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B E R K S H IR E .


Instructor. Sergeant W. J. Sh ip p; Matrons, Miss;
Mayo & Miss Roberts; Steward, W. C. Scribbins

B. Roberts B .A ., A. C. Larm our B .A ., J. D. McNeile
M .A.Cam b., A. V. Stanfield M .A., E. Gould M .A., A.
0 . P. Mackworth B .A ., A. E. Broad B .A ., G. H.
Keesey B .A ., W. Furness B.A. & R. L. Leather B.A. ;
Junior Division Officers’ Training Corps.
Organist & Choir Master, A. S. Tomlinson M.A.,
M us.B., F .R .C.O . ; Medical Officer, H. G. Arm strong Wellington College Contingent (4 companies), M ajor
W. G. Collett
M .R .C .S., L .S .A . ; Accountant, R. C. Deane; Drill
¡Fox Colonel Thomas Charles A rm ­ fThorowgood Frederic John, TheCROWTHORNE.
Wood, Dukes drive
strong, Woodleigh, Bracknell road
(Residents in Wellington College.)
Tomlinson A rthur Sh erratt M.A.»
fFreem an Edward, Koliba
Vaughan W. W ., M .A. master
M us.B., F .R .C .O . Lath kill, Sand­
! Gifford George Taylor M.D. E lles­
Blundell G. E ., B.A
hurst road
mere, Dukes ride
♦Torr-Todman Joseph, Heath hill»
Broad A. E ., B.A
♦Gillisran Mrs. Dormy, The Avenue
Cave J. W ., B.A
♦Gunton Arthur, Carfax, Ellis road \ Pinewood avenue
Tove M iss,Brackendene,Sandhurst rd
Elton E. F ., M.A
Gurney Mrs. Avon, Dukes Tide
Eustace E. M., M.A
Hagreen Henry William Owen B.A. f Turner
Llan gar, Dukes ride
Fenn Rev. A. J., B.A
The Cottage, Sandhurst road
Furness W ., B.A
Upcott E. A ., M.A
♦Hall Mrs. Bightana, E llis road %
Gould E ., M.A
fH ardcastle Joseph Alfd. The Dial ho Ward Henry Thomas S. Rosenberg,
Keesey G. H .. B.A
Dukes ride
ItH ardy MTss,Barbon, Ravenswood av
Kermett W. H., B.A
{-¡-Harris Capt.H. H. M. The Bunker. Warner Capt. Lee Biddulph, T h e
Homestead, Church road
Larm our A. C., B.A
Ravenswood avenue
Lavie Rev. C. T., M.A
Herschel Rev. John Charles W ..M .A. Wells Clifford B .A . Chippenham ,
Leather R. L ., B.A
Dukes ride
(curate), F ir croft, Dukes ride
Mackworth A. C. P ., B.A
Hinde Lieut.-Col. W illiam Hy. (late ♦West S. H. Doune cottage, W oking­
ham New road
McNeile J. D., M.A
R .E .), Heathcote, Sandhurst road
Perkins 0 . T.. M.A
Hope Lord Francis.Edgcum be mount tW estbrook Charles W right, K en il­
worth, Ravenswood avenue
Powell P., M.A
Hunt Thomas, Dukes ride
Roberts F. B ., B.A
fH unter Capt. W illiam C. Deanburn Whiteley Rev. A lbert B.A. (chaplain
the Broadmoor crim inal lu n atic
Spencer T. B. W .. B.A
Jones Mrs. Jane, Pinehurst
Stanfield A. V ., M.A
Jones Philip Napier L.R .C.P.Lond
Stocken C. A ., M.A
♦Kelley Thomas Stanhope, Wood- tW ildm an-Lushington Mrs. The F irs
Talboys R. St. C ., M .A.,F.R .H ist.Soc
tWright^ W illiam John, Bank house,
man’c ote, The Avenue
Dukes ride
♦Kellie Col. George Jerome, Myotha,
Yatm an Major C. Woodside, Sand­
The Avenue
(Names marked thus J are in Finch- Lavie Miss, St. John’s cot.Church rd
hurst road
ampstead p arish ; thus * in W ok­ ♦Leadam Miss, Franklands, W oking­
c o m m e r c ia l .
ingham W ithout.)
ham New road
(Marked thus + receive letters direct fL em m ey Rev. Tom M .A., B.D. The Early closing day, Wednesday 2 p.m.
Angell Thomas, tailor, Dukes ride
from Wellington College Station.)
Armstrong Henry George M .R .C.S.
Arm strong Hy. George, St. Enodoc ♦Locke C yril L. C ., M .A.The Avenue
Eng., L.S.A . surgeon & m edical
fA spinall-Prvce
W illiam
F .R .C.O Llovd Bririley R ., M B ., B.S.Lond.,
officer to W ellington college, St.
M .R .C .S.,L R .C.P. (junior assistant
Ravenswood avenue
m edical officer), Broadmoor
fA ttrid e Miss, Woodside
Ashby William Howard, chimney­
♦Attride W illiam Henry, Pajoni, The
sweeper, High street
Church road
fA ttrid e Bro6. ironmngrs.Dukes ride
Awdry Miss, Lacock cot. Dukes ride -f-Luxmoore Rev. Charles Coryndon
i+Attride Charles, W averley private
Awmack E. B., Camwa, Wokingham
hotel, Ravenswood avenue
tM arkham David, Alderbrook
New road
tA ttrid e Percy, confectnr. Dukes ride
Baker John M.D., C.M . (medical Matthews Mrs. Philbeach villa, Sand­ Barefoot George, builder, Forest rd
hurst road
supt.), Broadmoor
B artlett Albert H .blacksm ith,H igh st
♦Barker Miss, Pine grove. Ellis road JfMcConaghey Major Harry, The Beavis Walt. Geo. plum ber,Church rd
Lodge, Ravenswood avenue
♦Beechey James Samuel Robert B.A
♦Mitchell Mrs.Wimborne.The Avenue »Bedford Elizabeth (M rs.), laundry,
Lvnm outh, Pinewood avenue
Wokingham New road
♦Monck Mrs. Aid worth, The Avenue
fB evir J. L.^ M.A
*Beechey James Sam uel Robert B.A.
+Monekton Horace W. Whitecairn
Bevir Mrs. S. Castor. Church road
private tutor, Lynm outh, Pine♦Moody Capt. Hampden, Fern-dene
fB lair The Misses, Heatherley
wood avenue
The Avenue
fBovle Miss, Red lodge
Beeton Charlotte (M rs.), laundress.
♦Brabant H arry Seym our B.A. Car- tMoore Richmond M.A
High street
Pearson John Y ., M.A. Douro house,
tref, The Avenue
Blinks Richard, poulterer. H igh street
Sandhurst road
JfBretton Mrs. Stanley villa, Ravens­
N ellie (Miss), nursing home.
Petty John Paxton, Casa Blanca.
wood avenue
The Pines, Ellis road
Dukes ride
♦Briden W illiam, The B riars,Ellis rd
Brake Charles John, estate agent,
-f-Phillips Misses, Inglemere
Brougham Mrs. Brougham house
Dukes ride
Bryant Vernon Seymour M .A. Tre Phillips Miss Jane, Erlegh lodge. Broadmoor Crim inal Lunatic A sylum
Church road
(John Baker M .D.,C.M .Aberd.supt)
Powell Nicholas G uy, The Crook,
Calvert Wrilliam , Wellington road
Brown Henry Jas. boot repr. H igh st
Dukes ride
Carr Basil A. Crowthorne Towers
Th e
Ramsey Mrs. Hamilton, St. John's Butler
tC au tlev Capt. Henry, Barracane
Knowe, Cam bridge road
lodge. Church Toad
-¡■Chichester Lady E m ily, Lambrenny
Coleridge Rev. Geo. Frederick M.A. ♦Reed-Lewis W illiam , Chestnut ho
Powell & C arr
Reid Mrs. J. R. Edgebarrow lodge,
(vicar). Vicarage
Sandhurst road
tC ollett William George M .A. Quatre
ments, see Taylor & Case
Rivers-Moore Mrs. W .F. Heatherside
Bras, Dukes ride
Ross, St. Ronans, Ravens­ Chowings & Sons, stone masons,
Connolly Alexander W illiam M .B..
Dukes ride
wood avenue
Ch.B. (senior assistant medical
Rogers Thos. Alfd. M .A.Sandhurst rd Coleman Percy Edwd. dairy, High st
officer), Broadmoor
Alice (Miss),laundry,Heathfld
♦Coward M rs.M eadhurst,The Avenue Rose Miss. St. John's cot. Church rd Collins W illiam Hedges, insurance
Saunder Samuel A., M .A., F .R .A .S.
Cusack Thomas, Wellington road
agent, High street
F ir Holt, Church road
Deane Robert C. Birch knoll, W el­
Savory Rev. Canon Edmund M.A. Cooper Alfred, fruiterer, Church st.
lington road
& carrier, Pinewood avenue
Saver Alexander Ernest, BroadmooT Cornish Jesse, booi maker. High st
Ravenswood avenue
W illiam , watch ma. High st
♦Falding Miss, St. H illarys, Wok fSh ackel Miss, Fionnay, Dukes ride +Dean Mary Sarah (M rs.), confec­
Sherston Peter, The Croft,Dukes ride
ingham New road
Dukes ride
Michael Sevm our
M .A.. Sparrow James,Sherwood cot.H igh st Deane R. C. agent for the Phoenix
B .C .L , B Sc. Wnodhill. Church rd Spear Mrs. The Laurels, Church rd , Insurance office, Birch Knoll, W el­
Foulerton H arrv Percival M .R.C.S. ♦Spratley Mrs. Woodbine,Wokingham 1
lington road
New road
L R.C.P.Lond.
M .R .C .S .E n g.. Donnelly George, baker. High street
superintendent), Broadmoor
Archibald John, grocer.
L.R .C.P.Lond. The Moorings
Fox Rev. Harold S., M.A. Laxey.
Church street
Thomas P. Evan, Holly bank
Pinehill road