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d i r e c t o r y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
R E A D IN G .
.here is Bembridge p i . . . . 3 Saracenâs Head p . h . Mrs. 187 Johnston John
Bessie Davies
112 Be vis Frank Wilfred,groer
189 Williamson Mrs
116 Milsom J. & Sons, coal! 5 & 7 Johnson Ernest G.
here is Victoria sq. .
L ittle Johns lane.
528 Oxford road.
12 Pyke Jason Richard,ins.agt
24 Bacon Mrs.Margaret,shpkpr
. . . . here is Sherwood st . . . .
. . . . here Great Western RailÂ
way crosses ...............
Woodley Albert Dwight, marÂ
ket gardener
here is Kingsgate st
9 & 64 Allen C. & Co. picture 199 Smart Miss
frame makers
boot repairer
201 Hayward Thomas
124 Carter Fredk. beer retailer
Abbey Hall
203 Goodwin Mrs
....h ere is Watlingion s t . . . .
here is Abbey sq..........
here is Rupert st..
Milsom J. & Sons, buildersâ 15 Warren Charles F. beer ret 205 Gilford Hastings f . r . c . s .
merchants (Portland whf) 17 Thorp Thomas, bookseller
Eng. surgeon
140 Empire Model Laundry 21 Grey Henry Geo. corn mer 209 Turner Mrs
Liverpool road.
2 1 a , Eaton Ernest C.bair drssr 211 Hammond-Smith Arthur,
(receiving house)
Railway bridge, London road.
144 Heather George, beer ret 23 Bryant Robt. tobacconist
dental surgeon
e a s t s id e .
25 Cocks Charles & Co. Ltd. 213 Moss
148 Fox Edward, fruiterer
Arthur William,
52 Irwin Robt.Jas.C.insur.agt
pickle manufacturers
150 Bassil Robert, tobacconist
teacher of music
B a p t is t C h a p e l
152 Hutchins Wm. Jn. beer ret
215 Fairbairn Rev.
Robert 250 H ayw*ard Geo. watch ma
260 Slade James, smith
Paragon Electric Theatre,
156 Sleep George & Son, confr
Gordon b . a . [BaptistJ
Baker & Lowe, proprs 217 McNeil Alexander
280 Borough of Reading Steam
156 Reading Guild of Help (F.
Laundry Co. Limited
Bernard Bourdillon, sec) 27 Phillips & Son, millwrights 221 Pigott Henry Glanville
w e st s id e .
158 Turner Albert
Henry, 31 Belcher Miss Dora, milliner 223 Squire Ethelbert William
59 Jennings & Co. butchers
33 Kirby George, hair dresser
grindery dealer
m . b . surgeon
166 Digweed Jas. dining rooms 35 Norris Robert Alfd. chemist 229 & 231 Reading Guardians 61 Cbcsterman David, grocer
Harry James,
168 Butler Miss Violet Dorothy, 37 Burrows
Childrenâs Homes
London road.
pork butcher
W y c l if f e B a p t is t C h a p e l
170 Borough Arms p . h . George 39 Salman Arthur H. draper
London street.
K ing- E d w a r d âs b l d g 'S .
41 George & Dragon p . h .
n o r t h s id e .
See S t a t i o n r o a d .
Mrs. Malvina Warren
here is Kennet st..........
3 Harrington Fredk. confctnr
172 Board of Trade Labour 43 Burnham Frederick, saddler
5 Godden John, newsagent
K in g âs Meadow road.
Exchange (HaroldHardy- is Abbey st............
7 Hasker William, baker
Vastern road.
Jackson, manager)
45 & 47 Belcher Chas. butcher
9 Plumridge Wm. Artli. grocer
174 Sawyer Edwin, stationer
Ridley William & Sons, 8 Harris Mrs. Eli/.h. confctnr II Uffcn Percival Jas.confctnr
buildersâ mers.(Abbey whf) 12 Pointer Robert, refresh 13 & 15 Dunston Joseph NewÂ
176 Streeter John, grocer
71 Church Ernest, coffee rms
178 Lee James G. draper
man, oil & color man
ment rooms
180 Weeks Chas. Wm. boot rep 77 Warwick Arms p . h . FredÂ
Reading Corporation Public 17 Cooke Wm. Fredk. draper
erick William Clark
182 Eastmans Ltd. butchers
Swimming Baths (D. 19 Nash Albert, watch maker
.here is Queen's rd
>79 Page Frank, pawnbroker
Cooper, attendant) 21 Rapley George, fruiterer
188 Jennings & Co. butchers
81 Farnham United Breweries
Reading Public Recreation 23 Godden Henry, stationer
190 Dawson Arthur, fruiterer
Ltd. wine & spirit mers
27 Spencer Jas. T. ironmonger
192 Hanson Miss
83 Sparks Thomas C. grocer
29 Packer George, fruiterer
194 Humphries
John, tern- 87 WalkerC. H. & Sons, pianoK ingsgate street.
here is East st ..........
forte warehouse
perance hotel
4 Orts road to Kingâs road. 31 Turkâs Head p . h . Robert
89 Hunt Mrs. Agnes,dining rms
196 Baker Henry
23 May John, chair cancr
198 Colbourn Sydney C. photo 91 Cooper George John,musical
33 Ancient Order of Foresters
instrument dealer
(Geo. L.Eoddington, sec)
Lavender street.
200 Boseley William Dymore, 93 Leach Wm. Oliver, cycle dir
35 James Miss Gertrude,mill)ir
95 Clifford Bros, hair dressers 64 Hosier street to Soho street. 39 Knowles Vernon l . d . s . r . c . s .
teacher of music
here is Eldon r i ............ 97 Hill Philip, grocer
Eng. dental surgeon
99 Ball Miss Mary, tobacconist 8 Poole Mrs. Mary Ann, beer 43 Goadby
202 Gillow Mrs
Allan Lindsay
retailer &c
101 Palmer & Lumb, printers
204 Jarman Josiah Thomas
L.D.s.R.c.s.Eng. dentist
105 Trott Frederick John, 12 Charlton Henry, fruiterer
206 Law William
here is Sid mouth st........
coffee rooms
............ here is Eldon st............
45 Clowes Norton Burroughs
Lennox road
238 Swain Misses Annie&Ada, 107 Winchester Geo com dir
M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P.LOnd.
109 Woodin Mrs. E. m.shpkpr St.Peterâs Wbykeham rd.
dress makers
physician & surgeon
246 Local Window Cleaning 111 Hubner A. M. & Co. truss 10 Barney Henry, insur.agent 45 a , Baker Miss Ann, aparts
Co. (Wm. Love, manager)
See adverÂ
47 Cunningham Albert Henry
250 Male Geo. Percy m . r . c . v . s .
tis e m e n t
Leopold road.
49 Hawkes Mrs
veterinary surgeon
113 Loxton & Lucas,hairdrssrs 119 Orts road to Rupert street. 51 Pânilp Miss
here is Victoria st.......... 115 & 117 Cox Frederick Alfred,
53 Grigsby Mrs
W E S T S ID E .
252 The Berkshire p . h . Samuel
55 Papillon Miss
Harry Higgs
here is Forbury rd.......... 11 Keeling Mrs. Ellen, shopkpr 57 Inland
Revenue (Land
E A S T S ID E .
254 & 256 Berkshire Printing
Huntley & Palmers Ltd.
Valuation Department)
here is Florence p i
Co. printers &c
wholesale biscuit manfrs
(Louis II. Bailey, district
here is Montague s t .. . . 139 Absolom John, chimney 46 Beasley Alfred, shopkeeper
52 Alder George, beer retailer
258 Pearce Chas. wire wrkr. &c
59 Righton Miss
264 May Miss Alice, dress ma 161 Ackerman & Co. wirewrks 72 Dinsdale Ernest, butcher i 61 Wells Mrs
270 Crust Frederick James, in 16 L Reading Charity Organstn 74 Carter William Charles,
Francis Edwin, fruiterer
grocer, & post office
land revenue officer
161 Reading Temperance &
67 Royal
. . . . here is Fatherson rd
General PhilanthropieSoc
George Banks
Letcombe street.
286 Sherwood Hy. mon.mason 161 Berkshire Bee Keepersâ
69 Pinker John, monumental
37 Mill lane to Church street.
294 Newberry Francis, builder
E A S T S ID E .
W all L etter B ox
161 Reading Band of Hope
. . . . here is Watlington st . . . .
Black Henry Frank, wheel 71 Gibson Mrs
296 Short Mrs. Annie M. dress
maker is Ortsrd..............
73 Stevens Ernest
300 Portsmouth Robert
163 Cox Franklin m . r . c . s . , 1 Noble Fredk. furniture dir
here is Princes s t ........
302 Brown William
l . r . c . p . surgeon
here is Eldon s q ..........
Fosterâs parcels express 75 Hamilton Arthur
304 Moss Charles, registrar of 165 Mackie Mrs. John, aparts
here is Church st . . . . . . 79 I% o tt Henry
births & deaths for the 165 Elder Rev. Albert Ewart
w e s t s id e .
sub-district of St. Giles
m . a . [curate of St. Johnâs]
81 Rose Francis J.boysâ school
. . here is Little Crown yard . . 85 Holbrook Misses
& deputy registrar of 167 Ward Bert
169 & 171 Royal Berks HosÂ
87 Hayter Robert Charles
pital Pri vate N ursesâ Hme
306 Hamilton Miss Bragatha,
89 Eighteen John Herbert
Lincoln road.
private nursing home
173 Bowen John
91 Hill Edward
From Surrey road.
308 Davis Arthur
175 Oades Geoffry
93 Hasker William
w e s t s id e .
310 Prince Wm. upholsterer
l . d . s . dental surgeon
95 Hurst Mrs. Ada, nursing
312 Morley Henry Thomas
177 Priestley Rev. Edgar b . a . 2 Attrce Albert Jolin.dairymn
314 Warmingham Alfred Wm
headmaster of Kendrick
97 Harris Mins
L ittle C ro w n ya rd .
316 Salisbury
99 Bartlett Mrs
Club, Wm. J. Monger, sec 179 ParfittFelix William L.n.s. 2 Let-conibo street to South- . . . . here is Fatherson rd . . . .
â¢pton street.
318 Bowden Edward, monudental surgeon
101 John«tonDavid Richmond
mental mason
179 Parfitt John Brodribb Bland *, Hawkins & Co. inaltho
a . , l . r .c . p . physician &<
l . r . c . p .,
m . r . c . s .,
l . d .s .
332 Dormain John R
103 James Archibald Simona
Little street.
Jack of Both Sides p . h .
dental surgeon
105 Salmon Miss
44 Cambridge st. to Mason st. 107 Knowles John
Herbert Lawrence Talbot 181 Beach Mrs
w e s t s id e ,
j 183 Maddison John
N O R T H S ID E .
I I I Thorp Thomas
1 Jackson E. & Sons, outfittrsl 185 Slaughter Charles Henry
1a, Art b r Charles,sli- Jcoej'or 113 Whiting Miss
122 Downes Robert Edward,