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R E S ID E N T S .
vfnrrav Col. John Archibald, 16 New R. H. 36 Frenchay rd. St.G iles', North Edmund, 19 Oakthorpe road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Bardwell road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
xinrray George G ilbert Aimé M .A., Newbery Harold George, Allaston, North Frederick, Upper farm , C h in Â
Church road, Caversham , Reading
nor, W allingford
LLD-, D .L itt., F .B .A . 82 WoodNewbery W illiam , Penarth, Upper North Mrs. 47 Woodstock rd. Witney
Stock road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
WTarren aven. Caversham, Reading Northcote Cecil Stafford, Colne hu.
Murray John M .A. Christ Church,
Benson, W allingford
Newbery W illiam George, Tintagel,
St. Aldateâs street, Oxford
Norton Frederick Hy. Kettlethorpe,
The Mount, Caversham , Reading
Murray Mrs. 2 Fair m ile, Henley-onSt. Markâs rd. Henley-on-Thames
Dorchester, Norton George W. 149 Woodstock rd
MurravRichmond Shakespeare,Atholl,
W allingford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Priest hill, Caversham, Reading
Murrell Sidney James, 28 Portland Newhall Mrs. W hite lodge, Heading Norton Misses, Trelawney, Priest h ill,
ton, Oxford
Oaversham, Reading
1 road, Summertown, Oxford
Muscott E.31 Marlborough rd.Banbry N ew itt James, Brook cottage, Thame Nosworthy Frederick W illiam , Quaim
cottage, Lower Shiplake, HenleyMusgrave George M .A. 1 South Park Newman Edmund H. 17 Worcester
place, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
road, Oxford
Mrs. 29 South Bar st.Banbury
Mus^rave Harry, 43 Leckford road, Newman Edward, 194 Woodstock rd
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Nurse W illiam Howe, 14 Staverton
S t Giles', Oxford
road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Mver Horatio, 1 Hop gardens,Henlev- Newman Edward Benedict, Dunsden
Nutt Rev. John Wm. M.A. Rectory,
cottage, Binfield heath, Reading
Harpsden, Henley-on-Thames
Mvres Rev. Miles W eight M.A. Newman George, Blankeney, South
View avenue, Caversham , Reading Oakes Capt. Richard John Carey.
Christ Church, Oxford
Brookside, Benson, W allingford
Mvres John Linton M .A. 101 Ban Newton Rev. Henry Edward M.A.
Cuddesdon, Wheatley
Oates Misses, F leu r de L ys v illas,
bury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Naab Frederick M.A. Pembroke ho. Newton Rev. W illiam , Wheatley
Cambridge ter. St. Ebbeâs, Oxford Newton Miss, Fifield house, Fifield, OâBrien Major Thomas Henry, NewnWallingford
croft, Newnham
M urren,
Nagel David Henry M .A. 10 BevingNewton Mrs. Hook Norton, Banbury
ton road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Ockenden G. 168 Abingdon rd. Oxfrd
Nalder Noel Fras. High st. Burford Newton Philip, 74 Corn st. Witney
Napier Arthur Sampson M .A., Ph.D., Newton W illiam , Crowmarsh Gifford, O'Connor Rev. John P rittie M .A. 2.
Lathbury road, Oxford
D.Litt., F.B.A. Headington hill.
Nicholl Gustavus, 18 Kingston road, OâConnor Miles, 15 Staverton road.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. G iles', Oxford
Nasbey Geo. Wm. 59 Bath rd.Banbry
Nash Rev. Frederick Corden M.A. Nicholls Bertie, Northfield, Priest Oddie Robert Brearley, Burdrop ho.
hill, Caversham, Reading
Sibford Gower, Banbury
Vicarage, Hailey, W itney
Nash Manfred J., M .A. 29 W elling Nicholls Miss, 33 Chalfont road, St Odeh Rev. N. 30 Holywell st. Oxford
G ilesâ, Oxford
Odgers Rev. James Edwin M .A .,
ton square, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
D.D. 9 Marston Ferry road, S u m Â
Nash Mrs. Greenfield. W atlington, Nicholls Mrs. Ivy cot.Chipping Nortn
Nicholls Mrs. 7 Northfield end, HenÂ
mertown, Oxford
Odling William M .A., M .B., F .R .S .
Nash Mrs. Rose hill, Iffley, Oxford
15 Norham gdns. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Nathan Mark, 38 W est bar, Banbury Nicholls T. 1 Stanley road, Cowley
Ogden Miss, 347 Cowley rd. Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Nathan Thomas, Carna, A lbert road,
Nichols Henry Nowell, 78 Southfield Ogilvie F. Mentieth M .A., M .B .,
Caversham, Reading
F .R .C .S . 72 Woodstock road, S t.
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Neal Albert, 48 Aston street, Cowley
Nicholson Edwd. W illiam s B., M.A
Gilesâ, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
2 Canterbury rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford Ogle Bertram Savile M .A., J.P. H ill
Neal Robert, 49 Middleton road.
Nicholson Frederic Wm . The Old
house, Steeple Aston, Oxford
Grimsbury, Banbury
Vicarage, Shiplake,Henley-on-Thms Ogle Miss, 12 Frenchay road, S t.
Neale A. C. 1 Blenheim terrace,
Nicholson Misses,24 Bath rd.Banbury
Gilesâ, Oxford
Chipping Norton
Neale Arthur James, 4 Kingston rd. Nicholson Mrs. 38 Leckford road, St. OâHanlon Rev. Francis Edward D.D
Radford Enstone
Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Neate Rev. W alter M .A. Alvescot, Nickols Miss, 85 St. John's road, St. OâHara W illiam , 19 St. M arkâs road.
G ilesâ, Oxford
Neave George, Chinnor, W allingford Nicolaides Photis, 23 Walton Well O'Hare Rev. Fredk. S.J. St. Aloysius
Woodstock T o a d . S t.
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Neave Rd.G. 45 Woodstock rd.W itney
Gilesâ, Oxford
Negus Rev. Albert Edward M.A. Nind Rev. Hubert George M.A.
O'Kelly T., M.D- 21 H igh street.
Vicarage, South Stoke, Reading
Vicarage, Forest Hill, Oxford
Chipping Norton
Neighbour Miss, Knapp cottage, Nisbet Francis Stroud, Tullydonell
lodge. Kidmore road, Caversham, Oldfield Rev. Preb. W illiam John
_Levknor, W allingford
Vicarage, Culham , Abingdon
Neighbour Mrs. Beacon view, K in gsÂ
Nix Francis W illiam , 95 Kingston rd. Oliver F. S. Checkendon crt. Readng
ton Blount, Wallingford
Oliver W illiam Henry, Inglenook.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Neighbour Philip Edward, 71 Bell st.
Albert road, Caversham , Reading
Nix Mrs. James, 21 Warnborough
Oliver W illiam James, 47 Portland
road. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Neighbour Theophilus, Rheidol, ShipÂ
road, Summertown, Oxford
Nix Robert Newton, 8 Staverton rd.
lake, Henley-on-Thames
Olivey Thomas Henry, Omaha,Priest.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
hill, Caversham. Reading
Couching st. W atlington,W allingfrd Nixey Frank, 289 Woodstock road,
Ollard Rev. Sidney Leslie M .A .
Summertown, Oxford
Neil Edmund, 35 Thorncliffe road,
Queenâs lane, Oxford
Nixon John Hobart M .B., B.S. LonÂ
_Summertown, Oxford
OâMalley Sir Edward L ., M .A ., J.Pdon road, Chipping Norton
Neil James M.D. Warneford hospital
Denton house. W heatley
for mental disorders, Headington Noble Leonard J.P. Harpsden court,
Oman Charles W illiam Chadwick
_hill, St. Clem entâs, Oxford
.A., F.B.A . Frewin hall, Frew in
Neild Mrs. The Farm , Salford, Chip Noble Miss, Caversham hill. Beading
court, Oxford
Noel Mrs. 85 Southfield road, Cowley
ping Norton
Ommannev Miss. Bloxham , Banbury
St. John, Oxford
Nelly William James. W arren court,
Norman John Thomas, 5 Western rd. Onions Charles Talbot, The Rowans.
Mapledurham, Reading
Highfield, Oxford
Nelson Harold Cambell, Manor house,
Norridge E. 2 North st.Osney, Oxford Onslow Hon. E. M. 208 Iffley rd.O xfd
Sandford St. M artin, Oxford
Nelson Maurice, W hite house, Whit- Norris Rev. Charles Leslie M.A. Orchard Mrs. Stephen, 1 Middleton
road, G rim sbury, Banbury
Vicarage.Great Chesterton, Bicester
church, Reading
Norris Fredk. 5 Botley road, Oxford Orchard Thomas, 65 Middleton road,.
kelson Miss. Islip, Oxford
G rim sbury. Banbury
Nelson Miss, 325 Woodstock road. Norris G.H .Adderbury West,Banbury
Norris Miss Foxley, Grey house, Fil- Orchard W illiam , 1 Middleton road.
Summertown, Oxford
Grim sbury, Banbury
kins, Lechlade (Gloâstersh)
"®ttlefold Mrs.
Brightwell park,
Norris Misses,Adderbury We. Banbury Ord Christopher Cameron M.A. 4
Brightwell Baldwin, Wallingford
Oriel street, Oxford
Neve Richard, Hursley, Woodstock Norris Thomas, Newlyn, Darell road,
OâReilly Rev. W alter M .A. The V icarÂ
Caversham, Reading
road, Summertown, Oxford
age. Church street, Bicester
Nevell E., J.P. Thé Lawn, Wâheatley North Rt. Hon. Lord J.P. Wroxton
abbey. Wroxton, B a n b u ry; Kirt- Oâ Reilly John, 314 Banbury road,
Nevill Thomas, Beech villa, DeddingSummertown, Oxford
ton, Oxford
ling tower, N ew m arket; & Carlton
Orford G. Churchill, Chipping Norton
club. London S Wâ
Neville Frederick Henry. Orwell lo.
David, 331 Cowley rd. Oxford
Albert road. Caversham, Reading
Organ Ephraim, 333 Cowley rd.O xfrd
J.P. Wroxton, Banbury