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d ir e c t o r y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
Sandford, Dryâ Hicks, â Horse & Jockey,â mon. wed. &
Shillingfordâ Moores, â Lion,â mon. ; Brown, * Lion, mon
Southmoorâ Brown, â Lion,â mon. & fr i.; Richings,
â Lion,â mon. wed. thurs. & sat
Stadhamptonâ Jeffrey, â Blue Boar,â mon
Standlakeâ Dunsden, â Three Tuns,â mon
Stanfordâ Brown, â Lion,â mon. k fri
Steventonâ Calcutb, â Holly Bush,â 6 p.m. wed. k sat.;
Barber, â George k Dragon,â d a ily ; Tyrrell, â Old
B ell,â daily
Sunningwellâ East, â Horse & Jockey,â mon. fri. & sat.;
Bonner, Ock street, mon. wed. & fri
Sutton Courtenayâ Poulton, â Old Bell,' d a ily ; TreadÂ
well, Queenâs hotel, daily
Tham eâ Jeffrey, â Blue Boar,â mon
Uffingtonâ Brown, â Lion,â mon. & fri
Uptonâ F ry, â Old Bell,â mon
Andrew Albert Henry, 13 Conduit rd
Atkinson John W illiam, Oxford road
Bailey W m . Batten, 12 Cem etery rd
Bailie M aj.-Gen. Thomas M ., J.P.
Caldecott house, Caldecott road
Baker Mrs. 28 East St. Helen street
Baker S. H ., M.A. (assistant master
at Abingdon school), School lodge,
Albert park
Ballard Mrs. 23 Park road
Barnett Francis C. C. Larkhill,
Beesley Ernest H. 27 Oxford road
Belcher Charles E. The Chestnuts,
Bevir William B.A. (assistant master
at Abingdon school), School lodge,
Albert park
Blandy Mrs. The Warren, Radley rd
Bliss Sir Henry William J.P .,K .C .I.E .
The Abbey
Bowen Thos. Westbourne, Park road
Box Rev. W illiam Bromley B.A. (asÂ
sistant master at Abingdon school),
Tesdale house, Marcham road
Brewerton Benjamin, Caldecott road
Brind Robert Whitehead, Inglewood,
Victoria road
Buckle Mrs. Elm a, Victoria road
Budgett Mrs. Lady grove
Burgess James Ernest, Warriston,
Victoria road
Butters Rev. Stanley B.A.(W esleyan).
Trinity house, Conduit road
C arter John, 49 Bath street
Caudwell Misses, Allowah,Victoria rd
Challenor Bromley, The Firs, MarÂ
cham road
Challenor Edward Marchant, The
Anchorage, Springfields
Lim es, Broad street
Childs Miss, Brooklands,Marcbam rd
Chivers Hrbt.TheBungalow,Oxford rd
Clark Hv. Thos. W astecourt. Bath st
Clark Mrs. St Helenâs Mill house
Cobb John, Fitzharris house
Cocks Reginald Howard, Holly lodge
Radley road
Copeland Mrs. 8 Conduit road
Couldrey Frederic Knight, 47 East
St. Helen street
Cousins Mrs. 46 Bath street
Coxeter Edward, Clewer, A'lbert park
Coxeter W illiam M. 27 Ock street
' Cullen Edwin, 22 East St. Helen st
dâAlm aine Harry Geo. W m . 3 Ock st
Daniell Leonard Wilberforce, 6 ConÂ
duit road
Davenport W illiam A rth ur, Bank ho
The Square
Davis Jn. Sidney M.A. 4 St. Johnâs rd
Dennis John, 40 Bath street
Dodson Miss, 38 Spring road
Dunkin Fredk.S. Victoria lo.Albert pk
Dupont Edward, St. Johnâs road
Ellison Mrs. 3 St. John's road
Emerton Edward John. Abbey cottage
Enock Humphrey. 57 Bath street
Estridge Edward M.A. The Square
Evelvn Mrs. 18 Conduit road
a b im g iio v .
W allingtonâ Jeffrey, â Blue Boar,â mon
Wallingfordâ Andrews, â Old Bell,â mon. ; Hawkins Bros.
â Old^Bell,â mon. k wed. ; Holloway, â Old B ell,â mon.
& thurs
W antageâ Brown, â Lion,â mon. & fri
Warboroughâ Moores, â Lion,â mon
West Hendredâ Hiskins, â Blue Boar,â mon. & fri
Witneyâ Douglas, â Blue Boar,â mon. k fri
Woottonâ Trender, -Black Swan,â mon. k fr i.; Vasey,
â Horse & Jockey,' mon. wed. & sat
Carter, Paterson k Co. Lim ited, Heinrich L. Pabst,
agent, 17 Radley road
Sutton k Co. carriers to all p a rts ; agents, Ely
Brothers, Stert street
Railway Station.
Great Western, Stert street, Thomas Franklin, station
m aster
Fairthorne Berkley W illiam , Lindfield, Muleock Mrs. 44 Bath street
Xavlor Mrs. Crescent crt. Park road
Farmer Jn. P. Casnewydd, Oxford rd Norman Lady, 36 Bath street
Oliver Mrs. 53 Bath street
Usher Airs. 9 East St. Helen street
Parker Ernest Philip, Conduit road
Freeman Charles, 2 St. Johnâs road
French Charles E. St. Michaelâs lo. Parsons W illiam, 52 Bath street
Paxman E lijah , Barton lodge, St.
Albert park
Johnâs road
Gadd WTilliam Fletcher, 31 East St.
Payne Miss, 10 Conduit road
Helen street
Mrs. 9 Conduit road
George Miss, 7 The Abbey
Gibson H. H., M .A. (Assistant master Piper Miss, Colwyn, Park road
at Abingdon school), School lodge, Pope Frederick F. 14 Conduit road
Preston A rth u r Edwin, Whitefield,
Albert park
A lbert park
Gillett William H. 42 Ock street
Gillingham W m .P. Avondale, Park rd Pryee Alfred Owen C. 60 East St.
Greenawav Jas. Dovedale. Oxford rd
Harris Edwd. Jn. J.P. 15 Albert pk Pryce Chas.Alfd. 60 East St. Helen st
Harris John, Joy mount, Northcourt Puckridge W illiam Henry M .A. 44
East St. Helen street
Harris Mrs. 15 Albert park
Pullen Mrs. 9 Oxford road
Hays Albert, 67 Stert street
Right Rev. James Leslie
Hayward M. Cecil M .A., M.B. 65
D.D. (bishop suffragan of Reading),
Stert street
Abbey house
Hearn Misses, Roxwell. Albert park
Rant James, 58 Ock street
Hearne W illiam. 35 Bath street
Reynolds Mrs. The Gables, Bath st
Heath Miss. 6 The Square
Hemming Edward James. 26 High st Rippon Claud M .A. Springfield house,
Hemming Geo. 43 E ast St. Helen st
Rouillard Charles L. A. Northcourt lo
Hemming Miss, 55 Bath street
Hemming: W alter Henry. 27 Park rd Rudd W. A ., M .A. (assistant master
of Abingdon school), School house,
Hooke William Henry, 2 Park cres
Albert park
Hoyland Edward R. H. Dunlewv,
James Quilter, Bank house,
Market place
H um frev Harold, Linda, Albert park
Isaac Mrs. Barton court, Radley road Ruttv Mrs. 36 Ock street
Sandys Miss. 30 East St. Helen street
Jackson Frank R. 28 Ock street
Kelleher V ery Rev. Canon Frank J. Saxbv George, Twickenham house,
20 East St. Helen street
(Catholic priest), Radley road
Langford Edgar Stanley, Wontton rd Scott Charles Robert M.B. 46 East
St. Helen street
Langford Ernest James, Redcliffe,
Sedgefield W alter Jas. 38 Bath st
Park road
Langford Robert W. Donnington. Shepherd Edward Leader, The L in Â
dens, A lbert park
Albert park
Lavng Rev. Thomas M.A. (head Shepherd George W illiams, Albert p k
master of Abingdon school), School Short Mrs. 42 Bath street
Simpson Herbert Percival, 3 Bridge st
house. A lbert park
Simpson W illiam Musson. 33 East
L°ach Thomas. 52 Ock street
St. Helen street
Leonard James, 45 East St. Helen st
Thomas, Sum m erfield, WootLeverett Miss, 17 Ock street
ton road
Lewis Arthur Henrv. Abinger.Park rd
Sm ith W m . F. Torville, Albert park
Lewis Mrs. 16 Conduit road
Longland Mrs. Olanfield ho.Albert pk Spearing Rev. Owen Frederick M.A.
(curate), Coigne cot. Victoria road
Loosley Harry George, i t Oxford rd
Maitland Rev. Herbert Thomas M.A Staniland Geo. 49 East St. Helen st
(vicar of Abingdon,surrogate, rural Stevens Charles, 5 The Square
dean k chaplain of the W ork Stone Rev. Edward Daniel M.A.
Helensbourne, East St. Helen st
house), Vicarage, Albert park
Stowell Rev. Stanley Herbert M.A.
Martin Paulin, 26 Ock street
(Cong.), Swanlow, Wootton ro a d
Martin Paulin John. 24 Ock street
Tate John Thomas, 74 Spring ro a d
Medd Mrs The Vinevard
Mellersh Wilfred Duke. The Laurels. Tatham M eabum Talbot M .A., J .P .
Northcourt house
Spring road
More Alfred Thomas B.Sc. Morecot, Thomas Rev. Chas. Stephenson M.A.
! (curate), 57 Bostock avenue
Park road
ITownsend Jas. Glenburn, Albert park
Morland Alec W. 31 Bath street
Morland Geo. H. Ock Lea. 36 Ock st Townsend Mrs. 175 Ock street
Morland J H. E. (assistant m aster Townsend Thomas, 1 Spring terrace
Trafford Misses, 7 Ock street
of Abingdon school). 31 Bath st
Morland Jn. Thornhill M A .31 Batli st Turner Mrs. W averlev, 8 Albert p a r k
Morland Misses. The Orchard, Calde Vinev Frederick, 15 Ock street
Waldrond Theodor Riversdale, L a c i e
cott road
court. Bath street
M 'rrell Rev. Gerald Lloyd M.A.
Wells Mrs Fern villa. Oxford ro a d
Creake house. Albert park