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d ir e c t o k y
B E R K S H IR E .
parish of Eastham pstead. The parish is lighted with
!ras by the Ascot D istrict Gas Co. and supplied with
water by the Wokingham D istrict W ater Co. and the
South Western and Suburban D istrict W ater Co. The
church of the Holy T rinity, built in the year 1851,
and enlarged in i8 6 0 , is a structure of flints in the
Early Pointed style, and consists of chancel, nave of
three bays, aisles, south porch and a north tower
with picturesque spire containing one bell and a
clock: in 1888 the chancel was rebuilt and an aisle
added at a cost of £ 1 ,5 1 5 ; a new organ and chancel
seats of oak were added in 18 9 4 ; the stained east
window is a memorial to Col. Bagot L a n e : there are
o0o sittings, 180 of which are free. The register dates
from the year 1 8 5 1 . The living is a vicarage, net
yearly value £ 3 0 0 , with residence, in the gift of the
9.50 a .m .; London, Beading & all parts, 11.50 a .m .;
London & all parts, 3.50 p.m. ; Reading, South W ales
& W est of England, 5.15 p .m .; London, Basingstoke,
Reading, W est & South W est of England & all parts,
7.30 p.m. ; London, Reading &c. 9 p.m. ; sundays,
London, Reading, W est of England & all parts, 7.30
Town Sub-Post & M. 0 . Office, High street, W est End.
â Thomas E. Mackey, sub-postmaster. Letters are
dispatched at 8.15, 9.25 & 11.35 a.m . & 3.45, 7.20 &
8.50 p.m. ; sundays, 6.55 p.m
Post. M. 0 . & T. Office, Chavev Down.â Samuel HopÂ
kins, sub-postm aster. Letters are dispatched at 7 &
11.35 a.m . & 6 & 7 .55 P-m - ; Sundays, 7 a.m
dM . l ndof
. < & ? £ rural !
fc Taxes, W illi.»
H arry Hunt-on, H igh street
The Mission chapel
dean of
Maidenhead, and surrogate.
Medicai Officer & Public Vaccinator, Bracknell D istrict,
at Chavey Down is a plain building of red brick, with
Eastbampstead Union. Medical Officer to Workhouse
chancel added in 1900, and a western bell-cot containing
& Certifying Factory Surgeon, Edward Fielden M .B.,
one bell. The Catholic church of St. Joseph, in StanÂ
B.S. The Gables, Church road
ley road, is an iron building, erected in 1898, and has
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessm ent Com m ittee of
260 sittings. The Congregational chapel, erected in
Easthampstead Union, to the Eastham pstead Rural
1810, was rebuilt in 1859. There is a Baptist chapel,
D istrict Council & to the Warfield & Winkfield Joint
erected in 1886, seating 200, also Wesleyan and Prim itive
B urial Com m ittee, Charles Barker W ilson, High street
Methodist chapels, and a Christian Science hall. There
Sanitary Inspector for Eastham pstead R ural D istrict
is also a cem etery of 2% acres in extent containing one
Council, Charles Yorke, Bracknell
m ortuary chapel, which is under the control of a burial Registrar of Births & Deaths, Bracknell Sub-district,
board of 9 members. The Victoria Hall, in Church
Eastham pstead Union, Edwin George W rig ht, W okingÂ
road, built in 1887, is managed by trustees and used for
ham road; deputy, H. T. Jones, Bullbrook
various public purposes. The County Police Station, in
Registrar of Marriages for Eastham pstead Union,
High street, was built in 1897. A cattle and poultry
Frederick W illiam Hunton, High street
market is held here every Thursday at the back of the Relieving & Vaccination Officer for Eastham pstead
Hindâs Head hotel. L ily Hill, a handsome modern resiÂ
Union, Edwin George W rig ht, W okingham road
dence, beautifully situated on an elevation and surÂ
A ssistant Relieving Officer, George W\ Manning, Park rd
rounded by a park, is the seat of Mrs. G. G. Van Neck. Superintendent Registrar of Eastham pstead D istrict,
Hollv Spring, a pleasant mansion, situated in a park of
Charles Barker Wilson, High street, B rackn ell; deputy,
about 60 acres, is the seat of Lieut.-Col. Francis
I George W. Manning, Park road
Faulknor Sheppee.
Lord Braybrook is lord of the
manor. The principal landowners are the Crown, Lord
Ormathwaite, Col. Sheppee, Mrs. Cave, Col. F. F.
Mackenzie C.B. and Major-Gen. G. H. L. Milman R.A. Secondary. Ranelagh (mixed), erected in 1908; Ernest
The soil is clay and gravel; subsoil, clay and sand. The
f _______
Cleave B .A . m aster;
Miss R. E. Movlan,7_______
land is principally pasture and forest. The population
Bullbrook (mixed * infants), enlarged i:
in 1901
TOOT was
w a s O.
1897, f°r* 33 2 children; average attendance, 238; H arry
Sexton, Stephen Carter.
Thompson Jones, master
Post, M. 0 . & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, âBus leaves the station for Binfield a t 9.40 a.m . & 8.15
Church road.â John Norman, postmaster. Letters are
p.m. to Jack oâ Newbury
delivered at 7 & 10 a.m. & 2.45 & 6.30 p.m. ; Reading
& W est of England, 9.10 a .m .; London & all parts, Carrier to Reading.â Arthur George Barnard, daily
Mackenzie Col. Frederick Finch C.B., Bailey W illiam H. butcher, H igh st
Barnard A rth u r Geo. carrier, H igh st
J.P. Ramslade
Barnes & Son, news agents. High st
Manning Owen E. Glenfield
Alderson Lady. Chavey lawn
Beaver John, dairym an, London road
Barnett Rev. H erbert M.A. (vicar, May Mrs. Fernlea
rural dean & surrogate), Vicarage Medcalfe W illiam Bertie, The Elms Bilham James B. dairyman, High st
Milman M aj.-G en.G ustavus Hamilton Bowles Edith (M iss), m illiner, LonÂ
Barnett Miss, Oaklea
don road
Lockwood R.A. Martins Heron
Bickerton Thos. Bacon, Station road
Bradford Misses, F ir cot. Church rd Nixon Alfred Stennett, Rosedene, Bowles Fredk, carpenter, London rd
Bowyer Lizzie (M rs.), beer retailer,
Station road
Bright Miss, Maisonnette
Mount Pleasant
Panter George, Selhurst, Church rd
Burges George Herbert. Hillside
Perkins Cecil Hy. 2 Connaught villas Bowyer Jam es,chim ney swpr. N ew rd
Butler Mrs. Church road
Bracknell Bowling Club (W alter BurCave Mrs. W ick hill
Phillips Charles, H igh street
ridge, sec)
Cazenove Mrs. Forest grove
Pigot Dowager Lady, Hebron
Bracknell Bowling Green Ltd. (reg.
Pitman Charles, Laurel cottage
Chackle Mrs. Y ork cottage
office) (W alt.Burridge, sec.).H igh st
Croft Mrs. H igh street
Rooke Miss, Church Toad
Em m ett H arry Thomas, Station road Sandwith W illiam Henry, Oswaldkirli Bracknell
King, sec)
p aulkner Frederick Charles, Criffel
Sheppee Lieut.-Col.Francis Faulknor
Bracknell Golf Club (S.Lawrence, sec)
Fielden Edward M.B. The Gables,; (late R. (Bo.) A .), Holly Spring
Church road
Sidley Rev. Clarence M.A. (curate of Breet John James, Boot P.H. Park rd
Bristow Stephen, confectioner.High st
Fitzsimmons Patrick, Bullbrook
Eastham pstead), Station road
Frampton Rev. Jeremiah, The P rio ry ;Smewing Mrs. Rose lea. Station road Brown George, builder & contractor,
Church road ; & at Winkfield
George Sydney K ing, The Brackens Southard Arthur, Fern lodge
(letters through Ascot)
Thomas Rev.Edwd.(Cong.),Rhodaleigh Bullen George, tobacconist. H igh st
Gordon Miss. W ickhill cottage
Tim othy Thomas Norris. Oswaldkirk Bunting W alter G ray, tobacconist.
High street
Greenwood H arrie, K irkleigh villas, Tomkins Rev. Percy Leith M.A. nurseries
Church road
| (curate), Netherleigh. Church rd
Stephen, insur. agt.C hurch rd
Head Jsph.Burton, Mapledene,Park rd Van Neck Mrs. G. G. L ily hill
Hunton Frederick W. The Cedars
Western W alter, Studland house, Cashmore Rowland, grocer, London rd
| Cave & W ilson, solicitors, High st. ;
Hunton Wm. Harry, Bracknell cottage
H igh street
Hyson A ugustus, Church road
Wilde Henry. Melverley, Park road
& at Wokingham
Lawrence A rthur John, Birdsgrove
Thomas D. Holmwood, C em etery (Charles Barker Wilson,
Lawrence Ernest, Brewery hoo
3 cation road
j clerk to the Warfield & Winkfield
Lawrence Mrs Church road
W yatt Miss, Heath field
Joint Burial Comm ittee)
Lawrence Sidney W. Gakfield
, Chcrr--i â Sidney, erocer. High street
Little Mrs. Craven lo. Church road Alder Albert Edwd. dairyman,High st Child E m ily (Mrs.), confctnr. High st
C. St. Georg*' R.WickA 3!-n Prudence (Mrs ^.servantsâ regis- Churchm an Robert, aparts. High st
hill house
ac. blacksm ith, Stanlev rd
Littlebales Rev. Alfred Morgan M.A \ >â¢âsh shop,High st Cocks Charles, Red Lion hotel P.H.
A urate). High Elm s
Atkin; Arthur, boot k shoe m aker.
H igh street
Logan The Misses,Orchard, Priory rd
L r t i road
"C â ⢠â â¢â â k Co. Ltd. butchrs.H igh st
R E S ID E N T S .