Market place
Wilkins Ernest, dairyman, Wallingford street
Wilkins James, baker & confectioner, W allingford street
W illis William Henry, grocer, Wallingford street
W illoughby Leonard Joseph, m iller (water), Locks lane
Wiseman A lbert, .«Mftrict road surveyor, The Crossings,
Ormond road
Woodhouse W alter Mansell M .R .C .S.E n g.,L .R .C .P.Lon d.
(firm, Woodhouse & B irt), physician & surgeon, &
medical officer & public vaccinator Vale district,
Wantage union,& Cottage Hospital, Priory rd
Woodman Sergt. Eli White, drill instructor half C Com Â
pany, 4th Battalion (T. F .) Royal Berks Regim ent
(Princess Charlotte of W alesâs), Arm oury, M arket pi
W raight Sydney, grocer & wine & spirit mer. Market pi
Y oung Alfred, farmer, Pewit farm
Young Womenâs Christian Association (Miss Clark, sec.),
Newbury street
Watson Rev. A rth ur Lockhart B.A. Evans Alfred Thomas, farm er
Belcher Misses, Eastridge
Jolly James Wood, farm er
de Vitré Mrs. Charlton house
c o m m erc ia l.
Langston Charles, Lord Nelson P.H
Rivett Richard Lancelot, Dilkusha
; Baker Fredk. insurance agt. Ninfield Richens Christopher A rth u r, farmer
Saunders Wm. Bernard,Lyneham croft ICastle Albert Stone, farmer
Wilkins Ernest, dairvm an
p r i v a t e r e s id e n t s .
W A R F I E L D is an extensive parish 2 m iles from
the Bracknell station on the London and South Western
railway, 5 north-east from Wokingham and 9 southÂ
west from Windsor, in the Eastern division of the
county, hundred of W argrave, Wokingham petty
sessional division, union of Eastham pstead, county
court district of Windsor, rural deanery of Maidenhead,
archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. PorÂ
tions of the parish were assigned to the consolidated
chapelry of Bracknell, October 24th, 1851. The church
of St. Michael and A ll Angels is an ancient building
of stone in the E arly English style, of which it is conÂ
sidered a fine specim en; it consists of chancel, nave
of four bays, north aisle, south porch and an embattled
western tower containing c b e lls ; the church was
thoroughly restored in 1876 under the direction of the
late G. E. Street esq. R.A. at a cost of about £3,000,
raised by subscription; the interior is relieved by a
very handsome carved oak screen with delicate tra c e ry ;
it contains also a monument to Sir John Benn Walsh
hart, of Orm athwaite, Cumberland, who died June 7,
1825, apd several other fine monuments of some
an tiqu ity: there are 270 sittings. The churchyard was
wholly closed against interm ents January 1, 1867; a
new portion was added to the burial ground in 1887.
Of the earlier register, dating from 1666, only copies
now exist, the originals h a v r g been destroyed by fire
*n 1833. The living is a vi irage, net income £120,
with 16 acre's of glebe and res dence, in the gift of Mrs.
Littlewood, and is at present (1911) v acan t: the vicarÂ
age house was erected in 1862. There is a Gospel Hall
here and an undenominational chapel at Moss End, beÂ
longing to the Fifield mission. T he 61 acres of fuel
allotment have been sold and the invested funds proÂ
duce about £60 yearly for f u e l; a sum of £30 from
several charities is also distributed. W arfield Park is
occupied by the Hon. A rthur Henry John Walsh C.V.O. ;
the mansion, of brick, is surrounded by an extensive
and beautiful park. Warfield G rove, a plain brick house
standing in a park of some extent, is occupied by Sir
George Pigot bart. Warfield Hall, a pleasant brickbuilt residence with a park of about 160 acres, is the
seat of Field-Marshal Sir Charles Henry Brownlow G .C.B.
Lord Braybrooke, who is lord of th e manor, Lord
Ormathwaite and Lady Brownlow are the principal
landowners. The soil is clay and g ra ve l; subsoil, clay.
The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area
is 3,423 acres of land and 12 of w a te r ; rateable value,
£13,394; the population in 1901, including the district
of Bracknell, which is principally situated in this parish,
was 2,343; the population of Warfield only is 919.
Parish Clerk, Luke Everett.
Post Office, Warfield Street.â Jam es Street, sub-postÂ
master. L etters arrive from Bracknell at 7 & 11
a.m. & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched at 6.45 & 11 a.m. & 6-55
p.m. ; Sundays, 9.50 a.m. Bracknell, 2 miles distant,
is the nearest money order & telegraph office