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B E R K S H IR E .
R E A D IN G .
[ k e l l y âs â
H artley R o w â Holloway, â Elephant,â tues, thurs. &
sat. ; Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat
Hartley Westpallâ Herbert, â Black Horse,â mon. tues.
Alderm astonâ Pontin, * Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. & sat. ;
thurs. fri. & sat
Lever, â Black Horse,â wed. & sat. ; Johnson, â W hite Hartley W intneyâ Holloway, â Elephant,â tues, thurs.
H art,â mon. wed. fri. & sat
& sat
Heck fieldâ Herbert, â Black Horse,â daily, except wed. ;
Aldworthâ Fulker, â Dukeâs Head,â sat
Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat
A ltonâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â wed. & sat
Arborfieldâ Chaney, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. &. Henleyâ Carter, â W hite H art,â daily ; Taylor, â E leÂ
phant,' d aily; G ird ler, â Dukeâs H ead,â daily, except
sat. ; May banks, â Black Horse, tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Fullbrook, Queenâs road, tues, thurs. & sat
Hookâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Ascotâ Tripp, â Duke's H ead,â tues, thurs. & sat
Ashampsteadâ Rum ble, â Peacock,â wed. & s a t.; Fulker, Hurstâ Grant, â Lower Ship,â mon. tues. & sat. ;
Bonner, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. & sat
⢠D ukeâs H ead,â sat
Barkham â Fullbrook, Queen's road, tues, thurs. & sat. ; Kidm ore Endâ Taylor, â Elephant,â daily
Kingsclereâ Cooper, â Royal Oak,â s a t.; Miles, â WhiteBaylis, Queenâs road, tues, thurs. & sat
Basildon (Upper)â Baston, â Dukeâs H ead,â tues, thurs.
H art,â sat
Kingsclere Woodlandsâ Cooper, * Royal Oak,â sat. ;
& sat
Basildon (Lower)â Andrews, Forbury, tues, thurs. &
Miles, â W hite H art,â sat
s a t.; G iles, â W hite H art,â tues, thurs. & sat.; Knowl Hillâ Em m ett, â Boarâs Head,â tues, thurs. & sat
Loudwaterâ Sm ith, â Royal Oak,â wed. & sat
G ran t, â Peacock,â tues, thurs. & sat
Basingstokeâ Herbert, * Black Horse,â mon. tues, thurs. Maidenheadâ Em m ett, â Boarâs Head,â tues, thurs. & sat
fri. & sat. ; Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. & sat. ; Marlowâ Sm ith, â Royal Oak,â mon. wed. & sat
Foster, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. & sat. ; Hartnell, M attingleyâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. fri. &, sat
Mortimer-^âJames, â Sun,â sat. ; Bye, â Lower Ship,â
Queen's road, tues, thurs. & sat
tues, thurs. k sat. ; W hitburn, â Dukeâs Head,â tues_
Baughurstâ Blake, â Boarâs H ead,â tues. & sat
thurs. & sat. ; C. D. Smith, â Lower Ship,â mon. wed.,
Bearwoodâ Norgate,
â Royal Oak,â
d aily;
JJueenâs road, tues, thurs. & sat
fri. & sat
Bf^îh Hillâ Hounsell, â Royal Oak,â mon. tues, thurs. Mortimer Commonâ Hounsell, â Royal Oak,â mon. tues .
fri. & sat. ; Bye, â Lower Ship,â tues, thurs. & sat
thurs. fri. & sat
Beenhamâ Johnson, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. fri. & Mortimer W est Endâ Aldridge, â G lobe,â tues. & sat
Moulsfordâ G iles, â W hite H art,â tues, tburs. & sat
Binfieldâ Barnard, â Black Horse,â mon. tues, thurs. fri. Murrel Greenâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat
Nettlebedâ Bailey, â Peacock,â mon. wed. & sat
& s a t.; Barker, â Lower Ship,â wed. & sat
Bracknellâ Barnard, â Black Horse,â mon. tues, thurs. Newburyâ Rumble, â Peacock,â wed. & sat. ; Lever,.
â Black Horse,â wed. & sat. ; Fulker, â Dukeâs Head,'
fri. & sat. ; Tripp, â Dukeâs H ead,â tues, thurs. & sat
Bradfieldâ M itchell, â Peacock,' wed. & sat. ; Cotterall,
â Sun ,â tues, thurs. & s a t.; Payne, â Peacock,â mon. North Wanboroughâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat. ;
Groves, â W hite H art,â tues. & fri
thurs. & sat
Odihamâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Bram leyâ Stanford, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. & sat
Groves, â W hite H art,â tues. & fri. ; Hartwell, Queen's
Brimptonâ Blake, â Boarâs H ead,â tues. & sat
Buckleburyâ Johnson, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. & sat
road, tues, thurs. & sat
Pad worthâ Sm ith,
â W hite H art,â tues.
& sat. ;
Buckholdâ Grant, â Peacock,â tues. fri. & sat
Aldridge, â Globe,â tues. & sat
Bnrwhfieldâ Searis, â Sun,â tues. wed. fri. & sat. ; Blake,
â Boarâs Head,â tues. & sat. ; Wheeler, â Royal Oak,â Pamberâ Stanford, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. & s a t.;
James, â Sun ,â sat
tues, thurs. & s a t.; C. D. Sm ith, â Lower Ship,â
mon. wed. fri. & s a t.; Foley, â Sun,â tues, thurs. & Pangbourneâ Brind, â Elephant,â d a ily ; Giles, â WhiteH art,â tues, thurs. & sat. ; Rum ble, â Peacock,â wed.
& sat. ; Giles, â W hite H art,â tues, thurs. fri. & sat
Burnt H illâ Rumble, â Peacock,â wed. & sat
Peppardâ Mildenhall, â Buildersâ Arm s,â tues, thurs. A.
Camberlevâ Elm er, â Boarâs Head,â tues, thurs. & sat
sat. ; Brown, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. k sat
Cane Endâ K ing, â Elephant,â mon. wed. & sat. ; Havell,
Purleyâ Brind, â Elephant,â d aily;
Sm ith, â Whiteâ Elephant,â mon. tues, thurs. & sat
H art,â mon. wed. fri. & sat
Oavershamâ Hales, â Boarâs H ead,â Friar street, daily ;
Remenhamâ Girdler, 'â Dukeâs Head,â daily except wed
Taylor, â Elephant,â daily
Checkendonâ King, â Elephant,â mon. wed. & sat. ; Sandhurstâ Elm er, â Boarâs H ead,â tues, thurs. & s a t .;
Hudson, Queenâs road, tues, thurs. & sat
Brown, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. & sat
, â Black Horse,â daily, except wed
Oholseyâ Giles, â W hite H art,â tues, thurs. & sat
Shinfieldâ Fullbrook, Queenâs road, tues, thurs. &
Comptonâ Fulker, â Dukeâs Head,â sat
sat. ; Maybanks, â Black Horse,â tues, tburs. & sat. ;
Crondallâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat
Chaney, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. & sat. ; Bavliss»
Crookhamâ Blake, â Boarâs H ead,â tues. & sat
Queen's road, tues, thurs. k sat
Orookham (Hants)â Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs.
Shiplakeâ Taylor, â Elephant,â daily ; Bailey, â Peacock/
& sat
wed. & sat
Crowthorneâ Elmer, â Boarâs H ead,â tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Silchesterâ Wheeler, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. k sat. ;
Hudson, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. & sat
James, â Sun,â sat
Dnnsdenâ Carter, â W hite H art,â daily
Eastham psteadâ Barnard, â Black Horse,â daily, except Sonningâ Bilmer, â Peacock,â twice daily ; Girdler»
â Dukeâs Head,â daily
wed. ; Ewins & Son, â Black Horse,â daily, except
Spencers Woodâ Varney, â Dukeâs Head,â d aily; Bowrey»
â Elephant-,â daily; Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs.
Em m er Greenâ Brown, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. k sat
fri. & sat. ; Alley, â Black Horse,â daily
Englefieldâ Cotterall, â Sun,â tues, thurs. & sat. ;
Dingleyâ Mitchell, â Peacock,â tues. & sat. ;
Payne, â Peacock,â mon. wed. & sat
Juniper, â Sun,â tues. & sat
Everslevâ Chnnev, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs^ k sat
Stokeâ Hales, â Boarâs Head, tues, thurs. & sat
Maybauks, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. & sat
Farley H illâ Alley, â Black Horse,â d a ily ; Bayliss, â E le Stoke Rowâ Brown, â W hite H art.â mon. wed. & s a t.;
Lester, â Boarâs Head,â mon. wed. fri. k sat
phant,â daily
Stratfieldsayeâ Stanford, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. k.
Farnham â Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat
sat. ; Baker, â Broad Face,â sat
Finchampsteadâ Chaney, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. &
Sireatleyâ Sm ith, â W hite H art,â mon. wed. fri. & s a t.;
s a t.; M iybanks, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs & sat
Giles, â W hite H art,â tues, thurs. fri. & sat
G orin g Heathâ Hales. â Boarâs H ead,â tues, thn s & sat
Grazeleyâ Hounsell, â Roval Oak,â mon. tues, th u â s. Sulhampsteadâ Wise, â Sun,â wed. & sat. ; Aldridge»
tues. & sat
fri. & sat. ;
C. D. Smith,
â Lower Ship,ââ Globe,â
inon. wed.
Tripp, â Dukeâs H ead,â tues, thurs. & sat
fri. & s a t.;
W hitburn, â Dukeâs H ead,â tuns, thurs
sat. ; Lever, â Black Horse,â wed. & sat. ; Bye, â Lower Swallowfieldâ Gerring, â Black Horse,' daily ; V arney,
â D ukeâs H ead,â daily, except wed.; B-i\vrcy, â E leÂ
Ship,â mon.
tues, thurs. &
phant,â d aily ; Herbert, â Black Horse,â tues, thurs. A
Greyw ellâ Bolt, â Black Horse,â tues. & sat
sat. ; Aldridge, â Globe,â tues & sat
Haines H illâ Bonner, â Royal Oak,â tues, thurs. & sat
Tadleyâ Bowman, â Peacock, tues. & sat
Hampstead Norrisâ Fulker, â Dukeâs Head,â sat
Thameâ Jackson, â Royal Oak,â tues. & sat
Harpsdenâ Mayers, Forbury, daily, except wed
Hartford Bridgeâ Holloway, â Elephant,â tues thnr? & Thatcham â Johnson, â White H art,â man. wed. fri. &
W ith th e inns they go from & days of departure.