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Shad-well Charles Lancelot D .C.L.
Oriel college, Oxford
W. 16a,North Bar st.Banbrv
qharpe Rt>v- A rthur Robert M.A. Rectnrv Upper Heyford, Banbury
qharoe Rev. W illiam Robert M.A.
Westwell, Burford
Sharpe Harold George, 3 Bognor vils.
The Springs, W itney
Sharpe Mrs. Corbiere, Kidm ore road,
Caversham, Reading
Sharpe Mrs. 19 Frenchay road, St.
* Giles’, Oxford
Shaw Rev. Alfred Edward M.A.Oxon.,
D.Lit.Lond. Oxford road, Thame
Shaw Joseph, 3 Norman avenue,
Shaw J. Youngwoods, Highfield,Oxfrd
Shaw Miss, Charlbury
Shaw William Ingham J.P. Manor
house, Warding-ton, Banbury
Shaylor Augustus Chas. Greenbank,
The Mount, Caversham, Reading
Sheard Thomas John W alker, 18 Park
crescent, Park town, Oxford
Shears Rev. Hubert M.A. Rotherfield
Peppard, Henlev-on-Thames
Shebbeare Rev. Charles John M.A.
Swerford, Enstone
Sheen Rev. Danzy, 71 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Sheldon George Clem ent, 6 Marston
Ferry road, Oxford
Sheliord Miss, Monkton
Headington, Oxford
Shelton George, 16 Staverton road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Shemeld Miss.Sibford Gower,Banbury
Shepherd E. E. 259 Iffley rd. Oxford
Shepherd George, 28 Vicarage road,
Shepherd Moses, 30 Western road,
Grandpont, Oxford
Shepherd Mrs. 26 Bardwell rd. St.
Giles’, Oxford
Shepherd Mrs. Haneburg, Grey’s hill,
Shepherd Mrs. Tower hill, Kidling­
ton, Oxford
Shepherd W illiam, 4 Walton st.Oxfrd
Sheppard Edwin J. Carisbrooke,Albert
road, Caversham, Reading
Sheppard Frank A. 91 Southmoor rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Sheppard George, 183 Banbury road,
Summertown, Oxford
Sheppard Miss, Milton house, Great
Milton, Wallingford
Sheppard Mrs. Dawson, Elm cottage,
Lower Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Shepperd Charles W illiam , 13 Park
crescent. Park town, Oxford
Shepperd F. 1 North st. Osney.Oxford
Shepperd Miss, 4 Abbey road, Oxford
Sherratt John Hall Lockyer, 189 Ban­
bury road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sherratt T. Scott, 249 Iffley rd.Oxford
Sherwood Rev. William Edward M .A.
260 Iffley road, Oxford
Sherwood A rthur H. Ashville, Derby
^ road, Caversham , Reading
L.D.S.R C.S. Oriel Coll. Oxford, 17
Beaumont street, Oxford
Sherwood Misses.1 Lower Fisher t o w ,
St. Thomas’ , Oxford
Shevling Thomas, 33 Middleton road,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Shield C. The Orchard,Gorine.Readng
ShiMrick Rev.
Milton-under-Wvchwood, Oxford
Shilleto Wm. Fredk. Rmhd. M .A. 61
c,?k; John’ s road, St. Giles’. Oxford
■_nillmgford Mrs. Acre End st.Evnshm
Shillingford Mrs. 1 Bridge st. Witney
Shillingford Mrs. 88 Sheep st.Bicester
ohilson Charles J. The Gables, it
^ Calthorpe road, Banbury
idnlson Mrs.6 Marlborough rd.Banbry
■_hi]son S. G. The Priory, Charlbury
^hilson W.J.23 South Bar st.Banbury
Q h a rm a n

P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .



Shipley Miss, 2 Bevington road, St. Sim s Mrs. 5 Portland road, Sum m er­
town, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Shipley W alter William, 42 Lonsdale Sims N.35 The Leys,Chipping Norton
Sim s Thomas, 96 Abingdon road.
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
Shirley Joseph, Highfield, Oxford
Shirley Misses, The Roof-tree, Oxford Sim s W illiam , 3 Portland rd.Sum m er­
town, Oxford
street, Woodstock
Shirley W alter K n igh t, The Corner, Sinclair Mrs. Glebe ct. G oring,Readng
Sing J. Millington M .A. St. Edward’s
High street, Woodstock
school, Woodstock road, Sum m er­
Shoolbred Frederick Thomas, Thames
town, Oxford
bank, Goring, Reading
Mrs. 33 St. M argaret’s rd.O xfrd
Shrim pton D. W. 11 Newland, Banbry
Shrim pton Miss, 108 Abingdon road, Singer Charles Albert, Hazeldean,
Reading road, Henley-on-Thames
Grandpont. Oxford
Shrubb Frank,Shillingford,W allingfrd Singer Ernest, 9 St. Mark’s road,
Shrubb Miss,Stadhampton,Wallingfrd
Shrubb Mrs. J Shillingford,W allingfrd Sirett Rev. Caleb, C harlbury
Shuffrey James Allen, 99 Woodstock Sinnan Frederick, 41 Chalfont road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
road, St. Giles’ , Oxford
Shuffrey Leonard,63Wood grn.W itney Sisley Charles W. Dunalastair, St.
Ann’s road, Caversham , Reading
Shuffrey Sami. •’ Wood green, Witney
Shiim Mrs. Church view, Church Sivew right Miss, The Rise, Heading­
Handborough, Woodstock
ton hill, Oxford
Shurm er Fredk. 40 W arwick st. Oxfrd Sivew right Robert, 135 Banbury road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Shurm er Ralph, 7 Kingston road, St
Skelcher Chas. 50 Botley rd. Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Shnttleworth Alfred, 7 Fair mile, Skelley Capt.Sam i. 215 Iffley T d . Oxfrd
Skerry Thomas, 61 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Shuttleworth Miss, ^1 Iffley rd.Oxfrd
Sibley A.D.Manor ho.Crowell,Wallngfd Skidmore W illiam , 47 Bullingdon id .
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Sides Henry, 44 Chalfont road, St.
Skinner Wm. J. 55 Bath rd. Banbury
Giles’, Oxford
Sides Misses, 16 Polstead road, St. Skrine Rev. John Huntley M .A. 4
South Park Toad, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Skuce Ernest, 59 W arwick st. Oxford
Sidford Mrs. 219 Iffley road, Oxford
Sidgwick A rth ur M .A. 64 Woodstock Slade E.Kidm ore rd.Cavershm .Readng
Slater G ilbert M .A., D.Sc. 12 P o rt­
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
land road, Summertown, Oxford
Sidgwick Nevil Vincent M.A. L in ­
Slater Miss, 2 Victoria road, Sum m er­
coln college, Oxford
Simmonds Henry George,Elm cottage,
town, Oxford
F air m ile, Henley-on-Thames
Slater W illiam , H igh Street house.
High st. W atlington, Wallingford
Simmonds Mrs. 5 Bevington road, St.
Slatter Miss, Walliscote cottage,
Giles’ , Oxford
Simmonds Neville M. Meadowcroft,
W hitchurch, Reading
Conisbro’ av. Caversham, Reading Slaughter Mrs. 38 St. Clem ent’s st.
Simmonds W illiam , 9 Hernes road,
Summertown, Oxford
Slay Charles, 26 Frenchay road, S t.
Simmons Athol Conway, 59 Lonsdale
Giles’, Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Slav Mrs. 30 Frenchay rd. St. G iles’,
Simmons Mrs. 25 Iffley road, Oxford
Simmons Mrs. 79 Southmoor rd. St. Slay Reginald W illiam , 17 Worcester
road. Chipping Norton
Giles’ , Oxford
Simms J. 5 Manor pi.Holywell,Oxford Slessor Capt. A rthur K err M.A. 62.
Simms Percy, 37 Portland road,
Iffley road, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Smale Miss, W arren view, Upper
Simons Frederick Charles, Newland,
Warren avenue, Caversham ,Reading
Chinnor road, Thame
Smale Morton, 68 Northfield end,
Simons F.W . Longfrie,Croft rd.Thame
Simons Mrs. Manton villa, Nelson st. Smale Mrs. 11 Norman avenue,
Simpkins Mrs. Seelisberg, St. Andrew’s Smallhorn Mrs. Willow hank, High.
road, Henley-on-Thames
street, Eynsham
Simpson Arth. Telford J.P ., F .R .G .S. Sm art Hy. V. 12 Parker st. Oxford
The Temple, Goring, Reading ; & 38 Smee A .M .2iChurch st.Cavrshm .Rdng
Parliament street. Westm inster S W Sm ith Major Allan, Peacock house,
Simpson Rev. David Capell M.A. 135
Filkins, Lechlade (Glos)
Sm ith Rev. Albert M.A. V icarage,
High street, Oxford
Simpson F. Hampson, Clovelly, Lower
Duns Tew. Oxford
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Sm ith Rev. Alfred Cecil M .A. 112
Banbury road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Simpson Frank, The Gables, Lower
Sm ith Rev. Ernest Frederick M .A.
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Woodstock road,
Simpson George Richard, 69 South­
Summertown, Oxford
moor road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Simpson George W illiam , 33 Polstead Sm ith Rev. John Kinchin M .A. V icar­
age, Minster Lovell, W itney
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Simpson John. 198 Woodstock road, Smith Rev. Stanley Thomas M.A.
Missionary college, Dorchester, W al­
Summertown, Oxford
Simpson Miss, 23 Banbury road, St.
Sm ith Rev. Vincent A rthur M.A. 116
G iles’, Oxford
Banbury road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Simpson Miss, 18 London place, St.
Sm ith A. Hammond, 29 H art street,
Clem ent’s, Oxford
Simpson Pinder, Edwinstowe,Vicarage
Sm ith A rthur Lionel M .A.The K ing’s
road, Henley-on-Thames
Simpson Samuel, 48 W estern road,
Mound, Mansfield road, Oxford
Grandpont. Oxford
Sm ith A rth u r Lionel Foster M .A.
Sims Edward, 76 W arwick st. Oxford
Magdalen college, Oxford
Sims Herbert, 19 W hite House road, Sm ith Chas. 238 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
Sm ith Chas. The Orchard, Neithrop,
Sims J. C ., F.G .S. 53 Wood green,
W itney
Sm ith Charles G. H. Charlton. Blen­
Sims James, 36 Regent street, Cowley
heim road, Caversham , Reading
St. John, Oxford