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P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Lock W. Selside^ h illingfotd.W allngfd Lucy Mrs. 107 Woodstock road, St. M cKav Wm . 0 30 Park«. âr n .
Lockhart Rev. Wm. Henry, Wesley
ilesâ, Oxford
McKee M r.
w . . A " â ⢠.0st«d
manse, Church st. Chipping Norton Ludditt Miss, 37 Middleton road, McKee Mrs. 19 Warnborough 7â¢Â»
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Lockwood Rev. Sam uel Davis B.A
Grim sburv, Banbury
Mackenzie K eith Ronald,
Kingham , Chipping Norton
Ludlow Albt. 17 Cornmarket st.Oxfrd
Lockwood Mrs. i The Leys, Chipping Ludlow P. Isis bank, Iffley, Oxford
Mackenzie Mrs. G illotts, Heâley.0â
Ludlow W illiam , 4 Walton st. Oxford
J 1
Lockyer Miss, H igh street, Burford
Ludwig Jn. Hy. 43 Bath rd. Banbury
Lockyer Miss, Orchard lea, Steeple L uin g Mrs. 23 Bath road, Banbury MacKenzic Nicol Fiulayson, 18c Wnnrf
Aston, Oxford
Luke Alexander, Littlecote, Woodcote Mackenzie Wm. D., M.A. D L J p
Lodge H erbert Montague, 124 D ivinity
road, Caversham, Reading
F aw iey c o u rt, H enley-on-Tham es '
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Lund Henry, Rosemount, Woodcote Mackmlay
Miss, 202 Iffley rd Otfn.a
Lodge Miss, Lady M argaret hall, 21
road, Caversham , Reading
Mrs. Vine cottage,
Norham gardens, St. Gilesâ, Oxford Lungley James B.A. 11 Norham road,
Milton, Wallingford
L ofting A rthur A ugustin, 26 Hill
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Maclachlan Maj. H. C. Elmtkorpe,
Top road, St. Clem entâs Oxford
Lungley Mrs. 11 Norham road, St.
Temple Cowley, Oxford
Lomas John, 52 Aston street, Cowley
G ilesâ, Oxford
McLachlan John M .A., B.C.L M T)
St. John, Oxford
Lunn Bishope, 84 St. Johnâs road, St.
F .R .C .S .3 Keble rd. St.Gilosâ.Oxfrd
Lom ax Mrs. 50 Cornm arket st. Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Maclean Rev. A rthur James M 1 The
London Mrs. 15 Iffiey road, Oxford
Lunn Colin, 167 Banbury road, Sum
K irtlington, Oxford'
Long Rev. Frederick Percy M .A. 12
mertown, Oxford
McLean Charles, 36 Lonsdale road
L ath bury road, Oxford
Lupton Miss, 49 Marston st. Cowley
Summertown, Oxford
Long Ernest, Hill view, Woodstock
St. John, Oxford
McLean Gerald, 25 Thorncliffe road
road, W itney
Luscombe Robert B.A. 3 Golden
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Long Henry, 2 Gloucester pi. W itney
villas, Neithrop, Banbury
Maclean John Alexander J.P. The
Long Herbt. B. 49 Sheep st. Bicester Lydiard Miss, 19 Chalfont road, St
Herm itage, Bloxham, Banbury
Long John W illiam Francis, Oxford
G ilesâ, Oxford
Maclure Misses, 345 Cowley rd. Oxfrd
road, Benson, W allingford
Lynam Alfred Edmund M.A. 1 Chari- McMaster Bryce, 15 Park crescent,
Long John, 18 W est end, Witney
bury road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Park town, Oxford
Lo n g Richard Charles A .M .I.C .E . 21 Lynam Charles Cotterell M .A. BardMcMullan Rev. Father Giles O.S.F.C
Fairacres road, Iffley road, Oxford
well road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Franciscan college, Temple Cowley
Long W illiam H. 83 H igh st. W itney Lynam Robert Garner M .A., M.B. 32
Looker Hy. 49 Woodstock rd. Witney
Holywell street, Oxford
McMullen H erbert R. Brewery house
Looker Miss, 19 Minster road, St. Lynch Henry Finnis Blosse J.P.
W atlington, Wallingford
Clem entâs, Oxford
W ardington, Banbury
McNeight W.R.P.,M.A.,M.D.Oharlbry
Loosley Thomas, 295 Iffley rd. Oxford Lys Rev. Fras. John M .A. Worcester McNiel Miss, 38 Walton crescent, St.
Lord Miss, H igh street, Eynsham
cottage, Walton street, Oxford
Thomasâ, Oxford
Lorenz Miss, 1 Walton crescent, St. Lyttelton Hon. Mrs. 7 Polstead road, Macphail Miss, 52 Marston st. Cowley
Thomas', Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
Lorim er Miss, Som erville college, M aberley-Smith M. Harpsden Wood McPhail Miss, The Gables,Dorchester,
Woodstock rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
house, Henley-on-Thames
L o tt Miss, 4 Bevington road, St Macan Reginald W alter M .A ., D .Litt. Macpherson Robert K. Gowan Lea,
G ilesâ, Oxford
Logic lane, High street, Oxford
Woodstock rd.Summertown, Oxford
L o tt Mrs. W. Buckland, The Cottage, McAuslane Rev. James, 197 Banbury Macpherson W illiam Hugh M.A. St.
Brize Norton, Bampton
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Andrewâs road, Henley-on-Thames
Love A ugustus E. H , M .A., D.Sc. 34 M cCarthy Rev. Joachim O.S.M . St. Macray Rev. Wm. Dunn M.A., F.S.A.
St. M argaretâs rd. St. Gilesâ,Oxford
Philipâs priory, Begbroke, Oxford
H on.D.Litt. Ducklington, Witney
Loveday John Edward Taylor J.P. McCaskill R.G reyshot,H igh st.Bampt-n Madan A rth u r Cornwallis M.A. Christ
W illiamscote house, Banbury
Macclesfield Earl of J.P. Shirburn
church, St. Aldateâs street, Oxford
Lovegrove A rth u r C. 1 Fairview, Sth.
castle, Wallingford
Madan Falconer M .A., F.S.A. 94 BanÂ
V iew avenue, Caversham , Reading Macclesfield The Dowager Countess of,
bury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Lovegrove Miss, The Elm s, Henley
Bletchington park, Oxford
Madden Misses, Strete, Headington
road, Caversham , Reading
Quarry, Oxford
McClintock Col.W illiam Kerr,N orham
Lovell Rev. George Francis B.D. 22
end, Norham rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford Madgen Frederic James, 25 Portland
Staverton road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford McConnell Mrs. a Norman avenue,
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Lovell Vernon Shaw,Fairholme, LashHenley-on-Thames
Magrath Rev. John Richard D.D., J.P.
brook, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames McCutcheon Miss, 19 Norham garÂ
Queenâs college, Oxford
Lovesley H. T . 94 W arwick st. Oxford
dens, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Mainwaring H erbert R. 5 Norham rd.
Lovett Rev. Thomas M .A. Rectory, MacDonald Major
Thei St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Standlake, W itney
Grange, Little Tew, Enstone
[Maitland Lady Margaret, Rose Hill,
Lowdnes William Henry, Pickencroft, Macdonald Alex. M.A. Beaumont st. &) Kidmore End, Reading
C roft road, Thame
50 Woodstock rd. St. G iles', Oxford IMakins Dowager Lady, Rotherfield
Lowdnes William Henry, jun. Picken McDonald Geo. 335 Cowley rd. Oxford
court, Badgemore, Henley-on-Thms
croft, Croft road, Thame
Macdonell Arth. Anthony M .A., Ph.D. Malin Henry W illiam, 27 Walton Well
Lowe A. 76 A rgyle st.Chester st.Oxfrd
107 Banbury road, St. Gilesâ,Oxford
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Lowe Francis Stanley, Brook End, MacDonogh Mrs. Westwood, Goring, Malings Mrs.9 Broughton rd.Banbury
Lower Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Malis Miss, Deddington, Oxford
Lowe James, Dorchester, W allingford Mace A .E.6 Horsefair,Chipping Nortn Mallam Ernest M .A., M.D. 3 HolyLowe Mrs. The Orchard, Lashbrook, Mace G. F. Church st.Chipping Nortn
well street, Oxford
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Mace T. 16 West st. Chipping Norton Mallam G . Trelawney, Highfield,Oxfrd
Lowenadler Frederick, Badgemore ho. Macfarlane Miss, 7 Warnborough rd. Mallam Misses, 13 Charlbury road,
Badgemore, Henley-on-Thames
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Lower Miss, 2 Leys villas, W itney
McFie W\S. 18 St.M argaretâs rd.Oxfrd Mallam Thomas William M.A. The
Loxley Miss, 41 W est bar, Banbury
Shrubbery, Littlem ore, Oxford
McGrael Mrs. 16 Walton W ell road,
Loxley Mrs. Rose hill, Iffley, Oxford
Malleson Rev. John Philip M.A.
St. Gilesâ Oxford
Lucas A rth ur Charles, 29 Western M cGrath Rev. Ambrose O.S.M . St.
Vicarage, Great Tew, Enstone
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Philipâs priory, Begbroke, Oxford
Malleson W. T. Great Tew, Enstone
Lucas Cecil F. Ivy bank, Kidm ore id . Mclnnes Henry Airton, 46 Lonsdale Mallett Mrs. Havering house, St.
Caversham , Reading
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Clem entâs street, Oxford
Lucas Frank Greenwood,The Thatched Mackaness John G. 55 Middleton rd. Mallis Ernest, 17 W hite House road,
cottage, Iffley, Oxford
Grim sbury, Banbury
Grandpont, Oxford
Lucas John B. 66 Botley road, Oxford Mackarness Miss, 32 Leckford road, Malpas Miss, 25 Norham road, St.
Lucas Mrs. 37 Leckford rd. St. Gilesâ,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Mackarness Miss, Oakfield, Derby rd. Malpas Richard, 9 Iffley road, Oxford
Lucas. Thomas, 94 Woodstock road,
Rev. Maurice, The Vicarage,
Caversham, Reading
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Mackarness Miss, 14 St. Margaretâs
Cropredy, Leamington
Lucas Thos. W. 9 Botley rd. Oxford
Maltby Alfred, 40 Leckford road, St.
road, Oxford
L u ckett Miss, 78 Harpes road, Sum- Mackay John H. Kelmscott, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
M altby Alfred Henry, 74 Kingston
Peterâs hill, Caversham , Reading
Lu ckett Mrs. The Villa Hook Nor- j Mackay Misses, W hite cottage, Britroad, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
ton, Banburv
Maltby Mrs. 18 Parker street, Oxford
I well Salome, Wallingford