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B E R K S H IR E .
e l l y âs
tu ry downwards, form the arcade to the north aisle, lord of the manor. The principal landowners are John
and three arches in the Middle-Pointed style separate Henry Leveson-Gower esq. ot Bill Hill, Wokingham, and
the south aisle from the n a v e ; the pulpit is of carved William Charles Godsal esq. of Haines Hill. The soil
oak in the Jacobean style, and there is a splendid is mostly loam and gravel ; subsoil, gravel and clay
m arble m onum ent, of the 17th century, to Lady The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area;
M argaret, widow of Sir Henry Savile 1st. provost of of H urst St. Nicholas civil parish is 2,988 acres of land
Eton and founder of the Savilian professorships of and 16 of w a te r; rateable value. ¿6,349 > the populaÂ
astronom y and geom etry at O xfo rd ; it has six marble tion in 1901 was 1,006, and of the ecclesiastical parish,
figures in the attitude of prayer, under a canopy with which includes H urst and the form erly extra-parochial
drapery, supported 011 each side by an angel, the whole place of Old Warren Farm , was 1,214.
of exquisite w orkm anship: there is also a brass to
A sm all portion of a farm called " Old W arren
Richard Waude,
aulae proquestor â to Henry V III., House, â in the parish of W okingham, is in the county
Edward V I. and Queens Mary and Elizabeth, ob. 1574;
of W ilts, the remainder being in H urst, to which
his wife, Colubra, and 17 children, with effigies and 14 parish it is rated ; Stanlake Park, the property and seal
v e rs e s ; and another brass to Alice, eldest daughter of of Col. Frederick George Barker, partly in this parish
Richard W ard esq. â cooferer â to Queen Elizabeth, and and partly in Ruscombe, is a large mansion standing
wife Qf Thom as Harrison esq. ob. c. 1600; this brass in grounds of 150 acres, which contain some fim
has her effigy in a bed, she having died in ch ild bed : timber. Haines Hill, a large mansion, standing in a
in 1876 the navewas restored at the expense of Miss
park of 130 acres, is the seat of William Charles Godsal
Palm er, of Sonning, at a cost of ¿4,000; and in 1903 esq.
the chancel was redecorated, and in 1909 a new organ
Hurst Court, a mansion of red brick, standing in the
was presented by T. R. Harman esq. of Sindlesham : grounds of 70 acres, is occupied bv Philip H. Martineau
In the sGUth aisle is a memorial window presented by esq.
the fam ily of the late T. R. Harman esq. of Sindlesham :
W INNERSH is a liberty and comprises Sindlesham.
the stained east window is a m em orial to the Rev.
A rchibald Allen Cameron M .A. vicar 1832-80; in 1893 The population in 1901 was 673; area, 2,035 acres of
and 10 of water ; rateable value, ¿4,861.
a m em orial window was erected to Mrs. Cameron, and
Newland is a liberty. The names will be found
in Septem ber, 1905, another to Thomas Harrison and
Ann Caroline, his w ife : there are 400 sittings. The
The names belonging to Twyford will be found under
churchyard was extended in 1903. The register dates
from the year 1583The living is a vicarage, net that heading, and those of the Bear Wood district under
y early value ¿245, with residence, in the gift of the that heading or th at of Arborfield.
Parish Clerk, Alfred William White.
Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1880 by the Rev
Edm und Broome M.A. of E xeter College, Oxford. There Post, M. 0 ., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
Wokingham road.â-William F. E. Newbury, sub-postis a Baptist chapel at W histley Green, w ith sittings
Letters arrive through Twyford, Berks, at
for 120 persons. There are almshouses, founded in
7 a.m. 12 noon & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.30 a.m.
1664 by W illiam Barker esq. of H urst, for eight poor
& 3 & 7-35 p-m. ; & on Sundays, delivery at 7 a.m.
people, with a donation to them and their successors
dispatched, 11.35 a.m
for ever of 7s. 6d. weekly7, besides a new coat or gown
every second year. The other chief benefactors to the Post Office, Davis street.â William Riches, sub-postÂ
Letters received through T w y fo rd ; arrive
parish are the follow in g: Mr. Richard Bigg, formerly
at 8.30 a.m. & 1.15 & 7.30 p.m. ; dispatched at ic
fellow of New College, Oxford, who in 1677
a.m. & 2.30 k 7.20 p.m. ; Sundays, 8 a.m. Hurst?,
freehold houses and a warehouse in London, now proÂ
11 miles distant, is the nearest money order & teleÂ
ducing ¿220 yearly ; Lady Dorothy Harrison, whose
graph office
charity yields ¿2 2 yearly ; L ad y Frances Winchcomb ;
W illiam Harman esq. who by his will left the interest Wall Boxes.â Castle inn, cleared at 2.30 & 7.15 p.m. ;
Sundays at 10.50 a.m. ; Broad Hinton, cleared at 8.30
¿ 5° ° to be annually distributed in coals am ong the
a.m. & 1.30, 3.5 & 7.55 p.m . ; Sundays at 11.30 a.m
poor of the liberty of W innersh, the amount being now
about ¿ 18 ; Mrs. Sarah Glasspool, who left ¿200, the Pillar Letter Boxes.â Toutley, cleared at 8.45 a.m. k
& 6.40 p.m. ; Sundays, 12 noon ; W histley Green,
interest of which, now ¿ 6 a year, is expended in flannels
cleared at 10.30 a.m. & 2.50 & 7.30 p.m . ; sundays,
and blankets for the poor of the liberty of W histley ;
11.40 a.m . ; Haines Hill, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 1.15,
and Alice A llright, who le ft ¿ 8 a year for the p oor'of
k 7.50 p.m. ; Sundays, n . 15 a.m
Newland libertv. The fuel allotments of the lib erty'o f
Newland have been sold and the purchase m oney, ¿390, Wall Letter Box, Stanlake park, cleared at 8.30 a.m.
& I -3°» 3 & 8 p.m. ; Sundays, 11.30 a.m
in vested ; the interest is yearly distributed in fuel.
There is also the Hooten and Pooley bequest of ¿44 Elem entary Schools (boys, girls k in fants); the boysâ
yearly, for the benefit of the inm ates of Barkerâ s alm sÂ
school was erected in 1881 ; the schools will united
houses ; and two other charities, founded by George
hold 200 children ; average attendance, 60 boys, 70
W illiam Barker esq. for educational purposes and for
girls & 40 in fa n ts; Francis E. Child, m a ste r;â Miss
the purchase of coals for the poor, and amounting
Edith Winny, m istress; Mrs. A m y Record, infantsâ
together to ¿ 1 9 yearly; besides which there are some
sm aller bequests. The charities are now administered Carriers to Reading.â W illiam Bonner, tues. thurs. &
under a scheme of the C h arity Comm issioners, the
sat. & C. Grant, mon. tues. thurs. & sat. returning
total income being about ¿ 53°- Lord Braybrooke is
the same days
Bullock Sam uel Henry, baker, W hist -1 Plumbridge W illiam , Old Crown P.H
Porter Frederick Charles, shopkeeper.
Chalker John W. S. baker k grocer
W histley green
Andrew Mrs. Oakley cottage, W histÂ
Clarke Alfred, ironmonger
Riches W illiam , shopkeeper & subley green
Cox A rth ur, blacksm ith
postmaster, Davis Street
Broome Rev. Edmund M .A. (vicar),
Dance W illiam , carm an, Dunt lane
Scott Bros, nurserym en,W histley grn
Davis Philip, farmer
W illiam , beer retailer,
Finch Mrs. H urst grove
Ford David, frm r.W histley Court frm
W histley green
K in g Misses, Orchard farm
Ford George, corn m er.Lea Heath
Stafford Byron, farmer, Hatch G ate
Kirk Mrs. Orchards
Frazer Isaac, beer retailer
Lane farm
L vster W illiam George. Frogmore
W heelw rightâs Stollery W illiam , assistant overseer
M ackey Archibald J., J.P. Hurst ho
Arm s P.H
& clerk to Parish Council
M artineau Philip Hubert, Hurst court
Grant Charles, carrier
Walden Henry, farmer, Dunt lane
Mellor James, Woodlands
Robert, cattle doctor
M etcalf Mrs. Keversbridge house
J. Mackey esq. Hurst lodge
White Alfred W illiam & Son, blackÂ
Milles Sydney Edward. Victoria ho
W histley green
Roupell Capt.Geo. C. K. P. Hurst cot
Hodges Osman, beer retailer, Dunt la .W illey Leonard Arthur, nurserym an,
Rouse Mrs Dorndon
Jackman Arthur, blacksm ith, W hist -1 The Bungalow, W histley green
Shaw Major George, Hurst grange
ley green
¡W orking Menâs Club (Thos.Heath,sec>
Johnson W illiam Camden, carpenter Y crke Charles, beer retailer
c o m m e r c ia l .
King Alfred John, Castle inn
Adey Geo. (M rs.),Convalescent home King Geo. farmer, W histley Mill fm
B iggs Richard, farmer.Dunt Lane frm Loader W alter George, farm er
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
Bonner W illiam .cycle agent & carrier, Machin David, Elephant k Castle P.H Barker Col. Frederick George, Start W histley green
Newbury W illiam Frederick Ernest,
lake park
Brown Wm. farm er,W ardâs Cross fm
stationer k sub-postmaster, Wok- Godsal William Charles, Haines hill
Bullock George, beer retailer, Whistingham road
H aig Thomas, Hinton house
ley green
'.Parkin Edwd. farmer, Broad common Mackey Misses, Hinton lodge