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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
n0B S E, S H E E P & C A T T L E
pettifer Thomas & Co. Unicorn hotel,
Banbury; & at Eydon
H O R T IC U L T U R A L b l u r s
B o u lto n & P a u l L i m i t e d ,
wich ; price lists free
H O S IE R S & G L O V E R S .
Adamson & Co. 102 & 103 High st.
O x fo rd
rjook & Boggis, 3» 5 & 7 Market sq.
& 39 Bridge street, Witney
J. & Son Limited, 19 Queen
street, Oxford
j udire J. Harold, 63 High street, BanÂ
bury S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
M a r y c h u r c h & B ackler, 6 Queen st.
* O x fo r d .
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
Percy Mrs. Annie, 23 Bell street,
H e p worth
H e n le y -o n -T h a m e s
Swears & Co.
1 King Edward
O x fo rd
Winstedt Isaac, 3 Broad st. Oxford
fgff F u ll li s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
U n ite d K i n g d o m , s e e T e x t i l e
D ir e c t o r y . P r ic e 3 6 s .]
H O S P IT A L S , i n f i r m a r i e s
& D IS P E N S A R IE S .
Oxford Medical Dispensaiy & Lying-in Littlemore, Oxfordâ Swan, Thomas
Charity (A. Rivers-Willson Ph.D.,
Hawkins, Kennington Island
L .S .A ., F.C.S. 42 Wellington sq. Nettlebed, Henley-on-Thames : â
& E. Wenham Alden M .R .C.S.
Bull, Mrs. Elizabeth Maunder
Eng., L .S.A . 37 Beaumont street
Red Lion, Charles Scott
surgeons & accoucheurs; Herbert Oxford : â
Clarendon, George Saunders, CornÂ
John Parsons, treasurer ; Alderman
John H. Salter, chairman ; Thomas
market street
William Mallam, hon. sec. ; Henry
East Gate, Henry John Beechey, 73
Coles, collector, 127 Kingston rd.),
High street
George, Albert Thomas Searle, ia,
126 High street, Oxford
Radcliffe Infirmary & County HosÂ
George street
pital (Capt. G. C. Rynd, secretary
Goiden Cross, Mrs. C. Ball, 5 CornÂ
superintendent; F. W . A. Philpott,
market street
dispenser; Miss A. J.Watt,matron ;
Grandpont, Mansell James Gillett,
for medical staff see p. 215), Wood1 Edith road, Grandpont
stock road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Great Western, Jesse Miles, 23
St. Johnâs Hospital & Hume for ladies
Hythe Bridge street, St. Ihom asâ
of slender means (under the care of
King's Arms. E. & J. George,Parks
All Saintsâ Sisters), St. Maryâs rd.
road & 40 Holywell street
Cuwley, Oxford
Market vaults, Clement Arthur
Watlington Cottage Hospital (Thos.
Spicer, 134 High street
A Hawkesworth M.B.Lond. & Thos.
Mitre (Miss Thorn, manageress),
King-Edwards M D.Dub. medical
High street
officers; Rev. Sidney C. Saunders
Railway (MissA. Warren,mungrss.),
M .A. hon. sec. ; Miss Walford, maÂ
17 Park End street, St. Thomasâ
tron), Hill road, Watlington, W alÂ
Randolph Hotel Co. Lim. (Miss M.
J. Crewe, m ngrss.), Beaumont st
Roebuck, James Austin Drayton, 8,
9 & 10 Cornmarket street
Sandford-upon-Thames, Oxford: â
Brown & Sons, Nettlebed, Henley-on
Kingâ s Arms, Richard Pether
Shillingford â Shillingford
Gill & Co. 5 High street, Oxford.
Alfred Fryer Reynolds
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thamesâ Plough,
Isons, Kidman & Watts, 57 CornÂ
Owen William Porter
market street, Oxford
Mawle John & Sons. 65 High street.
Crown, Mrs. Ann Gomin Coombes
Banbury. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Sonning Eye, Readingâ French Horn,
Rowell George Joseph,3 Alfred street.
Mrs. Bessie Walter
St. Gilesâ , Oxford. S e e a d v e r  Tetsworthâ Swan,James Fras. Witney
tis e m e n t
Thame: â
Black Horse, William Dunk, 11
Horse Shoes,j . Young, Park st
Arranged to Names of Places.
Spread Eagle, Brighton W . LidingBamptonâ Talbot, William Norman
ton, Cornmarket
Banbury: â
Swan, George Albert Baker, 10 Upper
Red Lion, John W . Bloomfield, 7
High street
High street
Vine, Albert A. Thornitt, Cornhill, Wheatleyâ Railway, Hy. Jas. Brown
Witney : â
Market place
Fleece, Samuel Herbert Crulev, n
White Horse Commercial, Mrs.
Church green
Helen Selina Busby, High street
Marlborough Arms Family & ComÂ
White Lion family & commercial,
mercial, William Blunt, 28 MarÂ
Thomas A. Page, 64 High street
ket square
Benson, Wallingford : â
Woodstockâ Bear,
Crown, Ernest William Northway
Park street
White Hart, Chas. Fredk. Barrett
Bicester: â
Crown family & commercial, John Gogehan Mrs. Mary E . Rivermead,
Peacock-Drover, 11 Sheep street
Kingâs Arms family & commercial. The Isis (Miss E.Baker, proprietress),
49. 51 & 53 Iffley road, Oxford.
Harry Bonner, Market square
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
Burfordâ Bull, Frank Arthurs
Caversham, Readingâ Thames Valley,
Thomas J. Cove, 2 Bridge street
Charlbury: â
See Temperance Hotels.
Bell, Ihomas Constable
Rose & Crown, Stephen Langford
Chipping Norton: â
Chambers John, 17 Hart street, HenÂ
Crown, Jn. Bevercombe, 23 High st
White Hart, Edwin J. James, High
Abingdonâ Railway, John See Agentsâ Land, House & Estate.
Richard Revnolds
Dorchester, Wallingfordâ White Hart,
Bertie James Franklin
See Painters & House Decorators.
East Adderbury, Banburyâ Red Lion,
H O T W A T E R E N G IN E E R S .
Bicester Infectious Diseases Hospital
(Cecil M. Hendriks M.B.Durh. &
Herbert Birch Long M .B .C.S.Eng.,
Miss Burton, matron1), Bicester
Burford Cottage Hospital (Cyril Thos.
Cheatle M .R .C.S.Eng.,
Lond. medical officer; Wyndham
Hughes, se c .; Miss Alice Oliver,
matron), Upton road, Burford
Cutler Boulter Provident Dispensary
(Ivie H. Bell, dispenser), Worcester
â¢street & 4 Marston street, CowÂ
ley, Oxford
Headington Rural District Isolation
Hospital (Robt. Hitchings M .R.C.S
Eng. medical officer; Mrs. Mary
Rutter, matron), Headington.Oxfrd
Henley-on-Thames Isolation Hospital
(Arthur R. Lloyds, se c.; Sidney
Moore, caretaker), Fair Mile, Henlev-on-Thames
Henley & Wallingford Joint Smallpox
M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R C.P.Lond. mediÂ
cal officer), Whitelands, Pishill,
Horton Infirmary (President, John
Horton esq.; consultants: C. L. H.
Pemberton M .D.Brux., M .R .C.S.
Tfc L.S.A. & E. Franey M .R .C.S. &
L.S.A. ; medical officers: A. Tisdall Johns M.D , B Ch.Dub. Hugh
M.D Edin.
M.D Edin.
& A.
Boissier M .R .C.S. & L.R.C.P. ; hon.
dental surgeon, H. R. F. Brooks
L.D S.Edin.,
& Ireland;
house surgeon, William H. Hart
M B.Dub. ; matron, Miss Gertrude
Halstead; hon. sec. E. Lamley
Fisher), Oxford road, B°nbury
Oxford Corporation Hospital for InÂ
fectious Diseases (Mi«s M. G>av,
matron), Cold Arbour, St. Aldateâs,
Oxford Eye Hospital (attendance from
Charles Wilton
9 a.m.) (Robert W alt. Doyne M .A .,
F-R C.S. & Philip Edward Homer Eynshamâ Red Lion family & comÂ
mercial, Edward Alexander,High st
¿dams M .A ., M B ., B.Ch., D.O.
Dxon., F.R .C.S.Eng. hon.surgeons ; Goring, Reading: â
Miller of Mansfield (Miss N. Cooper,
Lionel William Seymour M .R .C.S.,
LR.C.P.. L.S.A. hon. clinical asÂ
sistant; R. Glanville Waddy M .B ., Henley-on-Thames : â
Angel, W m. Finch, Thames side
Oh.M.Syd., D O.Oxon. house surÂ
Catherine Wheel, Ernest Barton, 7
geon ; Miss Effie W hite, matron;
& 9 Hart street
^urg.-Gen. A. F. Bradshaw M .A.,
Red Lion family (Francis C. Lenzer,
J'B., K.H.P. hon. sec.; R. Middlemanager), Thames side
on Hill, hon. treasurer), Walton
Royal, Frederick
street, Oxford
H O T E L S âP R I V A T E .
H O T E L S âT E M P E R A N C E .
H O U S E F U R N IS H E R S .
Balfour J. K. & Son, 20 Bridge st.
Blake George & Co. 33 St. Gilesâ
street & 77 & 38 Little Clarendon
street, Oxford
Bolwell Arthur John, 6 High street,
Chipping Norton
Brazier Albert W m . 57 High st.Oxford
Brotherton & Son, High st.Woodstock
Chapman Brothers, 2 High street &
Broad street, Banbury
oxo v.