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w r k o t o r y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
several charities, am ounting to about ,£50 yearly, for ; TOUCH EN END is a sm all T ^ S e
irenticing bovs, also for coals and the parish of Bray, situated between H olyp ^ t and
: W hite*W altham^and'
â miles south
* * Maiden* - and 3J
from* the
An A ct of Parliament has vested in the j hite W altham,
head station
of the
m ncriefcfates (instead of the lord of the manor) the j head
station of
- - ' 7 W estern
u 'v
power to appoint chief and petty constables and tithing- T rinity Church,
Church a chapel
of ease to S t . Mjchael s B y
New Lodge, the seat of Col. V ictor William built
b u i l t in
i n i86a,
structure of red brick consisting of
1862, is a s'
------ « â
aisle and
Bates Van de W eyer J.P. and Lady Bm ily Van de W eyer, chancel,
chancei nave, ai^e
i * alian d so m e mansion of stone in the Tudor style, and burial ground, given by the late Capt.^W asey R .N .;
service is held on Sundays in the afternoon and in the
is supplied with water from an artesian well boring
1,243 feet in depth. Ockwells Manor, the residence of m orning on the first and third Sundays in the month by
M ajor Sir Edward A rthur Barry bait. J.P. is an the vicar of Bray or his c u ra te : there are 250 sittings.
extrem ely fine timber-fram ed mansion, erected by Sir L etters through Maidenhead. Paley street is the nearest
post office & the nearest money order & telegraph
John Norreys in the reign of Edward IV. and was
office is at Holyport, i£ miles distant
enlarged in 1899 by the present owner by the addition
all Letter Boxes.â Touchen End, cleared at 9 a.m . &
of a west wing in' a corresponding s ty le : the interior
1 & 7 p.m. ; sundays, 5-45 P-m - > Hawthorn hill,
.contains some very fine oak panelling and the windows
cleared at 10.50 a.m. & 6-15 P-m - > sundays, 10.45 a -m
o f the great hall are adorned with ancient heraldic glass.
Xord Desborough, of Taplow Court, who is lord of the Elem entary School, Touchen End (m ixed), built in 1862
manors of Bray Lowbrooks and Philberds, Col. Victor
& enlarged in 1892, for 106 children; average attendÂ
W illiam Bates Van de Weyer J.P. and the Fishmongers'
ance, 72 ; Miss Alice A. Brown, mistress
â¢Company are the principal landowners. The soil is
Money Row Green is also a part of this parish.
â¢clay and g ra v e l; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are
wheat, barley, oats &c. The parish area is 7,757 acres
W ATER O A K L E Y is a ham let 2J miles south from
of land and 63 of w ater; rateable value, £30,053; the
population in 1901 was 2,978 in the civil and 1,722 in Bray.
the ecclesiastical parish. Maidenhead, originally partly Letters through Windsor
Letter Box at The Hatch, cleared at 7.45 a -m - &
in this parish, is now a distinct civil parish.
Sexton, W illiam Edward B. Woodhouse.
& 6.10 p .m .; sundays, 7.45 a.m
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Thomas W arner Jones, sub Letter Box at W ater Oakley, cleared at 7.35 a.m. &
12.20 & 6 p .m .; sundays, 7.35 a.m
postmaster. Letters arrive from Maidenhead at 8 &
11.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m . ; dispatched Wall Letter Boxes.â Money Row green, cleared at 9.5
a.m. & 1.15 k 6.45 p.m .'; sundays, 9.45 a .m .; Bravat 8.30 & 11.40 a.m. & 7.45 p.m. ; sundays, 6.35 p.m
woodside, cleared at 9.45 a.m. & 12.30 k 6.45 p.m. ;
W a ll Letter Box, at Bray court, cleared at 8.30 & 11.30
sundays, 9.45 a.m. ; Forest green, cleared at 8.30
a.m. & 7.45 p.m. ; sundays, 6.30 p.m
a.m. & 1.15 k 6.15 p .m .; sundays, 8.30 a.m
O A K L E Y GREEN is a village 3 miles south from Bray.
X etters from Windsor arrive at 8 a.m. & 1, 6.30 & 8.20
FIF IE LD is a village 4 miles south from Maidenhead.
p.m. Clewer is the nearest money order & telegraph Here is an evangelical mission chapel, built of wood and
capable of seating 120 persons.
Wall Xetter Box cleared at 8.20 a.m . & 1.5, 6.45 & 8.10
Post Office, Windsor road.â Charles Orpwood, sub-postÂ
p .m .; Sundays, 8.20 p.m
master. Letters through Maidenhead. Bray, 1^ miles
C ountyâ Police, Edward John Huse, constable
distant, is the nearest telegraph & money order office
all L etter Box at Fifield House, cleared at 8 a.m. &
B R A Y W IC K is a hamlet in the parish of Bray,
12.45 k 6 p.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m
county court district of Windsor, 1 m ile south from the
Great" Western railway station at Maidenhead. The W all Letter Box, Windsor road, cleared at 8.20 a.m. k
& 5-45 P m - â> sundays, 8.20 a.m
Grove is the residence of Col. Sir James R. A. Clark
W all Letter Box, New Lodge farm, cleared at 8 & 11.20
a.m . & 5.20 p.m. ; sundays, 8 a.m
Wall Letter Boxes.â Situate att corner of Cross roads;
hours of collection, 9.30 a.m. & 1.15 & 7.45 p .m .; Sun School, Fifield (m ixed), built in 1857, for H 6 children;
days, 7 n.m. & at Kim bers lane, 9.30 a.m. & 2.15 &
average attendance, 112; William N icholls, master
7.45 p .m .; sundays, 4.15 p.m
Boyne Hill, Cox Green and T ittle Row, within the civil
Elem entary Schools (girls & infants), built in 1454 as
the Courthouse of the m anor; it will hold 117 parish of Bray, form a separate ecclesiastical parish and
â¢children; average attendance, 78; Miss Mary Jane are given under the heading of Maidenhead.
Ayres, mistress
BRAYWOOD is an ecclesiastical parish, iormed
H OLYPORT is a hamlet in the parish of Bray, 1 mile A ugust 22, 1871, out of the m other parishes of Bray
south-south-west from Bray and 2 miles south from and W inkfield; it includes the sm all places of Fifield
Maidenhead ; it contains a Wesleyan chapel. A charity and Oakley Green, a small portion of Winkfield and a
was left by William Cherry esq. for the education of part of Crantourne, and is 3 miles south from Bray
two boys and one girl of this place.
and 3 west from Windsor. The church of A ll Saints,
Fledborough Hall, the seat of Alfred Barnard Basset erected in 1866 at the sole cost of the late Madam Van
esq. F .R .S. is built on the site of an old house, called de Weyer, is a cruciform building of cut flint with Bath
Bourne Bridge Lodge, which form erly belonged to Sir stone dressings, in the E arly English and Decorated
Robert Sidney kt. ; the present house is named after styles, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, south
the manor of Fledborough in Nottingham shire.
and west porches and an em battled western tower conÂ
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Herbert Woodford, sub-post taining 5 b e lls: there are 280 sittings. The register
master. Letters from Maidenhead arrive at 7 & ir.15 dates from the year 1866. The living is a vicarage,
а.m. & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.45 & 11.15 a.m. & 1.10 net yearly value £98, with residence, in the gift of
& 7.25 p.m . ; sundays, arrival at 7 a.m. & dispatch Col. Victor William Bates Van de W eyer, of W7inkfield,
б.15 p.m
and held since 1867 by the Rev. W illiam Browning
W all L etter Box, opposite Fledborough Hall, cleared at Turner B.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. Col. Victor
9.15 a.m. & r & 7.15 p.m. ; sundays, 6.15 p.m
William Bates Van de Weyer J.P. of New Lodge, is
Elem entary School, built in 1848 & since twice enlarged the principal landowner.
by John Hibbert esq. & again by public subscription
Parish Clerk and Sexton, W illiam Simmonds.
in 1910, for 149 boys & in fa n ts; average attendance,
106; W alter Almond Eagers, master
County Police, Ernest Thorne, constable
W all L etter Box, Braywood inn, cleared at 8.15 a.m. &
12.55 k 6.35 p.m. ; sundays, 8.15 a.m
Cluer Albert Rowland, Idlehurst
] Hart Sidney, Normanton
(Marked thus * receive their letters *Crum plin W. J. Ockwells cottage, IHearn Mrs. The Orchards
i Henderson Mrs. Cruchfield house,
Kim berâs lane
through Maidenhead direct.)
Hawthorne hill (postal address,
Digby Thomas J. Weir bank
Duff Gordon, 6 Bettoney vere
*Adam s Wm. Languedoc, Windsor rd Fitz Clarence Mrs. De la Pole
Hudson Lionel, Crow's nest
Archer *Ford Frederick Thomas, K im berâs *James Wm. The Poplars,Windsor rd
K .C ., M.P. Kim berscote, K im berâs
jJarry Mrs n Ferry end
house. Kim berâs lane
lane ; & 25 Pembroke rd. Kensing Fulford Misses
Kinloch Miss, Bray lodge
ton, London W
Gawthern Rev. John Charles M.A. Lam b Mrs. Home view
Barry Major Sir Edward A rth ur bart.
(m aster & chaplain), Jesus hospital Mackintosh William S. Thornyeroft
J.P. Ockwells manor
Groves Leonard Alloway, 4 Bettoney McMeekin G. W. Alinagar
Barry Cecil Sidney, Brayfield cottage 1
â¦Morrison Miss, Bray rise.W indsor rd