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(W illiam W iddows, clerk),

Burden Rowland M .P.S. 1 0 Bridge st.
Caversham, Reading
O h a r lb u r v
rhinDing Norton (Thomas Mace, clerk Cartwright Arthur, 25 Bell st. Hen­
to the burial board; John Hughes,
Clayton C. 158 Cowley road, Oxford
sexton), Chipping Norton
fleadington (Henry Baines Oxford, Clegg Stanley H ., M .P.S. 71 High
street, Oxford
clerk), Headington, Oxford
flenley-ofl-Thames (Arthur Richard Coley Robert, 95 High st. Thame
Lloyds, clerk to the burial board, Court Geo. Fredk. 36 Lit. Clarendon
street, St. Giles’, Oxford
Bank chambers, 12 Hart street;
William Gray, curator), Fair mile, Cousins Thomas & Sons, 20 Magdalen
street & 2 & 63 Banbury road, St.
H enley-on-Tham es
Giles’ , Oxford
Oxford Corporation (Richard Bacon,
registrar; T. Morris, superinten­ Cowley & Son, Market place, Deddington, Oxford
Morris, superintendent),
Wolver- Dolbear & Goodall, 108 High street,
cote), Oxford
St Cross (Wm , Margetts Miller, *Druce George Claridge Hon.M .A.,
F.L.S. 118 High street, Oxford.
keeper), Holywell, Oxford
See a d v e r tis e m e n t
St. John’s (John Hunt, keeper),
Dutton George William, Bampton
Cowley road, Oxford
St. Mary’s (Jas. C. Coleman, keeper), Fox Arthur E. 23 Parsons street & 6
Middleton rd. Grimsbury, Banbury
Osney lane, Osney, Oxford
St. Sepulchre’s (E
Hy. Johnson, Goodman T. R. 5 High st. Banbury
Green George Turton M .P.S. Market
** keeper), Walton street, Oxford
place. Henley-on-Thames
Witney (Robert Frederick Cuthbert,
clerk & registrar ; Giles Pumfrey, Gunstone Herbt. C. 42 High st.Oxfrd
Hill James Charles M .P.S. Market
keeper), Corn street, Witney
place, Watlington, Wallingford
Woodstock (Adolphus Ballard M .A .,
Houghton & Son, 53 St. Clement’ s st
LL.B. clerk), Woodstock
Howitt W . H . iq Corn market,Thame
Jenkins Alexander, 194 Banbury rd.
Treacher Mrs. Ellen, 39 Reading rd.
Summertown, Oxford
•lull Alfred Proctor, Charlbury
*Lewis G. W . 33 Market sq. Bicester
Morris Henry William George, 18
[ 42sf F u ll lis t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
High street, Chipping Norton
U n ite d K i n g d o m , s e e C a b i n e t Mosley & King, Goring, Reading
& F u r n i t u r e T r a d e s D i r e c t o r y . ] ^Mountain John T. 16 & 18 Sheep st.
Puddifer Walter, 29 Temple st. Cowley
Neave Richd. G. ao Market sq.Witney
St. John, Oxford
Webb T. (basket), 56 Sheep street, Oxford Drug Co. Limited,
132 High street & 146
Cowley road, Oxford
Palmer James, 9 North Parade aven
Bass John, Cbinnor, Wallingford
St. Giles’, Oxford
Collins William, Chinnor, Wallingford Pearce F. Hi<?h st. Chipping Norton
Croxford Caleb, Chinnor, Wallingford Ransom William Thomas M .P.S. 17
Fortnam William, Chinnor,Wallingfrd
Market square, Witney
Gibbs William, Oakley, Wallingford Rix Henry Grey, Church street,
Honer A. Spriggs alley. Wallingford
Caversham, Reading
Hopkins George, Chinnor, Wallingford Simpson Thomas, Bloxham, Banbury
Howlett Harry, Oakley, Wallingford Squire James, 41 Queen st. Oxford
Howlett James, Oakley, Wallingford
Stephan William Henry, 9 Market
Ives George, Oakley, Wallingford
place. Chipping Norton
Munday Albert H. Couching street, Thorpe T. F. 7 Market st. Woodstock
Watlington, Wallingford
Thurland Thos. 66 St.Giles’ st. Oxford
Rogers Benj. Chinnor, Wallingford
Walklett George James, 26 Park End
Southain Thos. Chinnor, Wallingford
street, St. Thomas’, Oxford
Turner Harry, Chinnor, Wallingford White Timothv Co. Limited, 2 Bell
Webb W. Highmoor, Henley-on-Thms
street, Henley-on-Thames
White William, Patemore lane, W at­ [¿ 2T F u ll lis t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
lington, Wallingford
U n ite d K in g d o m ,s e e C h e m is t s
White W . Pishill, Henley-on-Thames
& D r u g g is t s D ir e c t o r y .]
Witney John, Chinnor, Wallingford
Witney Robert, Chinnor, Wallingford

C H A IR C A N E R .

C H A IR M A K E R S .

C H A IR T U R N E R S .

See Manure Manufacturers.

C H E M IS T —H O M O E O P A T H IC .
Jessop Josiah H. 140 High st. Oxford

C H E M IS T S & D R U G G IS T S .
Marked thus * are Pharmaceutical
See also Drug Stores.
Awbery Albert Richard, 11 Market
place, Henley-on-Thames
Ballard Edwin, High street, Burford
Bartlett H. 12 Market pi. Banbury
Bloxkam William Eagleston, 33 Builingdon rd. Cowley St. John, Oxfd
Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd.
1 Queen street, Oxford & 79 & 80
High street, Banbury
Burbank Thomas John A. R. 1x6 Wal­
ton street & 36 South parade,
-unimertown, Oxford

C H I L D R E N ’S H O M E S .

Henley Union Cottage Homes (Mrs.
N. F. Cave, supt.), Belmont house
& Radnor house, New street, Hen­

C H IM N E Y S W E E P E R S .
Aston Edward, Headington, Oxford
Barfoot Charles, 5 York place, St.
Clement’s, Oxford
Barnes M. Sibford Ferris, Banbury
Barney W m . J. 3 4 Castle st. Oxford
Bidmead John, 62 Walton st. Oxford
Bidmead S. R. 22 Cherwell st.Banbury
Bowden G. 41 North street, Bicester
Bowden W . 45 London rd. Bicester
Castle Arthur, 55 Causeway, Grims­
bury, Banbury
Cox John Evan & Son, 104 Charles
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Cox Joseph &' Son, 64 Bullingdon
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Cox Francis William A. 5 Union st.
St. Clement’s, Oxford



Cresswell John, 23 & 25 Friday street,
Crook Henry, Roke, Wallingford
Crutch George, The Goggs, W atling­
ton, Wallingford
Crutch Jn. H.5 Wellington st.Thame
Curtis William, 64 Magdalen road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Dixon B. 19 Spring st. ChippingNorln
Dixon H.Drayton St.Leonard,Wllngfrd
East Thomas, 1 Victoria rd. Bicester
Edgington David, Weald, Bampton
Evins Thos. 24 Foundry sq. Banbury
Green Chas. 12a, Paradise rd.Banbry
Harris John, 70 Northfield end, Hen­
H a t h a w a y J o h n & S o n , 30 Gas
street, St. Ebbe’s, Oxford. S e e
a d v e rtis e m e n t
Hathaway H. 7 W est st. Osney,Oxford
Hathaway Thomas, 11 Cambridge st.
St. Ebbe’s, Oxford
Haynes Henry J. 26 Floyd’s row, St.
Aldate’s, Oxford
Qines James, St. John st. Bicester
Jarvis James H. 39 Rock hill, Chip­
ping Norton
Jeffreys John, Highfield, Oxford
Lawrence Jn. Gt. Milton, Wallingford
Laws George, Queen st. Eynsham
Mazey Frederick William, 60 Great
Clarendon street, Jericho, Oxford
Morgan L. Oxford st. Woodstock
Prew James, Charlbury
Rowels Thomas. High st. Burford
Shaw Jack, 23 South street, Caversham, Reading
Smith Henry, 148a, Corn st. Witney
Smith John, High street, Burford
Soden William & Son, 73 Havfield rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Soden William A. & Son, 58 Walton
street, Oxford
Soden James, 54 Fish street, Banbury
Soper John, 6 Church st. Caversham,
Stacey David. 19 South st. Caversham,
Stacey George, 28 Gosbrook street,
Caversham, Reading
Stiles Mark, 85 Kingston road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Tuffrey Fredk. E. Kidlington, Oxford
Turner John, Church street, Watling­
ton, Wallingford
Walker Albert, 24 Lake street, New
Hinksey, Oxford
Walton James, Kidlington, Oxford
Westbury Albert, 280 Woodstock rd.
Summertown, Oxford
Wilkins Joseph. 75 Cardigan street,
Jericho, Oxford
Woodley James & Son, Bampton
Yerbury A. Castle st. Deddington,

C H IM N E Y T O P D E A L E R S .
Franklin & Son,
road, Oxford

Canal wharf,


C H IN A , G L A S S & E A R T H E N ­
Andrews W E . 69 & 70 High st.Oxfrd
Bloomfield E. G. 52 High st. Banbury
Butler A. 33 Duke st.Henley-on-Thmes
Carter Chas. Fredk. W m . Shirburn
street, Watlingtcn, Wallingford
Clark Henry, 119 High street, Thame
Faulkner William Henry, 59 St.
Clement’s street, Oxford
Gill & Co 5 High street, Oxford.
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
G r e a t b a t c h & C o . L t d . 15 High
street & Wheatsheaf yard, High
street, Oxford
Hawkins John, 9 & 11 Duke street,
Hieatt Ransom. 248 Cowley rd. Oxford
Hine & Son, High street, Watlington,