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T R A P E S.
O X F O R D S H IR E .]
d b e s s
m a k e r s
Pams Miss Mary, 4 S Lime walk,
Richfield, Oxford
Allmond Mrs. Blanche, 9 Leopold st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Anniss & Jennings (Misses), 73 Woodstock road, St. Giles', Oxford
Avers Miss Ada, Temple Cowley,Oxfrd
Baker Miss Elizh. 59 Priory rd.Bicestr
Barnes Mrs. Mabel, 3 Marston street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Bayiis Miss P. Kelmscott, Lechlade
Bavhs Mrs. Pamela, Aston, Bampton
Beckinsale Miss Jane, Aston,Bampton
Bellam Miss Mary, London rd.Bicester
Bennell Miss Elizabeth, 11 Hamilton
avenue, Henley-on-Thames
Bennett Miss Grace, 19 Winchester
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Berry Miss Elizabeth, 65 Howard st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Berry Mrs Georgina, 50 St. Johnâs
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Berry Mrs. Mercy, Hornton, Banbury
Beuthin Mrs. Elizabeth, 12 Tackford
place, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Billingham Mrs. Mary Rebecca, 28
Middleton road, Grimsbury,Banbury
Blackwell Miss Hester Sophia, 34
Duke street, Botley road, Oxford
Blake Miss A. 10 Beaumont st. Oxford
Boffin Miss M. A. E. 4 Castle terrace.
Paradise street, St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Bowerman MissM.H.3oCowley rd.Oxfd
Brinklow Mrs. J. Priory rd. Bicester
Briscoe Mrs. G. 12 Queen st. Banburv
Bristow Miss Lizzy, High street,
Watlington. Wallingford
Brown Mrs. Beryl, 42 Leckford road,
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Brown Miss Ivate, 83 Park st. Thame
Burden Miss Louie, Charlbury
Butler Miss Annie, 31 Leopold street,
Cowley St. John. Oxford
Cantell Mrs. Sarah Ann, 20 Bullingdon
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Cantwell Mrs. Emma Mary, 63 Cranham street, Jericho, Oxford
Carter Miss Emily, 44 Wellington sq.
St. Galesâ, Oxford
Clarke Miss Edith, 45 High st.Witney
Clow Mrs. E. M. 88 High st. Banbury
Clarendon street, Jericho, Oxford
Collett Miss Mary Elizabeth,
Oakthorpe road, Summertown,Oxfd
Cowley Miss Mary, 5 South street,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Cox Mrs. Lilian, 11 Observatory st.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Cross Miss Beatrice, 105 St. Clementâ s
street. Oxford
Curtis Miss Clara,38 Broad st.Banbury
T)earlove Miss Annie, 27 Cherwell st.
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Drew Mrs. Louisa, 18 Henley street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Faglestone Miss E. Abingdon rd.Oxfrd
Elderfield MissEmily,Cuiham,Abingdn
Fathers Mrs. Annie, 3a, Speedwell st.
St. Aldateâ s, Oxford
Finch Miss Sabina, Ledwell, Oxford
Fisher Miss Ellen, 77 Hurst street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Flint MissA.L.Adderbury East,Banbry
Forrester Mrs. E. 21 Cripley Td.Oxfrd
Forty Miss Jennie, 14 Divinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
Fuller Miss Gertrude Em ily,18 Kingâs
Toad, Caversham. Reading
â Gardner Mrs. Sarah, Charlbury
Giles Mrs. Phylis, 36 Cromwell road,
Caversham, Reading
Godden Miss Annie, 144 Hemdean
Toad, Caversham, Reading
Graham. Miss E. 123 High st. Oxford
Green Miss Alice, 2 Hollybush row,
.S t . Thomasâ, Oxford
Greening Miss Adelaide, Couching st.
Watlington, Wallingford
Gwynn Miss Ellen, High st. WolverÂ
cote, Oxford
Hall Miss Lucy, 34 Church la.Banbury
Hancock Miss Mary, Wheatley
Hanlon Mrs. Kate, 17 Paradise sq
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Harding Mrs. A. Station rd. Eynsham
Harris Miss Lucy, 51 Beech Croft rd.
Summertown, Oxford
Harrison Miss Emily, 85 Bullingdon
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hawtin Mrs. A. 104 Cowley rd.Oxford
Hazlewood Miss Ada, 63 Causeway,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Hedges Miss May, 113 West street,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Hill Miss R. Melitn, Bampton
Hine Miss Bessie, High street, W atÂ
lington, Wallingford
Hine Mrs.
Kate, Milldown road,
Goring, Reading
Hoar Airs. Sarah Ann, 12 Clisby vils.
Fair mile, Henley-on-Thames
Holl:s Mrs. Elizabeth, 93 Woodstock
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Hood Miss Elizabeth, 37 North street,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Horn Miss Lizzie, i Mayfield road,
Summertown, Oxford
Hughes- Miss E. South Stoke, Reading
Hunt Miss Rose, 28 Hurst street.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Ind Miss Mary, 52 Howard st. Cowley
St. John, Oxford
Jackman Mrs. Ruth, 33 West street,
Grimsbury, Banbury
Jarvis Miss C. 202 Abingdon rd.Oxfrd
Jefferis Misses, 12 Gosbrook road,
Caversham, Reading
Jones- Miss Mary Jane, 92 Bell street,
Judge Mrs. Emma Amelia, 11 Clisby
villas, Fair mile, Henley-on-Thames
Judge J. Harold, 63 High street, BanÂ
bury. S e c a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Keen Miss Caroline, Rooks la. Thame
Kench Miss Rebecca, 18 South street.
Grimsbury, Banbury
King Miss Sarah, Great Chesterton,
Knight Misses Agnes & Annie, 2
South Bar street. Banbury
Lane Miss M. Postcombe, Tetsworth
Leake Miss Emma, 4 Boulter street,
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Lines Miss Elizabeth Mary, 25 St.
John street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Lines Mrs. Alargaret, 10 The Terrace,
Iffley, Oxford
Long Miss A. 32 South parade
Summertown, Oxford
Longworth Mrs. Emily, Old Woodstock, Woodstock
Lucas Mrs. Olive, 80 Southmoor rd
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Mabberlev Miss Essie, 46 James st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Maloney Miss A. 85 Park st. Thame
Massingham Miss Rebecca, 20 Hurst
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Mayo Miss H. Chadlington, Charlbury
Mazey Mrs. Harriett. 26 Pembroke st.
St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Meeks Miss Grace, Kingston Blount,
Mein Miss F. 43 Fairacres rd. Iffley
road, Oxford
Miles Miss Julia, Hornton, Banbury
Millard Airs. Clara Edith, 15 GosÂ
brook road, Caversham, Reading
Millin Miss Annie, 25 Jeune st.Oxford
Milliner Alisses Elizabeth k Louisa, 13
South Bar street, Banbury
Newman Miss Lily, 62 Prospect st.
Caversham, Reading
Noakes Mrs. Phoebe, 46 Gosbrook rd.
Caversham, Reading
Oldacre Miss Mabel, Charlbury
Ostler Aliss Margt. 133Walton st.Oxfrd
Packwood Miss L. 62 Queen st.Banbry
Philbey Aliss Lilian, 32 Alarlborough
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Phillips Miss Kate, 42 Broad st.Bnbry
Pratley Misses Annie & Alice, Miltonunder-Wyehwood, Oxford
Raggett Aliss S. Oxford st. Woodstock
Robinson Miss Agnes, 25 Castle st.
east, Banbury
Rogers Mrs. C. 25 Prospect road,
Rose Aliss L. 20 Bridge st. Witney
Rvmell Miss Ellen
Broughton road, Banbury
Sanders Alisses, High st. Woodstock
Seymour Miss C. 73 High st. Thame
Shaw Mrs. Emily, Church street,WatÂ
lington, Wallingford
Shayler Mrs. J. High st. Burford
Simmonds Misses M. & C. 9 North
Bar street, Banbury
Simms Aliss Frances E. 108 Walton
street, Oxford
Smith Airs. Alice, Temple road,
Temple Cowley, Oxford
Smith Aiiss Annie, 14 Hertford street,
Magdalen street, Oxford
Smith Aliss Mary, 14 Parker st.Oxford
Smith Miss Mary Ann, Alarket place,
Deddington. Oxford
Sneath Miss B. 27 St. Gilesâ st.Oxfrd
Stanley Miss Esther, 4 Monument st.
Styles Aliss Annie, 22 Cherwell st.
St. Clement's, Oxford
Talbot Miss Annie, 81 Reading road,
Tebbv Miss Thirza, Islip, Oxford
Tite G. Osborn, 58 & 60 H 'gh street,
Tomlyn Airs.Ellen,76 Park st. Thame
Townsend Miss Alary, Witney street,
Townsend Mrs. Afnry Ann, Woodbine
cottage, Ramsden, Charlbury
Tucker Aliss Dorothy, Priory avenue,
Caversham, Reading
Walcroft Miss Eliza, 17 Great ClarenÂ
don street, Jericho, Oxford
Walter Misses Alberta Florence &
Charlotte Matilda, 123 Reading rd.
Watson Aliss Mary Elizabeth, Great
Bourton, Banburv
quarry, Oxford
Wheeler Aliss Harriett, Market place,
Wheeler Miss Lilia H. Shirbum street,
Watlington, Wallingford
Wiggins Airs. Sophia, Charlbury
Williams Aliss Gertrude Hannah, 30
Com street, Witney
Wilson Aliss S. A. 14 Horsefair,Banbry
Wise Airs. Alfred, Great Milton, W alÂ
Wooldridge Miss Sarah, 57 Plantation
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Wren Aliss M. S. Wolvercnte, Oxford
Wright Mrs. Edith S. 3a, St.AIicbael's
street, Oxford
Wyatt Miss Elizabeth, 12 Centre st.
Grimsbury, Banbury
D R E S S M A K IN G âT C H R . O F.
See Teachers.
D R I L L âT E A C H E R S O F .
See Teachers.
Chamberlain William George, W indÂ
mill road, Highfield, Oxford
Eden Thos. 14 St. Aldateâ s st. Oxford
Foster Robert Goy, Post office, High
street, Burford
Howe A. W . Acre End st. Eynsham
D R U G G IS T S .
See Chemists & Druggists.
Achille-Serre Limited, 84a, High st,