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B E R K S H IR E .

R E A D IN G .

[ k e l l y ’s ’

H artley R o w — Holloway, ‘ Elephant,’ tues, thurs. &
sat. ; Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat
Hartley Westpall— Herbert, ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. tues.
Alderm aston— Pontin, * Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ;
thurs. fri. & sat
Lever, ‘ Black Horse,’ wed. & sat. ; Johnson, ‘ W hite Hartley W intney— Holloway, ‘ Elephant,’ tues, thurs.
H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat
& sat
Heck field— Herbert, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except wed. ;
Aldworth— Fulker, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ sat
Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat
A lton— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ wed. & sat
Arborfield— Chaney, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. &. Henley— Carter, ‘ W hite H art,’ daily ; Taylor, ‘ E le­
phant,' d aily; G ird ler, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ daily, except
sat. ; May banks, ‘ Black Horse, tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Fullbrook, Queen’s road, tues, thurs. & sat
Hook— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Ascot— Tripp, ‘ Duke's H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Ashampstead— Rum ble, ‘ Peacock,’ wed. & s a t.; Fulker, Hurst— Grant, ‘ Lower Ship,’ mon. tues. & sat. ;
Bonner, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
• D uke’s H ead,’ sat
Barkham — Fullbrook, Queen's road, tues, thurs. & sat. ; Kidm ore End— Taylor, ‘ Elephant,’ daily
Kingsclere— Cooper, ‘ Royal Oak,’ s a t.; Miles, ‘ WhiteBaylis, Queen’s road, tues, thurs. & sat
Basildon (Upper)— Baston, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs.
H art,’ sat
Kingsclere Woodlands— Cooper, * Royal Oak,’ sat. ;
& sat
Basildon (Lower)— Andrews, Forbury, tues, thurs. &
Miles, ‘ W hite H art,’ sat
s a t.; G iles, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. & sat.; Knowl Hill— Em m ett, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Loudwater— Sm ith, ‘ Royal Oak,’ wed. & sat
G ran t, ‘ Peacock,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Basingstoke— Herbert, * Black Horse,’ mon. tues, thurs. Maidenhead— Em m ett, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat
fri. & sat. ; Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Marlow— Sm ith, ‘ Royal Oak,’ mon. wed. & sat
Foster, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Hartnell, M attingley— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. fri. &, sat
Mortimer-^—James, ‘ Sun,’ sat. ; Bye, ‘ Lower Ship,’
Queen's road, tues, thurs. & sat
tues, thurs. k sat. ; W hitburn, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ tues_
Baughurst— Blake, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues. & sat
thurs. & sat. ; C. D. Smith, ‘ Lower Ship,’ mon. wed.,
Bearwood— Norgate,
‘ Royal Oak,’
d aily;
JJueen’s road, tues, thurs. & sat
fri. & sat
Bf^îh Hill— Hounsell, ‘ Royal Oak,’ mon. tues, thurs. Mortimer Common— Hounsell, ‘ Royal Oak,’ mon. tues .
fri. & sat. ; Bye, ‘ Lower Ship,’ tues, thurs. & sat
thurs. fri. & sat
Beenham— Johnson, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & Mortimer W est End— Aldridge, ‘ G lobe,’ tues. & sat
Moulsford— G iles, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, tburs. & sat
Binfield— Barnard, ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. tues, thurs. fri. Murrel Green— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat
Nettlebed— Bailey, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. wed. & sat
& s a t.; Barker, ‘ Lower Ship,’ wed. & sat
Bracknell— Barnard, ‘ Black Horse,’ mon. tues, thurs. Newbury— Rumble, ‘ Peacock,’ wed. & sat. ; Lever,.
‘ Black Horse,’ wed. & sat. ; Fulker, ‘ Duke’s Head,'
fri. & sat. ; Tripp, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Bradfield— M itchell, ‘ Peacock,' wed. & sat. ; Cotterall,
‘ Sun ,’ tues, thurs. & s a t.; Payne, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. North Wanborough— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat. ;
Groves, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues. & fri
thurs. & sat
Odiham— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Bram ley— Stanford, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Groves, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues. & fri. ; Hartwell, Queen's
Brimpton— Blake, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues. & sat
Bucklebury— Johnson, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. & sat
road, tues, thurs. & sat
Pad worth— Sm ith,
‘ W hite H art,’ tues.
& sat. ;
Buckhold— Grant, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. fri. & sat
Aldridge, ‘ Globe,’ tues. & sat
Bnrwhfield— Searis, ‘ Sun,’ tues. wed. fri. & sat. ; Blake,
‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues. & sat. ; Wheeler, ‘ Royal Oak,’ Pamber— Stanford, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & s a t.;
James, ‘ Sun ,’ sat
tues, thurs. & s a t.; C. D. Sm ith, ‘ Lower Ship,’
mon. wed. fri. & s a t.; Foley, ‘ Sun,’ tues, thurs. & Pangbourne— Brind, ‘ Elephant,’ d a ily ; Giles, ‘ WhiteH art,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Rum ble, ‘ Peacock,’ wed.
& sat. ; Giles, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Burnt H ill— Rumble, ‘ Peacock,’ wed. & sat
Peppard— Mildenhall, ‘ Builders’ Arm s,’ tues, thurs. A.
Camberlev— Elm er, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ tues, thurs. & sat
sat. ; Brown, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. k sat
Cane End— K ing, ‘ Elephant,’ mon. wed. & sat. ; Havell,
Purley— Brind, ‘ Elephant,’ d aily;
Sm ith, ‘ White‘ Elephant,’ mon. tues, thurs. & sat
H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & sat
Oaversham— Hales, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ Friar street, daily ;
Remenham— Girdler, '■Duke’s Head,’ daily except wed
Taylor, ‘ Elephant,’ daily
Checkendon— King, ‘ Elephant,’ mon. wed. & sat. ; Sandhurst— Elm er, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & s a t .;
Hudson, Queen’s road, tues, thurs. & sat
Brown, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. & sat
, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except wed
Oholsey— Giles, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Shinfield— Fullbrook, Queen’s road, tues, thurs. &
Compton— Fulker, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ sat
sat. ; Maybanks, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, tburs. & sat. ;
Crondall— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat
Chaney, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ; Bavliss»
Crookham— Blake, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues. & sat
Queen's road, tues, thurs. k sat
Orookham (Hants)— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs.
Shiplake— Taylor, ‘ Elephant,’ daily ; Bailey, ‘ Peacock/
& sat
wed. & sat
Crowthorne— Elmer, ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Silchester— Wheeler, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. k sat. ;
Hudson, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sat
James, ‘ Sun,’ sat
Dnnsden— Carter, ‘ W hite H art,’ daily
Eastham pstead— Barnard, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except Sonning— Bilmer, ‘ Peacock,’ twice daily ; Girdler»
‘ Duke’s Head,’ daily
wed. ; Ewins & Son, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily, except
Spencers Wood— Varney, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ d aily; Bowrey»
‘ Elephant-,’ daily; Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs.
Em m er Green— Brown, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. k sat
fri. & sat. ; Alley, ‘ Black Horse,’ daily
Englefield— Cotterall, ‘ Sun,’ tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Dingley— Mitchell, ‘ Peacock,’ tues. & sat. ;
Payne, ‘ Peacock,’ mon. wed. & sat
Juniper, ‘ Sun,’ tues. & sat
Everslev— Chnnev, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs^ k sat
Stoke— Hales, ‘ Boar’s Head, tues, thurs. & sat
Maybauks, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Farley H ill— Alley, ‘ Black Horse,’ d a ily ; Bayliss, ‘ E le­ Stoke Row— Brown, ‘ W hite H art.’ mon. wed. & s a t.;
Lester, ‘ Boar’s Head,’ mon. wed. fri. k sat
phant,’ daily
Stratfieldsaye— Stanford, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. k.
Farnham — Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat
sat. ; Baker, ‘ Broad Face,’ sat
Finchampstead— Chaney, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. &
Sireatley— Sm ith, ‘ W hite H art,’ mon. wed. fri. & s a t.;
s a t.; M iybanks, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs & sat
Giles, ‘ W hite H art,’ tues, thurs. fri. & sat
G orin g Heath— Hales. ‘ Boar’s H ead,’ tues, thn s & sat
Grazeley— Hounsell, ‘ Roval Oak,’ mon. tues, th u ’ s. Sulhampstead— Wise, ‘ Sun,’ wed. & sat. ; Aldridge»
tues. & sat
fri. & sat. ;
C. D. Smith,
‘ Lower Ship,’‘ Globe,’
inon. wed.
Tripp, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tues, thurs. & sat
fri. & s a t.;
W hitburn, ‘ Duke’s H ead,’ tuns, thurs
sat. ; Lever, ‘ Black Horse,’ wed. & sat. ; Bye, ‘ Lower Swallowfield— Gerring, ‘ Black Horse,' daily ; V arney,
‘ D uke’s H ead,’ daily, except wed.; B-i\vrcy, ‘ E le­
Ship,’ mon.
tues, thurs. &
phant,’ d aily ; Herbert, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues, thurs. A
Greyw ell— Bolt, ‘ Black Horse,’ tues. & sat
sat. ; Aldridge, ‘ Globe,’ tues & sat
Haines H ill— Bonner, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues, thurs. & sat
Tadley— Bowman, ‘ Peacock, tues. & sat
Hampstead Norris— Fulker, ‘ Duke’s Head,’ sat
Thame— Jackson, ‘ Royal Oak,’ tues. & sat
Harpsden— Mayers, Forbury, daily, except wed
Hartford Bridge— Holloway, ‘ Elephant,’ tues thnr? & Thatcham — Johnson, ‘ White H art,’ man. wed. fri. &

W ith th e inns they go from & days of departure.