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M cIntyre Robert J. boot repairer, 30 Queen street
M ardell David, Crown & Thistle hotel, Bridge street
M arriott A lbert E. clothier, 20 M arket place
M artin James, baker & grocer, 43 Edward street
M artin Paulin M .R .C .S.E n g., L .S .A . surgeon, & public
vaccinator No. 1 district & to the Post office & Culham
college, 26 Ock street
M artin Paulin John M .R .C .S.E n g., L .R .C.P.L ond.
physician & surgeon, 24 Ock street
M aslen James, farmer, Northcourt
Mason George John, fancy repository, 29 Stert street
Mason Laura (M rs.), baby linen warehouse, 39 Stert st
M atthew s Frederick W. corn & seed m erchant (firm,
H arris & Matthews)
M ay M ary Ann (M rs.), apartments, 18 East St. Helen st
M aycock Henry, Cross Keys P.H. 148 Ock street
Mavliead W illiam Henry, Lion hotel, 15 High street
M iddleton A rth ur, butcher, 154 Ock street
M iles A lbert, baker, 100 Ock street
Mobbs G eorge W illiam , boot & shoe maker, 22 Bath st
Moore K ate (Miss), laundry, 54 Spring road
Morland & Son, solicitors, 33 Bath street
M o r l a n d & Co. L im ite d , brew ers,m altsters & aerated
w ater m anufacturers. The United breweries, 38 & 40
Ock street. S e * a d v e r t i s e m e n t
M orland John Thornhill M .A. solicitor (Morland & Son),
clerk of the peace for the county of Berks & clerk to
the County C o u n cil; clerk & receiver of Christâs
Hospital, Abingdon ; clerk to the Berkshire (Berks,
Reading, Newbury & Windsor) lunatic asylum ; steward
of the Copyhold of the Manor of Blewbury ; clerk to
the Income T ax Commissioners for Compton division ;
commissioner for oaths & perpetual commissioner for
takin g acknowledgments of married women for Berks
& Oxon, 33 Bath street
Morland W illiam Thornhill, solicitor (Morland & Son),
clerk to m anagers Abingdon Council schools, clerk to
trustees of H urst parochial charities & deputy clerk
to Berkshire Lunatic A sylum , 33 Bath street
Moss Alfred, hair dresser, n W est St. Helen street
Moss W illiam , agent to the Prudential Assurance Co.
Lim ited, 96 Vineyard
N ational Telephone Co. Ltd.(branch), 17 E ast St.H elen st
Nelson James & Sons Ltd. butchers, 8 Alarket place
Nicholls Thomas, marine store dealer, 39 Vineyard
N orth John & Son, coal & gravel m ers. Station yard
North Berks Benefit Nursing Association Nursing Home
(Miss Alice Scarsbrook, m atron), St. Helens Home,
Caldecott road
North Berks Conservative & Unionist Association (Frank
Eades, agent), 36 Stert street
N orth Berks Liberal Association (W alter Bernthal,
organizing sec.), 9 Bridge street
N orth Berkshire Sm all Holdings & Allotm ents Society
L im ited (W illiam Cordell, ste w a rd ); reg. offices, 3
Conduit road
N u tt George, fishmonger, Bath street
Oakes Frederick, hair dresser, 5 Bridge street
O akley Thomas, chimney sweep, 61 Ock street
O xford Canal Co. wharfingers, coal wharf, 38 E ast St.
Helen street
O xford Tim es (Oxford Times Co. L im ite d ); branch
office, 41 Stert street. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
O xfordshire Free Press (Henry Lowe, p ublisher; pubÂ
lished friday), 16 Stert street
Palm er George Frederick, baker, & restaurant, 28 Stert
street & 9 Market place
P arker Ernest Philip, manager to Barclay & Companyâs
Bank, The Square
Parker Frederick, dairyman, 10 Spring road
Parker Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 200 Ock street
Pau l J. N. Ltd. watch mas. & boot warehouse, 8 Ock st
Paxm an E lijah , Son & Co. grocers, 3 & 4 M arket place
Payne Edward, junior sergeant-at-mace & towm crier,
69 S tert street
Payton A rthur, umbrella maker, 3 East St. Helen street
Pearce Chas. & Son,hair dressers & tobaccnsts.13 H igh st
Pearse M artin, boot repairer, 7 Winsmore lane
Pem berton & Co. coal & salt mers. 48 W est St. Helen st
Perrior & Son. secondhand furniture dlrs. 27 Stert st
Perrior W illiam Thomas, shopkeeper 25, & picture frame
m aker 28, Bath street
Pierpoint W illiam , silversmith, 2 High street
P itt John, pork butcher & bacon curer, 9 Bath street
Plow m an H arry, Prince of Walesâ Feathers P.H. 25
Sp ring road
Plowm an Joseph, Broad Face P.H. 32 Bridge street
Pocock Henry, furniture dealer, 32 Broad street
Pollard Ralph Benjamin, plumber & glazier, 77 Ock st
Pope Frederick Francis, insurance agent, 14 Conduit rd
Powell Alary Jane (M rs.), m illiner, 11 High street
P rem ier Meat Co. butchers, 18 Market place
Preparatory School for Young Gentlemen, conducted by
the Sisters of Mercy, St. Josephâs, Oxford road
Pryce Alfred Owen Challenor, solicitor & joint clerk to
borough m agistrates, 58 East St. Helen street
Pryce Charles Alfred (firm, Sedgefield & Pryce), solicitor,
& deputy registrar of county court & clerk to the
trustees of Tomkinsâ charities, 58 East St. Helen st
Puckridge William Henry M.A. solicitor & commissioner
of oaths, 5 East St. Helen street
Punter Fredk. George, insurance agent, 18 Victoria road
Purbrick Henry, Hollv Bush P.H. 171 Ock street
Radbourn Thomas Alfred, fishmonger, 23 Ster't street
Rant & Burgis, grocers, 56 & 89 Ock street
Rant William George, grocer, 2 Ock street^
Reveley Tom , photographer, 17 High street
Rich W alter John, beer retailer, 160 Ock street
Ricketts James, builder, 83 Vineyard
Roberts Alfred H. relieving & vaccination officer for
Nuneham -Courtenay sub-district & registrar of births
& deaths for Fyfield sub-district, Glenville, Radley rd
Roll John Henry, insurance agent, 40 Spring road
Rogers H. G. & Co. motor engineers, Vineyard & 7
Market place
Rogers John Thomas & Son, dairy farmers, Northcourt
Rumball James Quilter, m anager of London County &
W estm inster Bank Lim ited & borough treasurer,
Alarket place
Sadler Eli, carting contractor, 76 Vineyard
St. Helen's H igh School (sister-in-charge), Shippon road
Saunders Alfd. Three Tuns P.H. & butcher, 27 Bath st
Savage Henry, Britannia P.H. 47 W est St. Helen street
Scott R. & Co. tailors, 3 The Square
Scott Charles Robert M.B. & C.M .Edin. surgeon, & cerÂ
tifying factory surgeon, 46 East St. Helen street
Scotton Louisa (Airs.), tobacconist, 5 Bridge street
Sedgefield & Pryce, solicitors, 58 East St. Helen street
Sedgefield W alter James (firm, Sedgefield & Pryce), soliÂ
citor, high bailiff & registrar of county court & joint
clerk to borough m agistrates, 58 East St. Helen st
Shaw & Sons, clothiers, 15 & 17 Stert street
Sherman Em ily (Miss), dress maker, 5 East St.Helen st
Sheldon Henry, superintendent of Prudential Assurance
Co. Lim ited, 45 Bath street
Short George, builder, Bath street
Short Nellie K. (Miss), confectioner, 48 Bath street
Silcox Albert, Nag's Head P.H. Abingdon bridge
Silvester Mary Ann (Airs.), Row Barge inn,90 Vineyard
Simpson Alfred H. & Son, woollen drapers, 1 Market
place & 1 Bridge street
Simpson Grace E. (Miss), fancy repository, 7 Bath st
Simpson Alary Jane (Miss), deputy registrar of births
& deaths for Abingdon sub-district, 19 Ock street
Simpson Tom Sm ith, registrar of births & deaths & vacÂ
cination officer for Abingdon sub-district, 19 Ock st
Simpson W illiam M. clerk & registrar to joint burial
authority & deputy registrar of m arriages, 33 E ast
St. Helen street
Slatter James, butcher, 9 W est St. Helen street
Sm all bone William John, shopkeeper, 10 Victoria road
Sm ith W. & Co. Lim ited, chemists, 21 & 23 High street
Sm ith W illiam , coal merchant, Station yard
Stacey George, boot maker, 30 Bath street
Stam p Office (Joseph Thomas, distributor), High street
Steptoe Harriet (Mrs.), laundry, Caldecott road
Steptoe Walter, fi'h dealer, 182 Ock street
S t e v e n s J o h n R ic h a r d , boat, punt & canoe builder,
& tea gardens, Abingdon bridge
Stone Wm. tobacconist 18, & hair dresser 20, Bath st
Stroud Charles L. artists' colorman, painter & plumber,
21 Bath street
Sutton & Co. forwarding agents (Ely Bros, agents), 42
& 44 Stert street
Swann Creswell, fishmonger, 16 Ock street
Tame George Henry, boot repairer, 9 Vineyard
Territorial Force Battalion (4th) Princess Charlotte of
W alesâs (Royal Berkshire Regim ent) (F Co. Capt.
R J. C larke; Color-Sergt. H arry H arvey, drill inÂ
structor) ; head quarters, Old Gram m ar school
T h a t c h e r & S o n s , builders, contractors, carpenters
& joiners, undertakers & building m aterial dealers,
63 Stert street
Thatcher Charlotte (Airs.), Lam b & Flag P .H .i Vineyard
Thomas W illiam & Co. m altsters, 47 Vineyard
Thomas James, cabinet maker, 18 & 20 Ock street
Thomas Joseph, postmaster, Post office. High street
Tombs Albert Ernest, grocer, & post office,2Exbourne rd
Tombs Thomas Henry, water fitter,21 W est St. Helen st
Townsend Edwin, baker & shopkeeper, Post office, 58 &
60 Vineyard
Townsend Frederick Octavius, solicitor, 1 Ock street
Treacher W illiam , florist, 84 Spring road
Trinder John, boot repairer, 31 Edward street
Trinder W illiam, boot repairer, 34 Edward street