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D IR E C T O R Y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
Simmons Frances Jane (Miss), insuiance agent, Merton
lodge, Binfield road
Simonds J. & C. & Co. bankers (branch of Beading)
(Edward V. Robinson, m anager), 31 Market p la c e ;
draw on W illiams Deaconâs Bank Lim ited, London E C
Smale George, grocer, 25 Denmark street
Smith Arthur George, dairyman, Havelock road
Sm ith Charles, Queen's Arms P.H. 23 Rose street
Sm ith W illiam, carman, Gipsy lane
Snell Joel George, outfitter, 2 & 4 Peach street
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (William
Joseph Gotelee) ; depot, 6 Market place
Stamp Office(Wm.Jsph. Gotelee,distributor),6 Market p)
Stevens Eli, hair dresser, 6 Oxford road
Stevens Reuben, cooper & basket maker, 10 Broad street
Stimson George Charles, builder, B ill hill
Stimson Thomas, carman, Bill hill
Surman Julia L. E. (Mrs.), Three Brewers P.H. 3 Barkham road
Swain Frederick John, shopkeeper, 70 Rose street
Talbot Joseph W. shopkeeper, 29 Rose street
Tarrant Robert Bailey, baker, 26 Barkham road
Taylor James, tinsmith & town crier, 32 Langborough rd
Teakle W illiam, monumental mason, 26 Denmark street
Territorial Force 4th Battalion Princess Charlotte of
Walesâs (Royal Berkshire Regim ent) (H Co.) ; Second
Lieut. R. G. A ttride, com m anding; Color-Sergt.
Frederick Wm. Martin, drill instructor), Denmark st
Tew John George, Royal Oak P.H. 3 Milton road
Tildesley Julia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, London road
Townsend George, fishmonger, 31 Peach street
Townsend Thos.W'hoâd a Thought it P.H. Nine Mile ride
Tysoe Arthur, insurance agent. 4 Milton road
Volunteer Fire Brigade (Marquis of Downshire, capt. ;
Frederick Caiger, deputy capt. ; A. Goswell, lieut.),
Town hall
Walden Samuel, watch maker, 10 Station road
Walker Henry Charles, wheelwright, Finchampstead Td
Ward & Bokenham, physicians & surgeons, 1 Broad st
Ward Ernest M .R .C.S.E ng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician fr
surgeon, see Ward & Bokenham, Milton cot. Milton rd
Watts Edith & Florence (Misses), laundry, 1 2 Milton rd
Watts James, auctioneer & estate agent, 7 Broad street
Webb George, shopkeeper, 62 Wescott road
Webb W alter, insurance agent, 5 Carey road
Weston Edward, farm bailiff to Mr. Fred Sm ith, Targett's farm, Forest road
Wheeler William, boot repairer, 54 Peach street
W igg Henry Douglas, blacksmith, Ship Inn yard &
apartm ents, 94 Peach street
Williams Marie (Miss), dress maker, The Terrace
Wilson Charles Barker, solicitor, & clerk to the m agisÂ
trates, Milton ro ad ; & at High street, Bracknell
Winter Charlotte (Miss), confectioner, 9 M arket place
Withers Charles James, Victoria Arm s P.H. 1 East
hampstead road
Wixenford School (P. H. Morton M .A., H. T . Wallis
M.A. & E. G arnett B.A. principals), boys' preparatory
school, Wixenford
Wixenford School Sanatorium (Mrs. Lovejoy, careÂ
taker), Eastham pstead road
Wokingham A gricultural Association (E. M. Sturges,hon. sec.), The Square, Barkham
Wokingham A ll Saints' Working Menâs Club (J. B.
Walker, hon. sec.), 8 Peach street
Wokingham & Bracknell Starr-Bowkett Building Society
(54 1 & 647) (Moses Blake, sec.), Town hall, M arket pi
Wokingham & District Chrysanthem um Society (James
Moss, hon. sec.), Station road
Wokingham & D istrict Rifle Club (L. C. Ducrocq, hon.
sec. & treasurer), Llanberis, Sturges road
Wokingham D istrict W ater Co. Lim ited (T. M. Wescott,
managing director; J. F. Sargeant, sec.), Fincham pÂ
stead road
Wokingham Club (F. L. Plumer, hon. sec.),21 M arket pi
Wokingham C ricket Club (E. S. Barry, hon. sec.), 33
Broad street
Wokingham Football Club (A. K. Jones, sec.),4 Cross st
Wokingham Gas Works (Corporation) (W illiam Tucker,
works manager), Finchampstead road
Wokingham Investment Co. Lim ited (John F. Sargeant,
sec.), 8 Shute End
Wokingham Laundry Co. Lim ited (Albert Andrews,
m anager). Station road
Wokingham Liberal Association (Alfred M ummery,
sec.), 45 Langborough road
W right James, nurseryman, Stanley road
W right W alter Henry & Son, grocers. 21 The Terrace
Yalden Robert, undertaker, 72 Rose street
For other names see Crowthom e, placed there for
postal purposes.
W E S T W O O D H A Y is a parish on the borders of The living is a rectory, net yearly value £147, w ith 10
Hampshire, 3 miles south from Kintbury station on the acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Horace de
Great Western railway, 6 south-west from Newbury and Vere Cole esq. and held since 1909 by the Rev. George
6 south-east from Hungerford, in the Southern d ivi Ernest John Milner M .A. of Hertford College, Oxford.
sion of the county, hundred of Kintbury-Eagle, petty This place had anciently a m arket on Tuesdays, granted
sessional division, union and county court district of in 1318 to John de St. Am and, first Baron St. Amand,
Hungerford, rural deanery of Newbury, archdeaconry of who died in 1 3 3 0 ; from the St. Amands. W est Woodhay
Berks and diocese of Oxford. The parish church of passed by the marriage of Aliam ore de St. Am and to
St. Lawrence was built in 1882-3, at a cost of £3,000, Gerard de Braybrooke into that fam ily, and subseÂ
by the late W. H. Cole esq. to replace the former : quently descended to his son Gerard, whose eldest
church, a heavy brick structure erected in 1717, close daughter and co-heiress Elizabeth married Sir W illiam
to the manor house, on the site of the original church, de Beauchamp, afterwards Baron St. Amand and cham Â
of which, however, no trace remained except some few berlain of North Wales. John de la Pole had a grant
architectural fragments and a quantity of encaustic
of this manor in 1484; from 1512 the collateral descendÂ
tiles of a later b u ild in g; the tiles are now in the â ant of Sir Francis Cheyne held it, and it then became
west wall of the tower of the present church, which the property c f the Darrells, one of whom, Sir John
stands about a quarter of a mile from the manor house, Darrell, was created a baronet in 1622; not long after
is a building of flint with Bath stone dressings in the it passed to the fam ily of Rudyerd. of whom it was
Lancet style, from the designs of Sir A. W. Blomfield , purchased by the grandfather of the late General Sir
A.R.A., F .S.A . and consists of chancel, nave, south porch Robert Sloper K.B. and in 1880 it was purchased from
and a tower on the south side, with short spire and Gerald Sloper esq. by William Henry Cole esq. and is
containing 2 b e lls : the chancel has a credence and now the property of Horace de Vere Cole esq. who is
sedile; all the windows in the church are stained, the owner of the parish ; West Woodhay House, the resiÂ
east window being from a design by the late Sir E. dence of Alfred Clayton Cole esq. is a handsome manÂ
Burne-Jones b a r t.; others are memorials erected in 1890 sion. built in 1635
the designs of Inigo Jones,
to William Henry Cole : over the communion table are for Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, and considerably enlarged in
three beautiful oak. carvings, the work of Goyer of 1880-1. The soil is very h eav y; subsoil, chalk and
Louvain: there are brasses to W illiam Henry Cole, d. clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats &c. The
1889; and to Major-Gen. Sir Howard Crawfurd Elphin- area is 1,432 acres ; rateable value, £1,234 '> the popuÂ
stone V .C ., K .C .B ., C.M .G . who was drowned at sea, off lation in 1901 was 139.
Ushant, March 8, 1890: in 1894 the nave was lengthened
Parish Clerk, Ernest Horne.
westward 1 2 feet and a vestry and organ chamber built
and a stained west window erected in m emory of Major Letters through Newbury arrive at 8.15 a.m. Kintbury
is the nearest money order & telegraph office, about
William U tting Cole, who died of cholera in 1892 at
3 miles distant
Murree in In d ia: and in 1902-3 a carved oak screen was
added and the church reseated in o a k : there are now Elementary School, built in 1 8 9 3 , for 5 3 children; averÂ
n o sittings. The register dates from the year 1580. I age attendance, 44; Miss I. Fairbairn, mistress
Cole AlfredClavton,W est Woodhay ho Fisher Harry, farmer
Mills Fredk.gam ekpr. to A .C.Cole esq
Milner Rev. George Ernest John M.A. Havercroft Arthur, head gardener to Phillips Norman E. farm er, B rickÂ
(rector), Rectory
A . C. Cole esq
layers farm
Hosier Joshua & Arthur J. farmers, Winter Alfred, estate carpenter to
Great farm
A. C. Cole esq
Dennis William, farmer, Prossers frm Hull W illiam Fredk. frmr. Hatch ho