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B E R K S H IR E .
W heelw right W illiam Hadwen, UnderÂ
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
wood cottage
Bailey H ubert Thom as, Binfield ho W hitaker W. E. Binfield court
B aily Misses, Cressex lodge
W iggett James Allan J.P. Allanbay
Bevan Richard Aubrey Chichester W ilkin Jas. Edw d.Church H ill cottage
M .A. (rector), The Rectory
W illiam s Henry G. Swaine,Oaklands
B u ll Rev. A rth u r A lbert (curate), W ilmot Sir Robert Rodney bart. D.L.
St. Mark's cottage
The Grove
B u llen -Sm ith Mrs. Hoimlea
Woods Mrs. Parkside
B ullock-W ebster Miss, Blvthe mead
Burden-M uller W illiam , Binfield pk
C asw all Robert, Binfield place
Aldridge Thomas, carman
C ates Joseph, The Earnshaw
Allen Agnes (M rs.), laundry
C lark Helen Lady, Binfield lodge
Baker Felix, teacher of music
C lark A rth.Chariton,St.M argaretâs ho Baker Thomas, builder
C ou rtn ey Edward M. Winton croft
j Ball Henry Thomas, draper
C ou rtn ey G u y R ., M.D. Winton croft Barker Charles Scott, Old Jack of
C ree Rev. Thomas George M.A.
Newbury P.H
Popeâs Wood lodge
Bew W illiam , decorator
C risp Charles Birch, Moor close
Bicknell Hy. farm er,Cabbage Hill frm
C unningham Sir Fredk. D., K .C .I.E . Binfield Brick & Tile Co
Park lodge
Blake Charles, Jolly Farm erâs P.H
Erslune Lestocq Robert J.P. Bin Bolton Monday, schoolmaster
field manor
Booker David, m otor engineer
Gibson A rth u r Sum ner, Bracondale
Busby Seton. laundry
G odfrev-Faussett Col. W illiam , F a r Caudell W illiam , wheelwright
ley moor
Clarke Thomas, Bridge House P.H
H are Capt. The Hon. H ugh,Forest ho Cloke Thomas W illiam , shopkeeper
H awker Miss, Littlehnrst
Cook Annie (Miss), dress maker
Jackson Rev. Kenneth Curteis M .A. Cook John, farmer, Round hill
(cu rate), T he Terrace
Coote Harry, coal dealer
K n ig h tly Mrs. Bram ley
Courtnev Guv B., M.D., B.S.,D .P.H .
Ivnipe Mrs. Glenask lodge
Camb!, M .R .C.S.E ng. A L.R .C .P .
L ew is Misses, Fernlands
Lond. physician k
surgeon, k
Lidd ell Mrs. Northwood
m edical officer & public vaccinator
M acnabb
Cam pbell
for Binfield district, Eastham pÂ
K .C .I .E ., C .S .I. Farley copse
stead union, Winton croft
Macnabb James W rm J.P.Arthurstone Cox Charles, fruiterer. The Terrace
Minchin W illiam , Park view
Crockford Frederick, farmer
Monro Rev. Horace G. M.A.W oodlands Cu tler Ellen (Miss), dress maker
Morshead Lady, Forest lodge
Dance Albert Thomas, insurance agt
M ovlas Miss, Coppied beach
Day Frederick, tobacconist
O 'G rady Mrs. de Couroy. Ratlnnore
Dowse Benjam in G. grocer
Owen John T. Spring villa
Eales George, baker
Powell Charles Edward. The L ittle ho Elmes James, Royal Standard P.H
M ajor Robert
Edm und Fancourt Bessie (Mrs.), laundry
Lowndes, Egm ont
Fowler Sam uel, flv proprietor
Reeves Charles, The Grange
Goodall Frank, farmer, Blossom field
Robertson Lieut.-C ol.
Sir Donald Gough Henry George, carpenter
K. C .S .I. Park ham
Green Benjamin, house decorator,
Shaen Miss, C rix cottage
T he Terrace
S ly Mrs. Popeswood cottage
Green Caleb R. carpenter
Green George Harman, builder
k ellyâs
Green Wallace, butcher. The Terrace
Gunn Charles, Roebuck P.H
Hall Geo. insur. agt. The Beeches
Halliday W alter, Stag & Hounds P.H
Hatcher Charles Edwd. Bee Hive P.H
Herrington Joseph E. plum ber
Hiscock James, blacksmith
Hooper James, shopkeeper
Hum phries James, dairyman
Jarvis Alfred, builder
Jones John, farmer
Keep W illiam , farmer
King A lfred,saddler k harness m aker
Kislingbury Reginald, plumber
Maskell Richard, farmer
May Geo.H. Shoulder of Mutton P.H
Meeten Ernest, baker
M in c h in
B r o t h e r s , hay, straw,
corn, coal, seed & oil cake m erÂ
chants, forage contractors & brick
& tile m anufacturers ; & at W okÂ
ingham ; Ascot k Bracknell
Needham Joseph, Whitehorse P.H
Nicholls & Howells (Misses), cosÂ
tum iers
North Isabel (Mrs.), stationer, &
post office
Pither Thomas, carman
Pium m er Agnes (Miss), dress maker
Povey Charles, hair dresser
Proud John, boot & shoe m aker
Reddick George, boot m aker
Rogers Lewis Robert, baker. Post off
Rose Jane (M rs.), Blade Bone P.H
Slyfield David (Mrs.), baker
Smallbone Richard Henry, carter
Sparvell Lizzie (M rs.), laundry
Stevens W alter, shopkeeper
Terrey Frank, carpenter. Holly villa
Thorpe Joseph, farmer. Brooklands
W ebster W alter Benj. assistant overÂ
seer, clerk to Parish Council &
apiarist & beekeeping appliance
m anufacturer. The A pian '
Wernham Charles A. carter
West Joseph.farmer,W hite House frm
West Maria (M rs.), dairy
W estall Sam uel, Victoria Arms P.H
Wilson Alary (Mrs.), farm er, Billingbean farm
Woolford George, blacksmith
W orking Menâs Club (Edward P.
Bungay, sec)
B I R C H E T T S G R E E N , see Burchetts Green.
B I S H A M (form erly Bustleham ) is a village and
parish, beautifully situated on the bank of the river
Tham es, over which is a suspension bridge to Marlow
(Bucks), built in the year 1836; it is 13 miles northeast from Reading, 7 east from Henley, 5 north-west
from Maidenhead and one m ile south from Marlow
station on the G reat Western railway, in the Eastern
division of the county, hundred of Bevnhurst, Maidenhead p e tty sessional division, union of Maidenhead,
co u n ty court district of H igh W ycom be, rural deanery
of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of
Oxford. The church of All Saints, which stands close
to the river and not far from the Abbey, is an ancient
stru ctu re of chalk and rubble stone, dating from about
the 12th century, and consists of chancel, nave of four
bays, aisles, south porch
and an em battled western
tow er of Norman date, containing 3 b e lls ; it was
restored in 1849 and 1850, and a north aisle was added
in 1877-8, at a cost of £2,300, defrayed by Lieut.-G en.
Owen W illiam s J.P. : in the church are monuments
to Sir Philip Hoby kt. the last English legate to the
Pope, who died 1558 and Sir Thomas Hoby kt. ambassador to France, who died 1566, with their effigies in
alabaster, erected by the widow of the la tte r: there
is also a stained window with arms of twelve members
of the Hobye fam ily, placed in the year 1609: there
are 350 sittin gs, all being free, except those in the
north and south chapels. The register dates from the
year 1560. The livin g is a vicarage, net yearly value
£130, w ith residence, in the g ift of Sir Henry James
V ansittart-N eale K .C .B . and held since 1900 by the
Rev. W illiam F arrer M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford,
The charities- are of £ 2 10s. yearly value. Bisham
Abbey is the property and residence of Sir Henry James
V ansittart-N eale K .C .B ., J.P. : the priory of Bisham
was founded in 1338 on a pre-existing preceptory of
the K n igh ts Tem plars, by W illiam de Montacute, 1st
Earl of Salisbury of that name and K in g of the Isle
of Man, for canons regular of the order of St.
Augustine, and was dedicated to Our Lord, St. Mary
and the Holy Trinity, the founder endowing it with a
sum of £285 yearly; in 1536 it was surrendered to
Henry V III. by W illiam Barlow, the last prior, who
was thereupon created Bishop of St. Davidâs ; in the
following year the K in g refounded and endowed it as
a Benedictine m onastery with about £662 yearly, but
' in 1540 it was again and finally suppressed, and was
granted to Queen Anne of Cleves, who disposed of it
j by exchange to Sir Philip Hoby kt. and it remained in
that fam ily till 1768, when it passed to the M ill fam ily,
baronets, of Camois Court. Sussex, and Mottisfont,
! Hants, and was afterwards sold in 1780 to the Vansittarts, a Dantzic fam ily, several of whom represented
Berkshire in Parliam ent, and one, the R ight Hon.
Nicholas V an sittart M .P., F .R .S. after serving the
office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, was, in 1823,
created Baron Bexley, a title that became extinct on
his death, 8th Feb. 1851: of the conventual buildings the council chamber, the refectory and an
octagonal tower dating from the early part of the 12th
century, still rem ain ; the refectory, restored in 1859,
has a fine open-timbered roof and a g a lle ry ; the
; rem aining buildings apparently enclosing portions of
the ancient fabric, are of the Tudor period and were
built by Sir Philip Hoby kt. ; of the priory church no
traces seem to e x is t: on the south side of the house
is the â Council Cham ber,â which, with an adjoining
bed-room, form erly constituted a single apartm ent,
and was occupied as such for three years by the
Princess Elizabeth when in retirem ent here, under the
charge of Sir Thomas H oby: in one of the walls of
the house is a concealed chamber, the chim ney of
which communicates with that of the h a ll: the convent barn, a detached building, is also extant, its