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Theakstone Miss, 183 Iffiey rd.Oxford
Theodosius Alfred Fletcher M .A.,
F .C .S . 13 Merton street, Oxford
Theodosius Mrs. 1 Tackley place, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Thom Jam es,Drawback house,Rotherfiold road, Henley-on-Thames
Thomas Rev. David M .A. Garsington,
W heatley
Thomas Rev. Stephen B.A. 72 A bin g­
don road, Oxford
Thomas Rev. W ilfrid S., M .A. 44
Middleton rd. Grim sbury, Banbury
Thom as David Robert, 11 Winchester
road, S t. Giles’, Oxford
Thomas Frank, 6 H ill Top road, St.
Clem ent’s, Oxford
Thomas John W illiam , 113 D ivinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Thomas Miss,8 South Park rd.Oxford
Thomas Mrs. 195 Cowley road, Oxford
Thomas Mrs. Manor house, G reat
Milton, W allingford
Thomas Mrs. Tham es bank, W h it­
church, Reading
Thomas Mrs. Woodstock ho.Woodstck
Thomas Richard Press, 1 Thorncliffe
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Thomas Robert, Victoria villa, Ban­
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Thomas Wm . Sonning Com.Reading
Thomas W illiam A rth u r, 80 Kingston
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Thomas W .G.36 SouthBar st.Banbry
Thompson Rev. Jam es Matthew M.A.
Magdalen college, Oxford
Thompson Charles Henry M .A. 27
St. M argaret’s road, Oxiord
Thompson H. 31 Beaum ont st. Oxford
Thompson Mrs. 264 Iffley road, Oxfrd
Thompson M rs.37 Museum rd.Oxford
Thompson W .11 North Bar st.Banbry
Thoms James, Drawback hill, Harpsden H eights, Botherfield Peppard,
Thomson A rth ur M .A. 163 Woodstock
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Thomson George Campbell, Milverton
cottage, W hitchurch, Reading
Thomson G uy M .A. Stanton house,
Stanton St. John, Oxford
Thomson John M .A., J.P. Woodperry, Stanton St. John, Oxford
Thorburn W .20rick rd .S t.G iles’,Oxfd
Thorley Miss, xo Bradmore road, St.
Gileg’, Oxford
Thorne Frederic M.D. Manor house,
Adderbury East, Banbury
Thcrnewill Rev. Chas. Francis M.A.
15 St. M argaret’s road, Oxford
Thornton Major George Thomas, 6
Staverton road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Thornton A. F. 51 W arwick st. Oxfrd
Thornton Frederick P. 195 Divinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Thornton F T e d k . Stanbury, 39 Beech
Croft road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Thornton Herbt. 11 Queen st. Oxford
Thornton John Henry, 324 Banbury
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Thornton Reginald, 304 Banbury rd.
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Thorogood Fredk.i35W alton st.Oxfrd
Thorp Rev. Henry M.A. Noke, Oxford
Thorpe Mrs. 212 Banbury road, Sum ­
mertown, Oxford
Threlkeld Miss, 17 Farndon road, St.
G iles’, Oxford
Thrupp Mrs. 16 Moreton road, Sum ­
m ertown, Oxford
Thrussell Jn.W m . Deddington, Oxford
Thurland W. 0 . Sunnyside, New
Marston, Oxford
Thurland W illiam Francis, 98 Hurst
street. Cowley St. John, Oxford
Tibbetts Mrs. E . A. Adderbury East,
Tiddeman Misses, Taynton, Burford
Tiddeman Richard Hill M .A., F.G .S.
Osberton house, 298 Woodstock rd.
Sumrnertown, Oxford

P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Tiddv Reginald John Elliott M.A.
Trinity college, Oxford
Tidm arsh Thom as,139 Iffley rd.O xfrd
Tierney Rev. Father Diego O.S.F.C.
Franciscan college, Temple Cowley,
Tilley Mrs. 8 Lathbury road, Oxford
Tim berlake W illiam Henry,3o Walton
Well road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Tim m s James Joseph, 30 Stanley rd.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Tim m s John, 35 Middleton road,
G rim sbury, Banbury
Tim m s Lionel John, 38 Minster rd.
St Clem ent’s, Oxford
Tim m s Mrs. Park street, Woodstock
Tim s Misses, 37 B ridge st. Banbury
Tim s W illiam Johnson, 297 Iffley
road, Oxford
Tindal James, The Haven, Newland
street, Eynsham
Tippetts Mrs. 177 Iffley road, Oxford
Tipple Miss, Littlem ore, Oxford
Tipton Miss, 89 Kingston road, St.
G iles’, Oxford
Tizard Sam uel, Crowmarsh Gifford,
Tocke Mrs. 22 Chalfont road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Tod Marcus Niebuhr M.A. 19 Norbam road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Todd Henry Ross F .R .C .S .I. Ipsden
house, Ipsden, Wallingford
Todd John, 118 Divinity rd. Cowley
road, Oxford
Todd-Naylor Miss, 20 Winchester rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Tolladv John W illiam , Hemingford,
Buckingham road, Bicester
Toller Mrs. Medecroft, Woodcote rd.
Caversham , Reading
Tombs Mrs. Biltm ore, Blenheim rd.
Caversham , Reading
Tomlinson Miss Ethel, St. H ilda’s
hall, Cowley place, Oxford
Tomlinson Rd.H. Berkeley, Rosedene,
St. Andrew’s rd. Henley-on-Thames
Tomlinson Richard W illiam , Fairfield,
Park road, Banbury
Tompkins Mrs. Sarah, W estcliffe,The
Mount, Caversham , Reading
Toms Leslie, Bem bridge, Sonning
Common, Reading
Toovey Miss, The Elms, Upper High
street, Thame
To u ch Miss, 205 Ixey road. Oxford
Toulm in-Sm ith Miss, 1 The Terrace,
Park town, Oxford
Tower Mrs. 20 Polstead road, St.
Giles', Oxford
Towerton Henrv Charles. Sunnyside.
Manor road. Gorinc. Reading
Townend Harold, Elmwood, Grosvenor road, Caversham. Reading
Townley Misses, 4 Hamilton avenue,
Townsend Frank Charles E. 7 Port­
land road, Summertown, Oxford
Townsend F. J. 197 Cowley rd.Oxford
Townsend John Sealy E., M.A. 20
Merton street. Oxford
Townsend Misses, 200 Banbury road,
Sumrnertuwn. Oxford
Townsend Mrs. 13 West end, W itney
Townsend Thomas, jun. 17 Western
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Townsend Thomas, 21 W hite House
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Townshend Miss, 103 Southmoor rd
St. Giles’, Oxford
Townshend Rd. B .. M.A Derry-Ulaun.
117 Banbury rd. St. G iles’, Oxford
Townson Rev. Robert W alter B.A.
The Vicarage, Headington, Oxford
Towse Capt. Ernest Beckwith V .C ,
Long Meadow. Goring, Reading
Toy W illiam , Alpha villa. Worcester
road. Chipping Norton
Toynbee Mrs. 10 Norham gardens,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Toynbee Mrs. 14 The Terrace, Park­
in wn. Oxford

[0XF0Kf>f-H|W _
Tozer Ber. Henry Fanshawe M A
Norham gardens, St. Giles’


S * * - 5«*

Treacher Bev. Joseph Skipper M i
24 Norham gardens, Oxford
Tread well Mrs. Adderb 11ry East Minh„
Treble James N\. B.So.'Training
lege, Oulham, Abingdon
Treble R L , B.Sc. Oulham,Abingdon
Ire g e a W illiam ,31 Horsefair.Banhury
Trevelyan Sir Ernest John D C L i
Marston Ferry rd.Summertwn.Oxfrd
Tribe W illiam , Drayton lodge, Woodcole road, Caversham. Beading
Trollope B. G. Chittern End, Botlierfield Greys, Henley-on-Thames
Trollope Thomas, 24 Oaklhorpe road
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Trotter Capt. Lionel James, 332 Ban­
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Trotter Rev. Canon Henry Eden M.A.
Rectory, W hitchurch, Reading
Trower Rev. Henry William M.A.
Rectory. Finmere, Buckingham
Trum an A lfred ^ King's end,Bicester
Truslove Joseph, Abbotsfield, Goring
Heath, Henley-on-Thames
Truslove Roland M.A. Worcester col­
lege, Oxford
Tubb Henry, Chesterton, Great Ches­
terton, Bicester
Tubb James, Chiltern view.Warboro’,
Tubb Miss, 57 Iffley road, Oxford
Tucker Rev. Sydney Herbert M.A.
Rectorv, Cottisford. Brackley
Tucker Rev. Sydney Thomas, 14
Reading road, Henley-on-Thames
Tucker Robert K. Brookside, Highfield, Oxford
Tuck well Charles Joseph, Westhall
hill, Fulhrook, Burford
Tuckwell Miss, 37 Aston 6t. Cowley
St. John, Oxford
Tuckw ell Mrs. 64 High st. Oxford
Tuddenham Misses,Kidlington, Oxfrd
Tudsbery Rev. Francis William Tudsbery M.A. 213 Woodstock road,
Summertown, Oxford
Tuff nell Rear-Admiral Lionel G.r
G.C.M . The Bungalow,South Stoke,
Tufnell Mrs. 88 Banbury road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Tugw ell Mrs. 25 Beech Croft read,
Summertown, Oxford
Turner Rev. William, 61 Middleton
road, Banbury
Turner Charles James, 44 Richmond
road, St. Thomas’, Oxford
Turner Cuthbert Hamilton M.A.
Magdalen college, Oxford
Turner E. Hy. Manor ho.Iffley, Oxfrd
Turner Edward, 15 White House rd.
Grandpont, Oxford
Turner Edward W illiam, 13 Thorn­
cliffe road, Summertown, Oxford
Turner Ernest William, Brierley,
Hamilton rd. Summertown, Oxford
Turner Geo. Walton, The Hermitage,
St. Andrew’s rd.Henley-on-Thameg
Turner H. H. Romanhurst, East End,
North Leigh, Witney
Turner Henry M. 4 Turi st. Oxford
Turner H erbert Hall D.Sc., F.R-S.,
F .R .A .S. 9 Black Hall rd. Oxford
Turner John Francis Richard, 199
Iffley road, Oxford
Turner Misses, Caversham rise,Caver­
sham, Reading
Turner Mrs. 225 Banbury road, Sum­
mertown, Oxford
Turner Mrs. Grosvenor lodge. Grosvenor road, Caversham, Reading
Turner Mrs. 36 St. Giles’ st. Oxfor
Turner Mrs. The Poplars, Deddmgton, Oxford
Turner Mrs. 213 Woodstock roa »
Summertown. Oxford